4 SHLAND climate, without the aid * of medicine, cures nine caaea out of ten of asthma, This la a proven fa ct A "F (I land /.f t. ? < j ; D aily T idings f (International I n t e r n A.t.înn 0.1 News M ow a VOLUM E 3 J Wire Service) USaSSSBS^I ALARIA germe MSfigt cntvlvc three months in the floh osane i at Ashland. The pure domestic wa­ ter helps. M (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Vol. 45) ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1922 BRANDEGEE CONGRESSIONAL AXE HANGING OVER NAVAL APPRO PRIATIONS TH REATENS H ALF TH E YARDS WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 24.— The congressional axe is Mr. Greer Makes Interesting Talk Before Large Audience No. 148 CROWDED COVRT W ITNESSES SHOOTING OF TEXAS MAN BY GIRL HE A SSALI,TED WACO, Texas, Feb. 24.— While a crowded court room <$> <$> looked on in horror, J. S. Cross- <$> lin, on trial here for crim inal vest from $300,000 up In a gani jln consideration of the 1925 exposi- assault, was shot and killed by <8> A large and interested audience ! tarium and hotel project. From th a t Hion to be held In Portland, which <8> Marcle Mathews, the 17-year- <$> day to this, Mr. Greer has been busy was believed would bring many to u r-¡3» old girl he is alleged to have <$ on hand last evening at the city . endea voring to bring such capital to ists to Ashland as well as Portland, <8> wronged. <§> hall at 7:30 o’clock last evening to ' Ashland. and help to make up the early de­ Miss Mathews took the stand < ♦> <•> hear the proposition th a t Bert R.j A fter having various persons here. ficit. to tell her story. Trembling 4» This capitalist is now ready to <$> and alm ost hysterical, she drew $> IMPROVEMENT IN SITUATION IS Greer had to present in regard t o 1 endeavoiing to get them interested the hotel and sanitarium project. At in the project, Mr. Greer finally come to Ashland, according to Mr. from her pocket and autom atic 3>| NOTED AS TWIN CITIES BEGIN the hour of opening, over a hundred I came in contact with a wealthy ho- Greer, and is aw aiting the word to!$> and shot Crosslin three times. >1 DIGGING OUT FROM UNDER tel man and one who has had a wide start. This word depends on t h e > He fell from his chair dead. <•>' <$> <§> • HEAVY SNOW DRIFTS TODAY. tinued to come until 8 O.cjock niak. A ction on F our-P ow er Navy Treaty land is In need of a t the present time. Commerce election. The retiring di- ing the total num ber present run in The gentlem an is the owner of three rectors, who Mr. Greer asked to be U ntil Tom orrow; A ttitu d e o f “Ir- Thousands o f D ollars D am age Has the neighborhood of 150. recon ciliab les” A Puzzle. large hotels in California, one at • replaced by other persons, are E. V. Been D one by T orrential R ains Mr. Greer, in beginning his talk, Santa Barbara, one a t Los Angeles C arter, .) W. McCoy and V. O. N and Sleet in Northern W isconsin took his hearers back to 1914, when and another at El Centro In the Im- Smith, who have thrown various ob WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 24.— /e thrown v and M innesota— Schools Closed. A compromise reservation to the he was a t the head of the springs perial valley. A fter having heard of structions in his path in the past four-power Pacific treaty was agreed water commission, and was in s tru -^ h e Ashland proposition from a num -| when Mr. Greer was working in the MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 24 (2:30 p. upon by President H arding and Sen­ mental in mobilizing the various her of friends, this gentlem an finally interest of Ashland These gentle­ m .)— Improvement, in conditions Is ato r Brandagee, “ irréconciliable” spring w aters that we now have i n , was willing to talk business with Mr men Mr. Greer praised in the high­ expected shortly. Railroads are Lithia member of the senate foreign rela­ park in the various foun-j G reer and told him th a t if every est way as bankers, but said he be­ making a determ ined effort to move tains. tions committee. At that tim e the city was ¡thing was as represented, he was lieved they must be set aside as di­ Ben Scovell, Shakespearean actor, ’^e mails. Telephone and telegraph NEW YORK, Feb. 24.