Höh tfWo '-T'. «,» »»su -sr-w íítfe ashláwí > eÁttt fötär&g Tuesday, March J 4, we would Judge th a t it is their idea «xá> <8> <» <8> 3> th a t a newspaper can be produced < S > FARM REMINDERS «> Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except on very little revenue, and that- Io charge for what Is legitim ate adver­ Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. tising, in their estim ation Is "g ra ft.” By O.-A. C. Experim ent Station Well, it Is our guess th a t after they OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY In keeping kale plants for seed, Copyright, 1»22. Western Newspaper Vhisn have financed their new organ fo r a)— PAPER only? low, thickly branched plants I would sing for you a son< few months and heard the S. O. S. TELEPHONE 39 • F ull of foreign air». with many moderate sized leaves F ull of tower9 and balconies Subscription Price Delivered In City: call to make up the deficiency pay SALEM, Or., March 14.— W ith the sjtiould be saved. These low grow­ And flne D am ascus ware«. One month .................................. $ .65 roll every Saturday evening, they m otor tourist season only a few « ✓ in g heavy yielders produce the most Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 will discover th at it costs from $75 In my song would glitter weeks away, the state traffic dep art­ feed and stand the hard w inters best. Six months .................................. 3.75 to $100 a day to produce a daily like Minaret and dome, * * Bo you could go Journeying, One year .................................... 7.50 the Tidings and that it cannot be m ent has practically completed pre­ Yet 1 should have you horn*. Mail and Rural Routes parations to carry on the most ex­ Small Spray Rigs Practical —Cecilia MacKinnon. One month .................................. $ .65 done, in this field, unless practically tensive highway patrol service ever Farm ers or city dwellers having Three months . . , ...................... 1.95 everything th a t is advertising is attem pted by the departm ent. This GOOD THINGS TO EAT QJily a few fru it trees need not let Six months .................................. 3.50 charged for. was announced Saturday by T. A. their fruits be destroyed by diseases One year ..................................... 6.5i But th a t crowd is bound to have, For those fond of chocolate cake, Raffety, chief inspector of the state not a newspaper, but an organ. They one made In layers and put together and insect pests because they lack a ADVERTISING RATES motor vehicle departm ent. Display Advertising with orange filling will power sprayer. For a small number want a newspaper th at will be abso­ The entire state has been divided Single Insertion, each Inch........... 30c lutely subservient to their crowd. be delightful. Take the of trees, even a bucket pump rig into districts and a traffic operative YEARLY CONTRACTS rind of one orange, grat­ will give good results, while its cost Let them have it. They are welcome Display Advertising has been assigned to each. Josephine, ed, two tablespoonfuls is slight. M aterials can be purchased to it, as far as the Tidings is con­ One tim e a w e e k .................... 2 7 %c Jackson, Curry and part of Klam ath of lemon Juice, one-half in small quantities in nearly every Two tim es a week.......................25 c cerned. This paper will go right on cupful of sugar, well town, and any one can find out just I county has been assigned to J. J iv e ry other d a y ......................... 20 c championing the interest of Ashland; blended with two table­ what to get and when to apply it by McMahon. This is known as district Local Renders as a whole, instead of a clique, and, spoonfuls of flour and a Each line, each tim e .................... 10c num ber 8 and includes- a large part reading the spray calendar which we hope, and think, th at it will do dash of salt, the juice of To run every other (My for one of the Pacific highway in southern month, each line, each tim e. . 7c pretty well judging from the tem ­ Oregon. two oranges and one- may be had free by w riting to the To run every issue for one month per of the citizens of this splendid __________ quarter of a cupful of O. A. C. experiment station. • » or more, each line, each tim e .. 