page four ASHLAND DAILY TIDÎNG8 Wednesday, April o, i » m k 3 elgn guests with several piano selec­ tions and also played a waltz as an accompaniment to a short pantomine Local and Personal which Mrs. Myer and Mrs. Putnam gave, entitled, “ There’s a Reason.” Side Lights’ There never was tasted in any, country more delicious chop suey Count over the people of your acquaintance who a Maaon-c Hall, The Plaza Seats for sale for April Society Ca­ than the hostess served on beautiful baret, at Rose Brctliers, now. 182-2 hand-painted china plates with the are comfortably well off. Niue out of ten fol­ Mrs. Louis Schwein was hostess guests seated about the dining table. Ashland Lodge No. 23 Special communication Thursday Hiking Trip to Gerky Falls— lowed the slow but sure method of spending Monday evening to the members of I Rye bread, crackers and pickles were evening, April 7. Second degree. A num ber of Asblanders hiked to the Monday Afternoon Study club. served with the chop suey, and a less than they earned. Gerky Falls, about five miles n o rth ­ Visiting brethren welcome. The large hospitable home of the second course of cinnamon rolls and G. B. ICENHOWER, W. M. east of Ashland on the slopes of Perfectly lovely Sehweln’s was Inviting with decora­ coffee followed. We help our patrons along the route that leads Grizzly peak, Sunday. Some fin e ' W. H. DAY, Secretary. hand-painted place cards artistically tions of daffodils. The hostess cos- portraying the people of the coun- pictures were taken of the falls and ; not to Easy Street, but to Independence Avenue. the surrounding count!y. Those who turned as Queen Scheherezade, of ! tries represented at the party, the Leaves for Portland Home— Arabian Nights fame, met her f a / - , work of Miss Molly Clary, together Mrs. A. F. H unt, m other of Mrs. made the trip were Mr. and Mrs. H. tastically gowned guests as they a r­ with gaily decorated Japanese nap- Will Dodge, left last evening for her C. Emery, Mrs. M. J. Broker, Misses rived. kins added to the festivity of the oc­ home in Portland on train 16. Mrs. R uth Emery, Maxine Emery, Geneva Crosslin and Messrs. Fred and C har­ Mrs. Myer, in the artistic dress of casion. Doti e, who ha9 been critically ill for a Sultana, gave an interesting talk The party was given compliment­ the past few weeks, Is improving les W. Penniston. Ashland, Oregon on the harem s of the F ar East. Mrs. ary by Mrs. Schwein to the members nicely. If you have any w iring or electri­ Brown, in a lavendar Japanese ki- of the club as a bit of pleasure in the cal repair work, phone W. L. Sams, Fresh fish, oysters, crabs, chick­ DZerJinsky, who has been chief of mona decorated with 9prays of wis- midst of the routine of study work, ens and rabbi's. Call Tel. 104. Ash­ 298-Y. Contracting a specialty. the cheka of soviet Russia, the extra­ teria, with a band of lavendar rlb- ordinary commission which has con- bon and almond blossoms as a head Our First Blossoms— lf l ltf land Fish and Poultry Market. demned thousands to death, though re­ decoration, made a most winsome! The almond trees are now getting in City on Business— !‘ir®d b y ,the '••organization of that Japanese lady and gave an account I out in bloom about town. The late- Installing Fixtures— W. Benson has installed new elec­ F. S. Johnson, of the Honeyman flar office> that of pub||o pro. ecutor of the sacred ceremonial of t e a ; ness of the blossoms would indicate trical fixtures in his house at 268 H ardw are company, and well known with wide powers. Mrs. Leslie wearing a ia good fruit year, according to those ’ drinking. by many local people, was In the city filmy yellow veil th at covered her who claim to be authority on fruit, B street. today. head and shoulders, looked the poet- “Setting" Colors, ess of the rom antic country of India. Here on Business— Men like girls who are sweet and Makes Visit in C entral Point— 1 A" C ° lort T “ * be, set by tb* saIne She read selections from Tagore and simple. but not girls who are just F. A. Soul of the Shell Oil com­ ... ,, __ . , , , n I method. Salt, for Instance, Is ex- simple pany, was a business visitor in Ash­ ss May Hedrick, of B street, [ t remeiy effective in setting blues, gave a sketch of his life. Miss Greer in a white tunic and land Tuesday. visited her brother, Prof. Edcell Hed- pinks and some reds. A large table- tu rb an gave an historial sketch o f '. When a man bas the big head’ U rick, at Central Point last Saturday, i spoonful is required to a gallon of luke- — —— I warm water. Black cottons or black- Asia. Mrs. Schuerman, looking a s ' is seldoin a level one- Paul- You’ll like our clorlies. Red Sticks— the new 5 cent pack- «nd-whlte cheeks need stronger salt if she had stepped out of China, in i 180tf serud’s. TOO IxATE TO CLASSIFY. age of matches. A sure lighter. D e t-' water to be effective, and sometimes a handsome black Chinese costume, ■__________________________________ - - I »I SALE— Five milk goats. 