Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, March 03, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Ashland News in Paragraphs
Local and Personal
Side Lights ■■ ■
F o r re a l ho m e c o o k in g a n d h o m e­
m ad e b re a d a n d p a s try , tr y th e H om e
B ak ery a n d R e s ta u r a n t, 69 N o rth
M ain.
H illa h
T em ple,
s ta te d session,
Y-es, D e tric k s e n s Juicy boiled
F rid a y e v e n in g . C e re m o n ial m a tte rs
h am , fo r less.
1 5 4 tf
to dispose of. A lso a social h o u r ’s
e n te r ta in m e n t; lig h t re fre s h m e n ts .
A nniversary
FO R SA LE— R e lia b le b lu e flam e
b ro o d e r sto v e ; also a few chicks
fo r M ay d eliv ery .
M rs. W. D.
S o o th . 264
W e ig h tm a n , phone
Dew Drop Inn— for lunches.
Bacon and E ggs for Break fast—
You can g e t som e of t h a t crisp,
sn a p p y bacon a t D e tric k ’s, also s tr ic t­ F OR SA LE — Seven room house,
ly fre sh y a rd eggs. W e sell fo r less.
m o d ern c o n v en ien ces, good .¿o ra­
tio n , c o n v e n ie n t to b u sin e ss sec­
D e tric k ’s G ro c e te ria .
1 5 0 tf
tio n an d d ep o t. G arag e and fru it.
On paved s tre e t. C all a t 550 E a st
D on’t fo ig e t th e le c tu re on C ra te r
M ain.
L a k e illu s tr a te d w ith P a tte rs o n P ic ­
E C L IP S E INCU BA TOR, 200 egg ca­
tu re s a t th e C h rstia n c h u rc h to n ig h t.
p a c ity ; S h a rp ie s s e p a ra to r, good
o rd e r. 231 M echanic St.
W e have a w o n d e rfu l a s s o rtm e n t
o f to ile t p ap er a t a p ric e less th a n
"wholesale cost.
A t W h ite H ouse
G ro c e te ria .
15 4-1
Sm oker at. M edford—
T h e E lk s ’ sm o k e r a t M edford la s t
n ig h t w as a tte n d e d by se v era l local
E lk s , w ho ex p ressed th em se lv e s as
h a v in g h ad a fin e tim e.
Birthday Values in Silks
You Will Appreciate
FO R SA L E — S econd-hand zinc b a th
tu b . P h o n e 341-J.
PONGEE SILK ............................. YARD 65c
—33 inches wide, imported Pongee Silk.
real value.
Guaranteed Flour
At Your Grocers
TRICOLETTE ............................. YARD $1.69
—36 inches wide, Silk Tricollette in Black,
Brown, Navy, Tan and Grey. $2.25 value.
CANTON CREPE ....................... YARD $3.48
—40 inches wide, conies in Navy and Black.
All pure silk.
T h e Ladies* A id so ciety w ill hold
a food sa le S a tu rd a y , M arch 4, a t
t h e P lu m m e r g ro cery s to re , b e g in ­
n in g p ro m p tly a t 11 o ’clock. B read,
ro lls, pies, cak es, d o u g h n u ts, bak ed
b ean s, etc. w ill be on sale.
4th St.
F o r S u n d a y — O ran g es,
B a n a n a s, G ra p e fru it a n d
D e tric k sells fo r less.
M arket
—40 inches wide. All the new colors for spring,
and Black and White.
“ W here P rice and Q uality
M eet”
LINGERIE SILK ......................... YARD 75c
L em ons,
A pples.
1 5 4 tf
A rrives in Ashland-—
Rev. P eck, who w ill c o n d u c t a r e ­
v iv al serv ice a t th e M eth o d ist c h u rc h
b e g in n in g S u nday, a rriv e d in o u r city
la s t evening.
S how ing of new S p rin g H a ts, a t
W in e la n d & S h e p h e rd ’s M illinery
P a rlo rs , S a tu rd a y , M arch 3. Room
3, C itizen s B ank B uilding.
