¡■itiä « M f ä i ¿SfiUffi» « lit i «MMM Ashland a® tB> Tidings ews behihd thd banks th a t makes such possible. The banks themselves are but the instrum ents through which great things can be accomp­ lished. There is a whole sermon in that F irst National Bank letter. It is on a p articu lar subject, but th e prin­ ciples laid down, being true, are ap­ plicable to the Ashland hotel situ a­ tion as well. If Ashland does the big thing it will only be through wholesome co-operation of all citi­ zens. T h at’s what the Tidings is now fighting for. T h at’s what it takes to land the big persimmons. • * The best banker makes the poor-j est community booster. Most of them are so conservative they lean back­ ward. • • * accomplishments. When you vote this week, MT, Member, keep this in mind: It is not a personal m atter; it is as to the policy of the club a9 to bank dom ination; and vote accord­ ingly. ever be accomplished in this m an­ ner. If money has been m isappro­ priated (which we do not believe is tru e ), possibly it is a case of pot calling kettle black. At any rate let OFTICIAL CITY AND COUNTY us forget it. A house divided against * « PA PE R Itself cannot stand; neither can a TELEPHONE 39 Mr. Fuller, you will be on trial city prosper or make progress with Anyway, why should the bankers Monday. The result will not tu rn on out the hearty co-operation of all of Subscription P rice D elivered in City: One month .................................. $ .65 desiie to dom inate the Chamber of your reputation as a good or bad cit­ its citizens. Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 Commerce and everything else in the izen. The issue will be joined as to Six months .................................. 3.75 The beauties of Ashland's parks town? Why don’t they ju st run their your relative ability as a community One year .................................... 7.50 and auto camps have been sung from banks and be contented? leader and Chamber of Commerce Mail and R ural R outes Canada to the Mexican border, and • • One month .................................. $ .65 secretary, and you must be judged we do not think we will go far amiss Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 Bankers, as a rule, make poor by the acumen you have displayed In by saying th a t in the past year its Six months .................................. 3.50 One year ..................................... 6.5C EXAMPLE OF TAX EXEMPTION community boosters. They are too your work the past two years. The glories have even reached people on conservative.. They are too cock-sure question to be settled by the voter the A tlantic seaboard. ADVERTISING RATES to take a chance. They are not ag­ is, do you think Mr. F u ller is the Display Advertising Ashland has made great improve­ A probate court fight among the gressive either by training or tem ­ best secretary we can get for the Single Insertion, each in ch ........... 30c ments, considering the times we money? heirs of Jam es J. Hill and Mrs. Hill peram ent. They are all rig h t as bank­ YEARLY CONTRACTS have been living in. But now, every D isplay A dvertising has been on of late in St. Paul. The ers, but not worth a continental as line of business is brighttening u p 1 One tim e a w eek.............................. 27 %c row has been over the appointm ent leaders in aggressive community un­ Two times a week..............................25 c of an adm inistrator for Mrs. H ill’s dertakings. ♦ PUBLIO FORUM > and we believe the greatest need of Every other d a y .................................20 c Ashland, and the most vital ques­ « • estate of $12,000,000. But th a t is Lbca] R eaders tion before her citizens today is a Each line, each tim e .................... 10c only incidental here. The significant W’ise, open-minded men, as direc­ TOURIST HOTEL, th at will accom-i To run every other Jay for one point of public interest is that Louis tors, will employ a trained commun­ To the Citizens of Ashland: modate all who may desire to sojourn _ _ month, each line, each tim e. . 7c W. Hill, form er business advisor for ity leader who knows how to handle While sitting one day in A shland’s among us longer than they would de-! I I I P To run every Issue for one month or more, each line, each tim e .. 5c Mrs. Hill, testified th a t beginning in men and especially trained in the beautiful auto camp, where people sire to camp. This Is needed to put 1 1916 and continuing until 1919, he technical a rt of successfully directing from nearly every state in the Union C lassified Colum n One c e n t4 h e word each time. disposed of heavily taxed securities ¡the activities of a Cham ber o f Com­ came during the past tourist season, Ashland on the map as one of the g reatest tourist centers of the Pacific' To run every issue for one month held by his principal, substituting merce. The progressive hotel ticket, these words of Dr. Joseph Strong’s coast. or more, %c the word each time. therefore tax free holdings, and in ! printed in another column, axe open- uttered more than a q u arter of a L egal R ate MRS. L. E. REEDER. this way increased her annual in­ , minded, forward-looking men. F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c century ago, came to my mind: • * come from $365,000 to $730,000; Each subsequent time, per 8- “ Steam has annihilated distance.” polnt line .................................... 