èage rfrö Ashland Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 A shland D aily tidinös □ R 'member W AH WNFUl TIME MOTHER OSEP TO have To eer voy To wear vour . LIMI I W ER5 ANP NvW. E. J. BARRETT, Editor Subscription P rice D elivered in City: One month .................................. $ .65 Tb tee m o n th s .............................. 1.95 Si« months .................... 3.75 Ouo year .................................... 7.50 Mail and Rural Routes One month .................................. $ .65 Three months .............................. 1.95 Six months .................................. 3.50 One year ..................................... 6.5C S Wednesday, April », lffx i r« RAIN OR SHINE W V WOLD NOT 60 OUTDOORS you éftOSHES ‘ i 6 l V THIN \ AH-AA* * ADVERTISING RATES D isplay A dvertising ■lngie insertion, each inch........... 30c YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising One time a w eek.......................2 7 ^ c Two times a week...................... 25 c Eveiy other day.........................20 c Local R eaders Each line, each tim e.................... 10c To run every other (My for one month, each line, each tim e. . 7c To run every issue for one month or more, each line, each tim e .. 5c Classified Column One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, %c the word each time. Legal Rate First time, per 8-point lin e......... 10c Each subsequent time, per 8- polnt line .................................... 5c Card of th a n k s .............................81.00 •• z .z Z XX X X . X* Obituaries, the l i n e ......................2%c z * X Z^Z X /*■ X ✓ \zZL/Z^z X Fraternal Orders and Societies Advertising for fraternal orders or societies charging a regular initi­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious and benevolent orders will be steamship, the submarine, the aero- ; president’s veto, and force the banks CHANGE ‘CLOTHES’ IN WINTER ehargbd the regular rate for all ad plane and the piachine gun, but ow-iand not the United States treasury,! ----------- ▼ertislng when au admission or other ing to the peculiar tactics of our poll-! to “hold the sack” for the next 20 and Birds Make Seasonal charge Is made. Shifts, Very Much as Does the ticians in Washington, foreign coun­ years, or until such time as political Human Family. What Constitutes Advertising tries are reaping the benefits. expediency will permit congress to In order to allay a misunderstapd- • * provide means of raising the revenue Some animals apd birds change lng among some as to what consti­ Another curious thing. Every day to pay off the soldiers’ certificates. tutes news and what advertising, their dress in winter just as we do. we print this very simple rule, which we hear about the scrapping of our 1 ---------------------------- The ptarmigan, a bird belonging to the Is used by newspapers to differenti­ big ships of war; vessels that cost i BIRTHDAY’ PARTY FOR same family as the grouse, and who ate between them: "ALL future lives high up in the Scottish moun­ millions being dismantled and sold MISS PEARL PINION events, where an admission charge tains, is one of the birds who wear a Is made or a collection is taken IS for junk; army and navy Kenneth Pellet, Harold iu cold places have white winter government is to pay it. Harold Bennett, Ray , clotbes- Far north, In the arctic re- terms of the bill, each soldier Is Cormack, Moore, James Pinion, Grover Leach, ^ ons> where there Is always snow and given a 20-year government bond or Dan Bowerman, Garland Griffith, C® al1 the year round’ most of th® soldiers’ certificate, having a face animals are white. For instance, the value of 8400, which he may take CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERS polar bear and the arctic fox.—Chris- to the bank and on it borrow one- HAVE APRIL FOOL PARTY' tian ScleQce Monitor. half of its face value. In other The Intermediate Christian En- ! ~ SOLOMON ITES words, the government issues a con­ deaverers of the Congregational CURES WROUGHT BY PICTURE Some idea of the magnitude of the ----------- coal strike may be gathered from gealed asset, forcing the banks to church had a jolly April Fool party ' .by De*out the fact that a single mine, now carry the load of a long-term invest­ at the home of Miss Spencer last Vlr®i_" ®f„Po,yipe.i.i Catholics in Italy With Miraeu- ment, which amounts to over a bil­ Saturday evening. A championship closed down, turned out over eight lous Power«. thousand tons of coal in eight hours. lion dollars. Small wonder the bank­ game of golf was played, using wal. ers bitterly oppose the bill. It has nuts for balls, and various sizes of • • The Virgin of Pompeii, to whose It’s getting to be a daily habit at resolved itself into nothing more spoons for clubs. The course was laid protection Pope Benedict asked to be the White House to announce that than a trick to meet a political out over the house, and it proved to commended by Cardinal Sllll, is the the recognition of Mexico is getting emergency, whereby congress is re­ be a difficult and mirth-provoking patron of a moderi^ shrine which has become on& of the moat famous In nearer and nearer, but no definite lieved of the odium of having to go feat to toss the balls from hole to Italy. Abotu'*$675 Bartolo Longo, a date can be set. President Wilson before the people at the next elec­ hole. The champion