f ¿aa tw o À S kLÀ ffD D A IL Y T ÎD IS G 5 Thursday, March 0, Í02S TO CUT AUSTRALIAN ESTATES AMUSING TO WOMEN TODAY qf INTEREST TO ALL IRISH Ashland News in Paragraphs Measure Almost Socialistic in Charac ter Is Approved by Most of the Landholders. Local J and Personal ------ Side Lights------- What Was Considered Proper In Mid- Victorian Days Seems Some­ what Ridiculous Now. In Region Adjacent to French City ef Cannes St. Patriok Received Religious Training. In a book written In mld-VIctorlan Large Australian estates may have “For true appropriateness Cannes to be subdivided, according to the days concerning the proper manners might better be chosen for a discus­ Sydney correspondent of a London pa­ of well-bred women appears the state­ sion of Irish affairs than for an at­ ment that a woman with graying hair per. V isitin g in A shland— tempt to solve European financial The new South Wales government Is “hardly respectable without a cap,” t problems.” says a bulletin of the Na­ Mrs. Charles Core of Bakersfield la reintroducing a large holding sub and that the woman of thirty-five who Ashland Lodge No. 23, stated com­ | is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. tional -Geographic society, In regard to munication Thursday evening, March French, of Pioneer avenue, for a few division bill, compelling owners tc does not don the cap as signal of the the French Mediterranean winter re­ subdivide for closer settlement an> fact of her advanced age has some­ sort, meeting place of the allied su­ 9. Visit from Grand Master Baillie. ’ days. land exceeding $100,000 in value. If thing of a “masculine aspect.” preme council. “Cannes has Its tie Program in addition to official rou­ for Instance, the owner of laud worth Such statements are amusing and with Ireland." the bulletin goes on to tine. Supper promptly at 6:30. $250,000 refuses to subdivide it the sometimes just a little annoying—es­ explain, "because it was in a monas­ Real C hinese D ishes— government will compulsorily acquire pecially to the woman of thirty-five. tery on one of two little islands just Siskiyou C hapter No. 21, special From real Chinese noodles at the $150,000 worth and make it available i She consoles herself with the fact that off the Cannes shore that St. Patrick convocation Friday evening, March Nelda Cafe. 156tf for closer settlement. times have changed enormously since received the religious training which 10. Mark and Past M aster degrees The Intention is to pay Immediate those days and that now so long as a fired him with missionary zeal and led Try D etrick’s chipped beef in bulk. cash or current rates of interest tc woman Is slender enough to wear to his conversion of the Irish. Twin Boys Arrive— 157-3 the owners. The measure, which is clothes selected by eighteen year-old "St. Honorat founded, In 410, on the approved by most Australian indivld girls she is seldom criticized for smaller of the two islands which Word has been received from P ort­ ual landholders, but bitterly opposed, wearing them. land to the effect that Mr. and Mrs. bears his name, the monastery in Found Big Water. by big laud companies with headquar-j But don’t delude yourself Into think­ which St. Patrick studied. It was one A. L. Strickland are the proud par­ Silas Wright Titus, the “water wiz­ ters in England, will have the effect ! ents of twin boys born a few days ard,” is dead. Since boyhood. It is of opening for cultivation large areas ing that all women of thirty-five In mid- of the fountains of learning and mis­ Victoria n days donned the cap of old ago. Mr. and Mrs. Strickland are said, that he never failed to And un now utilized as sheep runs. Thus it age. Empress Eugenie wasn’t married I sionary effort during the Middle ages. well known in Ashland. derground water when he went aftei will afford an opportunity for an In until she was twenty-seven, and she ! According to a legend, the Island was infested by snakes and St. Honorat It. He made water hunting his life creased agricultural population and j continued to be regarded as one of miraculously drove them out—an ex­ We still have a stock of egg pro­ work. One of his big Jobs was locat­ scope for immigrants. the most charming and beautiful worn- j ample which his follower, St. Patrick, It is designed to mitigate the ex eu In Europe for many years. ducer at $2.75 per 100 pounds. ing the underground water that sup­ is supposed to have put to good use in plies Brooklyn, N. Y., ID,000,000 gal­ lsting serious unrest arising out of thi It is really no new thing for women i Erin. Whole corn, cracked corn, wheat, lons a day. Inability to provide Australian agricul of thirty-five, forty or over to retain “In spite of Its many letters Cannes mill run, calf meal, chick feed, oys­ No matter how peculiar a demand turists with land. These people arc their youthful charms and change very is properly pronounced as a single syl­ ter shell. All at attractive prices. rises, up from the people always comes being driven to the cities to swell tin little their mode of dress or behavior lable, like the English verb ’can,’ " W hite House Groceteria. 