» PAGE TU Ö *0 rifa A shland D aily «h tidings Friday, March 31, ÍIMfc« spicable as a woman beater, and In- teeth w ithout pain or inconvenience. escaped with over $22,000 of the in bills was found sewed into the variably It arouses the worst pas- Man's come through months of cruel bank’s funds. lining of his cap. k . m k Es^ bllflhed 1876 'sions ever lying dorm ant in the hu- torture, at a time when he is least The man was arrested by the sher-j He answered the description of PnbUshed Every Evening Except; . . Sunday maQ brea9t’ able to bear it. As soon as he gets I iff of Placer county on a m inor Rees closely, but the cashier decided THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Beating a woman is a horrible them they m ust be pulled out again, j charge and on being searched $500 he was not one of the bandits. — — — ———- — - 2 . . T ' T urk-1 '-'TTT* — crim e’. Any man who strikes a wom- The second set will answ er for a OFFICLAL CITY AND COL N i k , . , . PAPER an is a brute, and perhaps deserves while, but he will never get a set I TELEPHONE 39 to be treated as such. There Is no th a t can be depended on till the dent­ _--------------------------------------- ----------- j sympathy here for those who beat ist makes one. E. J. BARRETT, Editor women and were themselves beaten. “ Man starts in as a child and lives But how about the rest of the com­ on diseases to the end, as a regular Subscription P rice D elivered in City: One month .................................. $ .65 munity. The beating is reported in diet. He has mumps, measles, scar- THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL T hiee m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 the newspapers. People read of it. let fever, whooping cough, croup. Six months .................................. 3.76 Children hear of it. Those concerned tonsil!;is, diptheria, as a m atter of One year .................................... 7-50 in the punishm ent, both victim and course. Mail and R ural R ou tes "A fterw ard, as he goes along, his One month .................................. $ .65 wielder of the whip, talk about it. Three months .............................. 1.95 An “eye for an eye” ? Doubtless; b u t’life continues to be threatened at Six m onths ...................................... 3.50 there was One who came with a new every tu rn by colds, coughs, asthm a, One year .................................... 6.61 law, and civilization has rested upon bronchitis, quinsy, consumption, yel­ ADVERTISING RATES it, and it is not, most emphatically low fever, blindness, influenza, car- Display Advertising not, to be brutal to brutes! bunckles, pneumonia, softening of Bin. te Insertion, each in ch ........... 30c Beating a woman beater is doubt­ the brain, and a thousand other m al­ YEARLY CONTRACTS less salutary to the beaten. But it is adies of one sort and another. Display Advertising One time a w eek.......................2 7 %c deadly to the community. In this “ He’s just a basketful of pestilent Two times a week...................... 25 year of grace 1922 we should be able corruption, provided for the support Eve: y other d a y .........................20 to find more human corrective mea­ and entertainm ent of microbes, j Local Readers Each line, each tim e .................... 10c sures; find something else to do for Look at the w orkmanship of lym i n 1 brutes than brutalizing ourselves by some particulars. To run every other dtey for one month, each line, each t i m e .. 7c going back to the middle ages, aye, “ W hat Is his appendix for? It has! To run every issue for one month to the Mosaic law. no value. Its sole interest is to lie! or more, each line, each t im e .. 5c and wait for stray grapeseeds and | Classified Column ..Keep your eyes open! Tomorrow breed trouble. One cent the word each time. To run every Issue for one month will be "April Fool.” “ W hat i< his beard for? l i is just or more, %c the word each time. a nuisance. All nations persecute Legal Rate We are certainly getting the 57 it with a razor. N ature, however, F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c varieties in the w eather line. Each subsequent time, per 8- always keep him supplied with it, point line .................................... 5c instead of putting it on his head. Nothing like scattering sugges­ Card of t h a n k s ............................ $1.00 “A man wants to keep his hair. It O bituaries, the l i n e ......................2% c tions. Some of them may bear fruit., is a graceful ornam ent, a comfort, IVaternjil Orders and S ocieties ---------- • Advertising for fraternal orders Don’t fail to read the m ayor’s the best protection against w eather, o r societies charging a regular initi and he prizes it above em eralds and •tio n fee and dues, no discount. Re­ proclamation on “clean-up day,” ’ and rubies, and half the time N ature puts ligious and benevolent orders will 'be act accordingly. it on so it won’t stay. charged the regular rate for all ad “ Man isn’t even handsome, as vertlsing when an admission or other And while we are talking about charge Is made. compared with the birds; and as for cleaning up, isn’t there some way we style, look at the Bengal tiger— th at What Constitutes Advertising could induce the owners of the prop­ ideal of grace, physical perfection In order to allay a m isunderstand­ erty facing the depot, and which is ing among some as to w hat consti­ and majesty. tu tes news and what advertising, the first sight to greet the eyes of “Think of the lion and the tiger we print this very simple rule, which Ashland visitors, to set a paint brush and the leopard, then think of man Is dsed by newspapers to differenti­ swinging in th a t vicinity? F irst im­ — th a t poor thing! The anim al of a te between them : "ALL future pressions are hard to eradicate. events, where an admission charge the wig, the ear-trum pet, the glass! Is made or a collection is taken IS eye, the porcelain teeth, the wooden Don’t overlook the fact th a t the ADVERTISING." This applies to leg, the silver windpipe— a creature organizations and societies of every men who contem plate investing three THAT’S WHAT HAPPENS TO MOST OF THE CHANGE th at is mended all over from top to kind as well as to individuals. or four hundred thousand dollars in All reports of such activities after Ashland, are to be here about the bottom. YOU GET BACK WHEN YOU PAY BILLS IN CASH. they have occurred is news. ‘‘If he can’t get renewals of his middle of April. The aspect of a All coming social or organization m eetings of societies where no clean town in a physical, as well as brld-a-brac in the next world, what WHY PAY IN CASH? OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT money contribution is solicited, initi­ a moral sense, might prove a determ ­ will he look like? ation charged, or collecton taken IS ining factor. So heed the m ayor’s AND PAY BY CHECK. W RITE EACH CHECK FOR NEWS. WHITE CROSS CIRCLE proclam ation and clean up! THE ACTUAL AMOUNT YOU WISH TO PAY. THERE Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, HOLDS INITIAL MEETING Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ And don't forget the fountains. IS NO WAITING FOR CHANGE OR A RECEIPT. ter. They are among A shland’s best as­ The W hite Cross circle of the Bap­ sets. A small, tasteful sign in front tist church had th eir initial meeting cSuMMEttPLAYGftOUWf of each, showing which is lithia and at the church W ednesday afternoon, which soda, would be one move in and ten ladies of th e church were of A meric ^T the right direction. And another sign present to participate in the m eet­ Ashland, Oregon on the top of the exposition building ing. The purpose of the circle is to in the back of the fountains, letting make bandages for the Baptist hos­ folks know th a t Ashland, the ‘‘gate- pitals in Europe, and the ladies be­ way to Oregon,” is the home of the gan th a t work at the meeting, com­ lithia springs w ouldn’t be a bad idea. pleting thirteen rolls during the af­ That, of course, would necessitate ternoon and found it very interesting IT ’S EASY WASHINGTON J »BRITISH COLUI- th a t the exposition building take on work. It is the hope of those who 1IGMT. COOL L an appearance to justify its name, initiated the work to get all the la­ when you have friends drop in IA RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. I by having something on display th at dies of the church interested in the unexpectedly for dinner, to would give visitors an idea of w hat work in order to accomplish as much GRAND OLD MEN Ashland produces. as possible. serve them plates of nice, hot Dr. Charles W. Eliot, president em eritus of H arvard university, cele- WHAT MARK TW AIN soup made from our cans. NEEDED IMPROVEMENTS biated his eighty-eighth birthday by SAID ABOUT MAN rOMATOij TO BE MADE ON GARAGE Those who know say our tom a­ doing his regular day’s work. Edison, [S O U P cause liis family was “celebrating.” Concerning man, Shakespeare said, to, beef and chicken soups are Mack’s Garage, on North Pioneer Two men, both long past the age “W hat a piece of work is man! How avenue between B and C streets, is 75, confessed somewhat shyly to be­ noble in reason! as good as any made a t