?A G B ÍW O SH ■ S a sfe äs Ashland <ö® ^ > Tidings MICKIE, Í H E AfeHLAND DAILY T iü iâ à Â Thursday, March 0, 1 Sä PRINTER ’S DEVIL By Charles Sughrea • Wann N » w t Untai She Wants It for Making Bread, Not Bumps Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except Sunday TH E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL CITY AND PA PER iXSlWTi’ TELEPHONE 39 Subscription P rice D elivered in City: One m onth ................ ..................$ .65 Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 3ix months .................................. 3.75 One year .................................... 7.59 Mall and R ural Routes One month .................................. $ .65 Three months .............................. 1.95 Six months .................................. 3.50 Ona year .................................... 6.5C ADVERTISING RATES Display A dvertising Single Insertion, each in c h ........... 30c) YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising One tim e a w eek...................... 2 7 %c Two times a week...................... 25 c Every other d a y ........................ 20 c Local Renders Each line, each tim e .................... 10c To run. every other day for one month, each line, each tim e. . 7c To run every issue for one month or more, each line, each tim e .. 5c Classified Column One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, %c the word each time. Legal R ate F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c Each subsequent time, per 8- point line .................................... 5c Card of t h a n k s ............................ $1.00 O bituaries, the line .................... 2 ’A c F raternal Orders and S ocieties Advertising for fratern al orders o r societies charging a regular initi­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligions and benevolent orders will lie charged the regular rate for all ad vertlsing when an admission or other charge is made. W hat C onstitutes A dvertising In order to allay a m isunderstand­ ing among some a3 to w hat consti­ tutes news and what advertising, we print this very simple rule, which is used by newspapers to differenti­ ate between them : "ALL future events, where an admission charge la made or a collection is taken IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to organizations and societies of every kind as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after they have occurred Is news. All coming social or organization meetings of societies where no money contribution is solicited, initi­ ation charged, or collecton taken IS NEWS. Entered a t the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice a» Second-class Mail Mat­ ter. guMMEftPLAYGROUNtf or A merica ' ‘ Ì 'ORE WASHINGTON fl. . ► ^ V b RITISH COLUMBIA/ . JRiGHT. COOL DAYS < - , IA RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. WHY VOTE THE TICKET STRAIGHT? Why strain at a gnat and swallow a camel? There are a num ber of citizens of Ashland, who are members of the Chamber of Commerce and who will vote for the ticket mailed them to­ night by the secretary, who are of the opinion that it m atters little for whom they vote, so that their vote is cast for the elimination of the bank­ ing elem ent on the board of direc­ tors. They argue that it can make no m aterial difference which of the twelve are voted for so th at six of the nine outside the bankers are elected. Herein lies the danger of the en­ tire hotel and sanitarium proposi­ tion. A hoard of directors in sympathy with the big proposition cannot be elected if the vote is scattered. It is absolutely essential that a concen­ trated vote be cast in order that the entire strength of those who are de­ sirous of seeing the big project put over, can be recorded. That can only be done through a solid vote for the ticket named at the mass meeting, and which has very prop­ erly been designated as the “ Prog­ ressive Hotel Ticket.” There are nine candidates on the ticket outside of the hankers. It is a perfectly n at­ ural conclusion th at the entire strength of the hankers will be massed, as it was at the prim ary, and this fact will give a decided set-back to the opposition. If the votes of those who are opposed to the present adm inistration of the affairs of the Cham ber of Commerce are scattered among the nine other candidates. Every vote cast for one of the other three candidates on the ticket is a registered half vote for the continu­ ation of the present board of direc­ tors, and an endorsem ent of the policy, or rath er lack of policy, which has characterized th a t body in the past. If we want the hotel and sanitarium in Ashland, it is ab­ solutely necessary to elect the ticket named at the mass meeting. There is only one way th at can be done, and th a t is by pursing the same method as adopted by those who are in favor of continuing present conditions; by massing the entire strength of the opposition on the lights lit so as not to be overrun with gression, or retrogression and stag good health and had, on the Febru ’ PRH Eh AD\ANCED (elation. The outlook for dried prunes ticket named at the mass meeting. relatives. nation? It is up to you, Mr. Voter ary 6, together with his wife, cele­ i n OREGON GROW ERS A S S N ., is very promising and points to an Every scattered vote weakens the • * There is time yet. brated the 63d anniversary of their ---------- early clean-up. x opposition and strengthens the Some