{ tuÄ I tiM J »MD ASHLAND b A ítf ÌÌDttOfl Febnury A4, 1042 riv-tiíftinini—iir . Ul» Perfect Gentleman! DET1L Local and Personal Hawse Nears C om pletion— -- Mrs. Delia Acklln, who has been having built a new up-to-date bung­ alow Oh her property a t the corner of N ursery and Rock streets, reports th e house will be completely finished w ithin the next ten days. Sweet cream for sale, 35 cents a plae. Rose Bros. 131tf On Sick L ist— Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jordan, who live on the Boulevard, are both re­ ported as being on the sick list. See our spring suits at prices back to norm al. Paulserud’s. 133tf i - i — U» Scraping th e Streets— Elks Have Big Dance— The city’s Fordson and s c ra p e r' The E lks’ dance com m ittee g av e, were busy Thursday afternoon on another of th eir enjoyable affairs JMsome of our streets, filling up the Wednesday evening, which was ru ts and taking out the bumps. largely attended and thoroughly en­ Candy! Candy! Candy! W atch joyed by all present. A tam ale sup- 13 1-tf Per was served and all went home Rose Bros, windows. in th e small hours of .the night. What Will Tomorrow’s Daughter of Eve Be? H ik ed Up A shland Canyon— Have th a t old suit renovated at H. C. Em ery and Dr. C. F. Tilton 133tf took a hike up Ashland creek can­ P aulserud’s. yon W ednesday and reported th at it was ra th e r rough going after h it- ! Still on Sick IJst— L. J. Orres is still on the sick list ting the snow three miles from town They went’ by G ranger’s cabin and and inform ation is to the effect th a t to Keeney’s cabin, the snow being he wil1 not a ttem Pl to be at the three feet deep at the la tte r place. store before Saturday. On they way they jumped up a herd Tamales of quality, served in the of deer, and one doe Jumped into husk, a t Rose Bros. 131tf th e path only 30 feet in front of them . In Charge o f Shoe Shine Stand— 5 It Is logical th a t pouring drugs! w - v Rl‘" ‘se>' hM employed to take charge of the shoe sh in in g , into the stom ach will not cure parlors on F irst street. c atarrh in the head. Hyomei, medi­ cated air, reaches the seat of the d is­ Nice Dry Wood! aiso BIox. Ash- ease. G uaranteed by McNair Bros 92tf land Lum ber Co., phone 20. Weak Nerves? Try MASTIN’S Goes to R ogue R iver— Mrs. Ben Howe expected to leave today for Rogue River to make her fu tu re home. Mr. Howe accompan­ ied a load of goods th a t were taken th ere Thursday and, while be will spend a great deal of his time there, he will be in Ashland alm ost every week for some time. ViTAMWl TABLETS POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS —THE WORLD’S STANDARD— Uaed by Million* To Help Renew Active Living Nerve Force, Increase Energy, Build Firm Flesh, Clear the Shin, Aid Diges­ tion and Proper Eliaicutioa MASTIN’S VITAMON TABLETS contain not only yeast vltam lnes but Oil three of th e precious vltamlnes— A , B and C—specially concentrated ■nd combined with other valuable health-giving elem ents which your system needs to keep you stron? and well. No matter what tonics or prep-, aratlous you may have tried in th e . past or how hopeless you are of everi becoming alert, healthy, properly! developed aud physically St " strong nerves, a keen, active mind, I a clear skin and > erally improved i appearance—von y.-ill find It we!l w r t h your n o lle to mar..: „LI- simple ' test: F irst weliih y o a n c lf and measure yourself. N ext, take hl A S T IN 'S VITAMON—tw o tablets with every m aL Then weigh and measure your­ self agu'in each week and continue taking MASTIN’R VITAMON T A B ­ LETS regularly until yon are sitis- fled with your gain in w eight, -pep”, energy and improved av>pe«MUiee. It la not only a question o f how mue'a i better you look and l’eel or what ! your friends sa y and thin’'.—t’ < ecp.lea and tape meaauro w ill te ll ] th e ir own story. MASTIN’S VITAMON TABLETS » are fuHy gnarantsed in every lespect ’ o r yo ur money w ill be prompt!;. «funded. VFAST Vii.