PAGE FOUR ÀSIÎLAND DAILY TÎDÎNG8 Monday, April 3, lttt&S Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and Personal ------ Side Lights — Up A fter Operation— GOOD IDEA FOR ANY TOWN Miss Romena H arrell is able to be around after having been operated Example Set by Newark Publio on a few weeks ago for appendicitis. Library Might Well be Copied by Other Communities. L oaves for E u gen e —■ I^eavcH for E u gene — MAYOR PROCLAIMS A PRIL have them located where they can be G. H. Yeo left this morning by FOURTH CLEAN UP DAY easily seen and reached— in the alley auto for Eugene, and had as passen­ j ------ or u* in *** the tuc street s u e e t if 11 there m ere is no gers, his daughter Bernice and Kee To the Citizens of Ashland: alley— and by all means have It and Edgar Buchanan. Tuesday, April 4, is hereby desig- read>' for delivery early. L et’s have Red Sticks— the new 5 rent n»rV nStGd aS C,ean‘up Day throughout our cltY presentable for the tourist 8ge of matches. A sure lighter. Det- Don’t^fail f On'1 forget the date tFaTel whicb ,s mowing greater ev- rick's Groceteria. 175tf £ Th ? make preParatioa8 for ®ry year. Our city has done more ______ ' . _T b e c l t -v provides teams and building, painting, repairing and trucks. They will call for your gar- cleaning up during the past year ____ —» bage some time during th a t day. than for many years. May we con- Makes Trip to G rants Pass— Mr. and Mrs. A. C W ilhite drove HaVG L* ready’ Burn everyth in S You tinue the good work and bold first to G rants Pass Sunday afternoon. C&n’ thGD PUt the rem a,nder of the Plaee as the most beautiful home gai'bage in boxes, bags or barrels aud city and tourist center on the coast. C. B. LAMKIN, R etain s from E u g e n e - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. 174-6 Mavor. John Fuller, who has been in Eu­ FOR TRADE— Pure bred Jersey gene attending the short course for, cow, heavy m ilker and perfect ev­ commercial club secretaries, has re­ ery way, for a fine heavy milking turned home. Holstein. 153 Granite. Phone 4H -R . 180-1 Ivan Phipps left this m orning in ■ Were you ever on the top Pike’s - of ----------- his bug for Eugene, where he is at air, and some p ^ J k ^ n m ^ Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shell, Wilson tending the university. tors and cog railways, find the ascent C. E. Meeting Postponed— Torrance and Mrs. L. Jacobs and s o n ! ---------- difficult. The plateau on which the The Presbyterian Christian En- Rudolph, motored to the agate beds Everything for the picnic, lunch or deavor society has postponed the Sunday. The boys report having Pa rty- D etrick’s Grocelteria. “The Tibetans live—it is ten times as big as England—is all of It as high or business meeting until Tuesday, A p-' gathered some fine specimens Home of Good‘E a!s.’ 1 i 5tf higher than Pike’s peak, and the moun- ril 11, on account of other entertain- ______ --------- j tains around slope up to nearly m ent this week. The Dest Horae made candies can M ake Trip to Gold H ill— i 23,000 feet. Kipling, In “Kim.” spoke be had a t Rose Brothers. A rthur and Inez W ilhite, Lois and of u as beln« llke a swallow’s nest 152tf Chocolate coated peanuts, wal- M aude Russell, and Raymond Drew und^T tbe eaves of the roof of the motored to Gold Hill Sundav i world—“Klm threw his soul after his nuts and cocoanut. Plaza Confec- Cooked bruit Sale— • eyes across the deep blue gulfs " tionery. 178tf The social circle will have a cooked ‘ still a mysterious land, and j It is Goes to Portland— food sale Saturday, April 8, in the w p Wnzvzi u n r »1 n 1 untd a few years ago almost an un- 8 . S. C lass E n tertains— W. E. V ood left for Portland Sun-1 known one. The Newark (N. J ) pub- grocery departm ent of the H. G. End­ Mrs. Page and her Sunday school day evening on train 16, where he 11c library has just held an exhibit of Buys New Car— ers departm ent store. class of girls were hostesses S atu r­ will visit for a few days. all sort of things Tibetan—things O. A. Paulserud has purchased a E OR RENT — Three room front day evening a t the church to Mrs. brought together through the happy apartm ent, all furnished except Dew