4 lira AsfiLÂÊô bAiLf tîùisgs CAMPAIGNWfjRTfE-GRAI SMINGLE/ÁSSÓÚIATION C opyright 1922 If you have money to build, or can get it, BUILD NOW! That statement sums up the collected opin­ ions of recognized authorities in every section of the United States. Arrange your financing FIRST. With that done you can build NOW—“With the Birds”— absolutely secure in the assurance that you are acting with wisdom and sound judgment. For, building costs have hit bottom for 1922! There is ample material. There is no scar­ city of labor. Building will mark up a new rec­ ord this year. “Build With the Birds”—LET’S GO! We can help ourselves, help our entire community, by releasing as much of the necessary buildine- as Provost Bros Headquarters for GARDEN TOOLS SPRAY PUMPS PRUNING SHEARS HOSE—and LAWN SUPPLIES The Beasts of thq F i e l d and* the Birds of the Air are the original in­ structors in Home­ owning. T h e b ird s a n d t h e b e a rs c o u ld n ’t r e a r th e ir fam ilies p ro p erly if th ey had to w ork for th e la n d lo rd . N e ith e r can you. And you need n o t do so. W e’ll show you how to ow n y o u r ow n. Abraham Lincoln said: I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. 1 like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him. Be honest, but hate no one; over­ turn a m an’s wrong doing, but do not overturn HIM unless it must be done to overturn tin1 wrong. Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. “ In the Heart of Town” Good REAL ESTATE INSUR ANCE^ T H E M O S T V IT A L P A R T OF A HOUSE J E R R Y O ’N E A L THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE Main Street PLUMBER IN ASHLAND Phone 138 TAKE NOTICE! Build With R IT É - GRADE Red Cedar Shingles SE Nature’s own really time- tested covering on roof and side walls. Innumerable effects of the utmost distinction and beauty. These specially inspected shingles of W est­ ern Red Cedar are low both in first cost and upkeep. They are easy to lay, easy to alter or repair, weather beau­ tifully with or without paint or stain, are warm in winter and cool in sum­ mer. Properly laid they last for de­ cades. U Let Me Figure Wit! You on Your Plans ction is done u n d e r m y p e rso n a l su p erv isio n for b u ilt-in -fe a tu re s, th ey cost less titan you W h a t I have done fo r o th e rs I can do fo r y< lie clo sest c o -o p eratio n a n d c o n sid e ra tio n , in t A. L. LA M i A M ) B U IL D E R , P H O N E S7O-R Ask your T o o / dealer or send us five cents in stamps for complete data on how to lay and our handsome booklet o f nation­ al prize-winning all-shingle homes. M rte e n a c re s Inside th e city lim its, good six room b u n g a lo w , b a rn a n d o th e r o u t­ b u ild in g s, p len ty of f ru it o f all k inds, all good lan d , a r e a l hom e p ro p o sitio n an d a b a rg a in a t th e p rice ask ed . 3lx cows a n d farm im p le m e n ts go in. T h re e a c re s in sid e city lim its , m odern house, f u r n itu r e an d e q u ip m e n t go w ith it p len ty of fin e f ru it of a ll k in d s. A sk us a b o u t th is fo r w e a re bound to sell it soon. W e have se v e ra l b u n d le s of b u ild in g lots, six in o n e bunch can be sold fo r $500 — tw e n ty in a n o th e r can b a sold as low as $100 an d u p . sev eral o th e r bunches low priced a n d som e as h ig h a s a very d e sira b le lot and lo c a tio n w ould com m and Five room h ouse w ell lo c a te d , m odern co n v en ien ces, th re e lots, f ru it, priced a t $2000, easy te rm s, som e f u r n i tu r e goes w ith th is deal. Did somebody say Acreage ? AV ell 1 guess. All kinds from one acre up inside and close to the city. Some special bargains. Rite-Grade Shingle Association Henry Bide. Seattle No. 15 First Street Ashland, Oregon PROTECT YOVR HOVSE , \ A H Xi— i | f -' L; i ( Spring W eather for Spring Painting We have a complete line of “ Save the Surface” Materials In Your New Home Help Make “ HOME LIFE WORTH WHILE” Plan Now to Have Your Own Home and Independence Protect your house from the coming Summer heat DO IT NOW and let us furnish you with an estimate on the materials used in its construction. DICKERSON & SON “ We Give You the Best” PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, STAINS Ashland Lumber Co W e h a v e everything in Electrical Ilousel Devices from a buzzer to a washing maebim prices that are attractive. in Equipping Your New Home “ Wire for Us, and We’ll Wire (or You” Phone 80