PAQB TW O Ashland T H E ASHLAND D A IL Y TID IN G S Tuesday, March 7, T idings suits of yesterday’s election indicate f Y A H T I A l l H f lA I IA P that Ashland has a large elem ent of DI IfJ I | flmll DI (I Jj’L Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except Influential citizens who do not care for the new project as outlined by Sunday • Mr. Greer. It will take more than . THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. a fifty-fifty result, on a hot fight, to OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY change That. PAPER — .... • | MIAMI, Okla., March 6.— A slangy cher, Okla., for two services. ’ However, Mr. G jeer will not quit; TELEPHONE 39 trying as long as a spark of hope is Pnnm r aw n v. - ~ . I world calls her the “ flapper preach-; Miss Stoddard plans to complete Subscription Price Delivered in City: .TLAND, March , One of th e je r,” but she is not th a t at all. her high school education at Miami left. He feels that the issue is the One m onth .................................. $ .65 Ju st a slip of a girl is Miss O rietta and will attend the Oklahoma City Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 most im portant ever faced by this m03t spectacular vice raids in recent Six months .................................. 3.75 city, but, of course it will do A shland; years was made upon the negro re .t Stoddard, still in grade school, bu’ Methodist college to finish her gos- One year ..................................... 7.50 no good unless conditions are fa v o r-|sort at 220 North F ifteenth street already an ordained m inister of the pel training.. During the approach­ Mail and Rural Routes able enough to justify the conclusion, Sund , ht h i.a J gOspeL The diatrict conference of ing school ’vacation, however, she One month .................................. | .65 th a t the enterprise can be made to ’ ' ' a ¡the the Methodist Methodist Episcopal Episcopal church church in in will be assigned to regular preaching Three months ........................... .. 1.95 succeed to the end th a t it will in - jrousal and wlld disorder prevailed, 'recen t session at Tulsa adm itted her throughout the district, according to, fllx months .................................. 3.50 W hite girls of tender years were Ito the m inistry and thereby made her Mr. Morris. One year .....................'.............. 6.5t crease population and prosperity for the city and m ake money for the in -; dancing with negroes, while white jthe youngest ordained preacher in ADVERTISING RATES vestors. The interest of the city andi nien, several of whom were students, the United States. She was voted in j Display Advertising Single Insertion, each in ch ........... 30c the investors are identical. One can-: , j • , , . j .... were dancing and drinking with neg- by acclamation, after having passed | YEARLY CONTRACTS not succeed w ithout the other suc-i every test successfully. Display Advertising resses to the strains of a negro or- ceeding. MISS LUCY SAY SHE J t s ’ Miss Stoddard has no use for the One tim e a w eek.............................. 27 %c chestra. , butterfly life of the modern “ flap- Two times a week..............................25 c KNOW AH K JN E A T The drinking and hilarity of the ¡per ju st in her . teens. Jazz music’s Every other d a y ................................ 20 c , mixed gathering ot whites and blacks i „ * . . , i M o 'N E N N Y -8 O P Y 5 H E Local Readers . | most syncopated moans and whines; was at its height when plain clothes ¡«„n u , . . , Each line, each tim e .................... 10c f ¡fail to entice her, for she has given e v u h S E E P , EN AH SPEC ’ To run every other dfey for one i men quietly surrounded the resort ... . . . . 1 x v up all social activities, including month, each line, each tim e. . 7c p a t s o z C E P N AH A i n ’ and took it by storm before any of dancing To run every issue for one month the visitors or Inmates had a chance; ..Ca k e-eater," In flaring bell-hot-, NEYUH HAP P A T MUCH or more, each line, each tim e. . 