5»A«Ä TWO A8KLÄS» » A M Ashland News in Paragraphs ■■ ■ Side Lights — ------------- — C hinese N oodles and Chop Suey — M onday, March 6, 1022 Consider the Sports Suit and The First Day of Spring Local and Personal ■■■ ■ T O C T f» R eal H om e Cooking— Made according to genuine Chinese And home made bread, cakes and recipes at the Nelda Cafe. 156tf pastry. Home Bakery and Restau- ' rant, 69 North Main. 156tf te st H ere from San Francisco— .Mrs. Millie Donnely, of San Fran- Evangelist H ere from Phoenix— cisco is visiting at the home of her Rev. Mr. H arrison, of Seattle, who mother, Mrs. A. Giddings at the cor­ is holding an evangelistic and Bible ner of North Main street and Church study service at Phoenix was in town street. j Saturday, the guest of Rev. and Mrs. ---------- ; C. C. Hulet. Mr. H arrison’s Bible Do you know th a t E. B. Latham -classes in the afternoon are attract- has a national reputation on oil geo-i*n8 Quite a little attention and in- logy. H ear him at the Lyric Tues- terest in the community. day night. Free. 156-1 Corn flakes, regular size, three fori F ire at Arm ory— 25 cents; large size package, two for! The fire departm ent was called to 25 cents. Eventually why not now ?' 156-2 i the Armory Sunday where a slight W hite House Groceteria. blaze had broke out in the room at -------- the corner next to Oak and B street. Settlem ent of Suit— L. V. Dollarhlde has obtained a No great damage was done as the fire was put out before it had gained any settlem ent with the government fori ABOUT 4 8 ,0 0 0 TOURISTS g ro u n d , fu lly eq u ipped w ith sw ings, •v /, headway. It is said that the fire tim ber and fencing burned while the CAMPED IX LITHIA PARK is teeters, \p n d boxes, wading pool, was caused by a defective fireplace. • government was operating the rail- -Z AUTO CAMP LAST YEAR a n d o th e r ch ild ish d e lig h ts. ---------- roads. The case was taken up as soon L ith ia p a rk is th e chosen spot for E asier suits at Paulserud’s. Or- aa the tim ber was destroyed and had NVD (Continued fiom Page 1) V m o st of th e c e le b ra tio n s a n d s u m ­ der now. 155tf t0 travel through a long and tedious V a n d over a ro u n d th e h e a rth a t hom e. m er co n v en tio n s in s o u th e rn O regon. i route before settlem ent could be ob- T he to u ris t who v ists A sh lan d th is L eave for th e South— L odge, c h u rc h , school, co u n ty a n d I tained. Briggs and Briggs handled su m m e r w ill n o t lack fo r e n te r ta in - city pow -w ow s a re g e n e ra lly “ pulled Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McNair and the case for Mr. Dollarhide. ment as the Ladies’ Civic Improve­ oft' th e re . T h e F o u rth of Ju ly ce le b ra - daughter M arjorie left for Oakland -______ ment club is constructing a building tion never fails to draw huge crowds Saturday evening on train 53. The Have Fine Time— to take care of th at feature. It will [ from all the neighboring country, McNairs will remain for a time in | At the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. be known as the community club' Ashland takes great pride in her Oakland, but expect to go to Los An- Moore, 15 G ranite street, their son geles in the near future and will at-¡B u rto n celebrated his fourteenth tempt to find an opening in th at sec- birthday last Saturday, Music arid A WOOL E H J A C K E T TO BE tion of the state. singing were enjoyed and many WORM W /T K - . _ , games played. Burton received many ■ C U R IN G , o f a ll th e seasons o f be w oru over a m atching sk irt in R eal C hinese D ishes— beautiful and useful presents. His ' the year, is the one for which wool or kn itted skirt. B rush wool A kn itte d on»» ought to prepare weeks ahead, comes in a variety of colors, p e r­ From real Chinese noodles at the m other served a fine lunch, consist- i /»»r it is one of life’s most dread- haps th e new est and most popular Nelda Cafe. 156 tf ing of