Mas TOC iwaawg pmct ro c ra 4» Popular Stand Changes Hands Matdi‘d*x, 5fn«*eh 4, U24 ing in congress will provide funds the second team was called off the seen the Pacific highway. Be sure ernm eat register which Is placed In for this purpose. The hospital would floor, and the first team placed in to register your names on the gov-! a box on the summit. at first house 250 m ental cases and the game again to warm up before Local and Personal later 500 veterans, according to the the evening was over. ' plans. The local players made exception­ —LAST TIME TODAY— COMING — SUN-MON. ------ Side Lights - ally few fouls, while Medford made The fru it and news stand which a liberal num ber, practically all of Dew Drop Inn— for lunches. For Sunday— Oranges, Lemons. has been operated by Mrs. R. S. J e t­ which proved added points for the Bananas, G rapefruit and Apples. ers for the last several years at the Ashland aggregation. Try D etrick’s crisp bacon. We sell Detrick sells for less. 154tf corner of F ourth and A streets, just- The final score was 45 to 18 in for less. 154tf opposite the Southern Pacific depot, i favor of the Ashland lads, whose has been bought by Cecil Norton,) CH ESTER M’CRACKEN playing was altogether satisfactory with We have a wonderful assortm ent who took possession this week. T h e ! SHANGHAI, China, March 4.— HONORED AT O. A. C. to the large crowd th a t turned out ____ will _ be ..... of toilet paper at a price less than stand run along the same, More than $10,000,000 is needed to All Star Cast to root for them. A large delegation in wholesale cost. At W hite House lines as in the past and no change c°Pe the famine problem in Kl- Chester MacCracken was recently •was also present from Medford to Groceteria. 154-1 initiated at Oregon A gricultural col- will be noted with the exception of angsu’ Anhui, Shantung, Hunan, attend the game. The Picture That Has the proprietor. | Chekiang, Hupeh, Honan and Shinsi S h in S to ck — lGge in t° the Sigma A,Pha E p silo n 1 The line-up w ras as follows: ---------------------------. provinces, where more than fifteen Everything , J, ... * * i .i fraternity. He has also made two Ashland— H err, forward, Guthrie, J. Fattlg, of Applegate, recently . „ .. . ... ,, i million people are facing starvation, shipped three ear loada of choice c a l ^ ™ ' " ’ yM r- Cl" Ep'i NAMES OF JUDGES OF according to the report of the In te r­ forward, Ramsey, center. Young, ELECTION ANNOUNCED f le to Portland, for which he received L ' ) 1, \ 6 ? 7 ' e,l®illpers !,n,i A Is«) a Comedy with — The story o f a life that the national Relief societies of China guard; W elsenberger, guard. aeren and a half cenra per pound [or * Wblcb ls tbe Medford— Beeney, forw’ard; John­ world called bail. But when made today. nothing hut laughs The Chamber of Commerce has a n ­ the heat. Mr. Patttg haa about two " a:1° " a! h,°nor in the m" < you v’e th rilled and laughed and son,•forw ard; Singler, center; P res­ The terrible famine in China was cried through it all, you'll see car loada of good stock left a t his ary e irp e s- ce,a elected to nounced the names of F. E. W atson, i caused by drought, but this year cott, guard; Payne, guard. ¡tow little th e world really Irv in ? Finley and A. E. Kinney a»!“ ““ “ year i . . . . . . . membership m ust excel in the mili- “ THE TOURIST ” Substitutes for Ashland— Beeson place in the Applegate country. M r.!. ,, , ) ju d g e, in the forthcom ing election of „ knew ! " " " ' T , red . ------ and W entner, forw ards; Chapman, One story you w on’t forgot! and . . Mrs. F attig were passengers on tary as well as in scholactic leader-' th at organization. President Enders ‘ " ‘e by th e Ye" 0W r i’ er ship and attainm ent. center; Hobson and Taylor, guards. P lus th e m arvelous acting of train 13 this morning on their way Members of the relief societies in 'announces th a t all applications re- Lionel Barrym ore. The girls’ game proved fast and home. w estern H unan reported. “If ,iyou TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. i ceived before Monday evening. Also Coniedv , cannot send relief, I cannot stay here interesting as first one side, then the , • . . _ Help out the old coat and vest FOR SALE- -Two dozen barred March 6, will he voted in at a meet-; other were in the lead, but a very ASSORTED HEROES’ rock hens. Inquire 855 E. Main. m g of the board th at evening. 