5c city. cold water and one well Classified Column beaten egg yolk. Cook until smooth .Select Spud Patch W ith Care However should they decide th at One cent the word each time. and thick r cool before putting on to Ground for the potato patch should To run every issue for one month they want a newspaper to be fair in­ the cake. Lemon filling may be pre­ be selected with care. Aside from stead of subservient, they do not or more, %c the word each time. pared using the rind and Juice of one m atter of proper soil type it is im­ Legal Rate need another paper, the Tidings can lemon and one-half cupful of water F irst time, per 8-point lin e .........10c absolutely be depended on to be fair portant to use soil th a t is free from Each subsequent time, per 8- with the other Ingredients as above. A tablespoonful of butter added to the “ »lam ination with potato diseases. point line .................................... 5c with every citizen, including them ­ Mrs. J. J. W alker, of Talent, died hot mixture just as It Is taken from | No ia,"> 8bo,lld be llsed tb at b“8 bee" Card of t h a n k s ............................ >1.00 selves, as long as they work in the Obituaries, the l i n e ........... , . . . 2 ^ c interest of the town and play their at 8 o’clock Saturday* evening, aged tlie heat softens and enriches the till­ in potatoes within three years past Fraternal Orders and Societies 40 years, nine months and 27 days. cards on top of the table. if possible to avoid it. Growers ing. Advertising for fratern al orders Mrs. W alker was born in Califor­ Boiled Milk Icing.—Take one cup­ should obtain disease-free seed at o r societies charging a regular initi­ nia, but moved here a num ber of ful of sugar, four tablespoonfuls of once and store it under proper con­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ BROAD MINDED INDUSTRIAL years ago. She was well known in milk and cook until a soft ball is ditions to insure firm potatoes at ligious and benevolent orders will be PROGRAM charged the regular rate for all ad Ashland, having lived here until a made when a drop Is placed In cold planting time. vertising when an admission or other few months ago, when, with her fam ­ water. Take from the heat and beat * « . charge is made. No city in the United States typi­ ily, she moved to Talent. About two until cold and thick enough to stay on Rid H ouse P la n ts o f Insects fies the industrial idea as does Los mouths ago she was taken ill with the cake. What Constitutes Advertising Most of the insects affecting the Another good Icing Is made by us­ In order to allay a m isunderstand­ Angeles. influenza and this developed into ing one-fourth of a cupful of maple foliage of house or yard plants, in­ ing among some as to w hat consti­ W ith the largest Chamber of Com­ pneumonia, which, with o th er tro u ­ sirup and enough confectioners’ sugar cluding scale, white fly, aphis and tutes news and what advertising, merce in the world, it is backing its bles she had been suffering with for to make it stiff enough. red spider, may be killed by bathing we print this very simple rule, which industrial program to the limit. some time, was more than her sys-'' Is used by newspapers to different!* Fig Filling, fake one cupful of the plants in a soap and tobacco sol- ate between them : "ALL future flnely minced figs, add one-third of a ution. To one q u a rt of strong goap Los Angeles realizes th at, while it tern could throw off. events, where an admission charge may have the finest climate, the fin­ Funeral arrangem ents have not cupful of sugar, one-third of a cupful solution made from castile or other Is made or a collection is taken IS of water and one tablespoonful of ADVERTISING." This applies to est homes and the greatest draw ing been completed at this time and will lemon juice. Heat in a double boiler i good hand soap, add 10 drops of organizations and societies of every cards for tourists; still, its perm a­ be announced later. and cook uutil thick enough to j Black Leaf 40, which can be obtained kind as well as to Individuals. nent and lasting prosperity comes spread. Place on the cake while hot. ' at th e drug store. Bathe the plant All reports of such activities after from substantial operating industries Date Filling.