t , PAGE r o t « ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Saturday, April 1, 1923 For sale, 9(4 acres-, good house, The best borne made candies can in the church. A large attendence is ’ OF THE OWNER­ barn, garage, chicken house, smoke be had a t Rose Brothers. 3. That the known bondhold- 152tf i requested and reports from all de-| STATEMENT SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIR­ per Cent or more of total amount i house, electric lights, one mile from I 4 ; CULATION, ETC., REQUIRED partm ents of the church ers, mortgagees, and other secur­ town, good roads. $500 down, good Local and Personal Sewing machine for your spring BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS ity holders owning or holding 1 Charles A. Edwards, Pastor. OF AUGUST a t , 1012. | term s on balance. O. A. Manning, sewing— Buy a sewing machine for of bonds, mortgages, or other se­ --------------------------- S id e L ig h ts --------------------------- Of ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS, Talent, Ore. 161tf less than It cost to rent one. From curities are: None. Church of th e Nazarene published daily, at Ashland, Ore­ 4. That the two paragraphs $3.50 up. Large assortm ent to se- gon, for April 1st, 1922. • (Corner of 4:h and C Sts. ) next above, giving the names of Enjoy th a t feeling of satisfaction' Del Monte B artlett pears, 10 cents Dance Gold Hill April 1. 177-3 lect from The Bazaar, on the Plaza. State of Oregon, County of Ja tk A the owners, stockholders, and se­ Services for Sunday, April 2nd. derived from wearing P aulserud’s Per can a t D etrick’s Groceteria. "We son— ss : curity holders, if any, contain not 179-1 Sunday school, 9:45 a. m., Thorn sult8- 171-tf sell for less." 175tf Calls on Mrs. P eebler and Baby — Before me, a Notary Public in only the list of stockholders and ton S. Wiley, supt. and for the State and county security holders as they appear ' ---------- The Mesdames Crouch, Stevenson, aforesaid, personally appeared Preaching service 11 a. m. upon the books of the company, AT THE CHURCHES Sii|.eiintendent Passes Through— K. Nelson does cleaning, pressing, Eastm an and Swenson called on Mrs. Geòrgie Coffee, who, having been but also, in cases where the stock­ The Smith family of Stockton,! J. W. Fi.zgerald, superintendent repairing and dyeing. 168tf Jack Peebler and baby girl. Margery duly sworn, according to law, de­ holder or security holder appears Calif., will begin revival services (Continued from Page 1) of the Shasta division of the South- ' ------— ¡Lucille Peebler Thursday afternoon poses and says that she is the upon the books of the company with us Sunday evening 7:30 p. m. | Business Manager of the Ashland era Pacific, passed through the city Dinner Guests at W right Home— of this week. as trustee or in any other fidu­ F irst Church o f Christ The Smith family are all talented Tidings, and that the following ciary relation, the name of the Wednesday evening in his private Mrs. Josephine Cha. .pie and Rev.; --------- - (Pioneer Avenue South) is, to the best of her knowledge person or corporation for whom musicians and singers. Brother car attached to train 16. and Mrs. Hiram Smith were dinner Dew Drop Inn— for lnnchei. Sunday services at 11 o'clock, sub-¡Sm ith preaches the old time gospel such trustee is acting, is given; and belief, a true statem ent of the , guests a t the yVright home on Moun­ also that the said two paragraphs ject of lesson, "U nreality." You wi„ enjoy the music and the ownership, management, etc., of Cliff Payne makes hat raeks. tain avenue Thursday. contain statem ents embracing af­ Something new in life insurance. -he afore said publication for the Sunday school at 10 o’clock. sl„ ging. Come and hear them Meet. fian t’s full knowledge and belief iate show’n in the above caption, Yeo, of course. 