368 rick’s Groceteria. 1 7 5 tf' a little turpentine may be added to em broidered and beaded, gave an ac- Moves to Glendale— the water. Soak the materials in luke­ count of the recent successful expedi- _ Otis St~ 182-3* W. L. H art, who was connected warm water. Soak browns, deep yel­ with a Fourth street restaurant for R eturn from Portland— lows and tans in a solution of one cup­ tion for seeds from the chaulm oogra WANTED— Two good setting liens, Will trade good layers nr buy F. J. Murphy and Lloyd Crowson, ful of vinegar to a gallon of lukewarm tree, which scientists have found to some time, has moved to Glendale. Phone 457-R or call 922 Boule he — cure for leprosy. Mrs. Dill, as water to set the color. When the light­ who w’ent to Eugene the latter part vard. j 82 -1 er shades of yellows and tans become Bluebeard, of nursery book fame, __ Here Visiting Parents— of last week to attend th e electrical Mr. and Mrs. Jam es H. Boyd, Jr., convention there, went to Portland faded, the color can be restored by gave a history of this well-known FOR SALE Purebred Jersey cow. adding strong coffee to warm rinsing character. Mrs. French, in a hand­ heavy milker, $100. Also breeding of Nampa, Idaho, arrived in Ashland j from Eugene, arriving back in A sh -! water.—Front the Designer. SATURDAY, APRIL 8th pen of buff leghorns, 12 hens and to visit Mr. Boyd’s parents, Mr. and ian d aboiy» 12 o’clock Monday night, j some quilted silk coat of black and rooster, $20.00. Phone 411-R. lavendar, tripped daintily in Jap an ­ Mrs. Jam es H. Boyd at their home, Car Needed It Most. 182-1 217 North Main street. The little librarian sat at her desk ese shoes sporting blue pompoms, Visiting from Butte Falls— At surprisingly low prices and told most interesting news of FOR SALE— Five room house, with Leslie Swink, of Butte Falls, is in j surveying the row of solemn-eyed Ital­ bath and pantry, four lots, corner K, Nelson makes suits to order. th a t country. the city for a few days visiting with • ians before her. Tony had brought all Eighth and B streets. Inquire 139 Hotel Ashland Block. 168tf his little brothers and sisters to see the Mrs. Everton, dressed as a R us­ Second. 182tf his brother, William Sw’ink, on Vista “teacher.” “My goodness,” she said, sian lady with the characteristic head street. “how many of you are these altogeth­ dress of flowers and leaves and the APARTMENTS Visits Brother Here— FOR RENT— Furnished apartm ent. er?” “Eleven,” said Tony, and the en­ Mrs. John Prader, who formerly hair twined about the ears, gave an Close in. Modern conveniences. tire row grinned broadly, exhibiting Don’t wait until the last moment lived in Ashland on Nutley street, historical sketch of the Ukrainians. Adults only. Inquire 166 Harga- HAIRDRESSING PARLORS beautiful pearly teeth. “What beauti­ and then crab because you couldn’t dine St. or phone 122. 182tf is in the city for the summer, visit­ Mrs. Maxey, dressed in w hite with a ful teeth! I suppose you all brush get a table reservation at the Society Room 1 Upstairs Citizens Rank Bldg. ing her brother on Liberty street. them well every night?” A nervous coquettish veil covering the lower R O S E S , FLOWERING SHRUBS, Cabaret, but get your table planned shuffling. Tony cleared his throat. part of her face, made a most love­ Bulbs, F ru it and Shade Trees, Ber­ 182-2 “Well,” he said earnestly, “we did have Look! Lawn mowers sharpened; now. ries, etc.— Stock from the most re­ able Turkish lady and gave some in­ a brush once, but father needed It to teresting facts regarding Turkey. satisfaction guaranteed. Fixlt Shop. liable nurseries, florists and land­ clean something In the car und after scape gardeners on the coast. Let 174tf ' Passenger for the North— Mrs. Sackett, in blue Chinese cos­ me have your order now for spring that It wasn’t much good.”