—Whip the whites of i thoroughly in this m ixture and re- they have occurred is news. two eggs to a stiff froth, add one cup- ; peat the dose three times, leaving All coming social or organization which mean steady employment for ful of granulated sugar, flavor with two weeks between applications. meetings of societies where no that great middle class of people lemon and stir In one-third of a cup­ money contribution is solicited, initi­ which are the backbone of any sub­ ful each of raisins, dates and walnut ation charged, or collecton taken IS stantial community. NEWS. meats finely minced. This Is a deli­ RABIES EPIDEMIC IN Los Angeles, In building for the EAST OREGON SPREADS cious filling but should be eaten fresh. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, future considers all of southern Cali­ The Golden Rule departm ent store Eskimo Pie.—A new dessert which Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ fornia in its program. It realizes which is now refinishing the interior is having a great rage In some sec­ PORTLAND, March 13.— The epi­ ter. th a t is growth will be in proportion of the rooms recently rented in the tions. To prepare dip small bricks of demic of rabies reported from H ar­ to the expansion and development of Elks building, will be ready to open Ice cream Into a hot chocolate sauce. TRUMME P layguoum ney cpunty to the United States bio­ industries and farm ing in surround­ its doors for business in the very Repack and let stand until ready to logical survey, predatory anim al ser­ serve. ing counties. near future, although the exact date vice, was said to have spread from Snaps! Snaps! As a result, its Chamber of Com­ is not yet known. Harney into G rant county and to be Six room house on paved s tre e t, merce is spreading the industrial The room will be completely fin­ gaining considerable headway, ac­ Scores of Ashland people can tell good sized lo t— only $1200. idea far and wide nad working not ished in white, as will the show win­ cording to inform ation received by yon about Doan's Kidney Pills. Seven room house, best of p lu m b ­ only for the upbuilding of its own dows, thereby giving the place the ing. larg e lot, cem ent sid e ­ Stanley E. Jew ett, chief of the pre­ Many a happy citizen makes a public TWO STATE INSTITUTIONS statem ent of lus experience. Here is w a lk — $ I 600. local industries, but for the upbuild­ appearance of cleanliness as nothing a case of it. W hat better proof of Six room house, brick fo u n d atio n , FACE DEFICIT FOR YEAR datory anim al service. ing of industries in any part of else would do. Rabid coyotes were reported to m erit can be had Ithan such en­ s tr e e t paved, cem ent sid ew alk , SALEM, Or., March 14.— Accord­ southern California. The store will handle m en’s cloth­ have been seen in various parts of dorsem ent? o v er an a c re of lan d , easy term s This is community building on a ing and furnishings, ladies’ ready-to- ing to the records of the superinten­ Grant county. Many have grown so Fred Deardor ff, machinist, 523 — $2500. large scale. It represents the great­ wear garm ents, dry goods and no­ dents of the various state in stitu ­ savage, the communication said, that North Main street, Ashland, says: F ive room house, b a th , hot and cold w ater, lot I <»0x150—-$1600 est effort that has ever been put tions of every description. Wljite tions, only two are facing a deficis they are entering houses and camps. “ My kidneys were out of fix, and I had such severe backaches I could Six room house, th re e blocks from forth by a commercial organization House shoes for men, Maxine shoes and will have to call on the state Many sheep have been reported hardly betid and It was ju st as hard M a ili St., larg e lot — $1250. THAT NEW NEWSPAPER board for additional for general Industrial development for ladies and Buster Brown shoes emergency to straighten. My kidneys d idn’t T h re e room house, lot 60x100, killed. funds to run the balance of the year.! One thing can he pretty surely de­ as the forerunner of community for children will be handled. act right, either, until I began using fin e lo ca tio n — $105 0. Doan’s Kidney Pills. They stren g th ­ H ouse fo r ren t w ith la rg e lot, pended on. Whenever you find E. V. prosperity. The store has a floor space of These are the state train in g school! ened my back