PAGE tW ö ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Saturday, April I. lfcfti Ashland Tidings' Established 1876 Every Evening Except j §unday THE ASHLAND PRINTING GO. One cent the word each time. WANTED. PHYSICIANS. WANTED— W ashing to do at home. Safety blades resharpened Praotice Mrs, L. R ing. Phone 403-J. 177-5* ° ifim uK? EST A 1 like new. Single bit, 30c Umlted to eye, ear, noseband th r°at- Office hours, 10 to 12 and i doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz WANTED— F at hens. Box 12, Tal- J t n d . 6O re Swed* ^ - g Bldg., £ h - ent, O r e g o n . ______ 152-1 m0* ■ Ë. J. BARRETT, Editor OHIfi VIRGINIA CAFE (A / ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising BiDf O insertion, each in ch ............30c YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising One tim e a w eek........................27 Two times a week.........................25 c Eveiy other d a y ........................... 20 c Local Readers Each line, each tim e .................... 10c To run every other <3hy for one month, each line, each tim e. . 7c To run every issue for one month or more, each line, each t im e .. 5c Classified Column One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, %c the word each time. Legal Rate F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c Each subsequent time, per 8- polnt line .................................... 6c Card of t h a n k s ............................ $1.00 O bituaries, the l i n e ......................2 ^ c F ratern al Orders and Societies Advertising for fratern al orders (Copyright) o r societies charging a regular initi­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious and benevolent orders will ‘be fusion of bunk, in the main, is di other than resideifts of the reserva­ charged the regular rate for all ad rectly chargeable to them .— The Na­ tion have been infringing upon their vertislng when an admission or other tion's Business. charge Is made. rights, some even to the extent of making a business of catching and What Constitutes Advertising 8OLOMONITES selling fish. In order to allay a m isunderstand­ This is April Fool Day. Federal law provides a fine of ing among some as to what consti­ • * tutes news and what advertising, 8500 for non-residents convicted of Clean up, the tourists are coming! hunting or fishing on the reserva­ we print this very simple rule, which « * Is used by newspapers to differenti­ tion. ate between th e m : "ALL future A man may be down, but he’s events, where aa admission charge JURY DISAGREES IN TRIAL Is made or a collection is taken IS never out. * • ADVERTISING.” This applies to OF EX-POSTMASTER FOX organizations and societies of every “ Do It now !” is particularly appli­ kind as well as to individuals. cable In the clean-up campaign In SACRAMENTO, April 1,— The fed­ All reports of such activities after Ashland. eral court jury, which tried the case they have occurred is news. ♦ * All coming social or organization of William E, Fox, form er postmas­ m eetings of societies where no If you really wish to know your­ te r of Dorris, Siskiyou county, money contribution is solicited, initi­ self, look up the scale of being, and charged with embezzlement, last ev­ ation charged, or collecton taken IS not down. ening, failed to agree and was dis­ NEWS. * * charged. The jury stood eight for Entered a t the Ashland, Oregon, You can always make friends by conviction and four for acquittal. Postoffice as Second-class Mall Mat­ being honest; you can hold them by Fox Is to be retried at a date th a t ter. being steadfast. has not been set. * • The prosecution charged that, Fox ç 5 uwieb P layûbûui Community “ m ake-up” can stand had accepted $365 from persons who of / merica I liberal application. I t’s different Intended to place the money in the I when the location Is a woman’s face. Postal savings bank, w hereas the • * Dorris post office was not au th o r­ It is well to rem em ber th at life is ized to accept such deposits. I a campaign, and generally long- Fox claimed, however, th a t the | drawn out. Looking at it as a one- money had been loaned to him and ¡' day battle will never get you any- th a t he had given notes to the peo­ WASHINGTON & | where but In the “also ra n ” column. ple who loaned him the money. ^BRITISH COLUMBIA- • « . -RI6HT, COOL DAYS L , L et’s get out of the suburban class WOMEN TRIED BY WOMEN [A RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. | and put it over Medford to the ex­ IN THIS KENTUCKY COURT tent th at we have the real attracions W ICK LIFFE, Ky., April 1.