159-2 some man Intuitively fitted to handle ranks of the unemployed, making dan as time goes on. Possibly our present ! says the bulletin. the Job. We may be masters of our gerous centers of discontent. mode of life, our athletics, our style , own destinies, but there’s a wonderful of clothes, tend more to the retaining C hinese N oodles and Chop Suey — Ask Much of Inventor. of youthful appearance and real • Support of Royalty. Made according to genuine Chinese { system back of It all, distributing hu The helicopter, a machine capable At the lnstallatlbn ceremony o; youthfulness than did conditions of recipes at the Nelda Cafe. 156tf man abilities to meet demands. of vertical flight, with which British Is life staged, In some respects, In King Felsul of Irak nothing had beei the Nineteenth century. Inventors have already attained par­ advance? left undone In producing the atmos tial success, has caused plans to be We have the goods and meet any phere necessary for such an oceaslor What Next? made by the government for a $200,- reliable competition on first quality PHILIP H. DATER In the country of the Caliphs of Bag Paris beauty doctors are now spe 000 competition open to the world for merchandise. W hite House Groce­ dad. The throne—or rather the chai: MAKES GOOD TALK of state—was a masterpiece in scarle clalizlng in the reforming of women’s a further improved design. The con­ teria. 159-2 legs. Two specialists In Rue de la rep, tinsel and gilt. After the cere Paix are winning fame by reducing ditions, which If met would make the (Continued nom Page 1) mony, which. It will be remembered the size of women’s ankles and in- \ helicopter practical and revolutionize E aster suits at P aulserud’s. Or­ the science of flying are: It must be der now. 155tf would be on the list. While the Dead was an open-air affair, the ritual re creasing the size of the calf. They i capable of rising to a height of 2,000 qulred that the throne should be re have not, as yet, found a way io take Indian road was not mentioned in moved. A stalwart Ethiopian raise« the curve out of bowlegs and some of i feet under its own power, carrying B u tler’s H om e Made Caram els— one man and one hour’s fuel supply. this particular part of his talk, It It above his head and bore it awa; Delicious, melt in your mouth. might easily be construed from past the assembled multitude. Tht the ladies of society there are hoping It must be able to remain stationary almost tearfully that something will over a ground object for a half hour Plaza Confectionery. 157tf statem ents made th at this road may frame beneath the seat was simph develop In this direction. in a wind up to 20 miles an hour. also be one of the fortunate ones this deal, and across the boarding was tin It must be able to land safely In any legend In stencil of a firm that ex Able to be* About— season. wind up to 20 miles an hour without Jews of New York. ports Scotch whisky. It shall In Mrs. Sanders, m other of W. G. There are 1,000,000 .Tews in Greater horizontal motion, and with the en­ Mr. Dater expressed him self as be­ nameless, because the most up-to-dat' Sanders, who has been in ill health ing greatly gratified in the fact th at advertisement manager could nevei New York—nearly 30 per cent of the gine cut off, and must be able to main­ for the past few weeks, is reported the government has come to the help have hoped for such a display. 1 entire population, observes Foreign tain horizontal flight at a height of Language Information Service. This 2,000 feet at a speed of not less than to be about once again. of local communites in building bet­ was worth a king’s ransom and yet 1 number equals the total population of 60 iniles an hour. was free and unsolicited.—Mancheste ter roads. ’Philadelphia, or Detroit and Cleve- j Saturday only 15 pounds sugar for Guardian. Mr. D ater asked the people to land put together, or Buffalo, San ' A Lost Art With Him. $1.00. One sale to the customer. make capital of the tourist business, Francisco and Pittsburgh combined ! Warren G. Sayre of Wabash, an at­ W hite House Groceteria. 159-2 Australia’s Water Supply. or twice the population of Boston, i torney and formerly a state repre­ for it is as much our business who Australia's wonderful undergroum The 1,600,000 are distributed as fo l-: sentative, sent a letter several weeks Juicy boiled ham. Detrick’s Gre- live amid the scenic beauties of the water supply, her artesian basin sya lows: East side of Manhattan, 33,000; j ago to the county clerk of Boone coun­ world to be able to care for and show tern, might well rank among he ceteria. 157-3 Harlem, 232,000; Bronx, 311,000; Wll- the to u rist the points of interest In greatest assets. But like other as liamsburgh, 203,000; Brownsville, 191,- ty, asking for information concerning a divorce suit. The letter was written sets, the artesian water supply can b F or Friday— Fresh Alaska king sal­ our section of Oregon as It is for wasted, and Australians are notluj 000; East New York, 108,000; Borough on plain paper in longhand and sent In mon, fresh halibut, smelt and black the Californian to capitalize the with concern that in New Souti park, 06,000; Queens, 23,000: Rich-j a plain envelope. Finally the follow­ ing letter was received from the clerk: cod. When wre say fresh we mean tourist business brought there by Wales there has been a total dlminu mond, 5,000, and scattered, 127,000. This population supports 12 Jewish “Dear S ir: I have submitted your their warm w eather. The tourist, tlon In the flow of water from 26 theaters, 5,000 grocery and delicates- FRESH — not frozen. Ashland Poul­ letter to every officer of this court­ he said, is the best advertiser we can selected water bores of somethin, try and Fish Market. 