folks get just enough mile-,- — A Very Interested Observer. m arriage. Some two weeks previous An advance of from one to fo u r! ----------------------------------------------- strangle-hold which a m ajority of the age out of a gallon to carry them to 1 ' -------------------- ---------- ------ to his death, he suffered an attack of cents on all grades of prunes is be- present members of the board, who the police station. ♦ « ^ ♦ ^ ♦ ♦ > * * * * ^ * * jjln flu e n x a , but had practically recov-png made by the Oregon G row ers" are up for re-election, have on the * 'e r e d from th at, when, splitting some Co-operative association this week. ' Chamber of Commerce. It is a very <3> 9 <$ ® The hope of getting even with the, kindling in the wood shed, a small The prune situation is showing a simple proposition for the citizens. landlord tomorrow keeps many a splinter from one of the sticks flew great improvement principally in the If you want the present lack of policy man from com m itting suicide today up and pierced his cheek. He stop­ east. Almost all of the small hold­ SAMVEL G. EDWARDS continued in the Chamber of Com­ ped and pulled it from his cheek and ings have been absorbed which has Samuel G. Edwards was born in merce, then scatter your votes or «- $ thought nothing of it a t the time. resulted in an increase of one-fourth PU BLIC FORUM -$■ northern Illinois, Jan u ary 5, 1837, vote straight for the ticket dom inat­ ♦ . . But the following day, Thursday, to one-half cent 'per pound, on all ed by the banking element. If you, and continued to reside there until March 2, his face was so badly swol- grades. This has been influenced to as a citizen, are in favor of injecting he was about five years old, at which len that a physician was called who some extent by the announcement THE BEST OF EATING new blood into the organization, elect People of Ashland, Members of time he removed with his parents to pronounced it a case of acute erysi- recently of the withdrawal from the the men who are pledged to use every the Chamber of Commerce: W ake Pleasant Plains, Iowa. Here he made pelas. Every tiling was done th a t, m arket of all brands of the Califor- EVERYTHING HOME-COOkED endeavor to bring the hotel and san ¡up! Think! Are you going to so his home until he was 21 years old, was possible to save his life, but to ilia Prune and Aprico: Growers asso- itarium to Ashland, by voting the, vote in the final ballot th a t you will when he went to western Kansas and no avail, and death came at 5 :30' "Progressive Hotel Ticket.” • kill our chance for a big hotel and took up a homestead there. He was o'clock on the morning of March 5,j m ineral w ater sanitarium ? And just m arried February 6. 1859. in Miami at the age of 85 years and tw o' to show a little sentim ental synt-j county, Kansas, to Eunice C. Jen- months. LET’S RE FRANK pathy for three men who do not n e e d ! worthy, to which union five children He is survived by his wife, Eunice! your vindication a t all! w'ere born. C. Edwards, and two sons, A. O. Ed- If the Chamber of Commerce These men— our bankers— are fine A fter the m arriage Mr. and Mrs. wards of near Kansas City, Kans , “ Progressive Hotel Ticket” is elect­ In their respective places— as presi- Edw ards returned io the state of and A. C. Edwards of this city. The ed by a large m ajority Monday, Mr. dent, as cashiers. The very fact that Iowa for a time, hut returned to Kan- funeral services were held Tuesday Greer will absolutely guarantee to the bank directorates re-elect them sas within a few’ months and made afternoon at the H. C. Stock under­ produce men who are interested in year after year to the same hign pos- their home there until the year 1889, taking parlors, and burial was made building a large hotel and san itar­ itions in the banks, proves it. They when they moved to Wallowa county, in Mountain View cemetery. ium iu Ashland. These investors are our bankers, and will continue Oregon. They resided there until have sufficient capital to invest one to be our bankers. Why not let it the fall of 1893, when they moved to million dollars, or more, if they want drop there? Jackson county. A short time later i to, and they are now convinced th at Mr. Greer is working to get out­ they decided to try northerp Califor­ the project can be made profitable if side capital to build a big hotel and nia, but only lived there for two local conditions are made favorable sanitarium . He has asked for a years and returned to Oregon, m ak­ so th a t they can depend absolutely working board In the Chamber of ing th eir home in Medford. In 1910 on local enthusiasm and support es­ Commerce. Why do we not give it they moved to Ashland and have been sential in carrying such a large un­ to him. These other men have noth­ continuous residents here since that dertaking to a successful term ina­ ing to offer us. It takes a man with time. tion. vision to carry to completion such Mr. Edw ards was born of parents manner, that its leavening strength and purity never W hat they do, how they do it, and a movement as is now afoot. who were members of the old vary it retains its original strength months how much money they appropriate And so, I reiterate, let us quit put- Friends church, and was himself an a; ter leaving the factories. for the Ashland project will be deter­ tering over personalities and make a active and faithful member of that mined, no doubt, by the impression long