made the course wealthy Catholic layman living m the tion, with the responsibility of hav­ in 15 strokes, winning the “dough- got that far. region of the buried city of Pompeii, ing repudiated its obligation to the nutty golf man,” while the loser who near Naples, found in au ancient cas- • * With the thriftiness for which soldiers of the late war, and at the made the course In forty strokes, was tie, among a number of other articles New Englanders have always been same time fends off a split in the consoled with a paper bag full of i of antique furniture, a painting of the noted. New Hampshire has asked, party ranks which would iuevitably April breezes. Spring poetry con- Mitdonua- The painting did not show all sorts of rhymes, I Jta authorshII>. but its beauty attracted that in view of the scrapping of the follow a rupture with President tests produced m„ ., . , _ . Longo, and be placed it on display In Harding. The president insisted that and the j making of comical Easter , h jg J,o l n e A n f i n f a lr n j WOlU aU , V , i s . i t ■ battleship of that name, the silver X in g service which was given when the there must be no bond issue, and eggs and other gay foolishness filled the house, knelt before the picture and vessel was christened, be returned that a sales tax was inseparable from out the evening. After refreshments prayed for relief and she at once de- a cash bonus. In the effort to "beat of fruit salad, cakes and hot choco- clared that she was cured of her sick- to the state. the devil around the stump” the late were enjoyed, and the party was j ness- Tb® news of this cure caused • « From the number of complaints house has passed a bill, which it is adjourned, everyone declaring they i others to Re®k healing, and after more cures were reported, Longo placed the regarding tramps, it would seem as said, is acceptable to the senate, had had a good time and voting to picture In a small chapel. The num­ if Ashland may have to follow in the which it is believed will dodge the come again ber of visitors and the reports of cures footsteps of Roseburg and provide a Increased, and the picture Is now dis­ shelter for them, where in inclement played in a large church In care of the Dominican fathers, about two weather they could take refuge while miles from the Pompeii excavations awaiting the next freight. The tramp usually visited by tourists. problem is always the fly in the oint­ ment of division towns. Henor Belongs to Portuguese. • * “ A t a young housewife o f only ✓ Qulros, the Portugese navigator, in Talk about Germany being the 1606, was the first whijy man to see tw o and o n e-h alf years’ ex­ busiest country in the world today! the rugged outline of the coast of the We’ve been fed up on that ever since New Hebrides, which rises abruptly perience I am glad to find that the war, but it don’t seem to get out of the deep sea in the hurricane zone of the tropics. Believing he had them anywhere when it comes to even w e amateurs can cook discovered the great southern contin­ stabilizing the German mark. One ent which was at that time the dream doesn’t hear so much about French successfully if w e use Royal of navigators, Qulros may be com­ industry, but it Is significant that pared to Columbus, who thought he Pow der.” despite the ruinous devastations of had found a route to India whan he the war, the savings deposits in sighted the palm-fringed shores of the M rs. J. L . M . West Indies. France were the greatest ever known He called his discovery Australia in the history of that country. del Esplrhu Santo, . which has been shortened by traders to Santo, and Curious, to say the least, that Is applied to the largest Island of the while the airplane had its birth in group. Some of the other large moun­ the United States, the flying machine tainous and partly volcanic islands are being the invention of an American? Ambrym, Annatam, Aurora, Apt, Pen­ today we lag behind every nation In tecost, Eromanga, Malllcolo, and Tan- na, the home of the “great lighthouse Europe in aircraft production and ex­ of the southern Isles,” Tanna volcano, perimentation. Japan will spend which burst forth brilliantly every 8200,000,000 on her airplane pro­ three or four minutes. Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste gram in the next seven years; while France has already appropriated Make back yards look like front S end fee N ew R o ya l Cook Book— I f s FREE 884,000,000 for the same purpose yards. Royal Baida« Powder Co., 130 WilUam S t, New York and England 897,000,000. American A woman can’t dress "for comfort brains were responsible for the and style at the same time. _ _ Spider Outdone by Man. Romance in business? Of course there is. As soon as we think of foreign trade we get the glamor and thrill of It; and to Joseph Pennell’s «Yes a giant crane or a viaduct or a steel mill is a picture. But who of us ever thought of romance in connection with wire rope?- John Kimberly Mumford has not taken wire for granted. In “Outspin- ning the Spider," he has told the story of an amazing Industry in a fashion to rival the hedonist. Let a single pas* sage speak: "Seven one-thousandths, three one- thousandths, one > h g g ttt & M y t r j Ttbacct C t* ■J ROYAL C he sterf ield MAKING POWDER C IG A R E T T E S Absolutely Pure « / Turkish and Domestic tobaccos—blended Lower Pricee 20 now 18c 10 now 9c (Two 10’s—18c)