Álarcb í»i«U Local and P e rso n a l m Yeo sez: Auto liability Insurance is w orth investigating. 146 f AsaiAirö dáílí iiiiiMo« f l u Mate MteBfitti Buff leghorn eggs. Phone 411-R. ganizations and hope th at plans might be made for lay members to attend the conferences throughout the year. The work which has been accomp­ lished during the past year has been made possible through the splendid work of the various community groups, the co-operation of the Red Cross, the doctors throughout the county, the teachers in the schools, and the various organizations in the county, and 1 wish a t this time to express my great appreciation to all who have helped carry on the work during the past year.. Respectfully subm itted. MARIE E. FALLDINE. County Public H ealth Nurse. B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L | 'I<«lfor Calif,, wa9 in and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bvanson’ One cent tfre word each time. Phone 68. We call. i5 3 t f Ashland Monday and returned to his of Medford, called on Mrs. Clair SITUATION WANTED PHYSICIANS. --------- - home on train 15 Monday night. Minard Tuesday. ' • Delivers New Cara __ IF YOU NEED HELP,, call at 140 DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice So. Pioneer, or address Box 174. _ limited to eye, ear, nose and Spring woolens are in at the pre- The local Chevrolet agency an ­ Yeo Sez: C me B-4 you insure. _____________ ' 157-3* throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and nounces the sales of three cars dur- war Prices at Orre3’ Tailor Shop. 2 to 6. SWedenburg Bldg., Ash­ ing the past few days, Harley Dunn, SALESM EN WANTED 153-tf Motored to J a c k s o n v ille - land, Ore. 73-tf kU eorge K ram er and T. W. Sanford ---------- Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Oslin motored SALESMEN to cover local territory I having each purchased a new “ 490” Dight F in e — to Jacksonville today in their new selling dealers. G uaranteed salary i DR* J- J. EMMENS— Physician and H arry Rosenberg, of Medford, has Practice limited to ■ Chevrolet. , Clair King, better known as Chevrolet car. of $100 week for right man. T h e 1 Surgeon. returned from New York and Chi­ eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses Commercial Radium Co., Fifth Toughy,” was in Justice Gowdy’s supplied. Oculist and aurlst for cago, where he studied fruit condi­ Ave. Bldg., New York. 157-6* Electric range and hot plate e l e - 'T " 1 Tuesday in answer to a com- The Neida Café­ S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F and H. is m aking real Chinese noodles tions, and also purchased a radio- 153tf ¡P^a ^nt R^ed by J- Raine, m anager Bldg., Msdford, Ore. Phone 667 W ANTED. m ents repaired. Fixit Shop. of the N atatorium , who had 9ome and chop suey. Try some. 15 6tf J Phone, called the most m arvelous of WANTED— By middle aged woman, DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Special a t trouble with King Sunday evening at In itia l M eeting P ostponed— modern inventions, which he will in- tention to m others and children. light housework. Address 600 F ire at W illis Property A gain__ 'the skating rink. King was fined Internal secretions and endocrine Liberty St. 157-4* The m eeting of the proposed Plaza [stall in his room at the Medford ho- The fire departm ent made a run glands. Res. and office, Í08 Pio­ $5 and allowed to go his way. Im provem ent club has been post­ WANTED— Fat hens.” Box 12, Tal- e a r I y \ h i 7 m7 r n I L r i o 't h e * “o r n e r 'o t t l i c h ? , . " 3 " , ‘ V r “«■ ««<■► prices for furs— skunk, mink, DR. SHAW— Eye, ear, nose, throat The Ford Tailoring company’s line P aulserud’s window. fisher, coyote, lynx, cat, etc. Ed­ ______ ' ¡only a shorted wire near th e electric I ’ "e- .'“ ".o specialist; glasses fitted. Office -k samples are now on display. Prices gar Johnson, Farm Bureau. Med- at residence, Pioneer Ave., raorn- Here from California— ¡light bulb caused a flash of flame r "Jg eii o>\ fiom Mexico to ford, Ore. Phone 929. 