T h e F o rd T a ilo rin g c o m p a n y ’s lin e
of sam p les a re now on disp lay . P ric e s
f o r lig h t w eig h t, $ 1 7 ; m ed iu m . $31.
N o m ore, no less. Som e re a l b a r ­
g ain s. W e do c le a n in g , p re ssin g , re­
p a irin g a n d d y in g as It o u g h t to be
done. S u its m ad e to m e a su re . K.
N elson, H otel A sh la n d block. 1 5 4 tf
=== CREPE DE CHINE .................... YARD $1.75
—36 inches wide in Pink, White and Orchid.
Fancy self stripe, fine quality for under­
C hoice R oast B e e f . . . . 15 to 18c
Choice Roast. V e a l . . . . 15 to 18c
Choice Steaks ........................15c up
TUSSORA SILK ......................... YARD $1.25
—36 inches wide, comes in new Spring colors.
Fine quality for jumper dresses.
Fancy, M eaty, Fine
Next Tues., Wed., Thurs.
D. W. Griffith's Greatest Picture
¡Remember the Dates
T M o rtH atÁUTirut
Now Open!
—Extra, to show our appreciation of your
patronage for the past year, we are going to
pass out on Saturday afternoon between the
hours of one and four, to every lady who a t­
tends our F irst Birthday Sale, a useful souvenir
called “ A Stitch in Time.”
Special Values are Offered
in Girls Jumper Dresses
—G irls’ Jum per Dresses made of Gingham,
Beach ( loth, Linen and Check (^otton suiting.
Trimmed with contrasting colors, some with
fancy belts. Sizes 8 • years to 18 vears
Priced ........................................... $1.69 to $2.98
Our New Wash Dresses and
Aprons are Ready for
Your Selection
TAFFETA S I L K ......................... YARD $1.98
—36 inches wide in Black only. Good, quality
tor dresses and separate skirts.
$2.60 per 100 lbs.
‘Get Them While Getting is Good’
Saturday, Mar, 4
Souvenirs for the Ladies
Quality and Service
A lw ays at
Made of Crepe, Gingham foreign and dom­
estic, Black Sateen and Percale.
Birthday Savings on
MUSLIN ........................................... YARD 15c
—36 inches wide, good qualitv muslin. Sold
regularly at 20c yard.
PEQUOT S H E E T S ................................... $1 89
—81 by 90 size. Best quality known. Only a
limited quantity so come early.
PILLOW T U B IN G ............ .......... YARD 39c
—42 inch Wearwell quality. Sold regularly at
48c yard.
SHEETS .................................................... $ i.48
AVeaiwell quality, made with taiie selvatre
-$1.65 value.
PEQUOT T U B IN G ........................... YARD 48c
42 inches wide, liest quality known for family
use. A 59c value.
LONGCLOTH ................... ............. YARD 19c
36 inch ‘‘Im perial’ Longcloth, good quality
for underwear. Sold regularly at 25 yard.
NAINSOOK ..................................... YARD 22c
36 inches wide, ‘‘Im perial” quality, fine and
sheer. Sold regularly at 30c yard.
Prices that Will Please You
PLISSE CREPE ............................. YARD 21c
30 inches wide, in white only. Good quality
for gowns and bloomers.
—36 inches wide, this new Sport Satin in White
lor skirts. Plain and fancy patterns.
See Our Birthday Cahe
TAFFETA S I L K ......................... YARD $2.25
—Now on display in show window. The show
card will tell you all about this birthday cake
HUCK TOWELS ............................. EA. 12c
—Good quality Huck Towels with tape selvage.
Sold regularly at 15c.
NEWPORT S A T IN ......................YARD $3.25
—36 inch fine quality Chiffon Taffeta in all
the new and wanted colors for Spring.
The New Spring Merchandise is Ready.
Silk Underwear and
CAMISOLES ......................... $1.19
—Silk camisoles, made of Wash
Satin and Crepe de Chine. Sold
regularly at $1.39.
BATH TOWELS ................................. EA. 19c
—Good size for family. Only 10 dozen in this
lot. Regular 25c value.
