> ÏW fdafl M mu »? M, ÍOSÜ ASttLAÑb DÜLY ÏÎTMXG« t-r.. Local and Personal MICKŒ,TÜË PRÍNTMS DEVIL IIJV»/' 4uM • m ix A A M By G wlea Sughroi Characteristic • Vj'utesn Newitucer Umoa C olum bia H otel G uests — The following o re registered a t the Columbia hotel: E. R. Francis, G. F. Bradshaw, C. L. McCaslin, Charles E. Thompson, A. R. Brown, J. H. Garvin, A. L. George, Portland: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Loughlin, Seattle; O F. Riebel, M. D. Bryant, R. J. Schrader, Roseburg, Or.; Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Ferguson, Missoula, Mont.; E. S. Bryant, D unsm uir, Calif, and V. Q. Hales, Talent. Sweet cream for sale, 35 cents a pine. Rose Bros. 131tf ( ’- «ller from M edford— Mrs. M. S. Biden, of Medford, was a caller on Mrs. Minard, one of the new proprietors of the Plaza confec­ Visit Gold Ray— tionery. W ednesday afternoon. W ilbert Jordan, Ed Coovling and P. C. Jordan made a trip to Gold 7. If your stomach Is continually Ray yesterday, presumptively with lic k in g up a disturbance; you feel i the intention of catching a few steel- bloated and distressed; if you belch heads gas and sour food into the mouth, th e n you need Mi-O-Na stomacn tab­ Have th at old suit renovated at lets. G uaranteed by McNair Bros. 133tf i P au lseru d ’s. h e t t fo r O akland— E lected P resident— J. T. Roberts, night patrolm an, left for Oakland, Calif., Tuesday night, where he will visit with his siste r for some tim e and see if the change of clim ate will benefit his health. A. M. oI the held its Medford reported Famine Relief Worker Tells of Gastly Sights B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent the w ord each time. H ELP W ANTED PHYSICIANS. LADIES ARE MAKING $1.00 per DR. ER N EST A. WOODS__ Practice hour selling our rubberized s a n i-’ limited to « rrac u ce eye, ear, nose and tary aprons and bloomers. Pacific throat. Office bourn, 10 to 12 and Apron Co., 815 Lombard St., Port- 2 to 6. Swedeuburg Bldg., Ash­ land, Ore. 144-6* land, Ore. 73-tf (By International News Service) the great granary of E urope.” Mr. Floete was in Pugachov a t the NEW YORK, Feb. 23.— A gnastly WAN i KD. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and picture of famine conditions in Rus- l *lne a woman bandit, famous Surgeon. Practice limited to WANTED— Will pay highest cash i . . . . , n \ throughout all th e Volga region as eye, ear, nose and throat. Glaus«» sia, where the American Relief ad- ., . . .. „ & prices for furs— skunk, mink, , the companion of the Cossack chief supplied. Oculist and aurlst for fisher, coyote, lynx, cat, etc. Ed­ m inistration is feeding 1.000,000 i Sarof> raided the town ftt the head j S. P. R. R. Offices, M. i*. and H gar Johnson, Farm Bureau, Med­ Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567 children and giving hope to all of ¡of 500 other men and women Cos ford, Ore. Phone 929. 124tf Tamales of quality, served in the Russia, was given here by Carl E. sacks. The bandits took all the food WANTED— To hear from owner of ° R' MATT1E SHAW— Special at husk, a t Rose Bros. . 131tf Floete, one of the adm inistration’s I and stores in the town, with th8 e x -; See our spring suits at prices | good ranch for sale. State price, I tention to m others and children , workers who returned recently after ] ception of American stores, which | back to norm al. P aulserud’s. 133tf H ere from North D akota— full particulars. D. F. Bush.j Internal secretions and endocrine glands. Res. aud office, 108 PIo Minneapolis, Minn. 105-13* : three months spent in the Volga dis- .hey did not touch. J. P. Chisholm, of Bismark, No. neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ Dak., came here yesterday to try the tricL Floete broke down under t h e l “ ^ ^ ° n8 " '7 ® N<>t tO b° T ouched” R etu rn s from C alifornia— fice hours. 11 to 12 a. m ; 2 to 6 WANTED— Lady to do light house­ p. m. S. Penniston, who has been on a climate for asthm a. Mr. Chisholm 8tr?