*. i!i lAbLtT t At all good druggists, W t ORIGINAL ANO GCNUINE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— Thos. H. Simpson, of Ashland, au­ thorizes his announcem ent as a candidate for the nomination for the office of county commissioner of Jackson county, subject to the decision of the republican vo’ers of said county, a t the prim ary elec­ tion, May 19th, 1922. U W . A. S H E L L B A R B E R /* ' 4 C hildren’s W ork A Specialty i/. J X- ! - While Safety blades resharpened like new. Single bit, 30c doz. Dobule bit, 50c doz in BARGAIN Portland recently I bought COUNTER GOODS such as extra wagon wheels reaches, leadbars, singletrees, plow beams and handles, at prices prevailing before the war. Gome In early while they last. Fencing, harness and imple­ ments at reduced prices. New and second hand rew in? machines. PAGE Peil's Corner Feb. 27 IF YOU CARE TO ORDER BY MAIL Address to Page stam ped PHONE letters, make checks «nil post office money orders payable Theater. Add IO ¡»er re n t W ar Tax. Include celf-addressed envelopes to help insure safe return. 41»— TICKET OFFICE SALE SATURDAY, FEB. 25TH TH E DRAMATIC SENSATION OF NEW YORK AND CHICAGO today. Our post-war type is not un­ like the post-Napoleonics. Women today react from all the social con­ ditions ending with the war. B U S IN E S S A N O P R O P E S S ÌO N A O n e c e n t th e w o r d e ach tim e “AU Men B ew ildered” “All men are bewildered at pres­ ent; all holding th eir heads. We women believe in the modern man, but a good many of us have come up against the unreconstructed ones. “ Of course the governing are al­ ways alarm ed when the governed arise. Now, most women have a t­ tained to the belief th a t they are men’s equals, except the fluffy ones, who always thought they were men’s superiors.” “W ere women ever really infer­ ior?" she is asked. “ Dear me, I was brought up to be­ lieve it,” says this young woman, who has achieved notable literary success in our day and rem ains the most gentle of Victorians. This state i of mind she attrib u tes to her rear- i ing by grandparents, who naturally would be more rem ote from this • generation of ours than parents. “ I am a hold-over or hang-over, whichever you like, from a form er age,” Miss W’iddem er laughs, “and well pleased with my lot, I view this w onderful new world. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PHYSICIANS. WE CAN LOCATE you in most any OR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practie* kind of paying business in Sou.h- limited to eye, ear, nose and ern Oregon. FOUR-SITE SALES throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and AGENCY, Business Brokers, Bea­ 2 to 5. Swedanbarg Bldg., Axb- ver Block, Ashland; Medford land, Ore. 73-tf Bldg., Medford. 132tf 'YR. J. J . EMMENS— Phystciau and Surgeon. Practice limited to H ELP WANTED eye, ear, nose and threat. Glass*“ •applied. Oculist and aurist fni LADIES ARE MAKING $1.00 per 8. P. R. R. Offices, M F aud H hour selling our rubberized sani­ tary aprons and bloomers. Pacific 1 Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phoae 55" Apron Co., 815 Lombard St., P ort­ land, Ore. 144-6* tentlon to m others and ohildren Internal secretions and endocrine LOST. glands. Res. and office, 108 Pio neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of LOST— Between Second and B street fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to • and East Side m arket, red crochet­ p. m. ed handbag. Finder phone 332-J. 147-2 DR. SHAW— Eye, ear, nose, throat specialist; glasses fitted. Office $5 REWARD for return of lady’s at residence, Pioneer Ave., m orn­ wrist watch, lost at Talent. Apply ing and by appointment. Phone.28. a t Talent confectionery. 147-3* WAN 1 ED. CHIROPRACTORS. DR. MAUD INGERSOLL HAW LEY WANTED— Will pay highest cash •—Visiting Chiropractic Physician. prices for furs— skunk, mink, Neuritis cases a specialty. Phone fisher, coyote, lynx, cat, etc. Ed­ 367-J. Treatm ent given only In gar Johnson, Farm Bureau, Med­ your own home. ford, Ore. Phone 929. 