TWO w s ÁgaLAffD d a m mmros Tidings Friday, February 24, lM tf COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS pension . . . . 22.50 Z. Wolgamott, regular indi­ H. G, Meyer, delivering ballot Lydia Sanders, widow’s pen­ • -I ’«Ils» . r m ore, each line, e pense ............................... 1.50 have advanced, but we are selling what we have on hand digent ............................... 15.00 plies Classified Column 5.25 Floyd Pearce, election expense 1.50 Total, $484.38¡‘Mr8, Hudson, regular indigent 8.00 Albert Crane, nursing at coun- One cent the word each time. . at the old prices 1.50 To run every issue for oue mouth Mrs. Hatch, regular indigent 10.001 ty farm ............................. 10.00 Wra. Perry, election expense Tax R ebate Flour from......... $1.50 to $2.25 Edith Weidman, election ex­ r more, Vic the word each time. Carter Land Co., tax refund. $ 1.12 J. W. Ingram, regular indi­ Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights Legal R ate pense ..................... gent ................................... 1.50 18.15 8.00 for county h o sp ital........... 18.86 We now have a line of First time, per 8-point line.........10c C. Peil, tax refund ............ Albert Johnston, regular indi­ Each subsequent time, per 8- Hutchison & Lumsden, coun­ Chick Feed, Scratch and Shell Total, $1762.60 gent ................................... point line ................................. 5c Total, $ 19.27 8.00 ty farm su p p lies............... 112.57 Roads and Highways Card of th a n k s .......................... $1.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kane, reg­ W idow s’ P ensions See us for quality and prices on Groceries and Meats Haskins Drug Store, county Obituaries, the l i n e ................... 2 Vic Effie May Baer, widow’s pen­ Secretary of State, motor ve­ ular indigent ................... 20.00 farm supplies ................... 2.50 F raternal Orders and S ocieties You will save money hicle license p la te s .......... $ 20.00 sion ................................... | 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kelsoe, Advertising for fraternal orders Medford Furniture & Hdwe., Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights, regular indigents ............. or societies charging a regular initi- Mrs. J. H. Byerly, widow’s 8.00 county farm supplies . . . . 2.30 P. & E. cro ssin g ............... 1.00 Atlon fee and dues, no discount. Re­ pension ............................. 25.00 ^ rs- Lena Lee, regular indi- Edna Meyers, labor at county ligious and benevolent orders will l>e Mrs. Susie Coy, widow’s pen­ gent ................................... 8.00 farm ................................. 37.42 Benj. C. Sheldon, general charged the regular rate for all ad road expense..................... 45.00 Mrs. I. A. Montgomery, regu­ sion ................................... 15.00 H. A. STEARNS 61 NORTH MAIN STREET W. M. Petri, labor at county vertlsing when an admission or other lar indigent ..................... Rebecca A. Clary, widow’s charge is made. 8.00 farm ................................. 5.00 Total, $ 66.00 pension ............................. 15.00 Mrs. J. A. Myers, regular in­ Miss Maryetta Wedge, labor W hat C onstitutes A d vertising County Nurse digent ............................... Lucy May Davis, widow’s pen­ 8.00 at county f a r m ................. In order to allay a misunderstand 1.95 Marie E. Falldine, county sion ................................... 10.00 Mrs. Carrie E. Miller, regular lug among some as to what consti­ Mrs. Irene Wells, superinten­ nurse’s salary ...................$125.00 tutes news and what advertising, Mrs. Nettle Green, widow’s indigent ........................... 10.00 dent’s traveling expense . . • ♦ i 8.00 American Red Cross, rent for we print this very simple rule, which pension ............................. 15.00 J. Meece, regular indigent.. 8.00 Is used by newspapers to differenti­ Mary Roberts Higgins, wid­ county n u r s e ..................... 8.00 Margaret Noble, regular indi­ Total, $407.10 ate between them: "ALL future Marie E, Falldine, license ow’s pension ..................... 15.00 gent ................................... 10.00 events, where an admission charge Court H ouse E xpense county nurse’s car . . . . . . 1.00! Mary Price, regular indigent Is made or a collection is taken IS Alice P. Howell, widow’s 8.00 I B. L. Moses, janitor’s salary $ 56.25 in one of our all-porcelain, ADVERTISING.” This applies to C. E. Gates Auto Co., county pension ............................. 