sandwiches, salad, pickles, i ful tragedies to be caught out being perinw inkle blue. T his model wool and faced in a light spring ■ cake, jello and cider. All departed ! tinring the first shining days of would be m ost a ttra c tiv e in th at green. At each side on th e inside R eturns from C alifornia— announcing they had had a most en- •.pring in one’s old winter clothes, color. o f the h a tb a n d th e re is a narrow Miss Grace Cham berlain, president joyable time And wishing Burton f it makes one feel so bedraggled and T he h a t w ith th is ja c k e t is of sc arf snapped on—these can be of the Civic club, and Miss Elizabeth many more such birthdays. Those i orphan-like and out of key with the hand-w oven visca and wool, a •.ery wound under th e chin and once Palm er, will return this evening from present were: Everett McGee, Beth I universal spring symphony. One good sp o rts com bination of m ate around th e neck, im p re s s in g a sea1* California, where they have been for Bowerman, C harlotte Switzer, Bud I should have at least one smart suit rials. It is being done in all colors, and a hood. And again, they cs» .' and hat to meet the first balmy day but th e pepper and salt and tw eed be draw n up over th e brim ar<* the' past month or two. Johnson, Marie Mitchell, oJhnnie Ru- ! whether it should fall before the color com binations a re th e most passed around the crown tu rb -u „ , ---------- 1 ger, Madge Mitchell, Jau n ita Rose, l official twenty-first of March, or unusual. Commencing Friday, March 10. we Billie Bowerman, Millie Barber fashion. And again, they can be ur>- ’ many weeks after. F o r early season week-end m otor snapped at m ilady’s will and tucLW will allow an extra 5 per cent off for Lynda Aedor> Burton Moore j The little mandarin jacket sketch- trip s when one sim ply m ust have a into her coat pocket. T he prne- house and will provide res: rooms, Chautauqua which, for the past 23 two days only. Get your supply for _____ i ed at the right is a good model sm a rt spring m otor bonnet and a ticality of this model is evident. reading rooms and baths, both for years has been a success. This great the month, at W hite House Groce- Don’t forget our fru it— peaches. ; to have on hand for such emergen- w arm oue as well, a p ractical sug tourists and residents. The sketch at the left show s an­ educational and social event runs te ria - 156-4 pears and apricots, four for 90 cents; ' cies. It is of brush woo! with in- gestion is shown in the photograph o th er short jac k e t of checked seryy Concerts will be given as usual through a ten-day session, usually ; serts of crocheted woolen flowers above. It is worn by Lila Lee in trim m ed in p erlain e and wort, »'¡fit six for $1.20. You cannot buy the this summer by Mr. Loveland’s band, in the month of July. During the past i bordering the coat and sleeves,, and “Is M atrim ony a F a ilu re ? ” a P a ra ­ a perlaine skirt. It is in b iu t aw! C elebrates B irthday— fruit for the price we offer them. and regular dances will be held at history of the C hautauqua many of i forming the collar. It is loose and mount picture, and is of em erald grey, and is w orn with a - G w / Miss G ertrude Brown e n te rta in e d , W hite House Groceteria. 156-2 the dance bungalow. # the greatest lecturers and entertain- i «mart, and bisque color. It should green duvetvn trim m ed in m atching silk faille hat. © a num ber of friends of the younger,’ ______ All the play ground apparatus in ers in America have been brought to set at her home on Holly street in the park is at the disposal of the vis- Ashland. The camp ground is used honor of her birthday. Puzzles and Oregon, and th at 89 per cent of them JAZZ MUSIC BLAM ED IX' volume is said to be a review in mod- itor. There are tennis courts, cro- by many visitors from nearby towns various games furnished the am use­ are m aking good and adding to the ANTIUS OF MOTOR TRUCK ern English of the new and old testa- quet grounds, and a children’s play during the Chautauqua season. ment of the evening. development of the state. ' ments, combined with other works of UXBRIDGE, Mass., March 6.