M üÜ fU ü ASHLAND DAlLf flDlAt« Friday, February 24, l a i d Ashland News in Paragraphs Social Circle Meet»— The Social Circle v t the C hristian church met at the home of Mrs. H at­ tie Smith on B street W ednesday afternoon. Some business was tra n s­ acted, and the following officers elected for the year: President, Mrs. O. W. Long; vice president, Mrs. Mary H ale; secretary, Mrs. R uth Gulsinger; treasu rer, Mrs. J V W right. V isitin g a t M yrtle Creek— DAUGHTERS OP THE available and the local hotel man­ The members present a ’ the meeting William Tedlock, of Kansas, is e n -1 AMERICAN REVOLUTION agement, on account of the shortage were Mesdames Jessie Dodge, W il­ joying a visit with his nephew, E. HAVE GOOD MEETING of help, found it out of the question son, Gilbert, Van Natta, Galey, Car­ Local and Personal W. Redifer, of M yrtle Creek, at to serve a crowd of over a hundred ter, W alker, Briggs, Loomis. Pace, present. Mr. Tedlock has never been .............. ■ ■■ Side Lights - ■ , persons. Mrs. E. V. C arter, assisted by Miss, Pell, Stearns, Adams, Anderson, Me- accustomed to the m ountains, and The members present enjoyed a Connel, and the Misses Lydia Mc­ finds some difficulty in getting suf­ Blanche Hicks, was hostess to M ount' MASONIC CALENDAR THIS WEEK program appropriate to the day, fol­ Call and Blanche Hicks. Mrs. Little- W anted 100 customers Friday to Ashland chapter, D aughters of the ficiently elevated at M rytle Creek t o , lowed by a social hour, when refresh­ child and Mary Galey were visitors Inspect our fresh fish— H alibut, Cod, view the whole of Douglas county at American Revolution, on the a fte r­ Finnan Haddie, Smelt, Sole, Salmon, noon of W ashington’s birthday. As ments were served by the hostesses. present. one time. Crabs, Oysters, Shrimps— fat chick­ originally planned, th ere was to Ashland Lodge No. 23, Friday ev­ ens and rabbits. At 61 NoYth Main have been no regular m eeting this NOTICE ening; third degree. St., Allen block. 146tf On display, braids, buckram On account of Armory floor hav­ day, but instead, a banquet sim ilar shapes and flowers, Saturday, Feb­ ing been fixed for basketball, dance to the one last year was to have been Use the modern building- assist­ Our special— M other’s Rolled Oats Returns from Visit— ruary 25. Mrs. Simons, 26 South announced for Saturday night will) given. The committee in charge re­ with premiums, regular size package, Georglanna Clift has returned to Pioneer avenue. 147-2 be held at Memorial hall, next door ported th a t no suitable place was ance offered by this company. 31 cents at W hite House Groceteria. her home in Ashland a fte r a week to Rose Bros. 148-2 spent with h er sister at Talent. 147-2 It is designed and maintained to Moves of the Day — TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Mrs. Gomez has moved from the To Leave for Douglas C o u n ty - Big shooting match at Lam port Everybody step. Memorial Hall, help you build with economy and Virginia apartm ents to 117 Laurel W illiam Hedrick, of B street, left WANTED TO RENT OR BUY— Saturday night. 148-2 place one mile north of Phoenix, street. Team, wagon and harness. Ad­ for Douglas county today, where he Sunday, February 26. 148-2* satisfaction. Ask us about it. dress 275 Scenic Drive. 14 8-G* Mrs. Joe W olcott has rented and will be employed for several weeks Hotel Ashland Guests—— Mr. Hqdrtck FOR SALE— Purebred Barred Rock Dependable coffee — ju st a few is moving into the Mitchell property as deputy assessort The following parties are guests at 75 Bush street from Allison will visit his son, Ray Hedrick, of eggs i,for hatching. The laying, a t the Hotel A shland: F. Lapalnre, more days at the rem arkable price street. Drain, Or., before beginning his work paying strain. 495 Beach St.. Reeder Falls, Vt.; J. C. Johnston, of 33 cents per pound, a t the W hite Jack Madden has moved to the March 1. 147-2 Ashland. 142-w-s "In ihe Heart of Town” Dufur, Or.; B. C. Brown, Weed, House Groceteria. property at 110 Laurel street. Calif.; Ed Carmony, Los Angeles; C. V. Whelock is now located at EX-KAISER BILL PLANNED FOR RENT— Store room 80 by 50 Exclusive Representative of the B. D. W estfall, Roy A. Thomas, J. R. Walks Down Town— TO SKIP AWAY TO BRAZIL 195 Skidmore street. Mrs. J. N. Dennis was able to walk feet, could be used as one room or National Builders Bureau Davis, w . F. Sergeant, S. J. Simmes, W. H. Casebeer, who operates the down town Thursday for the first two. See I. N. Shook, 367 E. Main RIO DE JANERIO, Feb. 24.— The C. W. Fullerton, Jam es O’Conner, fish and poultry m arket on North St., Ashland. 