home. How infinite in ing a few minutes late for office be- faculties! In form and moving, how being worked over and some much- when most men are useful, continue adm irable! In action, how like an needed improvements are being put in. Some of the floor, which had to live and work and make the world angel! In apprehension, how like been improperly supported and had better. How do they do it? A stag­ a god!” broken through is being repaired, nant pool is one into which no w ater This will serve as a preface to which will protect custom ers from 153EAST MAIN ST. PHONE 59 flows, from which no w ater runs. A Mark Tw ain’s opinion of man. Take possible Injury from the source. The fresh, clear pool is one into which your choice. doors to th e storage room are being w ater runs and from which w ater Mark Twain said: GENERAL DELIVERY SYSTEM SERVICE repaired and will be placed In con­ constantly flows. Edison and Eliot “ Man can’t sleep out-of-doors have minds through which thoughts, w ithout freezing to death or getting dition so th a t there is no danger of ideas, pictures, conceptions constant­ the rheum atism ; he can’t keep his anyone from the outside taking ly flow. To stay young, read, think, nose under w ater over a m inute w ith­ things from cars stored there. In educate your brain. You will never out being drowned. He’s the poor­ addition to this the front of the lie an Edison or an Eliot, probably, est, clum siest excuse of all the crea­ building is to be painted and placed in good repair. but you will be of use, and live long tures th at inhabit the earth. T aste is a m atter of enough to make th at use count in tobacco quality “ He has to be coddled, housed, proportion to what you know, what and swathed and bandaged to be HAD MONEY, BUT PROVED W e state it as our honest HE WAS NOT BANK BANDIT you learn, to what purpose you use able to live at all. He is a rickety Belief that the tobaccos used your brain. sort of thing any way you take him in Chesterfield are of finer DOWNIEVILLE, Calif., March 30. — a regular British museum of in­ — After m aking a trip to Auburn, quality (and hence of better THE WOMAN BEATER tasre) th an in any oth er firm ities and inferiorities. S. H. Sherwood, bank cashier of Indignation ran high when it was cigarette at the price. "He is always undergoing repairs. Loyalton, was unable to identify a learned yesterday th a t a tram p had A machine as unreliable as he is Liggttt & My t r i Ttbtuct Ca. man held here as Rees, who, with a knocked down a woman who had re­ would have no m arket. man named Mahoney, held up the fused to give him something to eat. “ The higher anim als get their Sierra Valley bank last October, and Had he fallen into the hands of the irate citizens, he possibly m ight have fallen a victim to mob law. In the human mind there is nothing so de- Ashland Tidings C f O TMC X ZKT <3- THEODORA Next Tues. - Wed. - Thurs. April 4-5 -6 Ashland Realty Co. Houses to Rent Property for Sale 25 East Main St. Ashland, Oregon Phone 181 B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent the word each time. WANTED. PHYSICIANS. WANTED— Washing to do a t home. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice Mrs. L. Ring. Phone 403-J. 177-5* lim ited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hour», 10 to 12 and WANTED— F at hens. Box 12. Tal­ 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Aah- ent, Oregon. 152-lmo* land, Ore ’ ’ 78.t f WANTED— Second hand Ford car. Best price in first letter. Address DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to Box “ S,” care of Tidings, 174-6* eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses supplied. Oculist and aurlst for S. P. R. R. Offices. M. f». and H Bldg., Medford. Ore. Phoae 667 POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Special at tention to m others and children. . Thos. H. Simpson, of Ashland, au­ Intèrnal secretions and endocrine thorizes his announcement as a can­ glands. Res. and office, Ì08 Pio­ didate for tbe nomination for the neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ office of County Commissioner of fice hours. 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to I Jackson County, subject to the de­ p. m. cision of the Republican voters ol said county, at the prim ary election. DR. SHAW— Eye, ear. nose, throat May 19th, 1922. specialist; glasses fitted. Office --------------------------- ------------------------ i FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER; at residence, Pioneer Ave., moru- lng and by appointment. Phone 28. — George Alford, of Phoenix, a n ­ nounces himself as a candidate on CHIROPRACTORS. the Republican ticket, for County Commissioner of Jackson County, DR. MAUD INGERSOLL HAWLEY Oregon, subject to the decision of the •—Visiting Chiropractic Physician. Republican voters of said county, at Neuritis cases a specialty. Phone the prim ary election, May 19th, 1922.. 