FAGE TWO T M ASMAWD D A M TEDI9S8 Monday, March fl, i f t s i Ashland ’■W*- T idings E stablished 1876 Published Every Evening Except Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL (TTY AND C O U N T Y ~ PA PER TELEPHONE 39 Subscription Price Delivered i n City: One m onth ................ ................. $ .65 Three months . . . ................... 1.95 Six months .................................. 3.75 One year ............. 7.50 GIVES GERMANY A KING IN 1927 MEXICO IMPORTING NECESSITIES NOW Trade between the United 8tatee and Mexico hae eoil peed au form er recorda but It Is paid for In oath, aa «e credit can be extended wffce safety. A ll btialnaaa la dene la gold— whether It le paying for hides and meat, for Umber and coal, or for corn and other foods. Mexico Is exhausting her gold reserve« fo r absolute essentials, while the Government confis­ cates farms, ranches and many Industries fa r the benefit of the nattvoe. BERLIN, March 6. — Monarchy! One month .................................. $ .65 will be restored in Germany in the; T hree m onths .............................. 1.95 year 1927. That is, if a gypsy pro­ Six months .................................. 3.50 One year ............. 8.6« phecy is fulfilled. This prophecy,- dating from 1849, has been revived) ADVERTISING RATES by a German lecturer in an a d d re ss, D isplay A dvertising ”A large Increase both In the vol­ ume and the total value of exports •Ingle Insertion, each in c h ........... 30c on “ Germany’s F u tu re .” from the United States to Mexico dur­ YEARLY CONTRACTS According 10 this chronicler, Prince ing the eight months ending w ith Aug­ D isplay A dvertising last, seems somewhat anomalous One tim e a w eek........................27 *6c Wilhelm of Germany, later the first! ust when considered In connection w ith em peror of the new German empire, Two times a week..............................25 c • the decline in values of goods im por­ Every other d a y .................................20 c was returning from Baden, w hither ted by us from Mexico during the same tim e ,- says the St. Louis Globe- Local R eaders he had gone to suppress an uprising, Dispatch. Each line, each tim e .................... 10c when he was m et by a band oi gyp­ In an analysts of the figures. Issued To run. every other dby for one by the N ational Association for the month, each line, each tim e. . 7c sies. In some way ibe custom ary of American Rights in fortune teller of the band gained ac­ Protection To run every Issue for one month Mexico, the statement is made that or more, each line, each. tim e .. 5c cess to the prince and read from his the enormous Increase in exports to Mexico reflects the paralysis of that C lassified Column hand four prophecies, three of which country’s industry, due to the un­ One cent the word each time. certainty of land owners about their To run every issue for one month have already come true. They were titles and to business men about profit as follows: or more, the word each time. sharing laws which are referred to in ' Legal Rate 1. He would become em peror of an Mexico as the strangle laws. A very F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c united Germany. large proportion of the goods imported by Mexico consists simply of food and Each subsequent time, per 8- 2. He would live to the age of 91. finished necessities of life. Mexico’s point line .................................... 6c 3. The German empire, established exports have been declining steadily Card of t h a n k s ............................ $1.00 in volume for about two years during O bituaries, the l i n e ......................2% c under his aegis, would go to pieces which period her imports have been F ratern al Orders and Societies a fte r a comparatively short existence, | rising, sometimes gradually and some­ Advertising for fratern al orders the Prussian em pire collapsing in I times very sharply, according to the o r societies charging a regular initi» the ruins. number of bolshevik outbreaks, strikes or revolutions In progress, also ac­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ One I*rophecy Rem ains cording to the condition of the N a ­ ligious and benevolent orders will "be tional Railways. 