— An Biblical times. BILL INTRODUCED “ Oil in Oregon” by E. B. Latham, auto truck belonging to Avak Ata- . --------- ------------------ at Lyric Tuesday night. Free. Come TO IM PROVE HARBORS main, could not resist the strains SENATE FINDS SLIGHT out. 156-1 of a jazz record and “shim m ied” into GIVEN BY W AR BU R E A U ) WASHINGTON, March 6. — New a stone wall on G ranite street. river and harbor improvements call­ B ap tist M issionary Society— Atamain became excited in round­ (International News Service) ing for an estim ated expediture of The Baptist missionary society will ing a curve when his son, who was WASHINGTON. March 6. — The approxim ately $31,000,000, would be meet at the church Wednesday, holding a victrola in the rear of the senate has bared its teeth to the w a r: authorized under a bill ordered re­ March 8, at 2:30. The topic is “ Our truck, put on a real jazzy record. departm ent over an alleged “slight” ' WASHINGTON, D. C„ March 6.— by the house rivers and har- New Foreign Mission Fields. Mrs.. Not only does H arding plan to h o ld jb ported He lost control of the truck and it suffered when the Unknown Soldier o rs committee. Johnson is the leader. All ladies of himself entirely aloof from any of finally rested against the stone wall. was buried. Major items in the m easure, which the church and congregation are cor­ the republican prim ary fights which The victrola was taken to a repair The war departm ent, in charge of as approved by the committee, would dially invited. threaten the party harm ony in sev­ be introduced by Chairman Dempsey, shop. F ath er and son were shaken the funeral parade, placed the sen-! eral districts, but he also plans to include an expenditure of $3,310,000 up. ate far back In the line of march— C hinese Cooking— take very little part personally in behind hundreds of clerks and secre­ on Coos Bay harbor and Isthm us FEMALE JUDGE FIXES Noodles and chop suey— the real the coming fall election campaign, taries to bureau heads. The senators slough. Oregon; $1,750,000 on the thing from genuine Chinese recipes. B A B Y ’S PARENTHOOD, according to word circulated among brought up the rear of the parade, Columbia and lower W illam ette riv­ Nelda Cafe. 156tf thex retains chili . but wlthheld protests b M>U8 e 0, the republican leaders. ers below P ortland; $1,805,500 on The president does not believe the Sabine-Neches waterway, Texas; sacredness of the event. Returns from Glendale — WASHINGTON, March 6.- Judge th is !th ere is much danger of dem ocrats o The “slig h t” however was not for- Rev. C. F. Koehler returned $1,371,450 on Oakland harbor, Cali­ m orning from Glendale, where he capturing contro1 of either senate or fornia, and $4,500,000 for seagoing K athryn Sellers of the juvenile court gotten. It was sharply recalled by has delivered her most difficult de­ Senator Asliurst, dem ocrat, of A ri-J has been doing evangelistic work. I house. F u rth erm o re he does not be­ dredges. cision, in a case calling for the judg­ zona, on the floor of the senate. Rev. M. C. Webb, of Glendale, who lieve it “becoming" th a t a president Other items included: ment of a modern Solomon. She re- supplied his pulpit here, went h o m e ? tbe United States personally en- “ How can this body expect the rev- ] San w Diego harbor, «kft- in ♦♦ , Calif., u uioved’a seven-months-old boy from this morning. . gage in the off-year campaigns. erence of the people when the war 850, W illam ette slough, Oregon ! nno.nj t $23,350, and C latskanie river, O re-! cia im ing °to i° *-’W° ^ Omen’ eacb ' departm ent offers us a slight and we HOURS ADMISSION „ llis m other- and or- arcept it w ithout protest,” he said, gon, $6,620 5 e specials !POW ER COMPANY PLACES Watch our windows for Adults ....................... 