Drop Inn—for lunches. new Standard Eight from A. M. linens;, also two room furnished K oehler’s class. Miss Hays assisted conjunction of a missionary of un­ Salads, doughnuts, cream puffs, Beaver, Jr., of Portland. apartm ent. Phone 263-R or call usual experiences and the museum Mrs. Page. An enjoyable evening is cold m eats, pies,, cakes, candies, at at 369 Hargadine. FOURTH STREET M illinery C lasses F in ish W ork __ 180-2 staff and this exhibit Is supplement­ reported. the Home Bakery and R estaurant, The millinery classes which have ed with pamphlets and pictures tend­ E ntertained a t Dinm^r— FOR SALE— “ W hite” cabinet sew­ FIRST FROM AND 69 North Main St. 175 tf ing to make it more understandable been In progress for the past several Miss Bernice Yeo and W illiam ' ing-m achine with motor. Apt. F, LAST TO DEPOT I have a few small ranches for and interesting. This Is a typical ex- Bolton were entertained at dinner ___________ Shook A partm ent. 17 9-2* weeks under the direction of Mrs. sale, 2 acres, 5 acres, 8 acres, 10 R eturns from B u sin ess Trip— ample of the work of the Newark QUICK LUNCH AND SERVICE last Friday evening by Edgar and: FOR SALE— Eight week old pullets acres, and up. Let me show them. Gray, have finished their work, and W. J. Moore returned from Port- librar>' under Its unusual chief, John those who had charge of the course, Kee Buchanan at their home on Iowa PRICES REASONABLE now ready for delivery. From our O. A. Manning, Talent, Ore. I6 1 tf laid Sunday morning, after a week’s Cotton Dana, says Leslie’s. A few street. bred-to-lay S. C. White Leghorns. feel greatly gratified with the results years ago there was a similar exhibit visit there on business. Rogue River Poultry Farm , C. F. accomplished. There were three V isitin g Friends— of Colombian things—Colombia being Carpenter, manager, Medford. Ore. another interesting and inaccessible R eturns from California— H arcourt W. Peck, evangelist, who classes of fifteen each. The tables Fresh Alaska King salmon, fresh land. 180-3 Dr. Songer and Miss Molly Songer held meetings here for three weeks, used in the work were rented from halibut, ling cod, rock cod, perch, Director Dana believes that a li­ have returned from a trip to south­ FOR SALE— Eggs for hatching at and is now holding meetings in Nininger and W arner, and the sew­ fresh oysters and shrim p. Ashland reduced prices for the rest of the brary should “sell” itself to business Medford, was in the city Saturday. ing machine from Miss Hicks. The Fish M arket. 176tf men and not restrict Its activities to ern California. season; also a few laying hens owners refused to take any compen­ Mrs. W. D. Booth, 264 W eightman. young lady readers of fiction, chil­ You’ll like our clothes. Paul sation for the use of the articles, and V isitin g F am ily Here— Phone 257-Y. 180-1 dren and unoccupied old gentlemen. WHY HER WATCH GOES WRONG serud’s. 1 8 0 tf|th e money was turned over to the Levi Stevens, who has been em­ It should be a real constructive force — —— i FOR SALE— Broilers, 30 cents each. playground committee of the Parents ployed in the ice plant at K lam ath in the everyday life of the commu­ Various Causes Given for Undoubted H- ° Anderson. Phone 49. 180tf All Kinds of Grey Iron Work Spends Week-end Here — Teachers association to use as they Falls for some time, was laid off nity, and not a mere collection of Fact That Woman’s Timepiece Is FOR- RENT — One acre garden books and a lounging place. The New­ Casting1 and Welding Miss G ertrude Miksch, of Rogue see fit. Generally Incorrect. several days ago and has been visit­ ark library is pretty well known ground, with fruit. Well fertilized. River, spent the week-end with her 323 Almond Street. 