124tf lng and by appointment. Phone 28. for light weight, $17; medium, $31. Mrs. Minnie Parsons, of near D o r-'whlO> burned the cord off the w i r e L ^ ' ^ j 3'" 1 “ eaSt 33 the Rocky No more, no less. Some real bar­ FOR RENT. CHIROPRACTORS. . gains. We do cleaning, pressing, re­ ris, Calif., was in Ashland Tuesday and m ight have caught the house I on business. fire, hut for m e prom pt a rriv a l1 ,,errorm jnce. of the Chicago FOR RENT— Furnished housekeep­ DR. M A ID INGERSOLL HAWLEY pairing and dying as It ought to be I QUO of w hom !grand ° ,,era at Portland the la tte r ing rooms, suitable for couple. — Visiting Chiropractic Physician. of the departm ent. done. Suits made to measure. K. I part of this month, will be heard Desirable location. AduVis only. Neuritis cases a specialty. ’ Phone Nelson, Hotel Ashland block. 1 5 4 tfl The best uome made candies can PllBed out the electric light fu se s1 Phone 348-L. 157-4» through a radiophone. Every week 367-J. Treatm ent given only in be liad at Rose Brothers. 1 5 2 t r and stopped the fire with practically your own home. day night, the dance orchestra of 1 no damage. M oves o f th e Day— PORTLAND. March 8.— W ith mail FOR RENT— Three room modern the St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, O perated on at Medford— furnished bungalow. Interior new­ VETERINARY The J. M. Sutton family have orders for tickets pouring in from all ly decorated. Adults only. Inquire . ______- gives a concert for the radiophone. , Mrs. A. H. Pracht was operated on E lks’ Basketball Team meets moved from 428 G ranite street, over the northw est, the engagem ent 166 Hargadine, phone 122. 154tfP * p HISHOLM— Graduate Veteri­ w here they have lived for the past at the Sacred H eart hospital at M ed-¡champs of northern California W ed-!0 ” ° ther nigh,s sin8ing and talking of Mary Garden and the world fam ­ narian. 217 Fourth St. Phone 1. ford yesterday and is reported as do- nesday, March 8, a t Armory. ¡num bers of Orpheum vaudeville are 14 7 -1 mo-; several months. ous Chicago Grand ‘Opera company AUTO FOR RENT— By hour w ithout I sent broadcast. d river to responsible persons, reason-1 a ing nicely. of 311 persons at the public audi­ PLUMBING able rates. E. N. Norton Motor Co. The radiophone has taken the east Enjoy th a t feeling of satisfaction R eturns From Hospital— torium March 22 to 25, is an assured Phone 57. 1 4 2 - lm o ) - — I by storm , and they have been pur- Cliff Payne makes clothes racks. deriva d troni wearing Paulserud’s H, R. ADAMS— Plumbing, C ontract­ C. A. Cotter, of 167 a r r is o n |ehaged ag jagt ag nianufacture(j cp^e success, according to word that has APARTMENTS ing and day work. 248 Fifth St., aulta. 155tf gone out from the offices a t the FOR RENT— Furnished apartm ent. street, who has been in the southern phone 166-J. lOOtf one bought by Mr. Rosenberg is now Redecorating^— auditorium . Already practically ev­ Pacific hospital a t San Francisco for Close In, modern conveniences. S trik es at Lum ber Camps— The Clapp residence at 049 E » .t jthe past lew weeks, returned Io his en route, and is believed to be the ery city and town in the northw est Adults only. Inquire 166 H arga­ PHONE your next Job of plumbing It is reported th a t various lum ber first one^to. be installed in southern to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building. dine street or phone 122. 