‘in Of *he work and being c u t| , heard they were Comins the work and take care of sick lady. Inquire 450 A Si. 14 6-4” business trip to Grenada and Yreka, i was assistant state veterinarian in off from the outside world for weeks 7 before’” Mr’ Floe 0 said- “A11 DR. SHAW— Eye, ear, nose, throat tho village officials, all the Com- Calif., for the past ten days, returned j North Dakota and will enter the and bad to leave tem porarily, specialist; glasses fitted. Office LOST. ‘ I hope to go back,” he said. “ T h e ' munists, were much alarm ed. All of at residence, Pioneer Ave., morn- to Ashland Tuesday evening. practice here. He is located at 217 jng and by appointment. Phone 28. Fourth street, as will be noted fro m ! ° rganlzatIon ia saving th a t part o f i the of“ cIal3 left toWQ’ onl? the com’ : LOST— Boys’ su t for 15-year-old boy, between Enders and green­ On the Candy! Candy! Candy! W atch his professional card in the Tidings. Russia and could do ,nuch m ore i f , m unist troops rem aining c h ir o pr a c to r s . house on Oak street or East Main. it had more funds. No one who has way in the Cossacks passed some of R ose Bros, w indow s. 131-tf; Finder phone 120. Reward 146-2 DR. MAUD INGERSOLL HAWLEY our wagons, but as soon as they Nice Dry Wood! aiso Bios, Ash- not seen it can have any idea what — Visiting Chiropractic Physician. iXift RENT. learned who they belonged to they C elebrates Birthday— famine is like. It is terrible beyond Neuritis cases a specialty. Phone land Lum ber Co., phone 20. 92tf John B. Leach, of 108 Alida street, words. People are dying in the gave orders th a t the wagons were 367-J. Treatm ent given only in a u t o FOR RENT— By hour w ithout your own home. streets every day, th eir bodies bloat- n°^ be touched. Sarof also told celebrated a birthday anniversary Howl Ashlund Guest driver to responsible persons, reason­ ™ ' “ ' I 22’ a,,,, " i The renew ing guests are register­ ed and distorted by starvation. Those bis band th a t anyone who went to able rates. E. N. Norton Motor Co. PLUMBING Phone 57. 142-lm o e d banks were all closed th a t d a y .! ed „ Hote, Ashlalld; D L who exist from day to day do so only cke American warehouse would be gives you a receipt for w. , a7 J. D. Dick. Eugene. Or.; Mr. by eating the carcasses of horses iskot- FOR RENT— Three furnished house­ H. R. ADAMS— Plumbing, C ontract­ beautiful teeth ing and day work. 248 Fifth St., ‘‘When they rode into town they keeping rooms. Close in. Adults th e r e m b ", T v D- C C o lu m b u s , and dogs and cats th a t also h a v e ! phone 166-J. lOOtf ■ were led by this woman, one of the preferred. Phone 353-L. 146-4 t . , 1» a J ’ 'I ,>hl0' Wl111’ “ » « » . G rants Pass; starved. .“ I went with a child-feeding s ta - ( raost beautiful women I ever saw. I, Ocular. H ow ever. Mr. Leach has 0 . s Brow„ G lendale, Q r . , D PHONE your next job of plumbing FOB SALP. to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Buildinc tion th a t has headquarters a t S am -' suppose she had charge of the worn-! lived many long years and says th at Baniston, H. E. Graham, Mr. and FOR SALE— Good sound Newtown Phon* 1 3 8 ,_____________________ en in the band. They were all ■ he rem em bers many things distinct­ ara, and feeds 50,000 children. My and Winesap apples. Not culls, Mrs. C. W. Jones, Seattle; Charles R. dressed in sheepskins and rode ly th a t happened 70 years ago. His TR A N SFER and e x pr e ss . 50 cents a box. Half mile west of Welch, F. L. Wisdom, Robert McKee, own headquarters in this district splendid horses. There was no sign m any friends hope th a t he has many were at Pugachov, a village about cannery. O. A. Manning, Talent, George M. Robison, J. Brown, A. L. Or. 143tf FOR p u m p t and careful service, 125 miles south of Sam ara, but of fam ine among them, and I learned more pleasant birthdays. i ______________________________ iuio rucks or horse drays, call George, P ortland; Ed Coney, Klam­ which, owing to poor tra n sp o rta tio n ,; th a t they raided the country at wiii ■ Whin e Tr nsfer Co. Phone 117 ¡FOR SALE— Smith Prem ier No. 10 ath Falls; A. B. Smythe, H. B. Hels- V isits M e d f o r d - it tcok five days to reach by rail- for food and other supplies, and t h a t . •n'i:c» «'> Oak street near Hotel typew riter and combination rtand Howard Rose was a business visit­ by, F. Thidyard, O. M. Ragan, San; road. Most of the supplies went in everybody was afraid of them. Ashla d 56tf table and cabinet. Very good con­ J. W. E. Ross, Coquille, dition. $30. New kitchen cabi­ o r in Medford W ednesday afternoon. ¡Francisco; Or • l J Merrill M osierO r~~ Cliar ° V6r th ‘8 lo ad ’ although some were “The troops put up a fight, but the j FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— net cupboard, only $7.50. 