148-6* Portland; M. Roesner, San Francisco time after several days at home with Main street, has moved into the German ex-kaiser planned to fiée the Influenza. and F. W. Marks, Medford. from his Holland exile to Brazil, but property at 63 Pine street. was foiled by the allies, it was dis­ H. C. Lighty has moved to th e I. Cliff Payne m akes trap nests. covered when fac similies of a Bra­ New fire put into Ford generators N. L. Shrlner property at 311 W imer zilian passport issued to W illiam and high tension magnetos. Satis­ Remember, when we pu t out a street. faction guaranteed. Fixit Shop. 144tf special, we continue to sell out a t Alden Powell is moving from the Hohenzollern were produced here. the same price unless we mention it McNair property at the corner of The ex-warlord evidently planned Recent Real Estate Deal— to become a naturalized Brazilian, in our ads. W hite House Groceteria. Bush street and Scenic Drive. One of the recent real estate deals according to the form of the papers, 147-2 is the sale of the Jam es Tucker prop­ Toilet paper, clothes pins, olives, which describe him as: erty consisting of a house and three In Town Again— “ Senor Guilherme Hohenzollern, luncheon haddies, sardines, chocolate lots on Avery street to his brother, Jam es Bowers was in town T hurs­ in tins, crackers and fru it a t the old naturalized citizen of Brazil, m ar­ Tliere has never been a time when early buying was so advantageous as the M. M. Tucker, who is now in Cali­ day afternoon after a severe attack price. A bargain, every article at ried, 60, white, white beard and present Spring season. Our customers will have a choice of selections from the fornia. Mr. Tucker has retained two of influenza th a t has kept him at W hite House Groceteria. 147-2 moustache, profession, kaiser.” most complete stocks in our store’s history. We expect crowds of our customers lots adjoining this property on which home for the past two weeks. The passport said its bearer had Visits Home Folks— he expects to s ta rt the construction will buy eagerly because of the assured feeling that tliev are getting values that no characteristic signs, overlooking Yeo Sez: C me B-4 you Insure. C. G. Benedict came over from W ilhelm ’s left arm , which Is w ith­ of a modern bungalow in the near are worth while. Our assortments are so broad and the values so exceptional that future. K lam ath Falls last week and after ered. Apparently it was the pride eiv indication points to a very husv spring season Big shooting m atch a t Lam port visiting home folks for a few days, of the form er monarch which caused place one mile north of Phoenix NOTICE went to California, where he expects this omission. 148-2* to secure employment. C. G. Bene­ Saturday is the last day of the Sunday, February 26. “ Energetic intervention” by the al­ dem onstration of the Parisian Em ­ dict is the only son of C. W. Bene­ lies caused w ithdraw al of the pass­ broidery Needle, at Enders store. All Passes Through Town— dict, living on Mountain avenue. port. A machine from Hood River, Or., instructions free. Sold only by the dem onstrator. 148-1* bearing a California license, which had apparently spent the w inter in Returned to Weed— California, came into town from the Mrs. Philip Mugler and daughter south last evening. Lucile, who have been here for some Buff leghorn eggs. Phone 411-R. time, returned to their home at Weed, Calif., Thursday. Lunch goods— we carry the larg­ est stock of canned and bottle lunch Oranges, bananas, grape fruit, veg­ goods. Everything wanted for lunch. etables— Detrick sells for less. 147-2 W hite House Groceteria. 147-2 Again at Work— T V" < John Cohagen of the H. G. Enders Reported Improved— A. H. B. Carter, of M ountain avenue, store is back at work after a week has been on the sick list for some at home suffering with Influenza. “ W orthy of the Name” time, but is able to be about again. Fred Deardorf, an employe of the II Yeo sez: Auto liability insurance Fred Beardorf, an employe of th e. 146tf Southern Pacific in the local yards, ¡ is w orth investigating. We have bought and sold gar­ is confined to his home on North Demonstration— ments from a good many makers Main street, with influenza. Mrs. Mansfield, of Seattle, Wash., but we have never given better Is at one of the local stores demon­ 1450 stratin g the Parisian em broidery nee­ values than Sterling Garments. dle. She will be here until Saturday. A Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. SPRING WASH GOODS Sterling Garmets CHEERO Guaranteed Flour At Your Grocers SPECIALS at 4th St. Market NEAR DEPOT Boiling Bo^"....... 10 and 12 R o a st* ........................... 15 and 18c .........................jg au