Monday, March Sk>, ittica ïrk A stíLA ^ü ö A i t i $ ¡3 fíro é - —s r 'T . * » - FAôS f tiS f e i fe JÂ S é ” IH Ite '.w . -W 70-'."'- Provost Bros. Headquarters for GARDEN TOOLS SPRAY PUMPS PRUNING SHEARS HOSE—and LAWN SUPPLIES âf A - The Beasts of the F i e l d a n d the Birds of the Air are the original in­ structors in Home­ owning." f*"e. . w X /i L\ /, ■So T he b ird s a n d t h e b e a rs c o u ld n ’t r e a r th e ir fam ilies p ro p erly if th ey h ad to w ork for th e la n d lo rd . N e ith e r can you. And you need n o t do so. W e’ll show you how to ow n y o u r ow n. R EAL ESTATE IN S U R A H C E jj M Let Us Help Ifou Realize ifcur Dream This Season! To you who Have dreamed of a home of your own the advertisers on this page say: “Build it this Spring; ‘Build With the Birds!” ’ Not in several years have conditions been so favorable as they are. right NOW. The period of building inactivity is passing. Prices of ma­ terial, cost of labor, etc., are stable. National authorities who have studied the situation de­ clare that in a few months the tide of building activity will have risen to a point that will prob­ ably create shortages. There is every reason for building NOW. Let the responsible business and professional men represented on this page help you to real­ ize your dream of a real home this season. From the selection of the lot to the planning, the ma­ terial supply, the construction, the decoration, the furnishing, they are equipped fully to give you the utmost in value, service and satisfaction. Don’t wait! Realize your dream. Make it come true this year. “Build With the Birds” I There is a real satisfaction in knowing to the most minute detail exactly how your new home will appear before a shovel of dirt is excavated or a nail is driven. Only a call at this office is required for you to obtain this information and to inspect hundreds ot modern home designs. Plans are furnished free to customers. Member “ ' idiomi Bulica; B ureau ')' J E R R Y O ’N E A L THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE PLUMBER IN ASHLAND Main Street Phone 138 MAPA TAKE NOTICE! Build With RITE - GRADE I n a p e o te d Red Cedar Shingles iCZTl SE N ature's own really tim e- tested covering on roof and side walls. Innum erable effects of the utm ost distinction and beauty. T hese specially inspected shingles of W e s t­ ern Red Cedar are low both in first cost and upkeep. T hey are easy to lay, easy to alter or repair, w eather beau­ tifully w ith or w ithout paint or stain, are w arm in w inter and cool in su m ­ m er. Properly laid they last for de­ cades. U O 3H ¡Jig Let Me Figure You on Your Plans E v ery b it of c o n s tru c tio n is done u n d e r iny p erso n a l su p e rv isio n ; and h av in g my ow n p la n in g m ill for b u ilt-in -fe a tu re s , th ey cost less th a n you could possibly get th e m o th e rw ise . W h a t I h av e done fo r o th e rs I can do fo r you. E x -serv ice m en can d epend on th e closest co -o p eratio n and c o n sid e ra tio n , in th e b u ild in g of th e ir hom es. A. L. L A M ÍÁ CONTRACTOR AND B U IL D E R , PH O N E 37O-R “ In the Heart of Town’’ T H E M O S T V IT A L PA R T O F A H O U SE IN S P E C T E D I Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. Good PHONEZ AUSTIN HOTEL BLD Build Now ¿ .’ ¿ I - A sk y o u r local dealer o r een d ua liv e cen ts in stam ps for com plete data on how to la y and ou r handsome booklet o f nation­ al p rize-w in n in g all-ahingle home». Rite-Grade Shingle Association IN SPE C TED Henry Bldg. Seattle • F you are interested in Bargains, read every word of this ad. Our space is too limited to give very elaborate descriptions, but if you are interested, come to our office and we will give you all the particulars, and put our time against yours, besides furnishing the conveyance to see the properties. I F ifte e n a c re s Inside th e c ity lim its, good six room b u n g a lo w , b arn and o th e r o u t­ b u ild in g s, p len ty of f r u it o f a ll k inds, a ll good lan d , a r e a l hom e p ro p o sitio n and a b a rg a in a t th e price ask ed . Six cow s and farm im p le m e n ts go in. T h re e a c re s in sid e city lim its , m o d ern house, f u r n itu r e a n d e q u ip m e n t go w ith it, p len ty of fin e f ru it of a ll k in d s. A sk us a b o u t th is fo r w e a re bound to sell it soon. W e have se v e ra l b u n c h e s of b u ild in g lots, six in o n e bunch can be sold fo r $500 ’ — tw e n ty in a n o th e r can b e sold as low as $100 a n d u p , sev eral o th e r b u n ch es low priced a n d som e as h ig h as a v ery d e s ira b le lot a n d lo ca tio n w ould com m and. F ive room h o u se w ell lo c a te d , m o d ern co n v en ien ces, th re e lots, fru it, priced at $2000, easy te rm s, som e f u r n i tu r e goes w ith th is deal. Did somebody say Acreage? Well T guess. All kinds from one acre up inside and close to the city. Some special bargains. Come in and see us. No trouble to show goods. BEAVER REALTY CO. No. 15 First Street Ashland, Oregon pared Paints you eau buy E le c tric a l H elps The Best Is Cheapest in the Long Run In Your New Home Help Make “ HOME LIFE WORTH WHILE” Save the Surface With the best Quality of Lead and Oil or Pre­ DICKERSON & SON Pioneer White Lead Phoenix Paints Conquerer Paints First Quality Varnishes and Stains Plan Now to Have Your Own Home and Independence W e h a v e everything in Electrical Household Devices from a buzzer to a washing machine, at prices that are attractive. DO IT NOW—and let us furnish you with an estimate on the materials used in its construction. “ We Give You the Best” “ Wire for Us, and We’ll Wire for You” Ashland Lumber Co. Tn Equipping Your New Home JORDAN ELECTRIC CO. 201 E. Main Phone 80