—Chicago Jack M attern was a passenger for tume, gave a sketch of life in th a t planting. Every house should Journal. Glass Broken— the north on train 16 last evening. plant more flowers, berries and country. Mrs. Putnam told in terest­ The large glass in the door of the fruit. Am sending in orders every ingly of the care of the silk worm A Curie of Radium. room in the Odd Fellows building, oc­ day now. Let me know your This Society Cabaret stunt is go­ lime. Curie’s modest autobiography and the m anufacture of silk cloth. wants. Mrs. Fred R. Neil, 263 cupied by H. A. Stearns as a store ing to be a whirlwind, and you must omits mention of one single honor that Ramona Wise delighted the for-* Oak St. Phone 310-R. 182-w-t-s room, was broken Monday as the re­ get a move on you if you want table more than anything else will help make 0002022323234890020100020002010200010100010100070505100200 sult of the wind blowing the door reservations. Rose Brothers, now. her name immortal. The official scien­ shut. tific designation of the unit of radioac­ 182-2 tivity Is named in her honor the “curie,” and the degree of radioactivity is ex­ Visiting Son — Ladies Purchase Victrola— pressed in millicuries, centlcurles and Mrs. J. H. Priest, of Rogue River, The Ladies A rt club have p ur­ so on up the metric system scale. In se­ was in the city Tuesday visiting her chased a new Victrola, finished in lecting Mine. Curie’s name scientific son, Chesley Priest, on H argadlne w alnut, from Rose brothers. The bodies have followed the well-estab­ street. machine has been placed in Pioneer lished custom that accounts for the in­ hall, where the club meets and will troduction of such words as ohm, watt, Automobile liability Insurance pro­ be used at the club meetings to fu rn ­ amperes, etc., Into our lauguage—all of tects the wife and babies. Yeo, of ish music while the a rts are being them the names of Inventors or dis­ coverers.—Delineator. course. 169tf studied. Ashland Paragraphs DZERJINSKY Independence Avenue--Not Easy Street XX a f * a M, » - ’ —■ • « — — ■ ~ — — — The Citizens Bank 9 Ashland Realty Co. HOUSES RANCHES CHEAP! Opposite City Hall Ashland, Oregon Special Easter Showing of Millinery Wineland & Shepherd TH URSDAY You’ll find a big opportunity here! On Street Today— If It’s economy and service, call W. F. Smith, who has been on the W. H. Sams for all electrical work. sick list for some time, was able to 162tf Phone298-Y. be out and around today. Visitor from Klamath Falls — Del Monte Green Gage Plum s, 10 G ertrude Cox, of K lam ath Falls, cents per can. “ Less than the cans arrived in Ashland last evening. She cost.” D etrick’s Groceteria. 175tf has a host of friends in Ashland who are glad to see her again. Able to Re Out— Fred Wilson, of the Ideal grocery, Everything for the picnic, lunch or who was operated on a few weeks party. D etrick’s Grocelterla. “The hgo, is able to be on the street again. Horae of Good E ats.” 175tf While In Portland recently I bought BARGAIN COUNTER GOODS soch as extra wagon wheels reaches, leadbars, singletrees, plow beams and handles, a t prices prevailing before the war. Come In early while they last. Fencing, harness and Imple­ m ents at reduced prices. New and second hand sewing machines. Pe/J's Corner STARRING RITA JOLIVET - a n d ' ■ i STRONG SUPPORTING CAST A PAGE FROM HISTORY YOU WILL NEVER FORGET Sappho charmed even the gods themselves with her love songs; Cleopatra won Caesars with her charms, yet a more wonderful love than theirs was Theodora’s, who gave a kingdom— and in vain, for the commoner she loved. ADMISSION Adults, 55c - Children, 10c (including tax) TODAY All R eady for Your P aint P rob lem s Our stock of Acme Qwdity Paints and Finishes, nationally known jis strictly first quality, is complete. We are now ready to give you the benefit of our paint knowl­ edge whether you wish to buy or merely ask questions. Painting and finishing is no longer a luxury; it’s a surface saver and a necessary protection against wear and decay. If there are any slutbby spots about your home call and get the proper finish to re­ new, brighten and preserve them. Free booklet on Home Decorating. So we are glad to tell you of the season’s greatest bargains in v h’ .e goods by the piece and in ready made garments. PHONE 75 EAST MAIN EP ASHLAND BRANCH Oregon State Normal The values are so worth while that every purchase means an investment. Plan to attend this event! Take advantage of the full assortments of merchandise by coming the first day of the sale! — AT A shland, Oregon Ju n e 19 - J u ly 28,1922 Full Normal Course. Practice school for all grades. Music de­ partment very strong. Psychology, educational measurements, sociology, and school management on demand. TOMORROW THE TMEATES BEAL'TifUL Great purchases have been made at very special prices! SWENSON, McRAE CO. For information write Rita Jolivet ZAL R White Goods Opening augurs to be the sale talk of the town. G. A. BRISCOE, Director E. R. I SAAC &. C o Successors to C. H- Vaupel. THE QUALITY STORE E »nm » : *