1 2 4 tf: “ B u siness o f C harm ing” VETERINARY’ WANTED— To rent small furnished “ I have seen many women of I house, by young couple; no chil­ J. P. CHISHOLM— Graduate Veteri­ m ental equipm ent and driving per­ dren. Address Box K, Tidings. narian. 217 F ourth St. Phone 1. sonality turning over every scrap of 247-2* 14 7 -lm o -; mind, body and Intelligence to the WANTED— Experienced lady helper. PLUMBING business of charm ing men, even to Home Bakery, 69 No. Main. Phone the exclusion of rem aining human 260-Y. 147-2| beings. ing and day work. 248 F ifth St., “ Women have been told they j WANTED— Lady to do light house­ phone 166-J. lOOtf work and take care of sick lady. couldn’t be both attractive and sue Inquire 450 A St. 146-4* PHONE your next job of plumbing cessful, and they believed it. But, to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building FOR R W . of course, it can be done.” Phone 138, “ Are women heady over th eir newj TR A N SFER AND EXPRKSS. ¡AUTO FOR RENT— By hour w ithout success?” we asked. driver to responsible persons, reason­ “ If th a t is true, it is quite natural. able rates. E. N. Norton Motor Co. FOR prompt and careful service auto truoks or horse drays, cali Phone 57. 142-lm o In fact, it should be true, because W hittle T ransfer Co. Phone 117 j FOR RENT— Three furnished house­ Office, 89 Oak street near H ote’ keeping roomB. Close in. Adults Ashland. 56tf preferred. Phone 353-L. 146-4 Widdemer. I. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS cU. -S ta g li FOR RENT— Two large rooms with KF.K — Oo<>d teem attrt «potor a sign of not being Bure of one’s self. trri-b*. • ’ - d closet and pantry, furnished or un­ By MARGERY REX sex does not lack interest. “ The mid-Victoria woman seemed furnished, for housekeeping. Tele­ phone 468-J. 147-tf “ The woman of the fu tu re,” she meek and mild. She let her husband W ritten for International News CAR HASHING says thoughtfully, “ will be one who tell her what cap to w ear to break- Service APARTM ENTS NEW YOPvK, Feb. 23.__W hat will wil1 not need t0 suppress any part fast. She loved and humored him FOR RENT— Furnished apartm ent, FIRST CLASS CAR WASHING and polishing, $2.50. Llthia Garage. of herself in order to develop any but laughed to herself. She loved, Close in, modern conveniences, tom orrow ’s daughter be? Phone 114. 11 3tf other part. She will have a ch an ce., the thrill his superiority gave her.! Adults only. Inquire 166 Harga- The rom antic woman has gone. “Since women have got down into ‘My m aster,’ she thought. Women dine stieet or Phone 1 • mo Who will take her place? FOB SALE. Woman today is in a state of the fight she has lost some of her still love to say that. transition. Appraisals are apt not to bird s-eye view of things. W e Buy and Sell Get a broom a t D etrick’s broom FOR SALE— Prize Light Brahma I include perfect understanding of “She is not harder nor more bril- eggs, $1.50 a setting. 527 Terrace of sale Saturday. 147-2 street, or phone 408-J. 147-3* 1 her. She is a specimen who moves liant than the hard brilliant man ;» » I too fast for scrutiny. FOR QUICK SALE— for a few days F IR B INSURANCE I By tomorrow she will be molded at a bargain, eight room house, TH E FIN EST TABLE INVESTMENTS ! into a m id-tw entieth century type large lot, choice fruit. W. H. Gowdy. 146-2 PRODUCTS which may reveal the best tra its of th a t can be bought for love or this moment with choice attrib u tes FOR SALE— Good sound Newtown culled from her past history. money are to be found here in and W inesap apples. Not culls, H otel A shland B uilding 50 cents ft box. Half mile west of But m ust we go back to ancient this well stocked grocery store A shland, Oregon cannery. O. A. Manning, Talent, Greece to find a model for tom or­ where prices are low in com­ Phone 241 ,Or. 148tf row? Mrs. M argaret Culkin-Ban- parison to the value given. For FOR SALE— Smith Prem ier No. 10 ning, a gifted novelist from our own the breakfast meal there is typew riter and combination ttand Northwest, has come from D uluth to nothing to compare with hot table and cabinet. Very good con­ ! tell us her views on woman’s future. griddle cakes and pure maple dition. $30. New kitchen cabi­ O. B. L A M K I N She says th a t our next kind of wom­ net cupboard, only $7.50. 