267 r. L. P o A E L L — GENERAL TRANS ’ * n r k T H -z iy y . n I f J V. T a len t V isitor— Tbos. H. Simpson, of Ashland, uu conveyed Vk«» by I half-dead horses. | i t Cossacks killed about fifty of them FER — Good team and m otor­ Eighth St. ____________________ 146-3* Mrs. John B arrett of Talent was a ! 1®8 R ayhard’ New York City; F H. thorizes his announcem ent as a _____________ trucks. Good service at a reason ••Most Awlul Thing Is T heir A pathy” and then rode unmolested into town. cantìidate for the nomination for FOR SALE— One dozen Tancred ih le Drlce. Phone 83 business visitor in Ashland W ednes­ Spooner, Chicago; and Ray L An- “The mo3t awful thing about the They rifled all the governm ent ware- trim . ine onice of county commissioner strain W hite Leghorn hens and day. people is their apathy. They don’t houses and took the little reserve CAR WASHING i / a.ck90n. C0Unty’ Bubject to the . one rooster. Essie K. Galbraith, decision of the republican voters care, and ju s. wait from day to day supply of food. The chief wanted 115 Lincoln St. 144-6 FIRST CLASS CAR WASHING and Yeo sez: Auto liability insurance All subscribers to the Designer of said county, at the prim ary elec­ until they shall drop besides other 1° see nie> and I wanted to talk to polishing, $2.60. Llthia Garage. 146‘.f tion, May 19th, 1922. who have been receiving th eir copies is worth investigating. FOR SALE— Barred Plym outh Rock members of their family who w e n t’bim, but my in terp reter had been Phone 114. 113tf and W hite Leghorn eggs for hatch­ a t F erguson’s, will be taken care of first. I h e dead lie in the streets praying constantly since he heard ing, 75 cents for 15. Also poultry INTER U R BA N AUTOCAR CO. NOTICE A PPL E S for the March num ber at E. R. Isaac Where they fall. In the houses t h e ; they were coming and th a t left me tonic and washing tablets, cheap. (E ffe c tiv e January 1, 15>23) Though the Overland garage in and Company. Please call as soon E Yockey, 177 E. Main. Phone (FOR SALE— Newtowns, Lawvers, D aily (E xcept Sunday) 145-3! Ashlanti has changed hands several men, women and children sit hope- w ithout anyone who could speak LV. MEDFORD as possible. 146. . 142-lm o Russets, Spitz, Delicious and Ar­ LV. ASHLAND times since the first of 1922, Ed. lessly against the walls staring into English. I did see the woman, how- 7:00 a. m. kansas Black from 50 cents :o s - n n & m‘ ÏF 0R SALE— Dandy two oven fire- Gowland, for four years m achinist vanacancy and w aiting for death. I ever, and she was worth seeing, al- 8:00 a. m. G as Tank A rrives— $1.50 per box. Phone 408-J or n ’nn a ' m ! less cooker, almost new. W rite call at 527 Terrace St. 145-3* 9:00 a. m The large gas tank to be used by for the local Overland company, has was the only American man they had though while I was watching her it 9:00 a. m. Mrs. G. W. Wolverton, Lock Box 10:00 a. m. sam e!0Ver seen’ but they were hardly in- seemed th a t I m ust be a t a melo- 10:00 a. m. the new service station on East retained his position in the 184, Glen View Drive. 142-6* FOB SA LE— —REAL ESTATE. 11:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. Main street, near the Overland g ar-| location, with Mr. A. G. Moss who ie.ested in me, even when they knew dram a and th a t it really w asn't true. 12:00 noon 12:00 noon FOR SALE— Broody hens, hatching FOR SALE OR TRADE— Oregon ¡A fter they had patrolled the streets age, has arrived on the ground ready bas the back repair shop in connec­ I biought food. 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. eggs, O. A. C. Barred Rocks, Buff, farm, Portland lots. Address Box “They used to take it in their until dark, they went off, taking tion with the Dix and Son garage, 2:00 p. m. to r installation. 