* PAOS TWO ASfíLANÍJ DAILY TtDIXOfl Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and Personal . potatoes should be given this treat* Methodist Boys I ment before cutting. A fter cutting they should be shoveled over with Win Championship I land plaster previous to planting. ---------------------- Side Lights— ------------------- Wednesday, S la re h 8, ¡9 2 2 Yreka flats was heralded. They se­ cured claims and began washing out the yellow metal with crude appli­ ances at hand. They shoveled out about a thousand dollar^ apiece from the surface ground and abandoned their claims, w i.hout ever getting to bedrock, on which the great bulk of the native yellow metal lay. Mr. W agner went to Scotts Bar where there had been a mining excitement for a year, and Mr. Thornton and the others started back northw ard for the W illam ette valley. Perceptibly impressed with the -Spraying for peach leaf curl should Teams Played Won P.C. not be delayed longer, as applications 5 .833 after the middle of February some­ MASONIC CALENDAR THIS WEEK Snappy bacon at D etrick’s. 157-3 Methodists ............... 6 Presbyterians ........... 6 3 .500 times fail. One thorough application Christians .................. 6 3 .500 of- Bordeaux 6-6-50 put on while the R eal C hinese D ish es 1 .166 buds are entirely dorman, will rid From real Chinese noodles at the Baptists .................. . 6 Malta Commandery, special con- Nelda Cafe. 156tf the trees of this disease, says a bul- clave this (W ednesday) evening. ______ The Ju n io r Y. M. C. A. Basketball letin from the °- A- c - experiment Prospective visit from deputy grand R estaurant Closes— league series ended Saturday last, | station- commander. The Jewel cafe, located near the with the Methodists a t the top of ---------- Ashland Lodge No. 23, stated com- Square Deal grocery on East Main the percentage column. The games Young ,ambs th a t are to be 8old m unication Thursday evening, March street, which was opened only re- have continued for six weeks, two for U1 on such nostrum s for which street, who was operated on a few Try D etrick’s chipped beef in bulk. and Clary; center, F rulen; guards, a jj sorts of powers against diseases days ago for intestinal trouble, is 157-3 W olcott and Heer. Substitutes— and insect pestg are claimed. improving and will recover unless Tilton, Ludlow, Elmore, Edwards. __________________ complications set in and this is not Spoke at F le e tin g - B a p tis ts -F o rw a rd s . Cotter a n d 'v g REVENUES PAJjL expected at this time. Dr. Rockey, of Portland, who has B utterfield; center. Carson; guards, SHORT OF LAST YEAR been in the south for some time and Moore and Oslin. C hinese N oodles and Chop Suey —— R eferee -W o o d . ! WASHINGTON. D. C., March 7 . - was returning home, stopped oif in Made according to genuine Chinese The second game gave the D is-!W ith only four montbs left of the Medford last Wednesday evening recipes at the Nelda Cafe. 156tf ; and gave the Jackson County Medi- ciples victory over the Presbys. The fiscal year 1922’ th e government is; ' Leedom says: Tire repairs cost cal society, which met with Dr. fact th a t several of the boys on the behind >76,000,000 in revenues as, Hayes th a t evening, a talk along form er team have played together compared with the same period last Just half of what they did a year ago. i surgical lines that was indeed worth frequently on the Junior Hi team year‘ Get our prices, Leedom’s Tire Hos- i while. has given them an advantage in te a m ! pltal. 158-4 work which has usually told in th eir pME R O IG EJR IV ER VALLEY SEVENTY- Baby Boy E lks’ Basketball team meets favor. The line-up: ONE YEARS AGO Disciples^—Forw ards, R. P a rr and Mrs. Mark Baker of Butte Falls, c^ ainP3 northern California Wed- gave birth to a 10 pound boy Monday nes^ay> March 8, at Armory. 157-2 K anasto; center, Hoxie; guards, A. (Continued from Page 1) P a rr and Beeson. Subs— W a y n e . ___________________________________ morning at the local "hospital. Both; ~ Presbyterians— Forw ards. W agner; ley luxuriant in rlch grasses> a imost , m other and babe are doing nicely. Season Late in California— - W. E. Glendining, a form er Ash- and Leslie; center, Moore; g u a rd s ,p a R enough to hide their horses from; E aster suit« at Paulserud’s. Or- land resident, but who has of late Dunn and P ittinger sight. It was surely a land “ where j der now. 155tf made his home at Chico, Calif., Referee— Marske. 1every prospect pleases” and even The series have been a real suc­ man, except the Indian who had un­ i where he is connected with the bu- B u tler’s H om e Made Caram els— reau of entomology, writes th a t the cess. Good, clean play and whole­ disputed possession of it, had yet had Delicious, melt in your mouth. w eather is fully slx week, beh,nd some recreation have been afforded no opportunity to be vile here. Plaza Confectionery. I5 7 tf tiine thls year and fu rth er gtateg a group of boys who would o th erw ise; No white man had yet disputed the that_ almonds, which are usually have had little opportunity to en g ag e , ^ rj 6 oj tbe a borigines who peered at A ble to go Home— through blooming by this time, are in basketball at all in any organized i tbe vuv travelers as they passed along Gene Davis, who has been a t t h e |on^y beginning bl'oom and regular way. A league properly from the cover of trees and brush, local hospital for the past month, j _____________ _ conducted and with common basic though they exhibited no signs of was able to be taken home the first j principles of eligibility is always hostility to the pale faces. The trail ’!