and kidneys and rid' d o s e to J u n io r H igh school. C arter on one side of any local or 4200 square feet, which will give it and the school m aintained for th e 1 me of the aches and pains.” See me for b a rg a in s political issue, you may fairly depend ample room for display tables as deaf. Price 60 cents at all dealers. Do,,’t on it that the same side will be taken Some of th e institutional su p erin -; simply ask for a kidney remedy—» well as plenty of shelving for the by the W agners, the Pierces, the get Doan’s Kidney Pills— the same tendents. including Dr. Steiner of th e ' goods. O F F IC E , NORTH MAIN ST. that Mr. Deardorff had Foster- Kinneys, the Briggs, the Simpsons, Stock is arriving daily and is be­ state hospital, have indicated that,! Milburn Co , Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. the W inters the Mills the Eubanks. ing placed in position by Mr. Evans despite the increase in population For the past ten years, since the who will have charge of the store. and the high costs of provisions a n d ij KNOW’ I WOULD FEEL BETTER w riter has had knowledge of the pol­ How often have you felt th a t way? C. W. Willock, m anager of the Gol­ equipm ent, they will be able to tu rn ; itical m anipulations of the C arter den Rule store at Medford, is in the back to the state substantial bal- How often have you wished for crowd, at least whenever you ask east buying goods for the store here, ances. 1 som ething to give you genuine and C arter who would make a good can­ The College W omen’s club met and this is assurance th a t the stock — 1 ; lasting relief from gas? didate for, whatsoever office you Saturday afternoon at the residence will be absolutely new. I RESBYTEKIAN GIRLS ! Don’t buy any ordinary dyspepsia will, he will never go outside of that of Mrs. E. H. Hurd, in Medford. Af­ ENTERTAINED SATURDAY; tablets for tem porary results. Go to Announcement of the opening date crowd to name his man. Mr. C arter ter a brief business meeting in charge will be made public as soon as the a first class drug store and ask for of necessity bring him in contact with the situa­ can depend upon men from any of of the president, Mrs. Amos W illetts, m anager is able to set a definite date. The girls’ class of the Presbyterian a bottle of genuine Baalm ann’s Gas these families to represent his poli­ a delightful program was given with church met a t the home of Miss Lor Tablets. Take three tablets an hour tions coni routing many types of commercial en­ cies, w hatever they be, and he is Mrs. Malgram as chairm an. raine Brookm iller Saturday after before meals and again three after PORTLAND TO CHARGE AUTO terprise. so constituted th a t he does not The first num ber was a song, "It CAMPERS 50 CENTS A DAY noon. An enjoyable tim e 'w a s had • eating— then watch. Now comes a go far from home to choose when M atters Not,” the words of which and the afternoon was spent in \ surprise. No more gas, no more The experience tlms gained and the sources of political subservience is needed. were w ritten by Mr. R. P. Campbell, feeling, no difficult PORTLAND, March 14.— As a games, refreshm ents being served by sm othered C arter is bound to be the boss, or he and the music composed by Mrs, E. breathing, no bloating. information at our commaml arc of distinct means of placing the municipal camp the hostess. refuses to play the game. Therefore, A. Woods. Mrs. Perry Ashcraft sang Those present were: Helen Det- Remember, Baalm ann’s Gas Tab- ground on a self-sustaining basis, in value to the wide awake business man. it may be depended upon th a t the this and Mrs. W oods played the ac- accordance with the demand of the rick, Dorris Hitchcock, Marion Hitch- lets are not only for the relief, but new newspaper, which Mr. C arter companiment. So exquisite is the tax conservation and supervision cock, Evlyn Taylor, Virginia Frost, also for the prevention of gas. Most thinks “Ashland needs more than a haunting beauty of the harmony and Edith and Lorraine Brookmiller. j people with gas suffer from nervous hotel,’’ will be financed largely by words th at at the close of the pro­ committee, City Commissioner Pier Miss V irginia Frost kept the others j dyspepsia— not common Indigestion th at crowd and will represent th eir gram, a t the earnest request