367-J. Treatm ent given only iu your own home,______ HOLM ES GROCERY Get the BLUE BANTAM PEA SEED COPENHAGEN MARKET CABBAGE PLANTS Best Early Cabbage All K inds o f Flow er and Garden Seed GREATEST VARIETY IN TOWN AND THE BEST PLUM M ER'S QUALITY GROCERY While in Portland recently I bought BARGAIN COUNTER GOODS such as extra wagon wheels reaches, leadbars, singletrees, plow beams and handles, a t prices prevailing before the war. Come In early while they last. Fencing, harness and Imple­ m ents at reduced prices. New and second hand tewing mMhines. Peil's Corner BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE City and Ranch Properties Houses to Rent CITIZEN'S RANK BUILDING W. A. SHELL SAVED MAY BE SW EPT AWAY IN AN HOUR BY AN AUTOMOBILE AtXTDENT THAT INJURES ONE OH MORE PERSONS You can protect. you rself loss by fire. It Is better to be sa fe tluin sorry. Insure Safety blades resharpened like new. Single bit, 30c doz. Dobule bit, 60c dos. 61 NORTH MAIN STREET T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS­ FER — Good team and m otor­ trucks. Good service at a reason­ able price. Phone 83. FIRST CLASS CAR WASHING and polishing. $2.50. Lithia Garage. J ’houe 114, 113tf APARTMENTS FOR RENT— Furnished apartm ent. Close in, modern conveniences. Adults only. Inquire 166 Harga- dine street or phone 122. 147-1 mo »'OR RENT. FOR RENT— Fruit and garden lot. 109 G ranite street. 177-3» FOR RENT— A thoroughly modern apartm ent; centrally located; rea­ sonable rent. Adults only. Ad­ dress Box “ R,” Tidings. 176-3 FOR RENT— Furnished rooms, $1 per day. Car storage free. 169 F ourth St. 176-6 FOR REN T- Front hay window room, with reception room, ru n ­ ning w ater, gas, electricity. Suit­ able for office rooms. Mrs. Nel­ lie Conner, 391 East Main. 176tf FOR RENT— Furnished housekeep­ ing rooms, suitable for couple; adults only. I’bone 348-L. 511 Boulevard. 174-6* FOR RENT— Furnished apartm ent. Inquire Mrs. Henry Provost, above Citizens Bank. 174tf FOR RENT— Nicely furnished rooms with or without board. Reasonable rates. Vendoine, 425 East Main. Billings Ageney SETTING OF BANTAM EGGS for sale. Phone 182. 177-2 REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Established 1883 Phone 211 41 E. Main St. FOR SALE— Small well-established milk route fully equipped. Terms if desired. 63 California St., Ash­ land, Ore. 177-3* FOR SALE— Twenty bead of good milk cows; one recently fresh giv­ ing 35 pounds of milk per day. T. W. Bailey, Talent. 174-12* FOR SALE— Fully equipped dairy. Inquire Beaver Realty Co. 173tf i ' FOR SALE— A used car in good con­ dition. Inquire at 192 Mountain Ave., or address P. O. Box No. 7. FOR SALE— Hatching eggs. W hite Minorcas. Pekin ducks, drake from prize winning birds. 922 Boule- ta rd . Phone 457-R. 163-lmo* FOR SALE— Good milk cow. J. E. Ramsey at E. N. Butler ranch. 176-6* FOR SALE— Progressive Everbear­ ing straw berry plants, $1 plus de­ livery charges. F. H. Dressier. 176- Medford. Real E state ITRB INSURANCB INVESTMENTS Chesterfield Good Potatoes PLAZA MARKET H. A. STEARNS FOR prompt and careful service, auto trucks or horse draya, call W hittle T ransfer Co. Phone l i t . Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel Ashland. B6tf We Buy and Sell per Sack per 100 lbs. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. FOR SALE. $ 2 .2 5 Children’s Work A Specialty today wirh the has gone up—and is going higher. Friday and Saturday we will sell Hard Wheat. Flour — Crown or White Mountain—at $ 2 .3 5 fis>m losses of tills kind, aa w ell ns from F lo u r B A R B H R PHONE your next job of plumbing to Jerry O’Neal, 207 East Main. Phone 138, FOR RENT— Aboil* one acre good garden ground. Call at 167 Moun­ tain avenue. 177tf EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE J B. L A M K I N H. R. ADAMS— Plumbing, C ontract­ ing and day work. 248 Fifth St., phone 166-J. lOOtf CAR WASHING Frittered Away, That’s All The Citizens Bank PLUMBING C IG A R E T T E S STAPLES REALTY AGENCY H otel A shland B uilding A shland, Oregon Phone 20 Turkish an d Domestic tobaccos—blended L ow er Price« 20 now 18c 10 now 9c (Two 10’»—18c) According to father the real spring- cleaning starts when the family be­ gins buying clothes. “ All newspaper reporters go to heaven,” says a London paper. Then, they don’t go where they are often told to go. V