4. A new Prussian king would be charged the regular rate for all ad The only article which Mexico ex­ vertlslng when an admission or other chosen on March 19, 1927. ports that does not show both a de­ charge Is made. The prince was amused but in­ cline in volume and value is petrol­ eum. W ith this Item removed, the credulous, and the gypsy feeling her W hat Constitutes Advertising exports of the country are negligible. In order to allay a m isunderstand­ professional honor at stake, offered More than sixty per cent of the rev­ ing among some as to w hat consti­ to prove her prophecies m athem ati­ enue of the National Government Is now obtained from taxes on o it tutes news and what advertising, Durtng the first eight months of we print this very simple rule, which cally. Accordingly she drew up the this year Mexico's exports decline*” following table: Is used by newspapers to differenti­ forty million dollars compared wit! I. ate between them : “ALL future II. III. IV. the same period of 1920, while her Im events, where an admission charge porta Increased sixty million dollan during the same period. Is made or a collection is taken IS 1849 1871 1888 1913 The great Mexican cattle ranges ADVERTISING.” This applies to 3 have been swept almost clean of cat­ organizations and societies of every tle eo that Mexico Is now importing kind as well as to individuals. 1 both meats and hides from the United All reports of such activities after 8 9 States. The uncertainty of conditions they have occurred is news. in the outlying sections of the country 1 and All coming social or organization unsatisfactory railway service . ! have the forced Mexico to buy from the meetings of societies where no United States many million of dollars 1888 1913 money contribution is solicited, initi­ 1871 1927 worth of lumber. although that ation charged, or collecton taken IS In this table the four totals repre­ country holds some of the greatest NEWS. sent severally the date of the cor- Umber reserves on this continent Entered a t the Ashland, Oregon, nation of the first German emperor, Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat- the death day of Em peror Wilhelm FARM BUREAU TO HOLD ter. I, the beginning of the late catastro­ MEETINGS THIS WEEK phe, and the future restoration of r5uMnEBpLAY6R0UNDs the Prussian throne. A meeting of the farm ers will be P articu lar Interest is attached to of / mericv ‘ held Friday afternoon, March 10, at the third prophecy from the fact 1:30 o’clock, a t the home of Ralph that the gypsy gave the date October 18, 1913 (instead of August 1, 1914) Billings ju st north of Ashland. This as the beginning of the catastrophe meeting is being held under the aus* pices of the co u n ty /ag en t and the leading to Germany’s defeat. farm bureau. An excellent program This she explained as follows: “ In October, 1913, one of your d e­ will be given, and two able men will WASHINGTON A „BRITISH COLUMBIA scendents will be surrounded by a be present to give facts and figures . -RIGHT. COOL DAYS t group of apparently friendly rulers, In regard to the subjects to be dis­ [A RC5TFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. who a year later will have become cussed. C. C. Dixon will be on the his bitterest enemies. By provok­ list and will give some valuable in­ ing a war on an unprecedented scale, form ation for the benefit of the * THINK DROPS they will tear down everything you farm ers and others who attend. Prof. have so carefully built up, and the E B. Fitz of the extension dep art­ Prussian throne will be down in the ment of Oregon A gricultural college, will be the other speaker of the day ruins.” Tbe mouse is behind many an up­ and anyone who has heard Prof. Fitz This was the day when nearly all lift movement. will certainly be present to hear his the rulers of Europe were present at • • the guests of Wilhelm II at the un­ talk, which will he fully as instruc­ Two can live as cheaply as one, tive as any ever given in the past. but it is pretty hard on the family veiling of the monument erected to The subjects to be discussed are the battle of nations, in Leipsic. toothbrush. In answer to the prince’s question • • - as to the duration of this war, the Ju st when a fellow thinks he un­ gypsy said: “ F our years and an ad ­ derstands a woman she shortens her ditional year until peace is signed,” dresses to throw him off the track. giving the exact day of the final cat­ e o astrophe as “ November 9, 1918.” FISH ING RODS W R A PPE D The only thing th at keeps some Those who believe in clairvoyance people from eating soup with a knife will have another five years to wait i B arrels and P arts Supplied and is th eir instinct for self-preservation. before the confirm ation or the re fu -' F itted for Any M ake o f Gun « * . tation of the gypsy’s fourth pro­ When a neighbor buys a pair of phecy. opera glasses it is a pretty good idea to keep your window blinds pulled H ere from Y ivkA — down. 81 OAK STREET Nick Delean, of Yreka, was here • • over Sunday visiting friends. When picking our an automobile or a wife, don’t be deceived by the hood, the paint or the pleasing lines of the body. • • Ashland needs that big hotel and sanitarium . The Tidings is doing everything in its power to encourage A minor adjustm ent costing $3.00 to $5.00 often saves a the prospective investors. How about $75.00 repair bill. you? • • The results of the Chamber of