»AGI fWO TUB ASftLANt) DAILY UPtftQS Ashland Published Tidings LIFE CONVICT'S SCEM RW . , MAY RESULT IN RELEASl' LION CLAWS GIRL SCREEN STAR E stablished 1876 Every Evening Except Sunday • - - OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PA PER TELEPHO NE 39 Subscription P rice D elivered in City: One m onth ......................................$ .65 j Three m o n th s ........................... 1.95 Six months . ........................... 3.75 i Ona year ................................. 7.60 Mail and Rural Routes One month ............................... | .65 Three months ...............................1.96 Rix months ............................... 3.50 year ........................................ 6.5f ADVERTISING RATES Display A dvertising Single insertion, each m eh.......... 30c YEARLY CONTRACTS D isplay A dvertising Local Renders C lassified Column One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, %c the word each time. L egal R ate First time, per 8-point line........ 10c Each subsequent time, per 8- point line ................................. 5c Card of th a n k s .......................... >1.00 Obituaries, the line ....................2%c F raternal Orders and S ocieties W hat C onstitutes A dvertising C o p y r lg h :. G ¡«adyj Walton - f f m Gladys Walton, screen star, escaped Serious injury by the thickness of a fur coat when a lion in the Universal City arena reached through the «bars, ripping the coat from shoulder to hem with one vicious sweep of his barbed paw. In order to allay a misunderstand­ ing among some as to what consti­ tutes news and what advertising, we print this very simple rule, which ___ is used by newspapers to differenti­ To Film “ Robinson Crusoe” ate between them : “ALL future events, where an admission charge Harry Myers, player of the title Is made or a collection is talfen IS role in "A Connecticut Yankee in ADVERTISING.“ This applies to King Arthur’s Court,” has been en- organizations and societies of every gaged to star in "The Adventures of kind as well as to individuals. Fobinsorr .Crusoe.’’ Nobel Johnson, All reports of such activities after ijosef Swiercard (of "Four Horse- they have occurred is news. men” fame), Ger(rpde Claire and All coming social or organization Gertrude Olmstead wMkappear in the meetings of societies where no Cast. Robert F. Hyi.tvifi direct money contribution is solicited, initi­ ation charged, or collecton taken IS entire water supply, and which is NEWS. very jealously guarded from any use Entered at the Ashland, Oregon by human beings or livestock. Mr. Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ Cecil also emphasized that the two ter. main functions of the national for­ ests are the production of timber çâuMME&PLAYGttOUHD1 and the protection of water supplies, or A merica ^ ' whether these be for municipal use, for irrigation or water power, and ! that other uses, such as by live stock and recreation, important as these have become, must always be har­ monized with the two primary func­ tions of timber production and pro­ WASHINGTON & tection of water flows. m / We have all enjoyed macaroni with egg, white sauce and cheese, with chopped m e a t and tomato; but have you tried Macaroni With Raisin Sauce.— Boil two cupfuls of macaroni—the elbow kind will make the nicer looking dish—boil in salted water, as usual. Put the macaroni in the cen­ ter of the dish, pour the raisin sauce around the macaroni with a few of the raisins on top. Prepare the sauce by putting one cupful of seeded rais­ ins through a food chopper, then put i Into a saucepan with one cupful of water and boll for ten minutes. Add j a little salt, two tablespoonfuls of cornstarch, six of sugar and two ' teaspoonfuls of cinnamon; boil for five minutes. The cinnamon may be reserved and sprinkled over the macaroni If desired. Ric* With Cocoa Sirup.—Boll one cupful of rice as usual in salted wa­ ter. Drain and dry In the oven until every grain stands up. Serve the rice In the center of a platter with cocoa sauce poured uround it. The rice may ! be molded if desired. Cocoa Sirup.—Take two cupfuls each of water, sugar and boil live min­ utes; reserve oue cupful of the water to mix with cocoa, add one-half teaspoonful of salt and one cupful of cocoa. Boil slowly for ten minutes, i When cold put away in bottles. This ' is nice for a hot or cold drluk, with milk. Stuffed Date* With Whipped Cream. —Remove the stones from choice ■ dates, fill with chopped pecan meats moistened with some of the chopped dates. Press the dates Into their orig­ inal shape, simmer in -a little marl- schino cherry Juice or In a light sugar sirup flavored with lemon rind, to cover. Chill when tender, drain and chill. Serve in nests of whipped ! cream. Cauliflower With Cheete.