169tf e nesday evening meetings at ings every evening at 7:30 p.m. You required by the Act of August 24. as to the circum stances and con­ Chocolate coated peanuts, wal-i Fresh Alaska King salmon, fresh o clock, reading room open daily are cordially invited to attend these ditions under which stockholders 1912, embodied in section 443, nuts and cocoanut. Plaza Confec-1 halIbut* linS c<)d- rock cod, perch, A real treat is in store for Ashland from 2 u„ t 1 5 n m core end security holders who do not Postal Laws and Regulations, , rr. , 1 irom i until 5 p. m. except Sundays services tionery. * 178tf fresb oysrers and shrimp. Ashland people on Tuesday evening, April 4 ,!and holidays. appear upon the books of the com­ printedi on the reverse of this J. E. McShane, Pastor. ‘ Fish Market. pany as trustees, hold stock and form, to-wit: 176tf when Mr. Waldo Davis will play h is 1 _____ securities in a capacity other than 1. That the names and ad S till on Sick List— , triple-toned, golden chimes at the, th a t of a bona fide owner; and dresses of the publisher, editor, Look! Lawn mowers sharpened; Baptist church. Mr. Davis appeared' E PL^ al STRIKING M INERS CELEBRATE Miss Helen Dunn, little daughter this affiant has no reason to be­ managing editor, and business unday school, Dr. G. W. | EIGHT-HOUR AN N IV ER SA R Y of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dunn, who has I satisfaction guaranteed. Fixit Shop. professionally at the following ex- n lieve th a t any other person, as­ m anagers are: 17 4tf positions: Omaha, 1899; St. Louis, • SEATTLE, April 1.— Celebrations sociation or corporation has any has been on the sick list for the past Publisher— The Ashland P rin t­ interest, direct or indirect iu the two or three weeks is not able to be 1904; Portland, 1905; Seattle, 1909; . 11:00 a. m., morning service, sub- in honor of the twenty fourth a n n i-, ing Company, Inc., Ashland, Ore­ said stock, bonds, or other secur­ gon. Chas. W inne Taken to Hospital — ject, "The Day of O pportunity." ! versary of the eight hour day, as I out yet. San Francisco, 1915. He has play­ ities than as so stated by him. E ditor— E. J. B arrett, Ashland, 6.15 p. m., Epw orth League, Ira secured by the miners in 1898 are _______ Charles W. Winne was taken to ed in 28 states of the union, and 5. That the average num ber or Oregon. Jazzy, peppy dance. Gold Hill Sat. [the Southern Pacific hospital at San his chimes are the most elaborately C. Wilson, president. ! being held in all the mining towns copies of each issue of this publi­ Managing E ditor— E. J. B ar­ --------- . j Francisco on train 53 Thursday ev- constructed instrum ent of the kind 7.30 p. m., evening service, sub- ■ of western W ashington, cation sold or distributed, through rett,, Ashland, Oregon. the mails or otherwise, to paid I ___________________ If you have any w iring or electrl-j eninS- Business Manager— Geòrgie Cof­ on the concert stage today. The ject, “ The Day L ost.” subscribers during the six months fee, Ashland, Oregon. On Monday evening at 7:30 the If wishes were autos, beggars cal repair work, phone W. L. Sams, Civic Club is the local m anagem ent preceding the date shown above 2. That the owners are: Automobile liability insurance pro­ 298-Y. Contracting' a specialty. is 1731. GEORGIE COFFEE, for Mr. Davis, who is m aking a 2nd quarterly conference will be held would run over everybody. The Ashland P rinting Com­ tects the wife and babies. Yeo, of 161tf Business Manager. pany. Ashland, Oregon. generous donation to the club house i course. 169tf Sworn to and subscribed be­ Geòrgie Coffee, Ashland, Ore­ ! fund, his entertainm ent being on a fore me this 30th day of March, Visits Friends— gon. 1922. G. F. BILLINGS. Nice Dry Wood! also BIox. Ash- 50-50 basis. The Baptist church is i Miss Doretha Abraham was visit­ Lillian H. Greer, Ashland, Ore­ alsct making a donation to the club! Notary Public. 92tf gon. ing friends in the east part of the land Lumber Co., phone 20. (My commission expires May- house fund in its courteous offer ofj E. J. B arrett, Ashland, Oregon. city last Sunday. 