Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNT?” PAPER TELEPHONE 39 By Their U a v e . Ye Shall „ ^ w Mail and R ural R outes A OW to know apple trees by their .65 leaves, and not alone by their 1.95 fruit, bids fair to become part 3.50 6.5t of the business of the successful or- chardiat as a result of seven year’s re­ ADVERTISING RATES search by the experimental station of Display A dvertising the Massachusetts Agricultural college Single insertion, each in c h .......... 30c at Amherst. Systematic study of the YEARLY CONTRACTS leaf characters of young apple trees Display Advertising conducted by Dr. J. K. Shaw, expert One tim e a w eek.............................. 27 %c pomologist, has enabled him to an­ Two times a week..............................25 c nounce a new method of identifying Every other d a y .................................20 c nursery stock that promises to remove I.ocul R eaders one of the most serious risks of fruit Each line, each tim e .....................10c growing. To run every other tSay for one month, each line, each tim e. . 7c “For no one who has not purchased To run every issue for one month and set out a block of trees labeled or more, each line, each tim e. . 5c ‘McIntosh,’ only to find eight years Classified Column later that the supposed McIntosh trees One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month were all Wolf river, a variety almost worthless In New England, can appre- or more, %c the word each time. H Legal R ate F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c Each subsequent time, pef 8- point line .................................... 5c Card of t h a n k s ............................ $1.00 Obituaries, the line ...................... 2 ^ c Advertising for fratern al orders or societies charging a regular initi­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious and benevolent orders will be charged the regular rate for all ad vertislng when an admission or other charge is made. EXIA. TEXAS.—This oil town and the oil country surrounding it have been placed under martial law recently by Governor Neff, because of the existence of open, flagrant violation of the law. Many ar­ rests were made and a quantity of liquor seized. The situation Is In charge of Brig- Gen. Jacob Wolters of the National Oliftitl. Enroute to the area there were forty men of the headquarters troop, Fifty-sixth cavalry brigade. They will be used, General Wolters said, for picket duty and to guard prisoners while the state rangers are conducting investigations of conditions Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, { Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ and making arrests. General Wolters announced that he ter. had had a conference with Acting Mayor Riddle of Mexia, who promised C¿U«MED.P l AY6R0UND' the fullest co-operation of all the city M suits. If the present m anagement f has not suited, if they have lost membership and standing with us, let us try a new management. Business men of all kinds tolerate But I can’t make my m o n e y only such servants as bring satisfac­ last tory results. Unless I make Business logic would seem to lead it first. one to cast a business vote not one of sym pathetic sentim ental birth. I pi| have been a backslider because of dissatisfaction with the past year’s record, but I shall “ rejoin” and vote for a “change” hoping It will bring results and at the same time be no injury to the estim able men who are set aside. Let us work for corn, not cob. A SICK MEMBER. DROPS In this world, as well as the next, there is continual war between pow­ erful constructive and destructive forces. It is not surprising th at such a battle should rage at any time. Many times destructive forces work MEETING AT ARMORY TONIGHT in the dark. Not so with construc­ The Chamber of Commerce does a tive force. It can afford to fight in few things after all. Their lo n g est1 the open and needs no “ vindication” suit Is having feeds and their next i for its position. Woe, woe, to the longest is holding meetings to ad-; knocker. Knocking is a destructive vance the political interest of their! force. Woe, woe, to the character as­ friends. They don’t mind spending sassin. Assassination is a destructive the money for feeds' and now it is force. Woe, woe, to those who con­ said they don’t mind spending Cham-! tinually cry ‘ g ra ft,” but never try ber of Commerce funds for the Ar-J to bring the grafter to justice. Woe, mory where they held their political! to the destructive force that tries to gabfest last night. We u n d e rstan d 1 knock everybody’s else deal, w hether the price of the Armory for a night! his deal is legitimate. Woe to that is $35, and we are told this sum force which is backed by no arg u ­ will be paid out of the Cham ber of ment, but must rely on “ the lie” Commerce funds. Well, our side is for support. All of these are destruc­ not so fortunate. We will have to ' tive forces. There is no virtue in pay $35 for the use of the Armory them. All virtue lies in frank, open, tonight, and Mr. Greer has rented it active, constructive thinking and and guaranteed’ th e pay. As all acting. Be a valiant w arrior on the citizens are interested in the ou t­ constructive side. That is better here and will find better fare hereafter. come of the hotel proposition, we will ask them to come to the Tidings Build up a constructive mental office and leave th eir dollar toward standard. Learn to do good to those defraying this expense. We have no who revile you and say all m anner of treasury to dip into to pay the ex­ evil concerning you. There is a re­ penses of our meetings, so we will ward and it is worth the effort. have to go down in our pockets and dig UP. I A representative of a large con­ cern that has extensive interest on th e coast was in Ashland yesterday and said th at if a first class hotel N o cure for it, but welcome relief was built here, he believed th at at • “ relief is is c often brought by— least 5ft commercial travelers would stay in the hotel every night. s ASTHMA - BUSINESS LOGIC When two good men are candi­ dates for the same place, one must be defeated. Which one? I m ust choose the one I honestly believe will bring forth the best re­ sults in the proposed position. Two tickets are proposed for the m anagem ent of our Cham ber of Com­ merce. We w ant results. Mr. Greer and the Tidings is one side. Mr. Ful­ ler and his supporters the other.. We may have likes and dislikes for the various candidates personally, but in selecting our candidates, shall we vo e for these sentim ents or vote for w hat we consider will bring best re- V a ro R ub Over ! 