80 many Fam lne fever w ith a new pair of trousers. See! few points separating the team s at _____________ ____ ! »s taking many. I hear rum ors to 155-1* P aulserud’s window. 155tf i the effect th a t cannibalism is being any time. The half ended with the TUES., WED., THURS.—MARCH 7 8 9 FOR SALE— Must sacrifice Hudson score 8 to 10 in favor of Medford, The Ford Tailoring company’s lin e : Practieed. Many are killing their super six. W rite Box 497 or rail E. B. Latham, an em inent oil geol­ but the locals made a run and had 842 Blaine. 155-2* of samples are now on display. P rice s1 children by drowning or poisoning to ogist from Los Angeles, will speak the score In their favor at the end about oil in Oregon at the Lyric the­ FOR SALE— Cheap, young calf. C. for light weight, $17; medium, $ 3 1 .|P revent slow starv atio n .” of the third quarter, 16 to 12. They No more, no less. Some real b a r - j ------------------------------ M. W aite, 634 Iowa. 155-2* a te r Tuesday night. 155-1 were unable to hold their own during gains. We do cleaning, pressing, re-j the last q u arter of play, and the FOR SALE OR TRADE- -Buick six. pairing and dying as it ought to he Enjoy th a t feeling of satisfaction 134 B St. game finished with both team s play­ 155-2* done. Suits made to m easure. K. derive dfrom wearing Paulserud’s ing hard and Medford ahead by one Nelson, Hotel Ashland block. 154tf BABY CHICKS suits. 155tf point, 21 to 20. although the ball FOR SALE— The Redwing Hatchery was in Ashland’s territb ry a greater 250,000 eggs every The Dobbin Irwin pool room, In Yes, Detrick se lls Juicy boiled WE HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH three weeks, being the largest and NOTED MISSIONARY part of the time. the E lks’ building on East Main 154tf ham. for less. K ILLED BY BANDITS finest equipped electric hatchery street, closed its doors last night, in the Southwest. We are booking CLIMB MOUNT ASH LAND orders for im m ediate and future Buff leghorn eggs. Phone 411-R. ST. LOUIS, March 4,— Dr. A. L. not to open again in the present lo­ cation. delivery of all popular breeds of 133 North Pioneer Avenue, Phone 453-3 to call for and - 4 baby chicks; Pekin. Muscovy and Shelton, noted medical missionary, (Continued trom Page 1) Mr. Irwin will store his equipment R eturns ta A shland— deliver work for us in Ashland. MR. BENTLEY will Indian R unner ducklings and w’as killed by Thibetan bandits near for a few weeks until he can obtain Mr. Bush, who lives in the Provost ground is found at Humming Bird “ T T ? 1 Mammoth Bronze baby turkeys; Batang, February 17. according to pick up work and make deliveries every week day, which apartm ents, and has been in San also our celebrated strain of Ore­ a cablegram th a t the United States . SSHin p lp building now' oc­ Spring, a mile or so beyond Sap and means that we can give Ashland people .just as good ser­ es H. gon-Corvallis W hite Leghorns. We C hristian Missionary society received cupied ™ P “ J, by Jam ■'an’,‘’ " Cooke L'0° lie at a t 279 Salt. Francisco for a few days, has re­ vice as Medford people. can supply pullets of all kinds at today. No details were given. , E ast Main street and used as a pool turned to our city. Those who wish to see the sunrise all tim es; also incubators and ____ ________ ) r °oni. It is reported th a t possesssion from the sum m it of Mount Ashland brooders. No order too large or We have ample machinery and equipment to handle will be given about the 25th of the should camp at G rlbble’s cabin, three Real Chinese dishes from real too small to receive our careful all kinds of ladies and gents wearing apparel and employ present month. attention. Send for prices. RED­ Chinese recipes at the Nelda Cafe. miles up the trail from the end of WING HATCHERY, 2030 E. F lor­ The room being vacated by Mr. Ir­ only experienced and reliable workmen and GUARAN­ 163-3 the road. » ence, Los Angeles. 