PAGE FöÜfl ASHLAND ÙAltY TIDINGS Ashland News in Paragraphs THRIFT WON HER HUSBAND Local and Personal Legend Telia of Reward That Came to French Girl Through Her Cheese-Paring. — ------------------- Side Lights----------------------- Tuesday, April 4, 102^3 KLAMATH FALLS SENDS MLLE. RENEE DURAND moonshine, waived hearing Saturday The only fool bigger than a big SEVEN TO PENITENTIARY and will also be taken to Portland. ' fool is the man who argues with one. ' — ———- When you get a radio outfit Tidings classified ads get results, there's music in the air. KLAMATH FALLS, April 4. — Eleveu prisoners left here Saturday, seven headed for the state penitenti­ ary at Salem in custody of Sheriff Low. and four in the custody of United States Marshal Davidson to face the federal court at Portland on liquor charges. The seven were: SATURDAY, APRIL 8th Lester Hixon, larceny of horses, ten years; Plymouth Storms, larceny, three years; Jack Haley, colored, bad At surprisingly low prices checks, two years, and Claude Perry, Earl and Floyd Haskins, larceny, one year each. Those going to the federal court were: N. J. Schildgren, George McC.ahan, Edward Dusterhoff and A. D. McCor­ HAIRDRESSING PARLORS mick. Room 1 U pstairs C itizens Rank Rl«lg. J. A. Coe, local jitney operater, ar­ rested by federal officers for selling While the expression “cheesepar­ M alta Commun dery No. 4 K nigh ts Tem plar ing” is a recognized equivalent for FORD CAR STOLEN thrift or economy in the management FROM M. L. PATTON M asonic H all A Ford runabout, belonging to the Standard Oil company and used by Stated conclave, Wednesday even­ ing, April 5. Also Red Cross work. M. L. Patton, the local agent, was Sojourning and visiting Sir Knights stolen from in frout of his house on I the Boulevard Monday evening. It courteously Invited. . is not known at just waat hour the W. H. McNAIR, E. C. I car was taken, but, according to Mr. W. H. DAY, Recorder. i Patton, it was some time previous to If it's economy and service, call midnight. It is thought the car was W. H. Sams for all electrical work. (taken by someone who did not know Phone298-Y. 162tf ' who the car belonged to, and that as soon as it is found that it has such distinctive markings it will be aban­ Returns from California Visit —- doned. No trace of, the car had been Mrs. Milton H. Ellis has returned to her home in Ashland after spend­ discovered at noon today. ing a few weeks in San Francisco and adjoining cities, visiting with CITY GATHERS VP TRASH GARNERED FOR CLEANLUP DAY relatives and friends. Cliff Payne makes hat racks. Fresh fish, oysters, crabs, chick­ ens and rabbits. Call Tel. 184. Ash­ land Fish and Poultry Market. On Job Again— J. M. Grimsley is back on the job again, after having been confined to his home with an attack of influenza. Chocolate coated nuts and cocoanut. tionery. Go On F ish in g Trip— peanuts, wal- Plaza Confec- 178tf Notwithstanding the storm, the city authorities sent out six auto trucks this morning to gather up the trash that housewives have caused to be piled up on the sidewalks and in other convenient places, In order to comply with the mayor’s request for a general clean-up of the city. As a consequence the city has taken on a much better appearance and most of the yards are looking spick and span. As soon as the weather settles, it is expected that a painting campaign will be inaugurated. W. C. T. U. LADIES TURN “HOSPITAL” FOR SICK FISHES Where Members of the Finny Tribe Are Successfully Treated for Minor Ailments. 