147-1 mo am street, recently purchsed hy home this morning on train 12 is represented in the mail order list. Phone 138. camps are experiencing strikes at the Floyd Dickey through the Ashland) Oregon, In last week’s L iterary Di­ ______ FOR SALE. The Chicago company closed Its present time, there being 700 of the Realty company, is being redecorated ¡ Delecatessen__ gest there was a description of the T R A N SFER AND E X PR E SS. annual engagement, in New York FOR SALE — Straw berry plants — ’ — 1100 men a t Weed out; 300 of the land radiophone and a map showing the February 25 and started immediately 700 a t McCloud; quite a num ber a t | Dickey X n k T * he w H^rem 'odel th e ! Cook ies"* h ",^' p ^ aroOns’ (l atm eal Everbearing, $2.75. and New Ore- F 0R prompt and careful service. sections served. For instance, the on its annual tour, traveling in gon, $1.50 per 100. auto trucks or horse drays, call Hard wa re Dorris, and practically all of the men house with modern bungalow lin es.' rant 69 N o r t " ^ - ^ ' > V ^ t f Rogue river valley will be able to Dept., Enders. W hittle Transfer Co. Phone l i t . 157-4* th re e special passenger trains de around K lam ath Falls. and has plans prepared In this con-i 157tf hear the Los Angeles and Seattle Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel luxe and one special train of 17 bag­ FOR SALE— 1919 Maibohm six, Ashland. 56tf stations, and as far as Denver, If air ' nection. He will occupy the rest-1 Stopping H ere— gage cars of scenery, costumes, etc. $600. 1920 Maxwell. $450. 1918 8. No need suffering any m o re ;den<* this summer. Mrs. W alter Jam es of Dunsm uir conditions are right. Maxwell, $25 0. 1914 Hnpmobile, T L. POWELL— GENERAL TRAN8- The western season will be opened at $150. E. N. Norton Motor Co. w ith catarrh. McNair Bros, guar-; --------- - is stopping at the Vendome for a few FER — Good team and motor­ Portland March 22. The only other Phone 57.’ 157-3) trucks. Good service at a reason­ antee th a t If a Hyomei outfit does Columbia records reduced to C5c days. Mr. Jam es is an engineer with cities on the cost to be visited by the able price. Phone 83. not relieve you. they will pay for it at Rose Brothers. 1 5 2 tf;th e Southern Pacific and runs be- company are San Francisco and Los FOR SALE OR TRADE- -Buick six. themselves. 154 B St. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER tween Dunsm uir and Ashland. 157-2* Angeles. Lady Elks Will Meet— The Portland contract calls for the FOR SALE— Purebred Barred Rock F- A. GREASER— Contractor und The Lady Elks will meet Thurs- B utler's Walnut, Cream T a f f y - Dew Drop Ian— for lonches. entire Chicago company and all its eggs for hatching. The laying, Builder. P. O. Box 66, Ashland, day in the club rooms, and the host-i Pepperm int. Straw berry, Vanilla equipm ent and five of the company’s 150-1 mo paying strain. 495 Beach St.. I Oregon. esses for the afternoon will be the ¡and Chocolate. Plaza Confectionery I greatest operas, Monna Vanna, Loh­ Ashland. 142-w-s CAR WASHING Mesdames D. Perozzi and Fred W ag-' ______ engrin (in E nglish), Romeo and Ju ­ No “cure”—but helps to re­ R eported A s Im proving— duce paroxysms o f coughing. ner’ liet, Thais and A’da. The company FOR SALE— Incubator and wagon. | FIRST CLASS CAR WASHING and Marie E. Falldine, public health will come with 45 world stars, in­ Louis Dennis, 444 California. i polishing, $2.50. Lithia Oarage. | Jessie Neil, who was operated on 156-3* Phone 114. 113tf The famous Victor 10 inch record a few days ago is reported as doing nurse for Jackson county, has made cluding Mary Garden, Lucien, Mura- — ■ > the following report of the work done has been reduced from 85 cents to [as well as could be expected. ▼ V a r o R ub tore, Edith Mason, Rosa Raisa, FOR SALE— 25 tons grain hay in FOR HALE— REAL ESTATE. ctack, $5 per ton; 30 tons grain Mrs. Irving Finley, who was taken during the year ending with Feb­ Georgest Baklanoff, F orrest Lamont, Ober Z7 Million Jan Used Yearly 75 cents. Three thousand to select! hay in barn, $12 per ton. Phone FOR SALE— Four room modern , from at Rose Brothers. 