180-5 ing with his family who live here. an:»ng librarians about the country, Punctuality Is said to be the virtue I parents in Ashland. A ttractive spring suitings at Paul­ BRASS WORK He is now spending several days at but the sort of work it does Is not of kings, but not of women. The hit- • FOR RENT— Furnished rooms, $1 serud’s. i8 0 tf imitated as generally as it might ter will not, however, admit their lack ■ Per da/ - Car storage free. Union his ranch near Rogue River. If you have any w iring or electri­ well be. of it. But when a lady has kept a Rooming House, 160 Fourth St. O’BRIEN IRON WORKS cal repair work, phone W. L. Sams, R eturns to Eugene— Tea Room R e-opens— mere man waiting for her an lndefl 180-tf formerly Miss Mary Poley returned to Eu- 298-Y. Contracting a specialty. The tea room on North Main street ATTRACTED BY STRONG LIGHT ultely long time her excuse, cynics de­ FOR SALE — Fertilizer. Smith's 161tf I £ene this m orning to resume her operated last season by Mrs. Ben clare, .0 is really i c a n j at a i hund: uuuu , “My .u y watch WHICH Barn. K 180-5* Ashland Iron Works studies at the university. must he wrong.’’ And, strunge to sa y ,' ~ Myriads of Fish Helpless When Div­ G arnett, was opened for business E u gene V isitors— Phone 236 this reason given as an excuse, differ- SALE—One Ford light deliv­ ing Bell Descended Into the Saturday. ery, good repair. Call at Square Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, of ent from other excuses, is almost al­ Depths of the Sea. Something new in life insurance. Deal Grocery. 180tf ways valid. The watches of women Eugene, with their little daughter, Yeo, of course. 169tf If It’s economy and service, call are much less exact than those of At Dover, England, there has been were week-end guests of Mr. and W. H. Sams for all electrical work. constructed a series of immeuse men. R ecovering from Influenza— Mrs. W. C. Baldwin. Phone298-Y. 162tf breakwaters ln order to Increase the An Englishman, Herbert Duke, who i Mrs. E. E. Gall, of the Belleview size of the harbor. In the work a big occupied himself with this problem in j The famous Victor 10 inch record district, who has had a two weeks’ Many H ear V in in g’s Talk— diving bell was employed. When this profound speculations, thinks he has ! has been reduced from 85 cents to siege of influenza, was able to come It is reported th a t there was a 100 machine was descending on one oc­ traced It to its source. He has ob- I 75 cents. Three thousand to select ln and see her sister, Mrs. Lulu Van per cent attendance when Professor casion the men seated around Its served that the saute watch, when i from at Rose Brothers. 1 6 2 tf,Wegen, Friday. Mrs. Van Wegen, Vining delivered his talk before the sides saw ln the glare of the electric worn by his wife, runs very irregu­ larly, whereas when worn by him it who has been confined to her home cham ber of commerce secretaries at light a strange sight. The water beneath them suddenly is perfectly correct. “Now, how is Moves to Medford— for the last five weeks with influ­ the short course a t Eugene last week. became alive with thousands of sil­ it, he asks, “that so many women Miss Oljpra Morris, stenographer enza and complications, is convalesc­ In addition to the secretaries, a large very fish, which darted hither and have such a baleful influence on and cashier for the M etropolitan Life ing slowly. thither ln their efforts to escape the watches ?” num ber of Instructors at the univer­ 1 0 0 M a in S t. Phone 44 Insurance company, at Medford, has unexpected captivity. Some succeeded Certainly much is due to the fact sity were present to hear the ad ­ moved to th at city and taken rooms Columbia records reduced to 65c dress. ln diving under the edges of the bell, that to women the watch is a less in the Barnum apartm ent. but as It descended nearer and nearer necessary tool of life than a beautiful at Rose Brothers. 152tf the bottom, the few Inches of water Look! Lawn mowers sharpened; remaining became thick with the fish. adornm ent; that they care more for R eturns to Ranch— Its looking elegant on the wrist than satisfaction guaranteed. Flxlt Shop. When the hell rested on the bed of for Its being right; that they handle Miss Mabel Russell returned to her 174tf the sea the men captured nearly a carelessly and inconsiderately tills dell- : tT ” ranch at Montague, Saturday, much thousano of the sprats. The fish were care apparatus. LEAVING TONIGHT to the regret of her many Ashland probably attracted by the electric i But there must be another more po­ M oving to A shland— THE THEATER bEAUTIfuC friends. tent caus^. It lias been observed that j H. B. Camm, a barber, who spent light that is used ln such a bell. the electricity contained in the human Paulserud’s suits are the com fort­ a few weeks in Ashland a short time “Shoes at a Wedding.