169tf O. A. Manning, Talent, Ore. lf ilt f Wineland & Shepherd “Down with Theodora, Jezebel o f Byzantium/cried one from the throng. Mile. Renee Durand, eighteen-year- old Parisian beauty, who has been elected queen of ttre mid-Lenten festi­ val ceremonies. She is a shop girl. Butler’s Individual five-cent Vic­ At Kremnitz, In Hungaria, there ex­ torias—ask for them. Plaza Confec­ ists a model aquarium, to which a hos­ pital for the fish has been added. Some tionery. of the fish are treated in groups, while others, more affected, get their treat­ ment In individual vats. OLE CLOES S H I N E 5 In this way was treated a salmon suffering from gangrene, and also an J E S ' E X MUCH E x unfortunate pike of 18 pounds, on NEW CLOES DOES whose tins enormous wens had been found. C E P N HITS A D lFF U N T A gigantic bream has been freed of LOOKIN' S H I N E ?! a goiter, the origin of which was at­ tributed to the bad quality of water In which he had lived In his youth. The best operation performed by the fish doctors was unquestionably that upon the air-bladder of a giddy tench. This Is not an aspersion aimed at this tench. The proof Is that it had wanted to leap higher than It was able to and thus made extreme efforts, damaged Its air-bladder and incurred danger of death. It needed only a cut with the bistoury to give this little madcap back his health and good hu­ mor.—New York Tribune. HAMBONE’S MEDITATIONS MOONSHINE INTO SEWER H. A. Stearns and the Kruggel boys went down to the Rogue river Fifteen or more ladies of the Wom­ a few days ago and endeavored to en’s Christian Temperance Union inveigle some of the fish to come around their way. but they were few were present to take part In the first ceremony of the kind ever carried and far between. out by the organization in Ashland, Everything for the picnic, lunch or when moonshine taken in recent ar­ party. Detrick’s Groceteria. “The rets. was turned over to them by Home of Good Eats.” 175tf Chief of Police Hatcher at 2 o’clock this afternoon. There were 12 quart A uto S ales R eported — bottles and one jug of the spirits, Isaac R. Fridegar, of the Enders , which were taken to the corner at store, has purchased a Nash car, and the city hall and emptied. Dr. E. A. Woods has purchased a Mrs. Anne H. Russell, aged Ash­ new Packard, both deals being made land pioneer, and who served as the through the Class A garage. first president of the local union, was present and had the honor of You’ll like our clothes, Paul- breaking the first bottle. Legacies Left to Cate. serud’s. 180tf About a century ago a Frenchman, Look! Lawn mowers sharpened; Pierre Grosley, left £24 a year to his K. Nelson makes suits to order. satisfaction guaranteed. Fixlt Shop. two cats, to be paid as long as either Hotel Ashland Block. I68tf 174tf lived; but he wag a lawyer, and his will proved valid. Ten or 12 years R eturns to School — ago a poor woman in Paris left COMPLETE 6000 FOOT Miss Marie Porter has returned to TUNNEL IN HAPPY VALLEY her property for charity after her Bis, a beautiful young Maltese, Eugene after having spent the spring OLINDA, Calif., April 4.—The cat had been maintained till the end of vacation in Ashland. Hoover tunnel of the Happy Valley his natural life. The amount was so irrigation district was completed yes­ small that principal as well as inter­ If you have any wiring or electri­ terday at an approximate cost of est would have to be used, and there cal repair work, phone W. L. Sams, $146,000. The tunnel, 5 feet by 7 W88 some close calculation, based on 298-Y. Contracting a specialty. the average length of feline life, be­ feet, is 6600 feet long. fore the legacy was accepted. Had 161tf Bis possessed the traditional nine CONTRACT LET FOR COTTAGE Property Changes H ands— lives, It would assuredly have been de­ GROVE-LANE CO. HIGHWAY clined, as the city would have In­ Tomas F. Senodenos, of 266 Sev­ curred an obligation, without receiv­ enth street, has sold his property to EUGENE, April 4.