5c th at is, he doubled net returns. ; Honest to goodness, now, Mr. Cit­ As I sat musing, all 'the Inventions Card of t h a n k s ............................ $1.00 Here is a concrete example of the izen, what is there about the banking of the past twelty-five years passed O bituaries, the l i n e ......................2*&c working of the tax exempt bond evil business, in your judgm ent, th at fits before my mind. The autom obile F raternal Orders and S ocieties Advertising for fratern al orders anybody can understand at a glance. a banker especially for aggressive seemed to me to be the greatest In­ o r societies charging a regular initi­ In a single instance, in the case of a community leadership? Don’t you ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ personal fortune, which is surpassed really think go-getter men who are vention of modern times, and I was FISHING RODS W R A PPE D glad th at A shland’s progressive citi­ ligious and benevolent orders will be by several in Michigan which have not afraid to go after things will charged the regular rate for all ad zens had made this beautiful place B arrels and P arts Supplied and vertlslng when an admission or other been sim ilarly invested, a little, be more likely to bring home the where people from every station in F itted for Any M ake o f Gun shrewd readjustm ent has w ithdraw n' bacon? If you think that, vote that charge is made. life could meet on the same level. $365,000 annually from the reach of way Monday, w ithout regard to other For here we found the families of W hat C onstitute« A dvertising considerations. In order to allay a m isunderstand­ the tax gatherers. the farm er, the banker and the m er­ * * ing among some as to what consti­ But the money thus lost to the chant camping side by side, cooking tutes news and what advertising, public treasuries m ust be found 81 OAK STREET The question of personalities on the same gas plates. we print this very simple rule, which somewhere, so the burden is shifted should not en ter into the results of All of this improvement has meant is used by newspapers to differenti­ to business enterprise, to people who the coming Chamber of Commerce expense to the taxpayer, but. would ate between them : “ ALL future events, where an admission charge are obliged to work tor their livings, election. The question is NOT Car­ we go back to the olden days before is made or a collection is taken IS to the widow with a cottage instead ter, McCoy or Smith, it is the bank these parks were beautified and the ADVERTISING/' This applies to of a palace. domination of the club. Bankers, m ineral w aters piped in? We not organizations and societies of every If the case of the estate of Mrs. no m atter who they are, are not fit kind as well as to individuals. only enjoy all these improvements, All reports of such activities after Hill were an isolated one the m atter men tt> put in the lead of commercial but they induce the stranger to ta r ­ they have occurred is news. would not be worth mentioning. But club activities because they are too ry within our gates. All coining social or organization unfortunately it is typical of liun-j conservative, Ijy te m p e ram en t and Who aroused A shland’s citizens to m eetings of societies where no dreds of other cases. A good many training, to go a fte r things ham m er these great possibilities at its very money contribution is solicited, initi­ ation charged, or collecton taken IS billions of dollars are tied up in tax and tongs and take the chances ab­ door? Let the citizens of Ashland NEWS. exempt securities in this country. solutely necessary to big community drop th eir mudslinging. Nothing will Figure very conservatively on the Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, basis of what was done with the es­ Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ ta te of Mrs. Hill by expert handling, ter. and the extra ^ e ig h t of taxation M O T O R O IL placed in consequence on the shoul­ çSuMMEôPLAVSROUNtf FREE FROM ders of those whose property enjoys OFÀMERICAÎ ' no exemptions becomes appalling. It DESTRUCTIVE nPÇJ runs into the hundreds of millions, SULPHO' it is a pleasure to bathe and possibly into the billions annually. V * COMPOUNDS d It easily makes the difference be­ wash, and such equipment we tween a situation in which the na­ Produced u n d e r J are prepared to install in your tion could handle its financial prob­ ^ J h e new HEX EON lems easily, and the present very process. home. Your friends and guests WASHINGTON A difficult economic conditiou. „BRITISH COLUMBIA- appreciate such a bathroom. , -/IIGMT. COOL DAYS V J IA RESTFUL SLEEP CVCfflr NWy, Let us figure with you on this E stablished 1876 P ublished E v er; Evening Except Sunday TH E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. ‘He-Man’ Razors Guns Repaired R. Middleton (OLD STYLE RAZORS) Regular $4.50 to $5.00 ; W h ile T h e y L a s t fo r $ 1 .2 4 N IN IN G E R & W A R N E R S P O R T IN G G O O D S S T O R E P IO N E E R a n d M A IN _ Iv If lP V J AI NkllPPOCC u U tU v W comes usually to the man who utilizes his time, his energy ami his money to the best advan­ tage. Thrift in any form aids accomplishment. An account with us is o f inestimable assist­ ance to any one who is striving to conserve funds with which to meet future opportunities. The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregon In a Well-Equipped Bathroom «> TH INK DRO PS <$> CXC01 * th e Us.it‘g a ? d 8elli,‘K Cycol since It w as p u t on all o th e rs c o n c e rn e d “ “ ° Bt a a tlsfa c tio n to c u sto m e rs and and stv e n m y cu sto m e rs -splendid service, d u ra b ility 8 18 th e one oil for me. All w ho tr y Cycol once call for it a g a in a n d claim it a 100 p e r c e n t, lu b ric a tin g oil.'