♦<$>< of the week. > O B IT U A R Y <» much to be preferred over bush followed around the edge of the foot ■» games with “ free lance” teams. The hills on the west side of the valley Juicy boiled ham. D etrick’s Gre- Y. M. C. A. has, of course, long been and crossed Ashland creek at the ceterla. 157-3 known for its facility in organizing present site of the city of Ashland. Miss Emma L. Coleman was born and handling community athletics in Here, on the banks of the beautiful C hinm e C ooking__ at PhoeH‘x, Oregon. Her parents this way. W hile the schools, athletic j gtream whlch f,owed then ag nQW Noodles and chop suey— the r e a l' were ^ r ’ and Mrs. Johd Coleman, clubs, etc., g i\e opportunity to the cjear and cojd and pure frOm the thing from genuine Chinese recipes. Oregon pioneers. She obtained a athlete, the Y. M. C. A. gives special snowg Qf the m ountain peak ln the Nelda Cafe. 156tf good education in schools at Phoenix, effort to the work of offering the Siskiyous now called Ashland Butte, ______ , Ashland Academy and at the state same chance to the "bench w arm er” there was a village of Indian wicki­ Nasal Operation— i norm al school at Monmouth, grad- and the fellows in the bleachers. No ups. Apparently the red men of those Horace Badger, cashier of the Tai- uating from the latter. She taught ent State bank, had a nasal operation! school in different parts of the state, doubt one of the greatest weakness days recognized the superior advan- of American athletics is th a t it is i tages of Ashland as a residence performed one day the first part of including Jacksonville, Hillsboro and largely for the few who need it the place as keenly as do th eir conquer- the week, and is reported to be doings Ashland, ranking high as a teacher, leas’, while it. should be lending its ers and successors of the present nicely. She was m arried to George N. An­ bénéficient influence to the masses generation. The argonauts opened derson on Nevember 5, 1902, and for instead, or at least in addition. up friendly negotiations with the In­ Commencing Friday, March 10, we many years resided in Ashland or on Appreciative mention should be; dians with difficulty, but Mr. Thorn- will allow an extra 5 per cent off for the Anderson farm near Talent. For made of the Ashland high school au- ton sayg ftg tbey pas8ed on gouth- two days only. Get your supply for years she had been a member of the tliorities who so kindly opened the ward from the village with their the month, at W hite House Groce- Presbyterian church, and was active gymnasium for the use of the league. train tbe red sk ins Quietly follewed teria. 156-4 in religious and educational work. ---------- I She died March 4, 1922, after sev- and to Mr. Eric W eren and Prof. I. C. t hem and saw them safely on their Wilson, who have assisted in the or- way acro9g the Sigkiyous evidently Dance, .Saturday night. Moose eral years of ill health and suffering. ganization and conduct of the series. Qn thg a ,ert tQ gee w hat the whlte Hall. Leedom’s Orchestra. 158-4 ; Her husband, George N. Anderson, A Y. M. G. A. baseball series » IIP were up tQ Mr Thorton and - ---------- . two sisters, Mrs. H attie I. Calvert, of ' p arty traveled until they reached a L eave for Los A ngeles— G rants Pass, and Minnie Coleman, be conducted later in the spiing. j point on the upper Sacram ento about Robert H. Pinson and Jack P in so n .' Of San Francisco, and a brother, Ze- where D unsm uir is now located, of Ashland, left Tuesday morning land Coleman, living in the state of when a terrific storm overtook them for Los Angeles, where they will W ashington, survive her. Mrs. An- and upset th eir plans of continuing probably locate, if things turn out as derson had a host of friends who re- the journey together southw ard. they hope. , member her for excellent qualities ______ . ; For five days and nights a snow­ of heart and mind. storm raged and not only made tra- Take This Quick— The funeral services were held at PORTLAND, March 8.— Develop- veiing impossible, but buried the Five rooms, bath and toilet, lot 50 the Ashland Presbyterian church on ment of the trade between the Unit- grasses upon which they depended by 140, completely furnished house. Wednesday afternoon. March 8. and ed States and Japan will dispell the for the feed of the horses. Several $1775; unfurnished, $1575. If you were conducted by the pastor. Rev. want bargains, go to Ashland Realty j. p. Koehler. Interm ent was made clouds of doubt and m isunderstand- anim als succumber, but each mem- ing which now cast a shadow over the ber of the party had started with a Company. 