— The su­ bonded to tlie extent of $175,000 for The reservation stipulates th at the ‘sold” on the proposition. But, real- rectors of the Chamber of Commerce United States understands th at un­ preme grand jury yesterday returned this purpose, and Mr. Greer em phat­ izing the isolation of Ashland and before the city can be expected to who filled a num ber of engagements officials said it would be many days der the term s of the Pacific pact. two more indictm ents against George ically stated th a t every cent of th at the loss th at would inevitably result ¡take its place as a large tourist cen- in Ashland some time ago, and Miss before normal traffic conditions can Eula Flurry, of Roseburg, were be resumed. there is no commitment to employ L - ’ Tex’) Rickard, internationally money went for the payment of said at the beginning before the place te r which is justly its due. In clos­ quietly m arried Wednesday in Oak- The Twin Cities are digging them« arm ed force or for any alliance, and known sportsm an, m aking four in system. This am ount paid for the could be properly advertised, he de­ ing Mr. Greer asked th a t the direc­ land, Or. all Mr. Scovell, who was selves out this afternoon from under no “ obligation to be in any defense” system but at th a t only the basis of { manded some offset in retu rn for tors elected a t the coming election Each of the new bills charge ab­ what was to come had been a cco m p -'th at loss in the way of a $50,000 be wide awake and open-minded cit- through this country and England heavy snowdrifts, in some places 30 of the Pacific possessions of the pow­ duction. A 13-year-old girl gave tes- Rshed. On that basis, it was expect-j bonus. A fter fu rth er conferences, izens who would work for the best with his uncle Sir Henry Irving, is feet tleep. Thousands of automobiles e rs signatory to the treaty. a veteran of the Boer war and served were abandoned in the streets, It was first proposed th a t final i., « , , e C arge’ and an 11_!ed to interest outside capital to in- this demand was reduced to $30,000 • interests of Ashland. as an entertainer with the Canadian Thousands of dollars damage has action be taken on the Pacific treaty ypar*°U gii‘1 for the other, and American forces on the western been done by torrential rains and today, but Senator Johnson u rg e d , front from 1915 to 1918. s’esi storms throughout northern th a t it be deferred until tomorrow f r The bride Is a native of Mississippi Wisconsin and Minnesota. All rural The senate voted so. and the sister of John Flurry, com- schools in the vicinity of the Twin m ander of the American Legion post Cities have been, closed. PRESIDENT HARDING at Roseburg. They left at once for --------- LOSING PATIENCE Eugene, where they will be enter- MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb. 24.— A public meeting of the Chamber W ASHINGTON, D. C„ Feb. 24.— LOS ANGELES, Feb. 24.— The tained by the Phi Delta Gamma fra-j The death toll of the storm th at of Commerce will be held in the city President H arding was represented condition of Mabel Normand, ill from ternity. ! buried half a dozen states of the hall Tuesday evening, February 28. by the adm inistration senators who ' influenza, aggravated by the nervous ’ middle northw est, completely Isolat­ This meeting is not confined to the have recently conferred with him, as PORTLAND, Feb. 24. H earingi breakdown following the m urder of ing some sections for the past 72 membership of the chamber, but it of witnesses in the second trial of W illiam Desmond Taylor, was de- “ fast losing patience” with the in­ hours, is known to be at least nine. creasing delay the arm am ent confer­ is hoped th at all who are interested Charles W. Purdin, charged with the scribed today as being “grave and It is feared that when the wire con­ ence treaties have encountered in the in the civic betterm ent of our com- m urder of his form er wife, Agnes critical” by her physicians at her /¿ 't r ip - X nections are restored th at reports senate foreign relations committee, munity will show their interest by I Purdin, and her lover, Howard Sig- secluded tem porary home. from other towns will increase the attending. The directors of t h e ' sby, was continued this morning. due to the opposition to the four- Two nurses are In constant a t­ '- ■ m death list. power Pacific treaty. chamber will be glad to listen to a n y • Leo Gotesch, deputy coroner, said tendance and only her physicians are Train schedules and wire eommun- The committee has before It again suggestions th at may aid them i n ; that when he arrived a t Mrs. Pur- allowed toj see the film star. It WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 2 4 .