55c dered the baby committed to the care - We were last In line when the f o ­ Our standard brand corn, packed by! BIG ORDER FOR CEMENT Evenings .................. 7:15 Children ................... 25c ot th e board of children's guardians I known So,dler was bllried ThiB Monticello Preserving Co., no better Afternoons .............. 1:30 .u n til be reached the age of 21. h u strio u s body, the elected of the (including war tax) in its class, 2 for 25 cents, 9 for $1,; i MEDFORD.— The California-Ore- ! The strange case w a, thus disposed i people, was forced to march behind $2.60 a case of 2 dozen. At White i gon Power company has placed an of after long argum ents and plead-.clerks and secretaries. 1, was an In- House Groceteria. 156-2 ; order with the Gold Hill Cement | mg by Mrs. Maria Matteo, of W ash­ dignity that made one’s blood boil.” l/ Ti-IC THEATER BEAUTIO-'l ington and Mrs. E tta Peck, of Mary­ The Nelda r » r . Z company for 10,000 barrels of th a t. "Yes, the war dem partm ent told land. Mrs. Peck, who is 43, insisted us to take a back seat,” Interrupted , . ¡company’s product. This is approxi- 18 .™.a? n g . re®1 Chinese n o b le s mately a $40,000 purchase. F ifty ' that she bore the child and he was Senator Robinson, democrat, of Ar­ and chop suey. Try some. 156tf Southern Pacific freight cars will be stolen from her and given to Mrs. i kansas. “ This {nocuous body cannot irequired to haul the cement to! Matteo, whose own baby had been expect precedence over the clerks Called to P ortland Church— ! “ 7 ...........L T T ?! NEW YORK, March 6.— H arry Lloyd Carrick, well-known state !.. Thrall, Calif " rom which polnt n Wills, New York negro heavyweight, kidnapped. who run the governm ent.” The court decided th a t Mrs. Mat­ C hristian Endeavor worker, who is ! * ‘ b e . ake" ° ’ er the “ worker, who is is to be pitted as a result of his vic­ finishing his course at San Anselmo i mile railroad to Copco, where a sec- tory over “ Kid” Norfolk Thursday teo was the true mother, but held sem inary, has been called to Forbes ond 12,500 kilow att generating unit night, for a title match with Jack th at neither woman’s home Is fit en­ is being installed. The level of the vironm ent and therefore ordered the Presbyterian church at Portland. Dempsey. in fan t’s removal. Mrs. Mateo will be crest of the dam is also being raised His pastorate will begin as soon as Norfolk, a Baltimore product, went he graduates in May. Mr. Carrick to its full height of 130 feet across! to the canvas after 26 seconds of perm itted to contribute to the baby’s support. the K lam ath river. has many southern Oregon friends. boxing in the second round with — in — Wills. Several persons claimed to ______ __ The fru it and news stand which JIM JE F F R IE S , EX-CHAMPION SW ISS FARM ERS WILL NOTICE have seen the blow which sent the BOXER, TO BE E V A N G E L IS T ?39 been operated b>' Mrs- R- S. Jet- SETTLE IN OREGON “ K id” down, but it escaped the no­ The Civic Improvement club will J - ers for (Le last several years at the meet tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon! tice of a m ajority of those at the LOS ANGELES, March 6.— Jam es ( corner of Fourth and A streets, ju stj PORTLAX’D, March 6.— A party of ring side. at 2:30 in the parish house. AU J. Jeffries is about to “ hit the saw»- oppo3’te tbe Southern Pacific depot, members urged to be present to greet 500 Swiss farm ers is preparing to . A fter a tam ------------------- e first round, ---------------- Wills and ! « dust in n e r tra ueavyweiKnt il.” The form --------------------------------- er heavyweight has been ------ -------- bouSbt ^urtuu. by Cecil Norton. He hail won his nam e in a hundiezl Miss Cham berlain who has just re- ^cpntrtincr co*onizatio“ p u r' Norfolk started and missed a few champion, victor in memorable ring wbo took Possession last week. The figh ts, beeanse he alw ays cam e ba<*k poses, acenrrtin