* _ 1 Have h ad p le n ty of p ra ise an d no co m p la in ts—an d Cycol ■aies n av e added to m y b u sin ess in n o sm all d e g ie e ." equipm ent now. FIRST NATIONAL LETTER When the Chamber of Commerce Yesterday, the F irst N ational Bank is manned by a board of open- of Ashland mailed to their depositors minded, aggressive boosters, th ere' and citizens generally a splendid cir­ will be less euts and more go-get-em. cular letter on the value of co-opera­ tion in financing the industries of the country in times of stress, and showed how the country had been tided over the crisis by the hanking interests, and how the banks had been able to do so through the money the people had placed in their hands. The letter was timely, and the state­ ments therein were tru e and logical. Great things are always accompished and can only be accomplished, through hearty co-operation. Just so. with A shland’s other large enterprises, a tourist hotel and san­ itarium . for instance. Ashland now faces a crisis. She has expended a large sum of money on mobilizing her mineral waters and improving a great park. This expenditure has proven burdensome for lack of the finishing achievem ent— preparation to accommodate those who must be brought here to increase the tax­ able wealth of the community and relieve the burden. In the past she has lacked the hearty co-operation of one citizen with another to bring about this great accomplishment. Instead of this very vital co-operation there has been backbiting and in­ nuendo against individuals. That condition must be changed or the larger community good can never be accomplished. The Chamber of Com­ merce policy must he advanced to a broader view Citizens must h e art­ ily co-operate for the common good, regardless of personal feeling or grudge before Ashland can go for­ ward to the big accomplishments. W ithout this broad view; w ithout this wholesome co-operation: w ith­ out this forward policy. Ashland can­ not accomplish a splendid destiny any more than could the banks of th e country have tided the industries of the nation through the crisis that has just past w ithout the coopera­ tion of depositors in placing th eir funds at the disposal of the banks, by keeping all the money they could on deposit so that it could be used In relieving those who m ust have help. It was the people’s money that A SSO C IA TE D IN D U ST R IE S did the big thing for the country. O f ORBOOM In the last analysis, they are the sln- what some Cycol dealers say: SIMPSON’S HARDWARE The “Cycol” Garage is always busy — because it sells engine efficiency ; ' ■ ■ - — » »4 ' fi • I t » ih . IVfiy We Should Buy Oregon Products By George L. Beker Mayor of Portland np H E prosperity o f a state is dependent largely upon its industries. If employment is available, the labor problem and many others correlated, solve themselves. ARAGEMEN everywhere write us of their big sales of Cycol Motor Oil. There is just one reason: The superior performance of Cycol in the motor. One dealer tells us: Cycol is almost too good for the garageman. Once you sell a customer he drives his car 500 to 1000 miles before he needs more and only a measly old quart then. How can we make any money out of an oil like that?” G It is true that a motorist will use less of Cycol than of ordinary oil. But other motorists by thousands are discovering the greater lubricating value and economy of Cycol. As a result, Cycol dealers increase sales rapidly, while Cycol users decrease operating and maintenance costs. Cycol is the motor oil free from destructive “sulpho” com­ pounds. These impurities are removed by the new Hexeon Process used only by us. Only Cyclo-Naphthenic base crude petroleum is used in making Cycol. The people of Oregon owe Oregon their loyal and steadfast support. To support Oregon means to support its industries, which in turn is a support of its citizens. Prove the superiority of Cycol for yo irself. Flush the crank case, not with kerosene or so-called “riu hiug oils,” but with the grade of motor oil our lubrication chai t recommends for your engine, and refill with the correct grade of Cycol. In the interest of prosperity and a greater Ore­ gon, it is the duty of every citizen to give preference to our home factories and products — not on the ground of sentiment, but as a pure business proposition. Different brands of motor oils have different bodies. The safest, surest way to get the best performance from your motor and avoid expensive engine troubles due to incorrect lubrication is to use the grade of motor oil specified on the Lubrication The net result of general support in ***** line will be continued prosperity for Oregon. o REG on 702 OREGON BUILDING PORTLAND Chart. ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY, San Francisco MOTOR OIL FREE FROM DESTRUCTIVE “SULPHO”COMPOUNDS