25.00 James Pough, regular indigent 6.001W. A. Bishop, freight for organizations and societies of every Mrs. Ina Huson, widow’s pen­ nurse’s car ....................... 330.87 Doc Parsons, regular indi­ court house ..................... 78 kind as well as to individuals. white-as-snow tuba cannot be gent ................................... C. E. Gates Auto Co., county sion ................................... 50.00 8.00 J Billings Car. & Auto Works, All reports of such activities after Mrs. Dolly Love, widow’s nurse’s expense................. .301 Secretary Ashland Red Cross, they have occurred is news. measured. Your bathroom will court house expense . . . . 12.00 All coming social or organization pension ............................. 25.00 Mr. Klum, garage rent for care of Dodge family . . . . 20.00 |onie Bienvenue, work on meetings of societies where ne Rosa A. Peffly, widow’s county n u r s e ..................... 2.00 T. D. Stafford, regular indi­ not be completely equipped un­ court h o u s e ....................... 7.00 money contribution is solicited, Initi­ pension ............................. 25.00 gent ...................7 ............. Medford Service Station, coun­ 7.00 [ Charley Bjorklune, work on ation charged, or collecton taken IS til it has one of our model tubs, Anna Prescott, widow’s pen­ nurse's supplies ............... 12.55 W. H. Smith, regular indi­ NEWS. court h o u s e ....................... 42.00 sion ........................... 1750 gent ................................... 10.001 City of Jacksonville, water Entered at the Ashland, Oregon. Retha M. Richardson, widow’s basins and toilets. Come to Nancy Sisemore, regular indi­ Total, $479.72 Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ rent for court house . . . . 10.00 pension ............................. 32.50 gent ................................... 10.00 S. E. Combes, work on court ter. our showrooms and see what Continued tomorrow) Addle Webb Shanks, widow’s Mrs. L. Schiefflin, regular in­ h0“se ............................... 35./00 pension ....................... 10.00 they are like. digent ............................... ¿UMME&P la YGROUND’ 6.00 ! Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights for Rose R. Singler, widow’s Mrs. Jean Ross Smith, regu­ ‘ / mi court h o u s e ....................... 22.41 pension ............................. 32.50 lar indigent ..................... 8.001 a . L. Fisher, work on court Elizabeth Sevey, widow’s pen­ Annie Watkins, regular indi- ! house ............................... 21.00 ♦ M l » -» M M » . sion ................................... 17.50 gent ................................... 8.001 Victor Johnson, work on Sarah A. Summers, widow’s Alex Wilson, regular indigent 8.001 c o u rth o u s e ....................... 97.50 Los Angeles Disinfectant Co., court house supplies........ 25.00 | ’ OREGON’ LAST TIME TONIGHT— A. Lundgren, work on court WASHINGTON & .BRITISH CC house j............................... 30.62 , îIGMT. COOL DAYS < C. Smith, work on court [A RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. house ............................... 3.50 50 CENTS PER DECK Zellerbach Paper Co., court is backed by an unlimited house expense................... 19.80 THE OUTLOOK We have the new narrow guarantee. Twenty years of R. I. Childers, work on court actual experience in tire build­ house ............................... 104.1,0 Bridge Cards There is general agreement among ing, and twenty years of hon­ thoughtful and experienced men of -in- Pinochle Cards Total, $487.36 est dealing with the public. affairs that the outlook for 1922 Is Jail Small Cadet Cards much more promising than that of That is why we recommend B. L. Moses, jailor’s salary. $ 66.25 a year ago. As one careful analyst Poker Chips Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights for Fisk tires. suggests, the basic conditions are es­ Score Pad, Etc. Jail .................................... 8.71 sentially sounder and with strength­ Godward Mercantile Co., jail They cannot be excelled. ening of the country’s credit struct­ expense ............................. 13.15 ure, the nation “is much better for­ A. Hartman, jail matron ex­ tified to work out its economic sal- pense ............................... 9.90 v tlon in this year of revived cour- —and— Effie M. Terrill, meals for ’o js stent deflation ha- A Two Reel Comedy prisoners ........................... 