** body exerts a direct influence on the able, fitable, wearable kind. 180tf ago, has shipped his household goods The custom of throwing oue or more delicate mechanism of the watch. It here and will arrive himself in the old shoes after the bride or groom may be that the small form of a wom­ near future. He has ordered his either when they go to church to be an’s watch renders it very sensitive R eceives W ord o f D eath— E. F. Smith received a telegram household effects stored to aw ait his married or when they start on their to the electro magnetic Influence that wedding Journey Is so old-the memory emanates from the body. this morning to the effect th at hlsj arrival. The tale o f a town w ith m ore dol­ of mau stretches not back to Its be­ m other, Mrs. Mary Jane Smith, of! Del Monte Green Gage Plum s, 10 ginning. Some think It Cleanliness, Thrift and Civic Pride' lars than sense, and a bright young W aukon, Iowa, had passed away, i cents per can. “ Less than the cans assault and Is a lingering trace of — the essentials of Homes and Towns man « h o was gu n n in g for boobs. Mrs. Smith was quite well known in cost.” D etrick’s Groceteria. 175tf the custom arnoug savage nations of Clean up the back yards and back Come and see what he did to H atties­ Ashland, having visited her son here carrying away the bride, by violence; up the clean yards. burg! And what H attiesburg did to a num ber of times and had made a others think that It is a relic of the M oves to K lam ath F a l l s - him! ancient law of exchange or purchase, NOTICE TO CREDITORS host of friends who extend their Ed W akefield, who has been resid­ In the County Court of the State and that it formerly implied the sur­ sympathy to Mr. Smith. ing at 137 Fifth street, moved to render by the parents of all dominion of Oregon for the County of Jackson, j Notice is hereby given th at the K lam ath Falls Saturday. or authority over their daughter. It ..... ............... w V U , W U1 , undersigned, Leo V. English, has has reference to a Jewish custom Del Monte B artlett pears, 10 cents mentioned in the Bible. Thus in Deu- apPoi“ ^ed adm inistra to r of the V isitors from R ogue R iver— [ per can a t D etrick’s Groceteria. “ We teronomy we read that when the broth- estate 68 a e. of °. _arles S. English, de­ Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McLaren, of sell for less.” er of a dead man refused to marry his ceased, by the Circuit Court of the 175tf If there were, we would Rogue River, visited friends in Ash­ land last week. handle it. Dependabil­ of him by loosing hta shoe.’ It was ing claims against said estate a re ' Cliff Payne makes hat racks. M otor to A g a te R d v — B on Ton C afe j Iron Foundry Now Open R e p a ir I t N o w — AUTOMOTIVE SHOP JL2 G E T -R IC H -Q U IC K W A L L IN G F O R D ” No Better Tire Known STA RTS Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rhodes motored F o r sale, 9 % acrev, good house, to Gold Hill Sunday, |.vhere they barn, garage, chicken house, smoke ¡spent a pleasant day. house, electric lights, one mile from town, good roads. $500 down, good I K. Nelson does cleaning, pressing, term s on balance. O. A. Manning, repairing and dyeing. 168tf Talent, Ore. 161tf MASON CORDS I .»eaves for C alifornia— Automobile liability insurance pro­ In A shland on B usiness— tects the wife and babies. Yeo, of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blair, owners course. 