152tf to the local hospital the first of the ru ary : Margery Maxwell and many other 220-R. Frank l’erry, Medford. bungalow, close in, large screened N ursing visits— 76. week is getting along nicely. famous a rtists; an orchestra of 7 6 156-3 in porch, basement, toilet, bath, Instructive visits, including visits pieces; a chorus of 70, ballet of 30, pantry. Priced for quick sale. INCUBATOR, 200 egg ca­ $1000. Terms on part. Call at If you want fish th a t you know to general and tu b ercu lar cases—-188 76 stage hands and a great group of ECLIPSE pacity; Sharpies separator, good 140 So. Pioneer. 157-3* Social service calls, visits of in- other help. is fresh, visit the Ashland Fish and, order. 231 Mechanic St. 154-4* Poultry M arket 67 North Main. 157tf 1 vesBgation, visits to doctors, busi- The Portland engagem ent is to FOR SALE— Good sound Newtown F0R SALE OR TRADE— Fives aerfs ______ jness calls, etc.— 382. cost $72,500, which am ount has been improved land. Inquire 1131 Oak and W inesap apples. Not culls, To P ortland on B usiness— Infant and child w’elfare visits— 96 guaranteed by 40 Portland business St. 157-6* 50 cents a box. Half mile west of Fred H errin left on train 16 last P ren atal visits— 12. cannery. O. A. Manning, Talent, men. They hope to make it the FOUND. evening for Portland where he will Or. 146tf Visits to schools— 78. ' greatest musical and operatic event i tran sact business for a few days. Home visits in regard to school the northw est has had, as well as a FOR SALE— Barred Plym outh Rock FOUND— A sum of money. Address children— 34. and W hite Leghorn eggs for h a tc h -, A. Z., care of Tidings, identifying great success from an attendance 157tf property. Basketball! B asketball!! ing, 75 cents for 15. Also poultry Total num ber of visits— 866.' standpoint. tonic and washing tablets, cheap, j Come out and see real profession- Number of children inspected for E Yockey, 177 E. Main. Phone; ! als in action. Ashland E lks and Symptoms of physical defects— 1349. 146. 142-lm o INCOME TAX FACTS While in Portland recently N orthern California Champs. March Num ber of patients examined by To avoid penalty, income tax re­ I bought ! 8, at Armory. FOR SALE— Broody hens, hatching physicians a t clinics-—131. BARGAIN COUNTER GOODS tu rn s m ust be in the hands of collec ©ggs. O. A. C. Barred Rocks, Buff, such as extra wragon wheels Number of clinics held throughout to rs of internal revenue on or before Brown and W hite Leghorns. All reaches, leadbars, singletrees, the county— 8. high egg producing strains. Prices m idnight, March 15, 1922. plow beams and handles, 'a t Com m unity group m eetings— 29. reasonable. Phone 408-R. Every taxable retu rn must be ac­ prices prevailing before the war. 1 4 1 -lm o , Come in early while they last. Follow-up w eighing and m easur­ companied by a payment of at least Fencing, harness and Imple­ ing m eetings have been held after one-fourth of the total tax due. Ex­ FOR SALE— Single comb W hite ments at reduced prices. each clinic. Leghorn eggs, for hatching, tra p -1 tensions of time for filing returns New and second hand tewing During the past y ear four patients a re allowed only in exceptional cases, nested. Also Barred Plymouth machines. Rocks, extra large birds. Phone; have been sent to Portland for hos­ illness, absence, etc. Applications for 340-Y. 12.7-lmo pitalization under th e crippled chil­ extensions under these circum stances Peil's Corner F you cannot get a painter for nishes, enamels, w all finishes d ren ’s law; th re e -patients have been BU SINESS O PPORTUNITIES should be addressed to the collector redecorating you’ll find it fas­ and stains especially for you to placed in the tuberculosis hospital at of internal revenue for the district cinating to do the work your­ use. Quick-drying,smooth-flow« Salem; five have been placed in tk s in which the taxpayer lives. No ex­ WE CAN LOCATE you in most any — s e lf— easy, too, with Fuller’s ing, easily applied— the finest kind of paying business in South- ■ home for the feeble-m inded, and ap­ tension beyond 30 days can be g ran t­ free advice. ern Oregon. FOUR-SITE SALES m aterials of this kind that we plications are in for two more. Five ed by a collector. Requests for fu r­ AGENCY, Business Brokers, Bea­ Washable Wall Finish W e Buy and Sell Y ou can tint walls, paint floors know. patients have been sent to local hos­ ther extensions m ust be addressed to ver Block, A shland; Medford WASHABLE WALL ©r closets, re-enamel the bath­ Y’ou’ll be surprised, delighted, Bldg., Medford. 