159tf possibly have, and th at one tourist, like 21,400,000 gallons a day, or abou sen stores, 300 stationery, cigar and house and we cannot read a word of candy stores, 2,400 meat shops, 800 it. We cannot even read your signa­ Remember, Friday and Saturday well treated, will tell others until 28.8 per cent. It Is now- being recoj. dnig stores, 700 shoe stores, 275 hard­ ture, so I am cutting It and the address an extra 5 per cent off on all pur­ we will have a long and continual nlzed that the artesian water must b ware stores, 250 paint shops, 240 furni- off your letter and pasting It on the conserved by the partial closing o chases except sugar. At W hite House string of tourists, all well pleased the bores, so that only the flow ca ture stores and 150 electrical dealers. envelope carrying this letter, hoping and passing a good word for our sec­ that the post office employees are suf­ Groceteria. 159-2 pable of being used will be allowe« ficiently familiar with your way of tion of the country at every hand. Law-Abiding Bootlegger. to issue. The Irrigation commissioi writing to assure the delivery of the The philosophy of the modem boot­ Rev. H. W. Peck, of Los Angeles, is taking steps to penalize the cart Im proving in H ealth— letter.”—Indianapolis News. legger is illustrated in a story now leas bore owner.—Christian S»lenc< Jam es Firestone, who has been 111 was present and gave a short talk. going the rounds in Washington—a Monitor. for some time, is reported to be ¡in­ He spoke of how southern California story which has carried an appeul to More Electric Lights. has pulled together until they have proving. some of the highest officials of the During 1921 the increase in residen­ gained on and passed San Francisco PROPERTY OWNERS government. tial electric lighting customers In the both as to population and as a to u r­ WILL HELP (TTY TO It seems that a “regular customer” United States was 1,001,700, according, Our windows are always showing specials. Watch them, as they bring ist center. He also stated th a t Ash­ IMPROVE STREETS called up his own particular bootlegger to a survey Just completed of re­ a night or two ago and asked him what ports from electric light and power land had a good chance of being a (Continued Trom Page 1) out your wants. The price is right. he haa in stock. companies throughout the country. W hite House Groceteria. 159-2 great tourist center if all Interests “Weil,” replied the B. L., “I have This brings the total number of resi­ asked what could be done. The coun­ would pull together for the good of cil was informed th a t the power lay some Scotch, some rye, some bourbon, dential lighting customers up to 8,- A few brooms left at naif price. the town. a little gin and a little vermouth.” 467,600 or more than double the num­ with the city council exclusively to D etrick’s Groceteria. 157-3 “Have you any absinthe?” Inquired ber In 1915, when only 4,006,300 fam­ TOO LATE TO CI j A SSIFY . order the removal of any such nuis­ the customer. ilies had electric lights In tlielr homes ance. Thirty days were given the “H—11, no, man,” came back In an Nice Dry Wood! arso Bios, Ash- FOR SALE— Thoroughbred Rhode Island Reds, $1 per setting. 475 two gentlem en to begin rebuilding, astonished voice, “it’s against the law land Lumber Co., phone 20. 92tf Beach St. 159-th-sat-8* or the buildings must be razed. to sell absinthe.” Tidings classified ads get results. MASONIC CALENDAR THIS WEEK Snappy bacon at Detrick’a. 157-3 Irish Settled in Iceland. It was only In 1918 that the long constitutional controversy between Ice­ land and the Danish government re­ sulted In the recognition of that Is­ land as a free and sovereign state In association with Denmark, under one and the same king, and once more "the hermit of me Atlantic,” as It has been called, Is free to pursue Its way In accord with those ^arly days when colonists from Norway and Ireland established a commonwealth which lasted more taan four centuries. The Irish of the Twelfth century were not the first of their race to find a home in Iceland, for the first set­ tlers were anchorites from Ireland who found In these remote latitudes a place to exercise their vocation.— Christian Science Monitor. C o p > ilg h l, • THE ■ KITCHEN CABINET 1H 2J, W estern N ew sp a p er A little cooked chicken left from a previous dinner will make a most tasty dish of Chicken T I in­ hale. — To one cupful of ground chicken, add one egg white beaten stiff, two table- s p o o n f u l s of minced parsley, one teaspoonful of salt and a few dashes of cayenne. Line timbale molds with buttered paper, fill with the chicken mixture and cook twen­ ty minutes In a pan of hot water in a moderate oven. Unmold on a hot plate, add two tablespoonfuls of fresh cooked peas and pour over a mushroom sauce. Grape Parfait.