— THE NEW EDITOR for tourists, with our sister city in j Unique in annals of court procedure, It is no faltering or inexperienced the role of a suburb of Ashland, the Judge Morris gave up his bench to hand with which the new editor has “Gateway of Oregon.” a woman, the jury was composed ex­ gripped the helm of the Tidings and clusively of women, and the litigants undertaken to keep it clear of the INDIANS WOULD BAR were women, in a case tried in the SPORTSMEN FROM FISHING county court here yesterday. rocks and reefs of animosity, petty jealousies and dlsgruntlem ent— ever Mrs. Delia Blankenship caused the KLAMATH FALLS, Or., April 1. a rrest of Mrs. Olie .Winters, on a 1? ing hidden in the course of news­ paper achievement. — Tom, Dick and H arry of K lam ath 1 charge of disturbing the peace. Both A newspaper should be a tru e re­ Falls and elsewhere will not be per­ sides agreed th at a jury of six wom­ flex of the community. m itted to hunt and fish on the en try the case, and Judge Morris, That is the beginning and end of K lam ath Indian reservation here-^ presiding, stepped from the bench the policy of the Tidings, as it should after if a resolution adopted at a and appointed his clerk, Mrs. Lon­ be of every newspaper in the land. m eeting of the trib al council Is acted nie Rollins, to act as judge. The; It is always a m an’s-sized job. made upon by W alter G. West, Reserva­ jury returned a verdict of guilty and i particularly so in this instance, by tion Superintendent. “ Judge" Rollins fined Mrs. W inters The Indians claim th at persons 810 and costs. the mental calibre of the present edi­ to r’s predecessor, Mr. Bert Greer. To m easure up to th a t standard of ability and journalistic achievement is no light task, but it is undertaken with a thorough comprehension of the responsibilities involved and a determ ination to “ play the game square,’’ having in view a single pur­ of Best Makes and Latest Designs at pose— the advancement of Ashland. Exceptionally Low Prices A bigger and a better Ashland, means a bigger and b etter newspa­ All the latest magazines. Daily papers, Portland and per. The two are synonymous, but San Francisco. neither can be achieved w ithout the VOOAN’S CANDIES w hole-hearted, enthusiastic support of the public. To the policy of de­ Everything new and up-to-date servedly winning both, the Tidings NEW SPORTING GOODS STORE stands pledged. Fishing Tackle, Rods and Reels IN WHICH CLASS There are three kinds of public thinkers in America. They are: (a) Those who know the facts and can soundly reason them out to a rational conclusion. In num ber (maximum estim ate) they are about 3 per cent of the aggregate. (b) Those who do not know the facts and (having neither industry nor ability) never can learn them; or, who, by accident, should they get the facts, could not, because of feebleness, deal with them sensibly. This class numbers, say, 45 per cent of the aggregate. (c) Those who maliciously distort the facts, or concoct what they terra the facts, and are always thinking of themselves (in their scramble for subscribers, votes and publicity) and never of the tru th or the United States. They num ber, at least, 52 per cent of the aggregate. The dlf- B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L Children’s Work A Specialty OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 Subscription Price Delivered in City: One m onth .................................. $ .65 I Three m o n t h s ............................... 1.95 i Six months .................................... 3.751 On« year ...................................... 7.60i Mail and Rural Routes One month .................................. $ .65 j Three months ............................... 1.95 j Six months .................................... 3.50 One year ...................................... 