155-3sat win will be used, together with the TEE OUR WORK TO BE THE VERY BEST POSSIBLE A narrow trail leads from the road adjoining room, for the Golden Rule WANTED— To hear from owner hav­ Cliff Payne makes clothes racks along the ridge to the sum m it, from for any concern to turn o u t store, which will open one of their which vantage point may be seen the ing farm or unimproved land for sale. John J. Black, Chippewa chain stores here as soon as proper m ountain peaks for miles and many Partial Price List for Thorough Cleaning and Pressing: Our special on Q uaker M other’s Falls, Wisconsin. 155-3-sat Disabled because of service in the arrangem ents can be made, Oats is drawn off this week. Get MENS, SU ITS valleys both in Oregon and Califor­ world war, Jam es Francis Butler, of your supply now. 31 cents per pack­ nia. As you near the sum m it you MENS’ OVERCOATS » AKING and remodeling at Ashland, was today granted govern­ ASHLAND TAKES GAME age, at W hite H ouse’ Groceteria. may see outcroppings of granite, of ne or yours; prices reason- ment compensation of $23.75 a LADIES’ JACKET SUITS 154-1 which it is believed the entire m oun­ Miss Stew art, 132 Seventh month by the United States veterans’ (Continued fiom Page 1) LADIES’ COATS tain is composed, great snow’ banks 155-eod bureau at its Seattle district office. A t O ffice A gain— standing 27 to 8, so when the second and dwarfed trees, whose branches PLAIN WOOL DRESS ) FOR SALE— Rhode Island Red He will receive $178.69 back com­ half opened Coach Hughes placed the E. E. Phipps, who has been con­ have been whipped off by the winds. for hatching, 75 cents for. 15 pensation pay. PLAIN SILK DRESS—$1.75 fined to his home on Pine street entire second team In against Med­ Special rates on larger oi From the sum m it may be seen Announcement was made by offi­ ford. For a time it appeared they 196 Nutley, phone 284-R. II was able to be about again today. Mount Shasta, Mount P itt, Pilot cials of the veterans’ bureau that would not be able to hold th eir own, Rock, the Rogue river valley, the NT— Large first floor front plans are being pushed for the estab­ For Saturday— Oranges, Lemons, but the second-string men lived up walls of C rater lake, part of the city gas for cooking; also three REMEMBER — We are not satisfied unless you are. House Lettuce, Celery, Turnips, Yel­ apartm ent with sleeping lishm ent of a large hospital in the to expectations and made more points of Ashland, the town of Hilt, Calif., MEDFORD, OREGON low Rutabagas, Yams, Parsnips, 153 G ranite St. Phone Pacific northw est to take care of than the Medford quintet was able and. like a silver thread following m ental cases. A m easure now pend- to annex. W ith four m inutes tn nlav Beets and Onions. Detrick sells fo» the slopes of the Siskiyous, may be less. 154tf Ashland News in Paragraphs ‘CONCEIT’ Lionel Fifteen Million Face Starvation Barrymore "Boomerang B ill” VINING "W ay Down East” Pool Room Closed Doors Friday Eve. Mr. H. B. BENTLEY Disabled Soldier Gels Compensation ZV M S Wy B ' B r Cily Cleaning and Dying Co. Hear E. B. Latham at the Lyric Tuesday night. Subject, “ Oil in Ore­ gon.” He will Interest you. Free. 155-1 Roller skating tonight Party going south to San F ran ­ cisco in auto Monday or Tuesday. Wishes passenger. Inquire Sunday evening, 137 Oak street. 155-1 020202234889232300024853232353230248000201 010500020253000200010201 REVIVAL Error — J. G. Norton, who was reported as having moved from 341 Almond street, is still living at th a t address. For real home cooking and made bread and pastry, try the Bakery and R estaurant, 69 Main. home­ Home North 154-2 D a ily (Except Saturday) 7 :3 0 P .M CHEERO Guaranteed Flour At Your Grocers Quality and Service EVANG A lw ays at 4th St. Market W here Price and Q uality M eet” FOR SUNDAY DINNER Choice Roast B eef Choice R oast Veal Choice Steaks . . . , L IS T REV. HARCOURT W . PECK , D. D. E van gelist Methodist Episcopal Church Cor. N. Main and Laurel Sts. G o o d S in g in g ' A Cordial S p e c i a l M u s i c - á 7 Welcome ‘Get Them W hile G etting is Good’ CHARLES A. EDW ARDS, M inister 480200000002025353532300020209030510110402020604100401000505080102000010020248535323000001020000020201022323482348485353904848484848480030110501000802000102020100024848535348535