TIW ÄäüLASÖ ÔÂttî îiD î^ôl Falling Meteors prison conditions throughout the ? ? ?7 7 7779777777777 United States. Are the American people turning ? — to crime in greater numbers? ? “ Is the situation in any way relat­ ? yourself for.__ ed to the war? ? some ney and. “Are the courts more lenient than ? Beautiful Wall Paper they were? "Is the situation due to the na­ e - I t 'zvon't he a bad blow tion’s greater population?” 7 ------ SEE ME T O D A Y ------- These are the questions which W arden Johnston is asking himself. 7 Swenson & McRae Co. East Main Street He is also w riting letters and ask­ 7 ing wardens of other penitentiaries for their explanations. BLOW: SEEDS TESTED TESTED PRICED RIGHT You can depend upon seeds you buy from us. They are pure, strong and true to nam e Buy your seeds a t home. FROM Monarch Seed and Feed Co. 317 East Main Medford, Ore. Phone 260 "The F arm er’s Service Station” BARGAINS IN LATE SALES THAT ARE GOOD INVESTMENTS I McN¿ú¿ Bros. Washington and Lincoln The Citizens Bank 7 Bi ooms- Brooms- Fraoms We have l»een fortunate enough to purchase for CASH a large con­ signment of First Clasjj Eastern Made Brooms wliich wo will sell a t greatly reduced prices. Those are all fine E astern Straw , with finished maple handle»— wonderfully made. 90c B room s, n o w 45c $1.25 Broom s, now 65c $1.50 B room s, now 75c The stork is lim ited. begins SATURDAY. B etter purchase a year’s supply now. Sale Detrick’s Groceteria WE DELIVER WE SELL FOR LESS ALBERS DAIRY FEEDS To feed for profitable milk production means that Good cows must have Good feed Many men starve good cows and Many men allow a bunch of poor cows to starve them but the men who make a business of dairying and keep good cows invariably buy feeds that will keep the cow in good flesh maintain the maximum milk flow return a profit for the time and money expended Albers Dairy Feeds will co-operate with good cows and good dairymen Sold by Ashland Fruit and Produce Association ••O Tne world is full of beautiful wom- ih, but it is difficult to get two of Established 1876 them to agree upon any one. Published Every Evening Except •• * Sunday Now th a t Hollywood has declared THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. itself on th e map, it has o ur per- OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY mission to fum igate and take a bath. PAPER • • TELEPHONE 39 So far we have not heard a single Subscription Price Delivered in City: , objection to the suggestion th a t the One month .................................. $ .65 form er service men finance their own Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 bonus. Six months .................................. 3.75 ♦ * One year ..................................... 7.50 Mail and R ural R outes This life contains a lot of ups and One month .................................. $ .65 downs, but most of our profit is Three m onths . . ...................... 1.95 found while drifting around in the SIX months .................................. 3.50 middle. One year .................................... 6.5t • • ADVERTISING RATES If long sk irts are worn for anoth­ Display Advertising Single insertion, each in ch ........... 30c er ten years the fellows will get back YEARLY CONTRACTS to the old exciting game of taking Display Advertising ’em on faith. One tim e a w eek.............................. 27 %c • * Two times a week..............................25 c Every other d a y ................................ 20 c One tru th stands out above all oth ­ Local Readers ers. The rehabilitation of Europe Saeh line, each tim e .................. .1« will be n’ accomplished fact a fte r it Po run every othe: 'a? cr . vu M.i.t^ted. mouth, each line, each tim e. . 7c • • To run every issue for one month These frequent sunny days make or more, each line, each t im e .. 5c Classified Column us think th at spring is on the way, One cent the word each time. but let us hope th at it is not headed To run every issue for one month in the wrong direction. or more, %c the word each time. * • Legal Rate Foreigners who come over here F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c Each subsequent time, per 8- a d criticize us are not entirely to point line .................................... 5c b- censured. How else can they Card of t h a n k s ............................ $1.00 inferiority? Obituaries, the line ......................2% c ci nouflage their * own * Fraternal Orders and Societies Advertising for fratern al orders There is only one effective method or societies charging a regular initi­ of checking the fellow who begins ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ to tell youWiis family troubles. Tear ligious and benevolent orders will 'be charged the regular rate for all ad off a few bigger ones of your own. • • vertlsing when an admission or other kept the leading industry of the charge is made. You, Mr. Man! If you could make country. The biggest need of the day a five spot every time you kiss your What Constitutes Advertising is that more producers join forces In order to allay a m isunderstand­ wife you would speedily develop into to co-operatively m arket their pro­ ing among some as to w hat consti­ the most loving husband this world ducts. tutes news and what advertising, has ever produced. we print this very simple rule, Which Is used by newspapers to differenti­ 1 < ’<>N\ l< T S <)VERt R(> WD > ♦ $ ate between them : “ ALL future PUBLIC FORUM SAX QUENTIN; WAVES events, where an admission charge OF ( RIME SPREADING Is made or a collection is taken IS SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Feb. 24.— I ADVERTISING.” This applies to organizations and societies of every IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH Every cell in San Quentin occupied. ; kind as well as to individuals. Who is th ere who does not love Prisoners sleeping on the floor oF All reports of such activities after and cherish his home town, Ashland, the prison receiving room. they have occurred is news. Every cot occupied in the p riso n ' All coining social or organization Oregon? Then, let us, like real men meetings of societies where no and women, be strong and of good hospital. money contribution is solicited, initi­ courage, and not become weary in Dormitories crowded with occu-i ation charged, or collecton taken IS well-doing. There is strength in pied prison beds. NEWS. unity. Let me repeat, THERE IS Such is the unprecedtented situa-l Entered at the Ashland, Oregon STRENGTH IN UNITY! United we tion at San Quentin penitentiary, ac-l Postoffice as Second-class Mall Mat­ stand, divided we fall. Do you mer­ cording to a statem ent given out to­ ter. chants, you bankers, and citizens of day by W arden Jam es A. Johnston. Ashland believe this? G reater men There are now 2468 convicts in and nations have proven this fact, c ^ ummer P layground the institution— the greatest num ­ this tru th . Then, why continue to of / merica ber in its history. fight, and later fall? If great con­ Every new convict presents a prob­ cerns and nations continually dis­ lem, for obviously he cannot be agreeing and fighting finally fall, turned away, the warden states. w hat shall become of a small town in o fficial advices received by like Ashland? If any citizen has suf­ Johnston indicate sim ilar inadequate fered any wrong in the past, let us stoop to forgiveness. Forgiveness is not degradation, but elevation to your mind and body; and YOU, who can and will forgive, are truly a MAN, a progressive man. I love Ashland, and it has been my experi­ <$• THINK DROPS <8> ence th a t less criticism and more praise, with the right action behind it, shall win for us a reputation and pave the path to progression for this The most useful of all libraries is beautiful Ashland town, with its won­ a m an's thinkery. derful n atural resources. Yes, Ash­ * « land has natural resources th a t are We arise to rem ark th a t it is often of great value, and our next advanc­ safer to remain seated. ing step tow ard the uplift of our • * town is the “ new and modern hotel” Keep a stiff upper lip. Drooping to serve and satisfy th e visitor, the ones are not becoming. tourist, etc. The more modern and pleasing in style this “ hotel to be,” i F THE merchant iinds himself in Suits of this kind are easy to remodel, F o rje t It. The other fellow can ♦he more satisfied the occupants. possession of a few suits and coats when the time comes for changing gr<. i anoa_h frr both of you. C -m fo-t and satisfaction in such a at the end of a season, that for some them, and will prove satisfactory for • * hotel entices one to rem ain a while reason have not been sold, he is usu­ more than one season. Black and navy The only thing that is worse than longer, and so on, and finally make ally willing to sacrifice them. They blue are the best in colors, but certain a flat joke is one th at is flatter. his abode here in Ashland. We want may be among the most desirable gar­ shades of dark brown and dark gray • « our population to increase. Will this ments that he purchased, but if cash are also dependable, and the less deco­ Silence is golden when the other not only help the laborer, as well as means more to