—Greenwood & ing any benefit. He died advanced in D. E. Flory, who will paint and re­ years, but there was still something decorate it at once, after which he Dann, of Portland, were the success­ left. will move into the property. The ful bidders on five miles of grading deal was made through the Ashland on the Cottage Grove-Lorane high "Mousepower.” way in Lane county, their bid being Realty company. “We have w’ater power, the lowest of the 12 opened by the candlepower; horsepower, so why not mousepow­ The famous Victor 10 Inch record county court yesterday. er ?” reasoned a thrifty Scot, and straightway put his mice to work. has been reduced from 86 cents to Del Monte Green Gage Plums, 10 He selected two promising young mice 75 cents. Three thousand to select cents per can. “Less than the cans and set them up in business In a minia­ from at Rose Brothers. 152tf cost.” Detrick's Groceteria. 175tf ture tread mill, where they were to earn their board and keep by the H otel A shland G uests— manufacture of sewing silk. For more New arrivals at Hotel Ashland aro BURCH ATTORNEYS ACCUSED than a year the mice kept their little OF TAMPERING WITH JURORS factory going on a day and night shift. as follows: L. M. S. Kloesson, New LOS ANGELES, April 4.— The The ingenious thread mill was so con­ York; J. P. Dussen, Harrison, Or.; trial of Arthur C. Burch, indicted on structed that each mouse was enabled H. Carrick, -Roseburg; C. H. Foote, E. B. Foote, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Gra­ a charge of the murder of J. Belton to twist, twine and reel on an average from 100 to 200 threads a day. ham. Seattle; M. Beschoff, Vancou­ Kennedy here last August, went over of Women doing the same work were ver, B. C.; Henry M. Parks, W. H. today pending the completion of an paid a penny a hank, consequently Pitts, W. O. Dailey, Mr. and Mrs. investigation of reports that agents each mouse netted a saving of six John A. Jones, Blanch Day, J. C. My­ of the attorneys in the case had tam­ shillings per annum for the owner of the tiny threadmlll. ers, K. H. Ketts, San Francisco; H. pered with jurors. B S.mes, C. L. May, R. P. Grubb, Regrow Lost Parts. For sale, 9 % acres', good house, Ted Malone. E. Koplln, H. H. Taub, Newts and salamanders and the tad­ J. H. Borris, I. Van Gelder, J. Gross. barn, garage, chicken house, smoke poles of frogs and toads have great A. Bowley, San Francisco; R. T. Mc­ house, electric lights, one mile from powers of regrowing parts that have Intire, F. D. McIntire, San Diego, town, good roads. $600 down, good been bitten off, but, so far as known, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bateman, terms on balance. O. A. Manning, lizards are the only backboned animals 161tf that show surrender of parts. Missoula, Mont.; Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Talent, Ore. Among backboneless animals it often Lyon, Hilt, Calif.; F. L. Young, Los occurs. This peculiarity is found CITY TO HAVE NEW Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ma­ among sea slugs and other molluscs SHOE REPAIR SHOP lone, Albany, Or.; Charles F. Bolling­ Messrs. Chappell and Inman, for­ and In many kinds of worms. Jn the er, Oregon City, Or.; F. C. Stltser, Palolo worm, which burrows In the Dorris. Calif.; Mrs. W. W. Collins, merly of Sacramento, have leased the coral reefs, nearly the whole of the Miss Grace E. Martin. Miss Chalm­ east half of the building at 343 East body is broken off at the breeding sea­ ers, Mrs. Webster Deadman, New Main street from J. M. Grimsley, and son, and it bursts in the water, liber­ York, N. Y.; and L. W. Bever and; expect to install a complete shoe re­ ating tens of thousands of germ ceils, pair outfit of the latest type. The while the head remains In the rock family, Spokane, Wash. building has been leased for one year and makes a new .body. Nice Dry Wood! arso S I ox. Ash- and work will begin at once to place Stoves Once Unpopular. land Lumber Co., phone 20. 92tf the room in shape for the new busi­ A hundred years ago stoves and ness. fireplaces generally seemed to be the Red Sticks- the new 5 cent pack- thing that gave decorators of bouses age of matches. A sure lighter. Det- CORAM POST OFFICE the greatest concern. rick’s Groceteria. 1 7 5 tf‘ GOES INTO DISCARD “The stove,” says a German writer, KENNETT, Calif., April 4.