Commerce vote, which will be count­ ed tonight is far reaching. W onder w hether all the members fully real­ ized that when they cast the ballots. • o • Sixty-two new subscribers added to the list last week indicates the 1 way the wind blows. Ashland folks really appreciate the efforts of those who are trying to do something for the city. • • makes good cooking easier. The A m an’s best vindication is the right pan, roaster, saucepan, tilings he really does— the goods he boiler or kettle has a lot to do delivers. Sentim ental, friendly vin­ with the result. Our house- dication against charges is pleasing, wares are selected by an expert but may be gained through pure In housekeepers’ needs. Every friendship or sympathy. W hat a man housekeeper, actual and pros­ does stands for w hat he is. ' " pective, should visit this de­ partm ent and see what are the Slow ly Im proving — very latest and best ideas In Mrs. Ralph Hall, of B street, is kitchen efficiency and economy slowly improving from her recent Ill­ Mai] and R ural R outes Guns Repaired R. Middleton A d ju stm en ts THE AUTOMOTIVE SHOP 100 Main St. Phone 44 silage, corn planting and calf raising. The la tte r subject will be discussed in various forms and will lead to a general discussion of the develop­ ment of the dairy herd. An enthus­ iastic meeting is anticipated and a large crowd Is desired. The same program will be given Saturday afternoon at the home of George Hilton on the Medford-Cen­ tra l Point road. owners of these varieties ought to, be busy every day th at it is possible; to get on the soil. If dry lime and sulphur is to be used as a substitute for the liquid use 15 pounds to 50 gallons of water. E ither oil emulsion one gallon to 100 gallons or one pound of casein to ' 100 gallons of the diluted spray may be used to advantage as a spreader. | And it is recommended th at spreader be used where San Jose scale has had a good start. DORMANT SPR A Y NOTICE CLAUDE C. CATES, County Pathologist. Dormant spray with lime and sul­ phur should be applied just as soon as possible on pears and peaches. If NAMES O F JUDGES OF ELECTION ANNOUNCED this spray is applied before the buds begin to swell it will control pear lead blister mite and San Jose scale The Chamber of Commerce has an­ in the pears, and peach leaf curl on nounced the names of F. E. W atson, the peaches. This should be applied Irving Finley and A. E. Kinney as at the regular dorm an strength. judges in the forthcoming election of Lime and sulphur test 30 degrees that organization. President Enders Beaume diluted one gallon lime and announces th a t all applications re-' sulphur to eight gallons of water. ceived before Monday evening,1 Apple spray for the control of San March 6. will be voted in at a m eet-' Jose scale and aphis can be applied ing of the board that evening. a little later with b etter results, es­ pecially for the aphis. This dorm ant POLISH CABINET RESIGNS spray on apples can be applied even after the leaves begin to show, w ith­ LONDON, March 6.— The Polish out m aterial danger to the apple cabinet resigned Saturday, a result of trees. the failure of the Vilna negotiations It is im portant th a t pears and regarding annexations, according to peaches be sprayed immediately and a W arsaw dispatch. A s h la n d R e a l t y C o. Houses to Rent Property for Sale 25 E ast Main St. Ashland, Oregon Phone 181 ^He-Man’ Razors (OLD STY LE R A Z O R S) Regular $4.50 to $ 5 .0 0 While They Last for $ 1 .2 4 NININGER & WARNER SPORTING GOODS STORE PIONEER and MAIN * « Adding a new chapter to the book of motor experience - '- / i v r t n t ALUPI process. Hundreds have written us—telegraphed u s - o f amazing results with Cycoi h itler T ' 3 hey te" the StOty ° f increased Power and mileage, greater hill climbing ability, less engine trouble, reduced repair costs, smoother run- rung motors. All give full credit to Cycoi for the change. The reason for such enthusiastic tribute is plain: Owing to the new Hexeon Process, used only by us, Cycoi is free from de- c X n su'ph° oompounds and other impurities. Cycoi is made from Cyclo-Naptheme base crude. Consequently Cycoi does not break down, thin out or evaporate rapidly un er engine heat. It maintains an unimpaired lubricating film between all moving parts This film prevents metal-to-metal contact and the serious damage that follows friction wear • V Take the word of Cycoi users—give your engine a chance tc develop its maximum mechanical efficiency. Flush out the crank case- with kero- i u b 7 c X r c h ^ th correct of Cyco1 as shown by the C^ ‘ T. ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY, San Francisco Good Cooking Utensils ness ? nd ,t_. is expected to see her around among her friends again in the very near future. SIMPSON’S HARDWARE x MOTOR OIL FREE FROM DESTRUCTIVE “SULPHO’COMPOUNDS