158-2 in Mountain View cemetery. peaceful relations of the two coun- ; hundred pounds of flour, and this tries, according to Yenji Taheda, was fed to the starving horses and new Japanese consul, who took over saved most of them until the snow, the duties of his office yesterday. which, though it fell to a great depth Takeda announced th a t his chief en- went off with a warm rain after a deavors as counsel would be to in- few days. The party disbanded, fttCHAQD: crease the num ber of cargo carriers some of them continuing southw ard plying between Portland and the further, but Mr. Thornton and his Japanese ports, and stated th at facil­ companions, among whom were ^GßlFFlTH'S— I ities for distributing inform ation to those mentioned heretofore, reached ’WAV O owk im porters and exporters from the the present site of Yreka, on the 2d CAST' consulate would be greatly in ­ day of April, the very day on which creased. the discovery of rich placers on the The chief exports from this coun­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. try to Japan are lum ber and wheat, and the new consul averred th a t the ; FOR^SALE— Duck eggs, 13 for $1.50 demand for both these com m odities! — Inquire S. J. Oslin, 147 Ohio was bound to afford a constant mar- St-________________________ 158-3 ket for the American producers in FOR SALE— Six room house partly furnished. Chickens, bicycle, g ar­ his native land. den tools. 276 Mechanic St. 158-4* Yenji Takeda is 35 years old, but i \ X / ITH it’s humaneness looks younger. He has been in the j FOR SALE— Four dozen W hite Leg­ ▼ * and it’s storv of un­ horn hens and pullets, laying consular service for a num ber of strain, $1.00 each. Mrs. Everett years, and was attached to the staff usual love, its thrills and G riffith, Box 61. 158-1* of the Japanese delegation at the it’s pathos, it stands alone disarm am ent conference at W ashing­ FOR SALE— 1922 Buick six, five in the field of spectacular ADMISSION passenger, in first class condition. ton when he was appointed to suc­ productions. A bargain. Inquire Ashland Auto Adults ...................... 55c ceed T. Sugim ura as consul at P o rt­ Co. 158-6* land. Children .................. 25c ONE H UNDRED PE R CENT FOR RENT— Nicely furnished rooms (including war tax) with or w ithout board. Reasonable ENTERTAINM ENT FARM REMINDERS rates. Vendome, 425 E ast Main. HOURS 158-tf Directions for applying the corros­ Evenings ................ 7:15 ive sublim ate treatm en t to seed pota­ FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR CAT­ TH E THEATER BEAÜTVUL Afternoons ............. 1:30 TLE— Four work horses, weight toes may be had free by w riting to about 1000 nounds. Cad Ellis, the O. A. C. experiment station. All Talent, Or. 158-2* A ■■ ■■■ w « Consul to Foster Trade With Japan TODAY-TOMORROW "WAY DOWN EAST” D. W. GRIFFITH’S Greatest Picture beauties of the Rogue River valley, which aided by the discovery of gold near Jacksonville a few months later began to be dotted with settlem ents, Messrs. Thornton and W agner select­ ed their future home and abiding place here, makitig settlem ent at Wragner creek, near the present site of the town of Talent, and became identified with the development of the country. The changes of half a century and over here is now left to only a few to tell of from a personal observation beginning with the first settlem ent of this'favored valley. C H E R R O Rip Van Winkle has long been dead. Before he died this is what he said “ Twas CherrO that made me get up and get; If I ’d used it before, I ’d be going yet.’ FLOUR For High Class Pal rouage At Your Grocer's Me-o-my, how you’ll take to a pipe— and P. A J Before you’re a day older you want to let the idea slip under your hat that this is the open season to start something w ith a joy’us jimmy pipe — and some Prince Albert! Because, a pipe packed with Prince Albert satisfies a man as he was never satis­ fied before—and keeps him satisfied! And, you can prove it! Why — P. A.’s flavor and fragrance and coolness and its freedom from bite and parch out by our exclusive ented process) are a lation to the man who never could get acquainted with a pipe! P. A. has made a pipe a thing of joy to four men where one was smoked before! Ever roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert? Man, man — but you’ve got a party coming your way! Talk about a cigarette smoke; v/e tell you it’s a peach! P r in c e A lb e r t i t to ld in te p p y red ban * , t id y re d tin s , handsom e pound and h a lf p ound tin hum id ors a n d in the p ou nd c ry s ta l e la te h u m id o r o fith »poc.se m o ie t e n e r top . C o p y rig h t 1921 b y P J. R e y n o ld * Tobacco Co. W lost on-S&iom, N. C. f t* ih e n a tio n a l j o y s m o k e It took yEARS^yEARS to develop CAMEL QUALITY We worked on Camels for years before we put them on the market. Years of testing—blending—experi­ menting with the world’s choicest tobaccos. And now, EVERY DAY, all our skill, manufactur­ ing experience a id lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos are concentrated on making Camel the best cigarette that can be produced. There’s nothing else like Camel QUALITY. And there’s noth ag else like Camels wc/nc’erful smoothness, fine tobaco flavor and FREEDOM FROM CICA- RETTY Ai TERTASTE. hat’s wl y Camel popularity is growing faster than ever. A better cigarette cannot be made. I V/e put the utmost quality into TH IS ONE BRAND. 8 . J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.. N. C.