of all, has drafted an ordinance changing of the party guessing what she was; Baalm ann’s Gas Tablets in the interests exclusively. Of course, they Mrs. A shcraft sang it through the the rates to 50 cents a day with a going to do next. The chaperons famous yellow package, are sold b y ' may try to camouflage by getting second time. Miss Rogers, of the time lim it of ten days, which can be were Mrs. H. E. Badger, Mrs. Fred E lh a rt’s Drug Store and other reli­ others interested in a financial way Ashland high school, gave a reading increased by the park bureau. Hitchcock, and Mrs. George Brook- able druggists. J. Baalmann, Chem­ H eretofore the city has charged — especially business men who might by Bruno Lessing, "The End of the miller. ist, San Francisco. — =[ue!LE¡y^¡y¡=?[ife[ue(uaL. ^^«3nfenlan3snl3n!anlar -w r 1 J s a x _____ he advertisers— but the new newspa­ Task.’’ Miss Rheu gave an explana­ but 50 cents to tourists for a ten-day per, if it starts, will be a hand organ tory talk regarding the biology work stay at the camp. This charge was of th a t interest, just as the Tidings she is teaching in the Ashland high designated as a registration fee. But Next Friday Mar. 17 was solely representative of that in­ school. Mrs. R. E. H urd, who with all tourists who frequented the camp terest until Mr. Greer bought it. her husband and baby, was lately were given privileges, including gas TMCATER BtAVTFU» When Mr. McCoy complained that returned from Peru where, before for cooking, laundry facilities, a u to ­ "G reer would not take advice from her m arriage, she founded and con­ mobile w ashracks, restroom s and anybody” in his speech at the Ar­ ducted a school a t Lima for girls un­ community houses, and, in fact, far mory, he merely used the word “ad­ der the direction of the Methodist more facilities than are found in the vice” instead of DICTATION, be­ church, gave an interesting account average camps of its kind. cause it sounded better to the casual of the home life of the Peruvian listeners. That crowd insists on DIC­ women. PROMINENT FRUIT FARMER TATION. They can never DICTATE Mrs. A shcraft sang another de­ TAKES LIFE AT LEBANON to Greer. T h at’s why they will have lightful little song, the music for another newspaper in Ashland, and which was composed by Mrs. Woods, LEBANON, Or., March 14.— F. M. l EVERYTHING NEW! when they do we sincerely hope th a t and the words w ritten by Grace Hall Sherman, a well-known farm er of they will finance it themselves and of Portland. The Ashland ladies New Songs—New Dances—New Costumes— Linn county, was found dead in his not catch a lot of “ innocent bystand­ present were justly proud of the lo­ back yard Saturday, with a shotgun New Specialties e rs” in it, because they will soon dis­ cal talent displayed on this program. by his side and a wound in his breast. cover how mnch money loss it will During the social hour refresh­ For many years Mr. Sherman has Augmented Orchestra—Wilson Waite, Conductor require to put a new- new-spaper on ments were served with the follow­ been one of the most prominent Cast of Over Fifty its feet. We have seen it tried be­ ing members as hostesses, Mesdames small fruit farm ers in this section, fore. E. H. Hurd, E. E. Kelly. F. G. New­ Prices: Floor $1.65; Balcony, first 4 rows $1.65, last 9 Moreover, from the complaints man, Jam es Campbell, and Misses and had made many exhibits at the state fair, where he had won prizes rows $1.10. Includes war tax against the Tidings that has em an­ Manning and Heywood. for his exhibits. ated from th a t source in the past, in G5 North Main Street It was announced that the next He is survived by his widow and regard to what the Tidings classes as meeting will be held in Medford at ASHLAND two stepchildren. He wa9 about 50 Box Office open Daily 1 to 4:30 and 7 to 10 p. m. advertising and what it prints free, the resndence of Mrs. Stearns. * year# old. Ashland T id in g s Tfce KITCHEN CABIN Mrs. J. J. Walker Dies at Talent Golden Rule to Open Store Soon If I Could Only Get Up That Gas” Mrs. S. L. Allen A Banker’s Daily Duties The Citizens Bank Ashland, wr Oregon Curtain 8:30 p. m. Medford’s Fifth Annual Elks’ M instrels | Mason Tire Sale fr ee tube With Every Mason Cord for the Month of March Leedom s Tire Hospital Tickets Now On Sale