5c Classified Column to escape. Twenty-eight men tom trousers, a fashion epidemic now SOT BEFO ’ A Shrine ceremonial is in prospect One cent the word each time. women, white and colored. Were a r - ' __ „ » „ * t- . .. raging In Oklahoma, fail to amuse To run every issue for one month for May 26, and in this instance, Hil- rested . and . , bundled into the police pa- her, although she is one of the most or more, 14 c the word each time. lah Temple will hold the ceremonial trol. Legal Rate popular girls in school. Several of the women were m ar­ F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c at Medford. This was decided at a “ My work is more im portant th a n ' Each subsequent time, per 8- stated meeting last Friday evening, ried and unaccompanied by their silly love affairs,” she said. “ I have! point line .................................... 6c husbands. One white girl was found ; Card of t h a n k s ............................ $1.00 in connection with the transaction of , In an upstairs room over the dance been called by my God and I intend O bituaries, the line ......................2*4c quite a little other routine business. | hal, 90 drunk she could nQt wa,k to make the m inistry my life’s w ork.” , F rate rn a l Orders and Societies Makes Pulpit Debut Advertising for fratern al orders There was a good attendance of mem-j Wine and whiskey in abundance or societies charging a regular initi­ bers from G rants Pass, Medford a n d ‘ were found by the police. Miss Stoddard made her pulpit de­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ Jacksonville in addition to the l o c a l ! _________________ . but in her home town, Miami, where ligious and benevolent orders will "be Various places were! INSANE PATIENTS TO she now is in the seventh gm de at charged the regular rate for all ad contingent. mentioned as being good places to RE TRANSFERRED SOON school. She first attracted wide­ vertlsing when an admission or other hold the ceremonial, among which charge Is made. spread attention as a preacher of the were K lam ath Falls, GrantB Pass gospel, however, when she delivered SALEM, Or., March 7.— Dr. R. E. Wliat Constitutes Advertising and Marshfield, but sentim ent crys­ a sermon to the congregation of th e 1 L. Steiner, superintendent of the In order to allay a m isunderstand­ ing among some as to w hat consti­ tallized overwhelmingly in favor of state hospital for the insane, inform ­ F irst Methodist church at Baxter! tutes news and what advertising, Medford. ed the state board of control at a Springs, Kansas, at an evening serv­ Copyright. 19 Z l oy McClure Newspaper Syndicator we print this very simple rule, which Hillah Temple will send its Arab meeting last week th a t a carload of ice. The Rev. O. B. Morris, d is tric t' is used by newspapers to differenti­ Patrol to San Francisco next June patients will be transferred next superintendent, declared she led ate between them : “ALL future Z> Z ' 'S /Z to attend the gathering of the Im­ events, where an admission charge month from the Oregon hospital to more young people to the gospel on / ' . / s S ' S i s / , ( ' / / ' . A and voted each mem- different hospitals for the insane In that occasion than had the regular is made or a collection is taken 19 . perial , Council , / s '/ s ' / ADVERTISING.” This applies to her of th at orgatthtation »50 In indl- E asler„ > utM None ,8 |() b(, [1(, m inister during any previous meet-j organizations and societies of every Vldoal expense account there b ein g ; „ „ . „ j , (orfi,8n c A |, are ing. kind as well as to individuals. In the patrol. To assist fi- _» . , , . Two years ago the girl preacher, i All reports of such activities after 27 men . patients whose legal homes are not nancially in the m atter, a series of Jn thjs gt t they have occurred is news. a fte r joining the church, first began I All coming social or organization dances will be given at G rants P a s s,' her religious work. Under the di-i meetings of societies where no Medford and Ashland in rotation, rection of her pastor, the Rev. G. A.! money contribution is solicited, initi­ under the Shrine auspices, details of MOUNT VESUVIUS K leinsteiper, of Miami, she prepared I ation charged, or collecton taken 19 STILL IN ERUPTION which will be advertised in due sea­ Jot NEWS. her first sermon, which was delivered son. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, ISAPLES, Italy, March 7.