1, 1924.) the church auditorium Tuesday eve-! Hotel Ashland Guest« The famous Victor 10 inch record The fol,owing parties are regis- ning. Tickets are 50c and 25c for has been reduced from 85 cents t o ; tere^ at tbe Ashland: Mr. and children. Any child who sells ten 75 cents. Three thousand to select ) ^Irs' W’ M- Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. tickets will be given one ticket free. 179-1 from at Rose Brothers. 152tf Charles Holland, B. D. W estfield, ---------- S. J. Grimes, C. W. Fullerton, Port- Kingsbury Springs Club House, land: J - A- Smith, Ashland; E. A. In G rants Pass Last E v e n in g - ME NIT THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL Carl Loveland and his orchestra Saturday night, April 1. Leedom’s E stes. Glendale, Calif.; H. R. Kelley, SUNDAY, A PR IL 2nd Orchestra. 172-8 ¡Providence, R. I.; L. G. Roberts, went to G rants Pass last evening to 1 1 :3 0 to 8 : 0 0 p. m. Laramie, Wyo., and Mr. and Mrs. play at a dance. RELISH Branner, Tracy, Minn. V isits Neap Talent— Head Lettuce ' Radishes Columbia records redaced to 65e J. V. W right and family visited the Dill pickles Young Onions 162tf K. Nelson makes suits to order. at Rose Brothers. Estes family near Talent last Sun­ SOUP Hotel Ashland Block. 168tf day. Chicken Consomme and Rice To M ake Trip to G le n d a l e - FISH William C. Brown and Bud Storm, Miss Jennie Christensen, of Al­ Salmon Steak, Drawn B utter I have a few amali ranches for of the East Side Meat M arket, will sale, 2 acres, 6 acres, 8 acres, 10 bany, Ore., will speak at the New ENTREES leave this evening for Glendale, Ore­ Fricasse of Chicken, Egg Dumplings acres, and up. Let me show them. Thought Temple on Sunday evening, gon, where they will tran sact some O. A. Manning, Talent, Ore. 161tf April 2, at 7:45 o’clock. Her sub­ ROAST business. They will not retu rn until ject will be “ Man’s Duty to Walk Prim e Ribs of Beef Sunday evening and expect to bring A tten d s C ourt— Leg of Veal and Dressing and Talk with God.” Mrs. C hristen­ back a good catch of fish with them. Creamed Corn Mashed Potatoes C. W. Fraley, of Mountain avenue, sen is well-known in Ashland be­ Pie or Pudding was among the jurors who attended cause of her many dem onstrations of Del Monte Green Gage Plum s, 10 court in Jacksonville last week. divine healing. cents per can. “Less than the cans cost.” D etrick’s Groceteria. 175tf Snyder’s orchestra. Gold Hill, Sat­ P asses Through City— urday night. 177-3 G. W. Boschke, chief engineer of the Southern Pacific, passed through W ill R eturn W ith D au ghter— Mrs. C. B. Haney, who went to B u sin ess V isitors — the city W ednesday evening in his eastern Oregon recently to visit her Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Denton, former private car attached to train 16. _______ ‘ daughter who was ill, w rites th at residents of Ashland, who now live Hot Tamales at Plaza Confection-' sbe found the daughter improving in at Eagle Point, were business visit­ ery today. ! health and states th a t she expects ors in Ashland this week. ‘ to bring the daughter with her when Biggest dance of the season. Gold she re tu m s to Ashland. The Civic Club is most fortunate 177-3 J „ , , ---------- in securing Mrs. K athryn M. Um- Hill. ______ . If it s economy and service, call phlette as reader at the entertain ­ o f th e Always a big crowd at Gold H ill.!w - H- Sams for all electrical work. ment to be given Tuesday evening at ---------- j Phone298-Y. 162tf the Baptist church. Mrs. Umphlette Make A pplication to E n ter Home— ; ----------- will read the “ Rev. Mingo Millen- W ith S tro n g A ll-S ta r C ast Levi Stewart, form er resident here Visits in City— gum 's O rdination," and “ The Owl Mrs. A. E. Clark, of Roseburg, a Critic." Mrs. John Shortridge will and member of the local Masonic Rased on George M. Cohan’s Famous Comedy Success lodge, is an applicant for admission form er Ashland resident, was in the also give her services for the bene-i* _ t h o n ii.k h c ? ,i and . sing . R ° tbe Masonic home at Forest Grove city for a few