him than stock on»hand ration the better on suits that are to he will cut more than the profit out of see long service. fellow has the longest reach. the financier? Yes, all of us. It will such merchandise—and this is the bar­ • * Long, roomy coats are even more enlarge our interests. O ther ad- And still, the movie stars are not i vancements in ways of amusements, gain hunter’s opportunity. It is good adaptable than suits, and can be de­ business to pick up these unusual all bad Some of them would ju st i e t C w U l ' necessarily''*fo"liow. Ash- values, If the garments are made of pended on for several seasons’ wear. The coat shown here is of bidivin cloth 6 tO e' * * 1 land can stand Improvements, *In- staple materials and in conservative with a wide collar of seal plush ex­ _. , ¡crease of population, increase of styles. pended into a border and cuffs. It a waste of energy ¡or some channels of support. Yes. Ashland In choosing a suit, a straight-line coat, like the one pictured, a box X l la c ? ' Ca° ’t ' " 15 ‘ SCl' ' " eed8 the“ There " " ° model or a simply cut and loose-fitting to beat around the bush, to whisper one, with a plain skirt comfortably gives you a receipt for • • and gossip over it. I, a mother, am wide, will line up with the suits of any As an evidence of our extreme beautiful teeth not financially interested, but desire season, and not suffer by comparison. COTYMCHT r r V O T U M N tV W A R t UNION. courtesy, we continue to call them to see advancement, progression. It courts of justice. was decided by one and all th a t Ash­ « * from the old system of m arketing, producers’ m arketing organizations, land needed accommodations — a of a truly co-operative type because i We agree with, the m inistry that modern hotel. Then, why not open co-operation spread until now it is it is felt th a t through this method , Jazz is immoral. Otherwise it would the doors and allow Mr. Bert Greer nation-wide. The post-war conditions' Sfasi not be so popular. alone can agriculture be saved and i to step in with his man, an experi­ which worked a hardship on the pro-j « « enced hotel man of ways and means? ducer, really promoted this m arket­ It's a fact. The more we do the If Jones or Brown can secure any ing method. When the plight of the more we can do, and the less we do b etter man for this hotel project, farm er was beginning to make itself the less we want to do. give him adm ittance, but where is felt generally, and co-operation of! • ♦ the party who can show a man more producers appeared to be the only At least one thing can be said In qualified? United we stand, divid­ way to sustain production, those who ' favor of bootleg booze. It is seldom ed we fall. Then, I conclude by say­ have the building up of America’s! found in dirty bootlegs. ing. let us get together one and all agriculture at heart began to devise I On Thrift * * and give our best by helping to ful­ ways of legalizing this method, so j The thief in the night is becoming fill the requirem ents of a progress­ th at such organizations might not be W ashington called th rift “th e foundation of happy homes a back number. Most of them are ive town on the threshold of abound­ handicapped by subsequent suits and! now pulled off in daylight. and sound nations.” Lincoln considered it "one of the ing beauty; and co-operation is the trials. Many of the states have * • keynote. Mr. G reer has given Ash­ passed measures putting th eir stamp first and highest virtues.” Keeping our best foot forward land her w ater and park. He now of approval on co-operation of pro­ may be good advice, but it is a dif­ offers the big hotel and sanitarium . ducers. There will no doubt be many ficult method of progressing. T h rift is best exemplified in savings accounts. This in- — Mrs. F rank C. Stevens, 235 Fifth other states pass sim ilar bills now • * street. stitution will welcome yours. th a t the federal government is lead­ There is one common ground upon ing the way. .... ; _- which we can all agree. That is our FARMERS SHOULD ORGANIZE The farm er has for years been the unalienable right to disagree. object of educational campaigns, but • • The spread of the idea of co-op­ in the present case, he is turning, the A wife, a kid, a dog and a cat erative marketing during the past table and is educating government m ake a perfect quartet, but many few years has been remarkable. Ashland, Oregon husbands enum erate from the bot­ Starting in a small way In localities officials and the lawm akers of the country.. tom. where conditions demanded a change The farm bureau is fostering the Tidings •>3 Ashland