6.5tj W. A. SHELL BARBER April 1st Published NININGER & WARNER Frittered Away, That’s All I THAT’S WHAT HAPPENS TO MOST OF THE CHANGE YOU GET BACK WHEN YOU PAY BILLS IN CASH. WANTED— Second hand Ford car. Best price in first letter. Address _B ox_2S ,” care of Tidings. 174-6* POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS EMMENS— Physician and Surgoon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses ••iPPHed. Oculist and aurlst for Offices, M. F. and H Bldg., Medford. Ore. Phone 567 FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— B- SHAVV\-SPecTaT I ? ! Thos. H. Simpson, of Ashland, au- tention to m others and children. ; thorizes his announcem ent as a can- Internal secretions and endocrine | didate for the nomination for the glands. Res. and office, 108 Pio­ THE BEST OF EATING office of County Commissioner of neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m ; 2 to i Jackson County, subject to the de­ EVERYTHING HOME-COOKED p. m. cision of the Republican voters of said county, at the prim ary election, DR. SHAW— Eye, ear, nose, throat May 19th, 1922. specialist; glasses fitted. Office at residence. Pioneer Ave., morn- FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER — George Alford, of Phoenix, an­ _»ng_ and by appointment. P hon» 28. nounces himself as a candidate on CHIROPRACTORS. the Republican ticket, for County Commissioner of Jackson County, D* INGERS° L L hawlky Oregon, subject to the decision of the — Visiting Chiropractic Physician. Republican voters of said county, at Neuritis cases a specialty. Phone the prim ary election, May 19th, 1922.1 36<-J. Treatm ent given only in your own home, INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. — Makes an old straw hat look PLUMBING new. (Effective January 1, 1922) H. R. ADAMS— Plumbing, Contract­ Dally (Except Sunday) LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND1 ing and day work. 24S Fifth St — If your new hat fades prem a­ 7:00 a. m. lOOtf 7:00 a. m.| phone 166-J. 8:00 a. m. turely, one coat will restore it. 8:00 a. m. j PHONE your next Job of plumbing 9:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. j to Jerry O’Neal, 207 East Main. 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. ' Phone 1 3 8 ._______ — Also suitable for coloring wood, 11:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m .' leat her, wickerware, etc. 12:00 noon 12:00 noon TRANSFER AND EXPRESS^ 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. FOR prompt and careful service, 1« COLORS 3:00 p. m. auto trucks or horse drays, call 3:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. W hittle Transfer Co. Phone l l ) . 4:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel 5:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. Ashland._______ 66tf 6:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 8:30 p. ni. Sat. only 8:30 p. m. T-¿^P O W E L L — GENERAL TRANS- FER — Good team and motor­ 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. trucks. Good service at a reason­ 16:30 p. m. Sat. only 10:30 p. m. THE BOTTLE a b le p ric e . P h o n e 83. Sunday Schedule Leave Medford for Ashland and CAR WASHING Ashland for Medford every hour on the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; FIRST CLASS CAR WASHING and then 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. polishing. 82.50. Lithla Garage Ashland waiting room— East Side Phone 114, 113tf The ''S to ri Pharmacy. iXJR RENT. MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE Dally (Except Sunday) LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG FOR RENT— House of 4 rooms, fu r­ nished or unfurnished. Inquire 10:00 a. m. l :00 p. m. 115 Church St. 178tf Travel by stage; shortest route by 20 miles; one of Oregon’s most scenic trips; we save you time and FOR RENT— F ruit and garden lot. 109 G ranite street. 177-3* money. F a re —M edford-Roseburg, $4.OO; FOR RENT— About one acre good Grants-Pasa-Roeeburg, $3.00. garden ground. Call at 167 Moun­ MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS tain avenue. 177tf Daily and Sunday LV. MEDFORD LV. G’T’S PASS FOR RENT— Furnished housekeep­ 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m ing rooms, suitable for couple; 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. in adults only. Phone 348-L. 614 4:30 p. m. 4:45 p. m Boulevard. 