132tf pitals, two for operations and three the commissioner of internal reve­ F IN ISH is Fuller’s tub, make old chairs, tables, etc., to see the kind of work that you Specification for beau­ for regular hospital care. nue, W ashington, D. C. tifully tinted washable like new, re-do picture frames can do. Of the 1349 children inspected plastered walls and ceil­ For failure to make a return on and bric-a-brac at small cost. PIRU INSURANCH ings, and woodwork. W e know how to make them symptoms of defects were found as time, the penalty is a fine of not Comes ready-mixed in INVEHTMHNTH Describe the article to us, how for you, for w e’ve had 72 years’ follows: fifteen colors. You sim­ more than $1000, plus 25 per cent of finished now, and what effect experience. W e are one of the ply apply it as directed FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— Defective teeth ................ j. .400 the tax due. and get a beautiful ef­ Thos. H. Simpson, of Ashland, au­ you want to get. YVe tell you country’s largest manufacturers Defective tonsils ..............i. . 20 8 fect. For failure to pay tax when due thorizes his announcement as a how to do it in detail, and what H otel A shland B uilding of paint products exclusively. Defective nasal breathing.». 70 candidate for the nomination for or for understatem ent of the tax Ready For Use material to buy. Asklund, Oregon Fuller’s “H om e S e r v i c e " Enlarged glands ............... 5. 4 6 the office of county commissioner through negligence there is a penalty W ASH ABLE W ALL F IN ISH , a Phone 2« of Jackson county, subject to t h e : T r y ! “ju st a can of paint and Paints are used and F uller’s decorative, durable and sanitary finish Defective hearing ............. ». 127 of 5 per cent of the tax plus interest for interior wails and wall board. decision of the republican vo'ers a little work th a t’s /« » ’’— you’ll Specifications for painting at Defective vision ............... ».305 at 1 per cent a month until paid. of said county, ■at the prim ary elec­ The colors are soft, mellow, and work little wonders in your home are followed by home peo­ adapt themselves to any interior decor­ Other defects ...................;. 105 tion. May 19th. 1922. For making a false or fraudulent re­ ating color scheme. home. ple everywhere. tu rn the penalty is a fine of not more to apply. Nominal in cost. Made in 16 colors. Thousands of women now use Total. 1261 T ake advantage of Fuller’s than $10,000, or not exceeding one Also makers of Rubber-Cement Floor AUTOMOBILE LIAIULITY paint and varnish who never I feel th at A shland is in need of year’s imprisonment, or both, to­ Free Advice and Fuller Prod­ All-purpose Varnishes. Silken- white Enamel, Fifteen~for-Floors, Auto As the owner of a motor car. thought they could. . a community nurse. The school gether with the cost of prosecution ucts, and you’ll get the exact Enamel, Barn and Roof Paint, Porch all the hazards of tlie road are up­ boards of Medford and Ashland have and an additional assessment of 50 We make special paints, var­ effects that you desire. w h it e ’ lead .' P ,O N E E R on YOUR shoulders. Accidents do their nurse, but even this is not en­ per cent of the am ount of tax paid. happen, and it makes no differ­ ough to meet th e growing dem ands ence w hether or not you are W. P. Fuller & Co. blameless, it costs money and time for help and Instruction. We need Dept. 21, San Francisco to