—Cook the cauliflower as usual, break up Into flowerets and arrange in a baking dish with a layer of highly seasoned white sauce with a generous layer of cheese. Repent and when the dish Is full, bake , covered with buttered crumbs. Serve ' when the crumbs are brown. S C IE N C E _.W1T,COOL DAYSV_ - , [A RESTFUL3LEEF EVERYNISW. CITY W ATER SU PPLY TO BE PROTECTED Announcement has just been made by District Forester George H. Cecil of the signing of an agreement by Henry C. Wallace, secretary of agri­ culture. and George O. Knowles, mayor of Cottage Grove, for -the pro­ tection of the water supply of the town of Cottage Grove, Oregon. This agreement provides that the watershed of Dinner creek, an area of some 6000 acres, within the Ump­ qua national forest, will be protected from fire, use by livestock, from camping or other human use, in or­ der that possible contamination of the city’s water supply may be guard­ ed against. No timber will be al­ lowed o be cut within the area prior to 1952, ‘ except where necessary in connection with serious forest fires, insect infestation, or other catastro­ phes which necessitate in the public welfare the immediate salvage of dead or infested timber. No perma­ nent buildings nor camps nor habi­ tations shall be permitted on the area above the intake of the town's water supply system, and all per­ sons employed therein or occupying such lands for any purpose shall ob­ serve the strict sanitation regula­ tions agreed upon by the forest serv­ ice and the city of Cottage Grove.” The secretary agrees also, so far as practicable with the means at his disposal, to extend and improve the forests upon this watershed by seed­ ing and planting, and by the mots ap­ proved methods of silviculture and forest management. The city agrees to co-operate actively with the offi­ cers of the Umpqua national forest in the protection from fire and pa­ trol of such lands, and to pay the salaries of such additional guards as shall be needed to insure protection. In making this announcement, Mr. Cecil brought out the fact that with­ in the states of Oregon and Washing­ ton, 84 cities and towns derive their water supplies wholly from the na­ tional forests, and that the forest service protects from fire any dele­ terious use of the watersheds from which these water supplies are de­ rived. The most notable example Is that of Bull Run watershed, within the Oregon national forest, which supplies the city of Portland with its Overland Specialists BIG DROP IN PRICE Overland Four now down to $6.95.00 F. O. B. Ashland Also good used cars for sale or trade. See Russell Burri is. 135 Pioneer Ave. Phone 195 F lo u r has gone up—and is going higher. Friday and Saturday we will sell Hard Wheat Flour — Crown or White Mountain—at $ 2 .2 5 per Sack Good Potatoes $ 2 .3 5 per 100 lbs. PLAZA MARKET H. A. STEARNS 61 NORTH M A I N STREET Ashland Realty Co. Houses to Rent Property for Sale 2 5 E a s t M a in S t. Phone A s h la n d , O r e g o n 181 IT’S EASY when you have friends drop in unexpectedly M rs. Belle D eG r a f Domestic Science Director California Prune & Apricot Growers Inc. for dinner, to serve them plates of nice, hot — Three hundred tons of coal a day are, consumed by the power-station i that supplies electricity for the Lon­ don underground railways. soup made from our cans. Those who know say our toma­ to, beef and chicken soups are Carrant Mint Sauce | half a teaspoonful of vanilla. , One-half glass current jelly, one Tomato .Jelly Salad I tablespoon finely chopped mint One cup strained canned tomatoes Homemakers Conference A western town is prospering on leaves, grated rind of an orange, salt or oniato sauce, one cup hote water, rube methods not at all in accord and cayenne OREGON AGRICULTURAL with usual tax-boosting and bond | Let stand' for one hour. To be one bouillon cube, piece of bayleaf, COLLEGE half teaspoon salt, one onion grated, inflation methods. i served with roast lamb. CORVALLIS— MARCH 26-25 two tablespoons gelatine soaked in Its levy for city expenses is less; Pineapple Cornstarch or half cup cold water. BETTER HOMES FOR OREGON than during the first year of the Blanc Mange Add the boullion cube, onion, bay- Pictured in Lecture, Exhibit, war. In 1915 it was 15 mills, and One cup grater canned pineapple leaf and salt to water and simmer for two years it has been 13.8. Demonstration and juice, one cup hot water, four ten minutes. Strain. Add gelatine The Home—Management, Sanita­ This city of 20,000 people has only tablespoons cornstarch mixed with and stir until dissolved. Then add tion, Furnishings, Labor Saving !'474,000 bonded debt almost entire­ half cup sugar, two egg whites beaten tomato and one cup of asparagus tips. Devices and Emergencies. ly for streets and sewers, and pays stiff, one teaspoon pistache flavor­ Pour into individual molds and set The Child — Nutrition, Clothing, off $40,000 annually. ing (optional). aside to become firm. To serve, un­ Books. Pour water and pineapple in the mold on crisp lettuse leaves and gar­ This rubberneck town has shame­ upper part of a double boiler and nish with thick mayonnaise and ripe The l-\x» one CUP of milk, seasonings and place over a low fire by writing Registrar, O. A. C.. more progressive tax-collecting com- two tablespoons of sugar and one-: until required Corvallis, Oregon. munities and flocking to Salem I = = = = = = = = ; , ........... , -------- j where tax-gathering has b e e n , FARM REMINDERS loss from this disease. Make it un-i shackled. ■-------- - animous. J » C. B L A M K I N By O. A. C. Experiment Station Weed Grow, Don’t Sow Red clover is planted in