267 syrup. Our stock of syrups is Eighth St. 146-3* an will be: supremely good. The cash sys­ BARGAINS IN REAL “Combination of Charm ” tem here cuts the cost of food­ FOR SALE— Barred Plym outh Rock ESTATE “A combination of the charm of and W hite Leghorn eggs for hatch­ stuffs. ing, 75 cents for 15. Also poultry the rom antic type with the mind we tonic and washing tablets, cheap. have now. x. City and Ranch Properties E Yockey, 177 E. Main. Phone Houses to Rent “ A woman without today’s sharp­ 146. 142-lm o ness and nervousness, with a mind FOR SALE— Dandy two oven fire­ incisive but not aggressive. I should CITIZEN’S BANK BUTLDINO 15 3 EASTMA!NST. P KO M E 5 9 less cooker, almost new. W rite like to pick out of,.the past a femi-| Mrs. G. W. Wolverton, Lock Box Q U A U fY GROCERY nine figure of the s o rt 184, Glen View Drive. 142-6* GENERAL DELIVERY SYSTEM SERVICE “ Sappho, the sweet singer of, FOR SALE— Broody hens, hatching Greece, I believe, was th at type.” eggs, O. A. C. Barred Rocks, Buff, In discussing her own sex, Mrs. Brown and W hite Leghorns. All j Banning does not neglect to make high egg producing strains. Prices reasonable. Phone 408-R. I the most of the opposite one as a 141-lm o j basis of comparison, since man is always affected by woman’s revolt. GREAT BARGAIN— I have 84 can­ aries, singers and hens with “ Women will go on making great breeding cages, seed, etc. W ill, j progress,” she predicts. “ But they take $200 cash for the lot; too ill • Much of it good soil— not steep j will continue to leave many m uti- to attend to them. The Chair Doc­ — near Ashland. Near paved high­ i lated men in their homes. tor, 3d and A Sts. 130-lmo* On Thrift way. Estim ated 16,000 tiers of , “ Is there one of us who has sus- FOR SALE— Single comb White hard and soft wood. Price very . pected th a t her own self-sufficiency Leghorn eggs, for hatching, trap- reasonable. W ashington called th rift “th e foundation of happy homes has left somewhere in its wake a nested. Also Barred Plymouth bewildered, helpless m an?” Rocks, extra large birds. Phone and sound nations.” Lincoln considered it “one of the Will take good Ashland prop­ 340-Y. 127-lm o “As a Man T hinketh” erty for part payment; term s on first and highest virtues.” ’ But as a man thinketh in his own FOR SALE— W hite Minorca hatch­ balance. ing eggs, non-setters, large white ! heart, so is he among his women- eggs, $1.00 for 15. 922 Boule­ T hrift is b est exem plified in savin gs accounts. T his In­ . kind. This is the opinion of Miss Properly handled, the wood vard Phone 457-R. 124-lm o M argaret W iddemer, well known stitu tio n w ill w elcom e yours. business pays well. poet and novelist, who has agreed WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 23.— to turn prophet for us in order to The navy appropriation for the next describe the woman of tomorrow. fiscal year will be cut fríen $350,- Not a feminist, in so fa r as she 000,000, the am ount Secretary Den- knows. Miss W iddem er says she pre­ by asked, to $200,000,000, Chairman fers to be a “ hum anist.” Ashland, Oregon B utler of th e house naval affairs REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE W hat this vivid young woman, E stablU bed 1883 committee inform ed A dm iral Coontx, who, nevertheless, describes herself Phoae Ö ll 41 E . Main Kt. chief of naval operations, today. as a mid-Vic.oria, thinks about her Real E sta te STAPLES REALTY AGENCY ’S 160 Acres Woodland-Pasture Washington and Lincoln By MARY ROBERTS RINEHART and AVERY HOPWOOD FUN AND THRILLS 500 Nights in N ew York 400 Nights in Chicago • Floor $2.50 - $2.00 - $1.00 •50c, plus 10 per cent w a r tax PRICES The Citizens Bank Billings Agency