— Nation are still seriously interrupted. today the substitute for the B randa­ the discharge of their duties and din’s home on the morning of De- was reported that she was partially ? À Tlie sales tax- plan, designed to raise J e a ’li was reported at Roches- gee reservation to the Pacific treaty constructlve criticism will be wel­ cember 31, he found Mrs. Purdin, in paralyzed. m oney n w e s s a iy for ’th e so ld iers’ ter< Minn., through a short-circuited comed. agreed upon by H arding and Lodge, her nightgown, dead on the bedroom Dr. Fulton, one of Miss Norm and’s * « bonus, w hich was rejected by tlie f l ^ c t r i c w ire due to th e sto rm . but there appears little chance of Louis E. Bean, ispeakei’ df the floor, and Sigsby, scantily attired, physicians, issued a statem ent later compromise being reached in view ----------- house of representatives in the la s t; dead on the floor in the front room, in the day th at the actress was In no tax snb-com m ittcc o f th e bouse ways I am told that Secretary Fuller legislature speaks at a Cham ber of Purdin, with a gas tube in his mouth, im m ediate danger of death, but was and m eans com m ittee, was referred ^T. PA1 L. Minn., Feb. 24.— Bliz- of the continued refusal of the re­ to th e fu ll republican m em bership zarJ conditions prevailed again to- publican “ irreconciliables” and dem­ makes the flat positive statem ent Commerce meeting in G rants Pass on was on the kitchen floor. The gas seriously ill. th at every one of the present di­ o f th e w ays and m ean s com m ittee da^ throughout fh e north we: ocratic members to accept one. rectors of the Cham ber of Com­ Monday, the 27th, and we have his was turned on and he was semi-con- today. The commit tee discussed the Sw eeping in from the Rocky Moun- promise to make a short address to scious. A canary was dead in a cage DOG GUARDS DEAD M ASTER merce will be elected next month and that he will rem ain as secre­ us at our meeting, the 28th. Mr. ■ near him. plan for a few m inu tes, but ad- îa ’n regions, the storm which began tary the coming year. That makes Bean is an eloquent speaker and his R. J. Endicott, taxi driver, testi­ Body o f H otel Caretaker Found jo u in ed w ithout tak in g action for or ^uesJay night was rapidly m oving it look as though the board of eastw ard today. B eside F orest Trail against th e m easure. fied to driving Purdin to Mrs. Pur- directors had formed a slate which talk will he an interesting one. Winds ranging from 30 to 50 miles A report of the financial standing J ia ’s home, 448 East Forty-seventh they intended to put through, STEVENSON, Wash., Feb. 24.— an hour swept the snow in the Da­ whether or no. of the organization anJ the work of street, about 10:45 o’clock the night DETROIT, Mich., Feb. 2 1 .— Seem Now, I desire to make this flat i the year will he given by the secre before. A neighbor testified to hear­ John Munyan, 60 years old, care­ ingly positive proof that Harry N, kotas in huge drifts. Duluth, Minn., statem ent: If either C arter, Mc­ *' ,!e a i'-v inches of snow. re- tarv. and the prelim inary steps tak ing three shots and the scream of a taker of the Soda Springs hotel in F ie ld s could not have been in Ixis Coy or V. O. N. Smith are elected the Columbia national forest, was A n geles at th e tim e of th e Taylor P°rted Jrifts in many places more en toward the election of six dlrec woman about 11 o’clock. to succeed themselves, the chance found dead beside the trail Sunday we now have through Mr. Greer to tors for the term of two years. m urder w as com m unicated to Sheriff ! 'iau Ieet high. There was no indication th at the morning, his dog keeping vigil over C offin la te yesterday by Edw'ard F ox, finance the new hotel and sani­ Most trains out ol Duluth have I defense would be changed from what tarium is absolutely killed. The the body. Munyon was last seen ch ief of d etectives, who declared he cancelled, i it was at :he first trial, when Purdin men Mr. G reer is figuring with At Ju n io r High— alive on Wednesday, February 15, Merl Hess has left school had evid en ce that F ield s m ade a ending the i*nie approaches for the big banquet ist hotel and sanitarium for Ash­ and meeting of the Jackson County and American authorities in sup­ land than to have the three gen­ arrival of troops. Game Protection association a t the pressing the traffic. tlemen named above sit in the Chamber of Commerce saddle and * Hotel Medford on the night of March th ro ttle A shland’s immediate CELEBRATES TW ELFTH , interest in the event increases. A prospects for big things, should BIRTHDAY WITH PARTY meeting was held here recently b r join the Chamber of Commerce : Medford and Ashland members of before next Tuesday, so they can have a vote, and all members now Master Bill Wilson celebrated his the committee on arrangem ents, delinquent in th eir dues should twelfth birthday yesterday evening special invitation is extended to pay them before next Tuesday so in various ways. To start the even- l^e stockmen and farm ers of south­ they will be entitled to a vote. ing off in good shape, a num ber of ern Oregon