—Take one-half cup­ ful of grape juice, three-fourths of a cupful of sugar, cook until it hairs from the spoon, then pour over a stiffly beaten egg white, heating the mixture constantly until it Is cool. Add one cupful of thick cream, adding one-lialf cupful of grape juice and one-fourth of a cupful or' lemon juice. Freeze. Fill a sherbet glass two-thirds full and garnish with whipped cream. Endive Salad.—Take creum cheese, mil into small halls and sprinkle with paprika. Make a nest of well-washed and drained endive, add the cheese balls and just before serving pour over a French dressing. Boston Prune Pie.—Soak oue pound of prunes In water to cover over night. Stew them In the same water until tender. Remove the stones amt rub the fruit through a strainer, flavor with grated orange rind and orange Juice. Add sugar to sweeteu and to each cupful of prune pulp allow two eggs and one-half cupful of cream. Beat the yolks, add a little salt and fold in the stiffly beaten whites. Line a pie pan with a rich paste, turn in the mixture and bake until firm. Hot Apple Pie.—Bake a pastry shell, fill with hot well-seasoned apple sauce, adding plenty of butter. Cover with a meringue and brown In the men Serve with a strip of American cheese Big Sale of Household Articles WHAT CAUSES GAS ON THE STOMACH? It is caused by ferm euting, sour, waste m atter in the intestines. This old, foul m atter should bo thorough­ ly cleaned out -with simple buck­ thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i ka. This acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing old accumulated m atter you never thought was in your svstem. Adler- l-ka relieves ANY CASE gas on the stomach. EXCELLENT for sour stomach and chronic constipation. Guards against appendicitis. T. K. Bolton, Druggist. ------------ - ----------- J - _ ; L 'u iv u . FOR COMPANY LUNCHEONS and We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors \yjio weye so kind and thoughtful during the recent illness and death of our father and grand­ father. A. C. EDWARDS and family. '— “How weak and poor beside the love that we express Now seem s beside the vast, sw eet, un­ expressed, And slight the deeds we did, to those undone. And sm all the service spent In treas­ ures won. And undeserved the praise fo r . word and deed, That should have overflowed the sim ­ ple need.” Chee6e CARD OF THANKS C H ERRO There was a young lady named Nudget, Who kept all her things in a budget; And when she went out She looked all abou: To see if the neighbors could judge It. FLOUR F or High ( la s s Patronage At Your Grocer's NEW MANAGEMENT — of— C ity Market »13 MAIN BEGINS AT ONCE It m eans— BEST O F MEAT BETTER PRICES HONEST WEIGHT We invite you to look over our stock of Paints Wall Paper Sanitas and other Decorative M aterial. We willingly give prices and figure am ounts needed. Dickerson & Son THE PAINT MAN SWENSON & McRAE "W e Furnish Happy Homes” EAST MAIN PHONE 75 The Article You Want Is Here With Unbeatable Price Saving On Every One White Enameled Combine! Buy a New Spring Wash Boiler Dustless Dry Mops —T se daily to keep floors looking spick and s j >an. __ —Regular $2.90 value, with white enamel cover. Adjustable handle permits keeping mop set s< ¡are Easily cleaned.. Can be used as chamber or pail. on the floor. Capacity, 10 quarts. - E x t r a well made. The kind to buy when service; ~ Sl)-ecial ................................................................ 65c —Sale price .......................................................... $2.00 an< durability aie desired. Heavy steel rod around!—Golden Star Furniture Polish 50c top. C orrugations of sides mean strength. ...................................................................................... Universal —Regular price, $3.75. Special ................ $2.85 Food Choppers —A\ ill cut any article of food intended for table use — meat, vegetable or —- fruit. Exposed parts heavily coated —Medium weight, good quality and verv service­ with block tin. A well known article, regular $3.00 able. Capacity, one half pint. While they last at va,ue> at ................................................................ $2.45 —Set of six . . . 35c —This decoration c.. -s of flying bluebirds- the emblems of peace ami happiness. The edge of each piece is trimmed with a blue band and the handles are traced in blue. —$1.00 value, closing out at, each....................... 25c Home Run Prices on articles listed below-Come in Twenty Dozen Glass Tumblers WALL PAPER Blue Bird Cream and Sugar Sets Percolaters Washing Machines Tea Kettles lces ay ^re. oli^ Uttle more than half what they were a year ago. We call your attention to the fact that all our wall papers are printed on ^ a n , w i e s oc , res i from the virgin Spruce woods of the North. No harmful or injurious substances are used in our papers for colors. We would e p eas o s iow you oui line in your own home, matching your draperies and floor covering from the most up-to-date stock of wall paper in Southern Oregon. Phone 75. 11