—Post- speaking of the house furnishings a Rodent Exterm inât ion— master J. H. Tucker of this place has hundred years ago, “was quite in­ There will be a demonstration of been advised by the department that dispensable in a northern climate, but wherein the whole of antiquity was methods of disposing of pocket goph- the post office at Coram will be dis- any reference to be found to a ers, put on by the county agent’s of- continued on April 29. tiled stove? The universal altar had tice at the Beaver tract near Moun- After that date the post office at again to be culled into service. At tain View cemetery. Thursday after- Kennett will receive, account for and Worlitz, for instnee, the stove was noon at 1 o’clock. All farmers should deliver all mall addressed to Coram. named the altar of winter, or else was converted Into some kind of mon­ turn out and see this. j ----- ----------- ____ ument. Isabey hid the stove in his I have a few small ranches for house in Paris under the figure of i Automobile liability insurance pro­ sale, 2 acres, 6 acres, 8 acres, 10 tects the wife and babies. Yeo. of acres, and up. Let me show them. Minerva.” course. Special Easter Showing of Millinery of household affairs, it is apparent the moment we dissect the term that the ( saving effected by the paring of a cheese depends entirely upon the man­ ner in which the operation is conduct­ ed. If one removes the rind of the cheese carelessly, waste instead of economy results. According to a French legend, there was a man who was In love with three sisters at the same time. He could not make up his mind which of them he ought to marry. The ability to be a thrifty housewife being the principal requisite of a wife at that-time, the man decided to watch the three care­ fully, and in order to make a test pre­ sented each of them with a large cheese. Two of them removed the rind in such a manner that a considerable portion of the cheese was thrown away, but the youngest pared it with a very sharp anlfe, and did not waste a scrap. The man decided that she would make the best wife, and they were married. Tidings classified ads get results. ---------- S i TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. _ I WANTED—Woman to do housework and cooking. Can give rooms Conover at Tidings. S ard ou ft t a i dram a WANTED— Party who took mixed brown cap, size 6%, from rack at Elks lodge, Saturday evening, to return same and get his cap, left with secretary. 181-2* with Superb Cast Headed by FOR SALE— Five per cent discount! on all wood in two tier orders fo r' balance of this week only. I have on hand oak, laurel, maple, alder, fir and pine; also seven foot cedar fence posts. A. G. Adams, phone _460. 18l.j R IT A JOUVET THE WORLD’S MOST AMAZING SPECTACLE it is the World’s greatest love story, Sarah Bernhardt’s greatest triumph, a grip­ ping wonder drama of an empress who sacrificed riches of the world, power of an autocrat, everything for the man she loved. Critics everywhere it has been shown have declared even superlatives inadequate. FOR SALE— At a sacrifice, this week only; owners leaving; seven room house, one lot, garden plant­ ed, one block from Boulevard; very desirable location; only, $2350. $500 down, long time on balance. R. D. Sanford, 399 Beach Street. 181-1* Afternoons—1:30 Admission Prices: FOR SALEThoroughbred heifer calf. C. M. Waite, 634 low est. 181-2* 3 DAYL CT3 C7I LOST—Saturday night at Kingsbury Springs dance, pair of nose glasses. Finder return to Tidings office. Evenings—7:15; 9:15 Adults, 55c; Children, 10c (including war tax) WTL T V 3 D A Y S April Basket Cabaret AT THE ARMORY April 21st, 1922 - - 9 p. m . to 2 a. m. Under Auspicies of First Company Special Eight Piece Orchestra - Vaudeville Acts - Original Entertainment % Seats w ill be placed on sale a t exactly noon tom orrow , a t Rose Bros. F irst come, first served. Be in line. Arrange your table parties now $1.00 Each Seat, including w a r ta x Guests will bring own refreshm ents. Liquid refreshm ents w ill be furnished