— The from the Rev. K leinsteiper’s pulpit S A F E T Y F IR S T . Postoffice as Second-class Mall Mat­ eruption of the volcano Vesuvius, af­ She later preached regularly at the s tra n g ers in Language. Mouse— I t looks fine, b u t It m a y old folks’ home a t Miami and then ter. All men are strangers. There are ter the earthquake shock, showed no be one o f those wireless trap s I ’ve no two men oil earth who speak the sign of abating. Smoke and lava are filled a tem porary vacancy at Pil- h ea rd about. same language. Each places Ills own still belching from the crater. umme ^P laygroi individual meaning In his words. With ERICA! the self-same words men talk of quite WEATHER different things. And I cannot be cer­ tain how my words will be interpreted The w eather man predicts consid­ by him to whom they are addressed. erable cloudiness and occasional rain That Is the reason all aged people talk to themselves; It is the habit of a for the Pacific coast states during lifelong experience—Mabel Johnson the ensuing week. Leland’s Translation of Arne Gar- The Rocky M ountain states will WASHINGTON A “f r a n c borg’s “The Lost Father.” : enjoy fair w eather most of the week. . r. cool days V [A RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. Youngest Girl Preacher Has JOINT No Use for Modern FlaPPer I Ull I Lfll lD rULlUL RAID VICE HAMBONE’S MEDITATIONS f Shrine W ill Hold Ceremonial in May \VE HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH Mr. H. B. BENTLEY 133 North Pioneer Avenue, Phone 453-J to call for and. deliver work for us in Ashland. MR. BENTLEY will pick up vt 01 k ami make deliveries every week day, which * means that we can give Ashland pvtiple just as good ser­ vice as Medford people. We have ample machinery and equipment to handle all kinds of ladies and gents wearing apparel and employ only experienced and reliable workmen and GUARAN­ TEE OUR WORK TO BE THE VERY BEST POSSIBLE for any concern to turn out. Partial Price List for Thorough Cleaning and Pressing- M E N S , -SU IT S M E N S’ OVERCOATS ) L A D I E S ’ J A C K E T S U IT S L A D IE S ’ CO A TS P L A IN W O O L D R E S S ) 0 ( f U H J JW PLAIN SILK DRESS—$1.75 City Cleaning and Dying Co. REM EM BER — W e are n o t satisfied unless you are. M EDFORD, OREGON Mason Tire Sale FREE TUBE With Every Mason Cord lor the Month ol March Leedom s Tire Hospital G5 North Main Street ASHLAND <5 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRIMARY RESULTS The complete vote in the Chamber of Commerce prim ary election as cast yesterday is printed today on the first page. The result is gratifying to the Tidings, inasmuch as the ma­ jority for the banker domination of the club Indicates an average of 36, notw ithstanding th a t three weeks ago practically all members still re­ maining with the cham ber were those who were in sympathy with the methods of the directors, the dis­ satisfied ones having either with­ drawn or allowed their dues to be­ come delinquent so th at they were not eligible to vote. Under the stim ­ ulus of the campaign, some 165 citi­ zens, during the past two weeks either paid up their delinquent dues so they would be able to vote in the election, or joined the club as new members, some, of course, joining so they could support the bank domi­ nation, but a large m ajority so they could oppose it. We understand the membership increased during the past two weeks from 72 active members to 237 paid up members, besides the 71 new members who were voted in last night. Citizens are as capable as we of analyzing the tabulated vote as it was cast. With the 72 new members, voted in last night, some of whom, of course, will vote to continue the present board, but most of whom will vote against it, leaves the result in the final election, the vote of which will be counted next Tuesday, about a fifty-fifty prospect. Inasmuch as the issue is not per­ sonal. but rath er to get a true index of the sentim ent of the community, no compromise will be accepted by the antis, it will be a fight to a finish. I: is very much to he desired th a t the vote next Tuesday will be decisive, one way or the other. The prospect for the new hotel and sanitarium is considerably dim ­ m er today than it was yesterday, un­ der any circumstances. The investors are no' keen to “ win a fight,” the thing they are after is an indication of a wholesome support from a solid favorable community spirit, or to know that they cannot depend upon a solid community backing, if they undertake the enterprise. The