169tf of the Blair granite quarries, were ln the city on business Friday. Lenine is sick; perhaps he is sick of his Job. Mrs. G reenw ood Im proving— Nice Dry Wood’ arso Blox. land Lumber Co., phone 20. LEEDOM’S TIRE HOSPITAL Eat Dinner on R ogue R iver— Vulcanizing and R etread­ ing North Main V isitin g in A shland— Miss May H atfield left on train 53 Miss Elsie D urran, head nurse In ' last evening for Santa Cruz, Califor- the hospital at Weed, Calif., Is the nia, where she will spend the s u m -|guest for a few days of Mrs. Claire mer. Minard. We believe we are offer­ ing our trade a tire that is unapproachable for hard service and de­ pendability — and the price — as low as any standard make. All this is backed up by the Mason Unlimited Guarantee and our own service, both of them the best ever. Let’s get together« «« HEODORA M otored to Gold H ill— ity, service and value are all important to us and therefore we sell J. L. B arnthouse and family drove to Rogue River Sunday and ate their dinner on the banks of the river. They report that everything is looking fine all along the river. K. Nelson makes suits to order. Hotel Ashland Block. 168tf St. R eturns from Convention— J. S. Jordan returned Sunday morning from the electrical dealers’ convention at Eugene, which was in session the la tte r part of last week. El catarrh 1, . o f bead or by tbs vapora of— benefited by visas O w IP MNtonJon U m 4 Yearfc also the custom of the middle ages to place the husband’» shoe on the head of the nuptial eouch in token of his domination. Best Radiator Paint. Largo radiators ln rooms of the home do not present a very attractive appearance unless they are properly decorated. For this purpose a paint should be used which will harmonize with the wall colorings, and one of the best palnti obtainable for this pur­ pose Is the ordinary sanitary, flat wall paint that Is used upon walls. It has been found that these paints dry with a flat surface having a high heut trans­ mission factor. For heating efficiency as well as for decoration, these paints are therefore to be recommended. Reasonable Statement. Mrs. J. L. Greenwood, who has . The creator of strange new beauty been seriously ill with the influenza. has a right to demand so much (at­ Is able to be up and around once tention) from anybody who under­ more. takes to pronounce judgment. Is It too much to ask 7 I don’t Imagine, for The Tea Cup club of the Methodist example, that my own flair for strange church will meet with Mrs. Hodkin- new beauty Is special and extraordi­ son on Church street Tuesday atfer- nary, a thing that could not be culti­ noon, instead of with Mrs. J. H. F u l­ vated by any lover of old familiar beauty who honestly desires to culti­ ler as form erly announced. vate It. For beauty Is ageless, eternal and one, recognizable under all dif­ S u fferin g w ith I n f lu e n z a - ferences of form.—Baltimore Ameri­ Ben L. Delsman, of the Ashland can. Lum ber company is confined to his home with an attack of influenza. Makes His Coats Last. Frank S. Stone of Westboro, Mass., \ Is I tors from Medford — - says the Boston Globe, has worn the Miss Fay Slinger, chief operator a t j same overcoat for 85 winters, and he the telephone toll office at M edford,' “«J8 14 la K°od for ten more. For bit- in company with the two Miss Far- • ter cold be baa a heavier coat which lows, also of Medford, were In Ash- i*,as been in sf r,Vlc^ ior only 20 year8 Stone says styles travel ln a circle, land Saturday visiting. returning on the average every five years, his 35-y ear-old coat having been B utler’s individual five-cent Vic­ In the height of fashion seven times torias— ask for them. Plaza Confec­ tionery. ‘Build with the Birds.’ TOM ORROW hereby notified to present the same, j duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at 335 Terrace St., Ashland, Oregon, or 405 Stock Ex­ change Building, Portland, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published April 3. 1922; PRICES: Last publication, May 1, 1922. LEO V. ENGLISH, A dm inistrator. Sardou’s Immortal Drama Adults 55c; Children 25c; including war tax W E RECOM M END CHERRO FLOUR Because of the Quality and Scientific Blending of Hard Wheats. This Flour IS strictly an Oregon product, and particular housewives will find it a credit to their table. This Flour is guaranteed to please in taste, texture and making bread. One sack will convince you of its quality, and the more you use, the more you will like it. The present retail price is $2.85 for a 49 pound sack. Plummer’s Grocery Holmes* Grocery Ideal Grocery Wolcott’s Grocery Pellett’s Store Talent, Oregon