It is Very Interesting
A n n iv e r s a r y S p e c ia ls
HAND BAGS ........................ $1.25
—Ladies’ Genuine Leather Hand
Bags. All new styles bought for this
Sale. Sold regularly at $1.75.
FANCY GIRDLES .................. 69c
-—Fancy Girdles, made of metal and
ivory. Regular $1.00 value.
Special Values are
Offered Here
SILK WAISTS ................... $3.75
—Pongee Silk Waists, talor made
All new styles to choose from, sizes
up to 44.
LACE COLLARS..............EA. 50c
—Fancy Tuxedo lace collars, m
W hite and Ecru, Sold regularly
at 69 cents.
VANITY CASES .................. $3.48
—New styles in vanity cases anil
hand hags just in for this sale.
Some real values,
SILK PETTICOATS............$3.75
CHILDREN’S HOSE . . . . PR. 22c
—Fine ribbed cotton hose, all sizes,
in Black only.
COTTON BATTIN G ................89c
—Full size comfort bat, 72 by 90.
All in one sheet.
•—Women’s Muslin Gowns made of
good q .ility material, hemstitched
and ; . ii. ned.
—Jersey Silk Petticoats in several
different colors. Regular values
were $4.48.
GINGHAM................i . YARD 19c
—New Spring Ginghams in all the
new and wanted patterns for spring.
PERCALE .................. YARD 19c
—1200 yards of fine quality Percale
for this Birthday Sale. Light and
dark patterns.
CORSETS ................. PAIR $1.00
SILK V E S T S ......................... $1.98
Lily knit Jersey Silk Undervests in
Flesh Pink. Regular value, $2.25.
SILK H O S E ................PAIR $1.59
—Pure thread Silk Hose in new
colors—Lark, Sponge, Silver Grey.
White, Cordovan and Black.
SILK HOSE .............. PAIR $1.12
—Ladies’ Silk Hose, good heavy
quality in Cordovan, Black and
PILLOW CASES .............. EA. 29c
—Linen finish Pillow Cases, 42 and
45 inches wide, fine quality for
summer use.
CRASH TOWELING . . . . YD. 15c
—IS inch fine quality crash Towel­
ing, bleached. Regular 22c value.
Come and See the New Game
of “Snooker”
one year this store has been serving to their best ability the merchandising requirements
- of the people of Ashland. Saturday marks the opening of our First Anniversary Sale, and
we are making it an occasion of unusual interest to every house wife, by offering special bar­
gains during the term of this sale. We hope that this event will aid in binding us more closely
to the many old and true customers who have favored us with their continuous patronage, and
serve as an invitation to those others who have not yet made this establishment their depart­
ment store home.
Solid pack p re fe rre d sto ck to m a ­ ¡F O R R E N T — F ive room fu rn is h e d
a p a rtm e n t, in c lu d in g b a th .
In ­
to e s a t a p rice of $2.00 p e r dozen— q u ire a t D e tric k ’s G ro c e te ria . 1 5 4 tf
less th a n w holesale price to day. A t
W h ite H ouse G ro c e te ria .
154-1 FOR SA L E — T h o ro u g h b re d single-
, com b W h ite L e g h o rn ro o ste r. I n ­
q u ire a t D etrick G ro c e te ria . 1 5 4 tf
R eturns from .Medford—
W. E. W ood has r e tu rn e d from FO R R E N T — T h re e room m o d ern
fu rn is h e d bungalow . In te r io r new ­
M edford a f t e r a w eek ’s visit in th e
ly d e c o ra te d . A d u lts only. In q u ire
m etro p o lis.
166 H a rg a d in e , ph o n e 122. 1 5 4 tf
T ry D e tric k ’s c risp bacon. W e sell
f o r less.
1 5 4 tf
The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated,
GOWNS ........................... EA. 98c
—Royal Worcester Corsets, made
of good quality coutil, in pink. Sold
regularly at $1.25.
KNIT VESTS .................. EA. 19c
—Women’s knit summer vests, bo­
dice and regular styles. Regular
25c value.
KNIT UNION SUITS ............ 69c
—Women’s knit summer union
suits. All sizes, extra good quality.
Have Your JHem»tkchin£ and^Picoting Done Here