defend the action. Then if in to develop more of our clinYcs. not Pioneer Paint Manufacturers for the opinion of the jury you are If you wish to be perm anently re­ 72 Years—Established 18(9 V S P E C IFIC A TIO N only for the two large centers, but Branches in 16 cities in the West lieved of gas in the stomach ’ and i to blame, it costs money to settle BA R BER in the various com m unities. Med­ Dealers Everywhere bowels, take B aalm ann’s Gas Tab­ the damages. You can have protection cover­ ford, with her large num ber of lets, which are prepared especially C hildren’s W ork A Varnishes - Enam els ing your legal liability for dam ­ for stomach gas and all the bad ef­ school children needs her school ages (proven or not proven) a ris ­ Specialty M’f’d. by W. P. Fuller & Co. fects resulting from gas pressure. nurse as well as a community nurse, ing from personal injuries to That empty, gnawing feeling at and I feel th a t it is the task of the W HERE TO B U Y : Important that you get the Safety blades resharpened the pit of the stomach will d isa p -! other people suffered or alleged Write us now— a postcard—for booklet of Fuller's right material so be sure to go to the right store for Specification “Home Service” Paint Products which organizations to work out plans d ur­ FuUer products. Cut out the coupon below as a s'end^U * ha* ? 9 .‘»uy for the work you h7ve7n like.new. Single bit, 30< pear; that anxious, nervous feeling, I to have suffered by the operation w memo to direct you. Don’t allow surfaces to rot. It your car; we also furnish you ing the coming year to meet the w of and get vug our ir free advice on any i_- .* s j doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz with heart palpitation will 'vanish, i of costs less to paint them. protection against liability for alt kind of painting job you want to do. and you will again be able to take a j demands throughout the county. accidents Involving damages to deep breath without discomfort. ' F° r • " eXUri’ r i° b‘ #< U U *• the services of a Master Painter R egular meetings of the executive another’s property, and the ex­ That drowsy, sleepy feeling after C. B. L A M K I N committee should be held every two pense of the settlem ent of such dinner will be replaced by a desire SAVE T H IS -C U T THIS OUT AHD PUT IT IH YOUR POCKETBOOK OR KAHDBAG AS A MEMO «k months, with reports of standing 'for entertainm ent. Bloating will claims. The cost is small. Bet­ ter be safe than sorry. When you cease. Your limbs, arm s and fingers committees as routine business. Also BARGAINS IN R EAL X Pulkr’a Setvite" F w tt. u e .old by the following in y o u ^ i t ^ """ ™ ™ want good insurance talk with will no longer feel cold and “ go to y ' ESTATE we must keep largely to our schedule sleep," because Baftlmann’s Gas Tab-, with our community group meetings lets prevent gas from interfering and enlarge our groups— planning with the circulation. J. City and Ranch Properties Get the genuine Baalm ann’s Gas definite and interesting program s for REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE Tablets in the yellow package from H ouses to R ent each meeting. E lh a rt’s Drug Store or any reliable E stablished 1083 We need to branch out and come r ----------- druggist. J. Baalmann, Chemist, Phone 211 41 E. Main St. *Jn closer touch with other county or- San Francisco. __x I > . CITIZEN'S BANK BUILDING H ere from H ilt — E IN ROOM AI HOTEL EVENT OF YEARS w V I C K S HOOPING COUGH L REPORT OF HEALTH NORSE Ashland Realty Co. Houses to Rent Property for Sale 26 East Main St. Ashland, Oregon Phone 181 A s k F u lle r H o w t o D o Y o u r O w n Ref bushing of Furniture, Floors, Walls, Bric-a-brac, Etc. I Real Estate POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS STAPLES KEAI.TY AIÌENCY A Fullers No More Gas in Stomach, Bowels W. A. SH E L L Home Service"Pa»nts D ic R e r so n Q. S o n Billings Agency