111.65 c us to the substan** 1 •"an­ Jno. M. Williams, jail expense 3.90 ‘THE PUNCH OF THE IRISH’ ti- lo..s o£ real prosperity and prog­ T IR E S ACCESSORIES ress. Upon all sides the opinion is Total, $203.56 held that 1922 is going to witness TEt.125 ASHLAND,OREGON 91 OAK ST. A d vertisin g and County P rin tin g a return of industry to normal. We Note—On account of an error in shipping, “ The In Ashland Tidings, county are now getting our feet squarely visible Fear,” starring Anita Stewart, failed to arrive printing ............................. 3 98.25 upon the ground. There has been E lection E xpense much debt-paying during the last for showing yesterday, and will be the attraction at E. E. Ash, rent of polling year. The decks are being cleared the VINING on Saturday only. place, No. 52 ...................$ 11.40 for the expected activities of business lu the coming months. Ashland School District No. 5 rent of polling place, No. 8 5.00 Carl J. Brommer, delivering ballot box ......................... 4.00 LOCKING UP TH E LIQUOR H. W. Barron, delivering bal­ lot b o x ............................... The bureau of internal revenue is 4.00 M. D. Bowers, rent of polling reported proposing the concentration place, No. 22 .......... ' . . . of the 38,000,000 gallons of pre­ 2.50 Smith was telling how Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights for war whiskey in “the few theft-proof which Nature places in Watch for election ............................. 150 warehouses,” thereby killing two real quality needed no these best of th e food J. R. Crews, delivering ballot birds with oue stone as the concen second introduction. grains is perfected for box ................................... tration would reduce the cost of 4.00 Herbert Carlton, delivering guarding the liquor by $500,000 And th a t’s the testi­ complete and ready diges­ year. ballot box ......................... 9.00 tion and assimilation. mony so m any people Chauncey Florey, election It will be news that there are board f e e s ......................... 1336.51 theft-proof warehouses. The irapres Grape-Nuts builds for have given about Grape- David Force, delivering ballot sion from events has been that they health and accomplish­ Nuts. They didn’t have were impossible. According to the for box .................................... 9.00 ment. to learn to like it. Mrs. Bell Furry, polling place usual reports warehouse thefts, where the goods were in charge of No- 43 ............................... 5.00 A delightful breakfast W heat and malted bar­ Glass & Prudhomme, election the government officials, were due, or luncheon cereal, with expense ............................. 136.76 not so much to the insecurity of the ley, skilfully blended, and Chas. B. Gay, election expense 53.38 buildings, as the weakness of the Cream or milk (ready to slowly baked for 20 hours, J. C. Herring, delivering bal­ human provisions for keeping the in our great, sanitary food eat from the package); lot b o x ............................... goods in the building. If that is cor­ .25 delicious when made into rect mere theft-proof warehouses Rose Haymond, polling place factories, are developed from the No. 45 . . . ; ....................... will avail nothing against fotrged 5.00 a pudding for dinner. into a natural sweetness, permits and the countless other de­ J. L. Kershaw, delivering bal­ richness and crispness vices for getting the forbidden li­ lot b o x ............................... Ask your grocer to send 7.60 quid out of the warehouses. A. S. Klelnhammer, deliver­ that make an immediate you, or your waiter to There might, however, be some­ ing ballot b o x ................... 6.20 appeal to the taste. The serve you, this splendid thing in the revised maxim of put­ Robert Kyle, polling place exceptional nourishment ting all one’s eggs in one basket and No. 15 ............................... food today. 2.75 watching that basket. Perhaps that D. W. Luke, polling place is what the bureau has in mind, but No. 41 .'............................. 9.00 if so why confuse the proposal with Newt Lewis, delivering ballot chatter about theft-proof ware­ box ................................... 5.40 M a d e b y P ostum Cereal Co., Inc., B a ttle Creek, M ichig an houses? Mrs. Eliz. Lawrence, polling place, No. 42 ................... 5.00 Ashland Realty Co. Houses to Rent Property for Sale Flour and Cereals PLAZA MARKET T H E JO Y O F A B A T H ! Charles Ray The Barnstormer Bicycle P laying Cards S IM P S O N ’S HARDW ARE Every Fisk Tire KRIGGEL BROTHERS _ÇUAHÆNTEE& VULCAN IZ INC First time I met him, I said:— “There ’s sowe one to tie to” Yellow Wagons Service Square Deal Grocery Our own delivery starts Monday “There’s a Reason” for Grape-Nuts A