days during the past BO B M ID D L E T O N n f i t t o of f the club house fund, I F L A U G H S W E R E D O L L A R S T H IS He is a Civil w ar prisoner, nearly week. While here she was a dinner several of her popular songs. Don’t P IC T U R E W O U L D R E W O R T H M IL L IO N S 90 years of age, and has been living guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. B utter­ miss this combination of local tai with his son John at Multnomah, a field one evening. ent and the unusual program by Mr. -—also— suburban station on the Southern Davis in his triple-toned, golden Pacific near Portland. C om edy “ T O R C H Y ’S F R A M E U P ” a n d “ R E V IE W Everything for the picnic, lunch or chimes. party. D etrick’s. Grocdteria. “ The J u s t u n p a c k e d a n ew sh ip m e n t c o n ta in in g a la rg e Red Sticks— the new 5 cent pack­ Home of Good E ats.” TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. 175tf age of matches. A sure lighter. Det­ L E A V IN G T O N IG H T FOR SALE— “ W hite” cabinet sew­ rick’s Groceteria. 175tf a s s o rtm e n t o f Salads, doughnuts, cream puffs, ing machine with motor. Apt. 7, Shook A partm ent. 179-2* cold meats, pies, cakes, candies, at E aster suits at P aulserud’s. Or­ the Home Bakery and R estaurant, UNION ROOMING HOUSE, 160 4th der now. Popular Novel, Featuring 155tf 69 North Main St. 175tf St. Ashland News in Paragraphs t 9 Let the Welda Cafe do the Worrying for Your Sunday Dinner G O M E I » 7 €3- 75c Nexl Tues. - Wed. - Tliurs. April 4 -5 -6 Sunday N e w L ocation Monday “GET-RICH-QUICK WALLINGFORD” Elkhorn Gun Club 381 East Main Street " M IS S L U L U B E T T ” F ish in g T ack le HEA°: FIRST CLASS Laundry work at 52 Roco St. . 179-6 ; FOR SALE OR TRADE— M ountain1 hack. Jackson Gyger, Neil Creek 179-6* WANTED— Lady Main St. cook, 69 M igratory B irds P a ssin g — COLDS A great num ber of Cedar Wax-! M elt in spoon; inhale vapors; wing, a bird th a t m igrates to the apply freely up nostrils. VISI« North 179-1 country fu rth er north during the I summer, have been observed in the city during the past week. - The old - fashioned housekeeper who had her washing on the line by 9 A. M. was a miracle in her neigh­ borhood— But today, hundreds of women— right in this city— have a whole . week's washing entirely out of the w ay by 9 o’clock. They simply gather up everything th at needs washing and turn it over to our representative. Promptly, al­ ways on the same day, their clothes come back, beautifully clean and fresh— finished just as they like. Try t h ’s better way— you'll find it a big relief to have no wash­ woman to pick up after; no w aiting; no worry. Phone us, and we’ll gladly explain all the details. Ashland Laundry Co. PH ONE 164 B U S T E R See m y S p e c ia l-M a d e S te e lh e a d R o d s K E A T O N The Real Comedian Over 17 Million Jan UteJ Yeorfr Don’t forget Gold Hill dance, Sat. ^•^•““R e v iv a l Meetings and a week’s washing out of the way H IG H E S T Q U A LITY — L O W E ST P R IC E S L o is W ilso n , M ilto n S ills, T h e o d o re R o b e rts —a n d — •** - , J1 - i ' JF T jS p a ■< " -«d *• ■ PAGE- medford W - Z ’ --•< ■ • A- M O N D A Y N IG H T A PR IL 3R D — 8 : 3 0 Curtain -gi.Utt Dtittae alabea Xngueamaet ln th« W n t in Several Yw Foremost Actreea. i et Ameriea’s CHARLES FROHMAJt Ethel Ì Barrtfmore Strike Is On TODAY k the play to which. her I rum ph httbeet without puallel in the history of the America» statfe *DECUiSS£E~ r o e AK.IN5 The Sm ith F am ily, o f Stockton, C alif., a ll o f them m u sicians and sin gers, w ill begin a revival m eetin g at th e N azaren e Church Sunday evening, A pril 2nd. M eetings every even in g a t 7 :3 0 P . M. Come and h ear them . 1 HOW TO SECURE TICKETS BY MAIL NOW7 Orders w ill be fille d in order o f th eir receipt and filled before the regular box o ffic e s a le opens, F rid ay, March 3 1 st, a t 12 o ’clock. A ddress letter s, m ake checks, p o sto ffice m oney orders payable to P a g e Theater, M edford. Inclu de selfi-