re- These engine troubles fol­ low the destructive effect of engine heat on oils con­ ta in in g “ s u lp h o " com ­ pounds. P r e v e n t these troubles in your engine. n A hood -Loose Bearings -S tickin g an d pittsd valves -Clogged Oil Passages -W o r n Piston Rings -■Undue O il Consumption -U n d u e Ossoline Consumption -Excessive Friction -Scored Cylinders -F a u lty Ignition -Loss of Power -Overheating Wrong Ideas o n P a in t E con om y H E R E ’S one way to save on paint. T h at way is to use the best paints. Some think of paint economy as “cost per gallon.” T h at is wrong. Cheap paint doesn’t cover as touch surface—you need more gallons. Cheap paint is more difficult to spread, requires more labor, so the best paint costs no more when you’ve put it on the house than cheap paint does. More than that, it lasts five or more years longer, if properly applied, while cheap paint on the average begins cracking in twelve months. Good paintTs an invest­ ment that saves money by preventing de­ terioration of the house. “Cheap” paint is the only paint that really costs you anything, T Motor oils containing “sulpho” compounds de­ compose rapidly when exposed to the terrific tem­ peratures of the engine ranging from 100 to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. The thin oil film between o T itV o lf o ^ U impaired- Trouble> and plenty Cycol Motor Oil is free from destructive “sulpho” compounds. They are removed by the new Hexeon Process, used only by The Associated Oil Com­ pany. Cycol retains its lubricating qualities under engine heat—maintains the oil fife» between move mg part»—prevents many motor disabilities. Cycol-ize you motor today. Clean out the crank case—not with kerosene—and refill it with the cop - ^ COL“ ,hown by the Cycol Recom­ mendation Chart. The price of Cycol is 25c to 35c a quart according to grade. Don’t allow surfaces to rot—it cost9 lest to paint them, * W e’ve made paints for western use for 72 years. W e u -i pure PIO N E E R W H 1 1 E LEAD, i • re linseed oil, zinc and color, but we xr’x them in scientific proportions with lot time skill. )ur white lead ba e must be fine enough to pass through a si’ screen with 40,000 meshes to the squar inch. T h at means covering capacity and se of spreading. W e super-purify the lead o make it “whiter” which means clearer . ined colors. The finished prodi t on the house is 3 beautiful, elastic, tou.ii protective coating. We call these paint “Fuller’s Specifica­ tion House Paints” because they are the very best made for the purpose. Fullers " S P S c iF iC A n o tt Free Advice on Painting SK our agent for our free advice. He will show vou a color card which shows 32 shades of this desirable paint. We have a Fuller Specifica­ tion Department which will tell you : ’, about the must desirable (j.' -r L.. ernes, color harmony r: u’ •.* other d e ta ils you wan. io iwuow. Take advantage of Fuller House Paints. Take steps to paint now. Don’t let weather depre­ ciate your investment. A W. P. FULLER & CO. Dept. 16, San Francisco i Pioneer Manufacturer of Paints Varnishes Ensmal Stains, and PIONEER WHITE LEAD for 72 Years. Established 1849. Branches in 16 Cities in the West—Dealers everywhere. Also makers of Rubber Cement Floor Paint All Purpose Varnishes, Silkenwhite Enamel. Fifteen-for- Floors Varnish Washable W.U Finish. Auto e l Barn and Roof Paint, Porch and Step Paint and PIONEER WHITE LEAD. P SS H o u s e P a in ts P h o e n ix P u r e P a in t P u r e P r e p a r e d P o in t ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY, San Frmdsco CYCOL Manufactured by W. P. Fuller & Co. E ulle R M ints ¿rad MOTOR OIL H u a FROM DESTRUCTIVE W l£ H 0 T COMPOUNDS “Pure Prepared” and “Phoenix” are Fuller’s specifications for house paint­ ing. Get either and you have the best that anyone can make—long- service paints. Where To Buy Them. These paints are important to you so it’s im­ portant to go to the right stores to get them. Agents’ names and addresses are printed in the memo, coupon to the right. Cut it out and put it in your pocket now. For all exterior job* of painting it is advisable to obtain the services of a Master Painter I -4 SAVE THIS (Cut this out and paste it in your note book as a memo.) house needs painting. Fuller’s Specificatioa House Paints are sold by the following Agents: Dickerson & Son