7 Million Jan Uted Yearly ? mJSSffi ? yourself for ? some new and ? Beautiful Wall Paper . ? J t 'z v o n 't b e a b a d blow ? | ------SEE ME TO D A Y— ? 7 Swenson & McRae Co. o ? Plaza Confectionery MINARD A TAYLOR The Chaicest and D aintiest Confections Served at All Times Our M otto: Service— Quality— Cleanliness We Solicit Your Patronage Good Cooking Utensils makes good cooking easier. The right pan, roaster, saucepan, boiler or kettle has a lot to do with the result. Our house- wares are selected by an expert in housekeepers* needs. Every housekeeper, actual and pros­ pective, should visit this de­ partm ent and see what are the very latest and best ideas in kitchen efficiency and economy SIMPSON’S HARDWARE Pending Future Investment W hat C onstitutes A dvertising In order to allay a m isunderstand­ ing among some as to w hat consti­ tutes news and what advertising, we print this very simple rule, which Is used by newspapers to differenti­ ate between them : “ ALL future events, where an admission charge Is made or a collection is taken IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to organizations and societies of every kind as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after they have occurred is news. All coming social or organization meetings of societies where no money contribution is solicited, inlti-i ation charged, or collecton taken IS | NEWS. 1, î o à î Under New Management Martial Law in Too Lively Texas Town F raterw d Orders and S ocieties THINK *** * * * er t0 have the uncertainty «^certainty removed V If V I 1 f J from the purchase of his nursery stock.” says a statement issued from the experiment station. This fall, with the support of the Massachusetts Fruit Growers’ asso­ ciation, Dr. Shaw applied his identifi cation method to 3,000 apple trees in By SENATOR ARTHUR CAPPER I the g reater the income the more able nurseries in this state. To the amaze of Kansas, a Leader of the Senate the recipient is to pay a bigger tax. ment of the nursery men, he threw out “A gricultural Bloc” Under the ----- new .. tax law 2,000,000 nearly 10 per cent of the young trees for masquerading under a false (W ritten Expressly for the In tern a­ little homes in the United States will name. tional News Service) immediately be relieved from further Dr. Shaw’s Investigation involved WASHINGTON, D. C., March 1.— Pa>ment of any income taxes. Thou­ study of leaves of 200 varieties of ap The outstanding achievement in this sands of other families of small pie trees collected from orchards of means will receive a reduction of 50 distant states as well as In New Eng­ congress in constructive legislation per cent in their income tax rate, land. He discovered that always there has been its great work for agrlcul- insteading of reducing the maximum __________ „ UIC , ^u re- It 1138 laid a new and firm were certain characteristics invariable surtax on big incomes from 65 to 32 In leaves of the same variety and a ; foundation for national prosperity. great many points of difference be- No doubt m istakes have been m a d e,' per cent’ as de*»anded by big busi- tween leaves of different varieties. and there is a great deal yet to be ness’ Congiess set the high limit m ui .hI* /\ea? °f reeearch- he «P-idone, but no like am ount of import- at 58 per cent‘ pie trees sT he Zet’ thRn in^h^ow n ex ,egisla*tion ben««cia » to th e | Saving from A rm am ent perimentftl plots. Only one tree turned farm ing lnd«stry and therefore to Out of the conference on disarm a- out, when it came into bearing, to be the national welfare, has, in my e s ti - 'inent. called by President H arding !! different from his marking. mation, ever been accomplished b y ' w111 come a saving of billons of dol- ” Dr. Shaw does not pretend that anv- any preceding congress in such a !lars> which will help every nation to " ’ can - identify - -- fruit trees by their • , ~»•_» 1 1 « . . .. O body short time | climb back from the financial and leaves. Rut study, he says, will ennlde sym pathetic economic depths into which it fell I íesident H arding's o ojinpatuciiv - the fruit grower to distinguish any- attitu d e toward the farm er and stock d u r*ng tbe world war given variety in the nurserv. ntan has been of great help. When This program m e for bettering the " the new president and the new con-j economic conditions of the farm ing gress took up the reins in W ashing- industry and putting it on an equal ton last March the farm ing industry footing with organized industry and officials with the military authorities. Mexia was a sleepy farming town was on the verge of collapse. While business, and reducing the burdens of 3,000 people until oil was found!the crisis has not as yet been passed, ° t taxation, has met with b itter op- near here and today it is a bustling the emergency could scarcely have position from Wall Street business city of 80,000 people. j been more promptly met by legisla-1Inen and eastern newspapers. n8r° Se ° ' er night. Dilution. As a result we have these new But, I believe that the adm inistra-; Ing trains or the rehabilitation of the * «on fully realizes th a t the farm er farm ing industry, several of them has been made the goat, and th a t he j or on horseback. ¡m ust be given a square deal if he is The accommodations were few. Men eP°chal and others yet to corrte to come back and make his vital and their families slept in tlie open ! They are: or In tents or wherever shelter could The billion-dollar farm export contribution to the prosperity of the be obtained. A cot in a tent soared credit m easure. nation. In price from 50 cents to .$3 a night. Grains E xchan ges R egulated It cost $5 a night to sleep one night The Capper-Tincher future tra d -1 in a crude plank structure. The only AN ERROR. ing bill for the regulation of the bathhouse was In a barber shop. Cholly: I came The oil development was rapid.!thirteen great grain exchanges by a to ask for your There are six solid miles of derricks board comprising the secretary of daughter’s hand. and drillers’ outfits and wooden build-' agriculture, the secretary of com­ Fond Dad: Do ings where there had been open, merce, and the attorney general. you realize she’s Pr~lr,e: ,, J , , The act Placing the control of the all I’ve got? Cholly: Gee, I i b '"«■ ',rl"kl”f packing industry and stockyards Un- thought you had 1,alls soon began to flourish and kept