to attend for the pur- The Chamber of Commerce elec­ boy friends were invited in to have il0se of discussing ways and means tion is a seeret ballot. If you are a member you can register your dinner, which was served in the early to hanJle the predatory animal sit­ vote without fear of any of these WASHINGTON. D. C., Feb. 24 — evening and was rath er mixed with tiation, which is becoming such a men, by reason of th eir connec­ Three alterations to the proposal ¡various combats among the youngs- fe’reat menace to the wild life of Ore- tion with banks you owe money, made by Henry Ford for the govern­ em barrassing you by calling your ters. Having had a bountiful meal P°n> The farm ers and stockmen ara m ent’s n itrate and power project at loan. The ballot is secret and the boys retired to the park and en- a ^so u rSeJ to come and participate Muscle Shoals, Ala., have been they will not know who voted for joyed themselves in what way you in a Jiscussion on the bounty law agreed to by the Detroit m anufac­ or against them. will have to find out from them di- O-Uestion, and the game laws perrain- As these men are forming a tu rer. They are: rect. When it was time for the firs in? to the opening and closing of the combination to re-elect themselves 1. To w rite into the proposed con­ it is essential that the opposition show at the theater, they were all season- Their advice is wanted on tract a definite guarantee to produce should have a caucus at once and found present and spent an hour of many im portant questions, fertilizers in their finished form at« form ulate a ticket to run against perfect enjoyment. | And far more than 100 cents worth them so that the opposition can a given annual minimum tonnage. Those present a t the party were, Bne eats will be served for the concentrate on given candidates 2. To capitalize the operating com­ ¡Horace Dunn, Joseph Conley, Jack Lumquet dollar ticket, along with a against the Chamber of Commerce pany. which is to be created for the slate. Unless this is done the op­ INlms, Francis Sankey, Barney Miller, fine ciLertainm ent. The banquet will position vote will be scattered and supervising of the Muscle Shoals Dugal Young, Marion Frost and be served at 7:30 o’clock, and there their efforts will be defeated. I operations. will be both vocal and instrum ental Billy Young. have kept pretty closely in touch music and 1100 feet of moving pic­ 3. To revise the language of the with the sentim ent of citizens and tu re films, showing pictures o f'w ild so-called farm ers’ clause In order to feel certain th at there is opposi­ R eturns from Salem— game, birds and wild Oregon life, by Insure the delivery of fertilizers to ' tion enough to defeat these men five to one if everybody who are Miss Mary Spencer, who was in a t-'a n d under the direction of A. C Al- the consum ers a t a profit not to ex­ members pay up th eir dues and tendance at the Christian Endeavor len. ceed 8 per cent based on the moat of other interested citizens at once convention at Salem, returned to her Prof. Irving Vining of Ashland m anufacture. join the club so they will have home this week. Miss Spencer re ­ will be the main speaker of the F ord’s approval to these modifica­ a vote. To be in good standing ports considerable sickness down the night, Captain Berghduff, state tions were announced by W. B. Ma­ you need only pay up your dues,' not -o u r budget subscription. valley, and said the Christian En game warden, member of the state yo, chief engineer for the Ford com­ If you want to vote you must deavor delegates were not allowed game commission and a num ber of pany, upon his retu rn from Detroit, be a member in good standing be­ to visit the penitentiary on account Portland hotel men will be present, fore next Tuesday. where he conferred with the m anu­ HAZ KIK. of the severe influenza epidemic Ashland expects to have a delegation facturer. N among the prisoners. iof not less than 50 at the gathering, 1 now hanging over the army and <» and navy appropriations threat- ening the existence of more * than half the navy yards in the !<* country, navy officials said to- day. <$> It was declared th at should NO OBLIGATION TO BE IN ANY the axe fall as heavily on naval appropriations as some congres- D E FE N SE OF PACIFIC POSSES­ i sional leaders are threatening, SIONS OF POW ERS SIGNATORY |> the navy departm ent will be TO TREATY SAYS AMENDMENT ; forced to close all except a few of the essential establishm ents. Senator Johnson Urged D eferring <»> <$> <» <0 <«> <•> <£ <♦> •» <•> TWO MORE GIRLS E Public Meeting H a z ¡Q k Called Tuesday Mabel Normand in Serious Condition BUL ö. S. PROTESIS ÏO T E PROTE TO T 1