174-6* G rants Pass waiting room— The FOR RENT— Furnished apartm ent. Bonbonniere, phone 160. Inquire Mrs. Henry Provost, above Office and waiting room— No. 5 Citizens Bank, ____________ 174if S. F r o n t 9 t.. N ash H otel b u ild in g ---------1---- -- ■ = B t = W TESTED FOR SALK. 29 First St. ELKAY’S Straw Hat Dye ‘Build with the Birds.” Guns Repaired FISHING RODS WRAPPED Barrels and Parte Supplied and Fitted for Any Make of Gun R. Middleton 81 OAK STREET McNair Bros« SEED S TESTED Priced Right io n can depend upon seeds yon buy from us. They are pure, strong and true to name Buy your seeds at home from M onarch Seed and F eed C o. 317 E. Main MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 260 “ The Fanner’s Service Station” Another Car Look! Look! 6 room plastered house, bath, pantry, electric lights, best of plumbing, good range, linoleum on kitchen floor, 12)4 lots, 2 small barns, chicken house, bear­ ing fruit trees and vines, street paved, cement side walk, lots of shade, location 925 B. st. 7-rooin house at 355 Almond st, best of plumbing, cement side walk, retaining wall and steps, large lot, some fruit trees The best built home in the city of 8-rooms, select lum ber was used in this house, rock founda­ tion,, two toilets, 1 bath, large barn and shop, also chicken house, 3% acres of land, choice bearing fru it and some alfalfa, 575 Liber­ ty st. See these bargains and subm it offer. Terms given. MRS. S. L. ALLEN OFFICE, NORTH MAIN ST. ALBERS FEEDS Poultry - Stock - Dairy FOR SALE— Fine building lots, 20 to select from. Beautiful view. Only $250 each. 154 B St. 178-3 FOR SALE— Small well-established milk route fully equipped. Terms if desired. 63 California St., Ash­ land, Ore. 177-3* FOR SALE— Twenty head of good milk cows; one recently fresh giv­ ing 35 pounds of milk per day. T. W. Bailey, Talent. 174-12* FOR SALE— Fully equipped dairy. Inquire Beaver Realty Co. 173tf FOR SALE— Hatching eggs. White Mlnorcas, Pekin ducks, drake from prize winning birds. 922 Boule­ vard. Phone 457-R. 163-lmo* FOR SALE— Good milk cow. J. E. Ramsey at E. N. Butler ranch. 176-6* FOR SALE— Progressive Everbear­ ing straw berry plants, $1 plus de­ livery charges. F. H. Dressier. Medford. * 176-7* C. B. L A M K I N BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE City and Ranch Properties Houses to Rent EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE SAVED MAY BE SWEPT AWAY IN AN HOUR BY AN CITIZEN’S RANK BUILDING AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT THAT INJURES Bought Right and Priced Right ONE OR MORE PERSONS W e Buy and Sell Egg M aker Scratch Feed Chick Feed Chick Mash Chick Developer Oyster Shell Charcoal and Grit D airy Feeds Molas-O-Screenings Molas-O-Meal M ilk Flo Soya Bean Meal Cocoanul Meal Call Meal Real Estate FIRH INSURANCE INVESTMENTS You can protect you rself from losses of tills kind, as w ell ao from loss by fire. It is better to be sa fe than sorry. Insure today w ifh the STAPLES REALTY AGENCY Hotel Ashland Building Ashland, Oregon Phone 2d Hittings Ageney REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE Established 1883 Phone 211 41 E. Main St. WHY PAY IN CASH? OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT While AND PAY BY CHECK. WRITE EACH CHECK FOR THE ACTUAL AMOUNT YOU WISH TO PAY. THERE We deliver Wednesdays and Saturdays IS NO WAITING FOR CHANGE OR A RECEIPT. The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregon Ashland Fruit and Produce Association in Portland recently HAVE HOPE OF ENDING I bought KLAMATH FALLS STRIKE! BARGAIN COUNTER GOODS such as extra wagon wheels KLAMATH FALLS. April 1.— In ­ reaches, leadbars, singletrees, plow beams and handles, a t dications are “ hopeful” for an early prices prevailing before the war. settlem ent of the lumber w orkers’ Come in early while they last. j strike here. Fencing, harness and Imple­ This is according to Otto H art­ ments st reduced prices. New and second hand tewing wig and J. K. Flynn, members of the machines. state board of conciliation. They said it might be a day or Peil's Corner two before a definite statem ent could be issued.