February One of the immediate benefits of extensively. As far as possible strong crop rotation is a better control of BARGAINS IN REAL crop pests. Rotation is an Import­ plump seed free from buckhorn ESTATE ant method advised for the control should be used; A sample of clover of nearly every insect or disease at­ seed was tested recently at the ex­ tacking field or garden crops, and periment station that carried nearly City and Ranch Properties H o u h m to R ent without it, many of the other help­ 7 per cent of that troublesome weed. ful measures are ineffective. “ Build with the Birds.” L ate P lan tin g, L ess O ats niT IZ R N S RANK BUILDING “ Build with the Birds.” Absolute necessity or planting peas and oats or peas and barley early has been shown by experience throughout the state. The earlier they are planted after the season opens up the better. At the Astoria branch station each week’s delay in planting meant practically one-half it is a pleasure to bathe and ton loss. In dry districts the loss is even greater. Peas and oats make wash, and such equipment we good silage, hay or grain, although are prepared to install in your they are somewhat susceptible to in­ jury by plant lice. home. Your friends and guests ! ,, Peach I/eaf Curl— La.st Call appreciate such a bathroom. This is the last call for spraying for peach leaf curl. The latter part Let us figure with you on this _ , , l°f Pebr»i”’y is often too late for 100 equipment now. mount picture*1^0" Her HusbandU '^6 SoTt once*1^ ! APPbf .B° rdeaUX Trademark,” an original story for i 6' 6' 5° ’ being careful to cover SHACKLING TAX GATHERERS Expert Repairing A regular feature department edited by .BRITISH COLUMBI/. _ , N e w s p a p e r U nion. SEASONABLE GOOD THINGS The star stood at the bars of a training cage. The animal is said to Red Chief in Cody Film have been infuriated to attack by the fur coat. Trainers quieted the beast. Miss Walton, badly frightened, was Chief Lightheart, a full blc< led unhurt , At the time of the accident rt Miss Walton was filming a screen Cherokee Indian, is playing tin of Sitting Bull in the serial, “L. he version of "Second Hand Rose.” Days of Buffalo Bill.” Universal har U vL specially fortunate in obtain ¡n bten “Under Two Floss” for Dean I*rs<>ns who are exceptionally weL & ivi i/ctui fitted for their respective roles in the historical chapter play Joseph Hazle-i ‘Under Two Flags,” Ouida’s best ton> who plays the part of Gideon' known romantic novel, has been pur- Wells, Secretary of the Navy in Lin-, chased as a forthcoming starring ve- coin's cabinet, was a witness of Lin- hide for Priscilla Dean. Miss Dean coin’s assassination. Duke Lee, whol will enact the role of "Cigarette,” plays the title role, was a trooper made famous by Blanche Bates on with Colonel Cody’s famous the legitimate stage more than two West show for Seven year*. A decades ago. * w • D O M E S T IC W e » tc m Love 1« as strong as death; jealousy Is cruel as the grave; the coals there­ of are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.—Song of Solomon. knockout plot, was Eytmge s contriJa but ion to the screen’s literature. IeJ had in it all that the? author h a ij gained of knowledge abotft criminals and their motives, and it represented! ’ the lower iife as it really is. Tod Browning, who guided the filming of- .“Outside the Law,” directed “Peter-! man.” Now comes word that the life sen-j tence of Eytmge may be cut short be-’ cause of his remarkable kchievementsj which prove that he has in him the stuff that makes a worthy citizen.' He has, during the fourteen years he has been in the Florence institution, accumulated some money and ac­ quired high standing among the ad clubs of the world through his im­ pressive advertising copy. If he is released, he probably will go in ex-' clusively for literary’work and prison reform—the latter his hobby for ten years." Each line, each tim e...................10c To run every other dhy for one month, each line, each time. . 7c To run every issue for one month or more, each line, each time. . 5c M ACK ’S . G , A R A G E J . h mckenzie P ro p . - Peterman" a CrookjBtoiy "Peterman,"* a" crook story~with~Bj One time a week...................... 27 Two times a week......................25 c Every other day........................ 20 c Advertising for fraternal orders or societies charging a regular initi­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious and benevolent orders will be charged the regular rate for all ad ▼ertlsing when an admission or other charge Is made. TUM Louis Victor Eytmge may gain Mfr] freedom as a resuk^od bis writmisi of the story, "PetenMBk” which waf? filmed as a starring vjMcb. for H om ’ ben Rawlinson. The famous p r i s o n e r the xona state penitentiary, ¿.whose Iifi has been the topic of many a speech and the inspiration of many an artw cle, is believed to be at the threshold of a new day. He was one of thfc "Men Who Came Back,” in a book ’ of Peter Clark MacFarUae of sev; i eral years ago, and jast£raoent!y hi won first award in a ’contest coo • ducted by Outlook Magaxine. Tin"” and time again i writers have mac his life the IndividafclUttostraton their argument*£thatfroen