pull and a strong pull alto- church from early childhood until they get from citizens when they gether. For which shall it be for the tim e of his death. you know your baking will turn out all right-—the last come. If they find a confident, en­ A shland’s fu tu re: Activity and pro- Mr. Edw ards had been in verv Spoonful is the same as the first This timfnrm quality thusiastic sentim ent and great con­ fidence in the future, the curative power of our m ineral waters, and the ultim ate success of the proposed un­ dertaking— if they find co-operation on among our citizens and we ALL ex­ press a lively desire to co-operate HAND BAGS with them to the fullest extent in the enterprise— no doubt they will and comes usually to the man who utilizes his time, i decide to make a large, investm ent. his energy and his money to the best advan-! *or they now realize th at it will take know they can depend upon the results obtained— FITTED VANITY a *a r Se investm ent to put the project tage. Thrift in any form aids accomplishment. that climatic conditions or temperature cannot de­ BOXES over successfully, and If they start teriorate its positive leavening power. they will do it on a large enough Less Than Cost An account with us is of inestimable assist-1 When you buy baking powder remember these facts—that scale to w arrant th at success. ance to any one who is striving to conserve a uniform leavener means baking9 that do not vary in They must find exceeding willing­ Only A Limited Number quality—that Calumet is uniform. funds with which to meet future opportunities. ness on the p art of the Cham ber o f( in Stock Commerce to co-operate with them A pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking powders oome in to the fullest extent. They m ust find I r ounce iPstead of 16 ounce cans. Be sure you get a lb. when you want i t the city council ready to meet them favorably on every legitim ate re­ quirem ent. They m ust find citizens To Buy pair of shoes, a pair o f guaranteed gloves, generally enthusiastc for the en ter­ i pocket knife, a suit case, a bike tire, an auto tire, prise. I7 te a blowout section, or one of our 5000 mile guaran­ Sfon W hether they build the tourist teed retreads. hotel and sanitarium , ju st how much To Try Our Expert Shoe Repairing they will invest, what their definite proposition will be to the citizens Our big free offer on good shoe repairing. For 15 days only we and the city, if they can be induced will allow you 50c for this card to make such proposition after they on any job am ounting to $1.50 or will allow you have looked the situation over and the difference between $1.00 and $1.50. For in ­ have met our citizens, will be d eter­ stance. our best ladies’ half-soles. $1.00; leather heels, 35c; total, $1.35; your cost, $1.00; von ftive mined largely by the wholesome and 35c; or 50c rubber heels free— you save 50c. enthusiastic reception they are ac­ Compliments corded when they come. Remember this: If the "Progress­ W O O D’S ive Hotel Ticket” is elected by a large m ajority Monday, so th at un­ questionably the Cham ber of Com­ ONLY ONE TO For a little while it gave the as pleasant and far more safe, merce is enthusiastically in favor of CUSTOMER 375 East Main St., Ashland the hotel project as proposed by Mr. call at 7 a.m., and was useful. to get the comfort of a hot meal­ Greer, he will produce the men very !• W hen it began calling at mid­ time cup of Postum—and to know promptly who have expressed will- j night and 2 o’clock in the morn­ that there’s not going to be any ingness to finance the project if the! city of Ashland meets them half way ing, it became a nuisance. irritation to nerves afterward. on the proposition. T hat is all Mr. | x Greer can do. He has found the in-1 Postum is delicious and satis­ W hen tea or coffee stimulates vestors. Will you make conditions i the nerves at mealtime it seems fying, and it contains no element favorable for interesting them to the that can harm nerves or diges­ pleasant, but when it gives the point where they will put their money and experience Into such an tion. Postum is a safe and de­ wake-up call at midnight and undertaking? VIRGINIA CAFK 29 First St. as tlx© First CLEARANCE SALE One-Hall OFF The Glory of Success Calumet is made under such exact­ ing conditions — packed in such a scientific for V hen you tip the can to get the last spoonful, LUMET O K M G PO W D ER is cause for its big demand. Housewives The Citizens Bank M cN air Bros. Ashland, Oregon Ke The insolent alarm clock that went off at the wrong time Here 50c For You Eastern Supply Co. Mason Tire Sa > TH INK DROPS It takes a wedding 57 varieties of pickle • • As long as there is there will never he any • « ❖ to bring out forks. chewing gum silent drama. It is pretty hard to believe In Im­ m ortality when you see your hair falling out. • • After young folks get m arried they want to be careful to keep th eir tail leaves nerves hungering for sleep a t mid-afternoon, the pleasure is gone and serious harm is on the way. This often happens. Thousands of people have I found it fhlly A lightful drink for every member of the family, at any meal. Your grocer has both forms of Postum: Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. Postum for Health “There’s a Reason” Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. FR EE TUBE With Every Mason Cord for the Month of March Leedom s Tire Hospital! 65 North Main Street ASHLAND -