2:00 p. m. Brown and W hite Leghorns. All 496, Ritzville, Wash. 141-5* 3:00 p. ni. 3:00 p. m. says th at A. G. Moss is now in a pos- hands, with tears in th eir eye3, and tbeir wagons and loot with them .” high egg producing strains. Prices 4:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. reasonable. Phone 408-R. W anted— A R ailroad Man w ith $ 6 0 0 ition to give all patrons of this gar- look a t il aild say ‘espiabo,’ which, 5:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 141-lm o — to buy an eight roomed house, in age prom pt and efficient service, imeana ‘thank you-' Tfaey were more 6:00 p. m. 6:00 >. m. first class condition. Close in. An You can get lathe work, welding, car-, pathetic than anything I have ever! 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. tn. GREAT BARGAIN— I have 84 can­ exceptional bargain. Balance on bon burned out, electric starter a n d !seen- 1 used to s ° down there to aries, singers and hens with 8:30 p. m. Sat. only 8:30 p. m. breeding cages, seed, etc. Will 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. sm all m onthly installm ents. The generator repair work, axles, bronze ieed lheni aud cry by the h o u r- C hildren’s W ork A take $200 cash for the lot; too ill 10:30 p. m. Sat. only 10:30 p. m. A shland Realty company has this bushings, babbitt bearing, special Wfaat misery. Their little arm s were to a ‘tend to them. The Chair Doc­ Sunday Schedule Specialty great bargain. A few other good nuts on short notice. The big serv- mere sticks> th elr stom achs were tor, 3d and A Sts. 130-lm o* Leave Medford for Ashland and bloated from eating clay, th eir eyes buys listed. Must act quickly. Three Ice car is at your call day or night. Ashland for Medford every hour on p q r Safety blades resharpened SALE— Single comb White 146_l* deep sunken. But after we had fed sales were made Monday. 146-2 MULISH the hour from 9 a. m. te 5 p. m .;l Leghorn eggs, for hatching, trap- like new. Single bit, 36c “A charger is a horse, isn’t it, pa7* then 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. — I them a little while we could see th eir; nested. Also Barred Plymouth doz. Dobule bit. 60c doz. Ashland waiting room— E ast Side I eyes become clear and th eir c h eek s' "Well, the greatest charger I ever Rocks, extra large birds. Phone saw was a mule; he was a plumber 340-Y. 127-lm o fill out a little and they got b etter , who positively refused to make any Pharmacy. JACKSONVILLE-M EDFORD C B L A M K I N Those we could feed will live, the reduction in the amount of his bill,” D aily (E xcept Sunday) FOR SALE— W hite Minorca hatch­ , others will die, and at present we » ¡ L V . J ’S ’NV’LE LV. MEDFORD ing eggs, non-setters, large white can feed only from 25 to 40 per cent. eggs, $1.00 for 15. 922 Boule­ 7:40 a. m. BARGAINS IN ,R E A L 7 :20 a. m. vard. Phone 457-R. 124-lm o 8:45 a. m. “ Women used to come in aud beg ESTATE 8:16 a. m. 9:5 0 a. m. IF YOU CARE TO O RDER BY MAIL for food for th eir children, but we BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 9:20 a. m. 11:15 a. m. i did not have enough for all, and it' 10:45 a. m. Address letters, make checks and post office money orders payable 11.16 a. m. WE CAN LOCATE you in most any City and Ranch Properties was the hardest thing I ever did to i 12:00 neon to Page Theater. Add IO per rent War Tax. Include telf-ad’d ressed 12:30 p. m. kind of paying business in Sou’h- H ouses to Rent 1:20 p. m. stam ped envelopes to help insure safe return. 1:50 p. m. refuse them. We gave them white ern Oregon. FOUR-SITE SALES 2:45 p. m. PH O N E 4 1 8 — TICKET O FFICE SALE SATURDAY, FE B . 25TH 3 : $0 p. m AGENCY. Bus ness Brokers, Bea­ bread nearly every day, rice pudding* 3:45 p. in. « :30 p. m ver Block, Ashland; Medford CITIZEN’S BANK BUILDING THJ^ DRAMATIC SENSATION OF NEW YORK twice a week, beans twice a week 6:00 p. m. 5 30 p. m. Bldg., Medford 132tf AND CHICAGO and cocoa twice a week. That is not 6:55 p. nt. i 7:00 p. m. much, bu t it was luxury for them. 9 :30 p. m l 8:00 p. m. While in Portland recently Sat. only 7:30 p. m. ‘‘C am els Were My Only C om fort” 9:50 p. m. I bought Sat. only 10:30 p. m ‘‘There was so little food in the BARGAIN COUNTER GOODS Sunday Only district th a t after my beans ran out LV. J ’S ’NV’LM LV. MEDFORD such as extra wagon wheels in the first few weeks I had only two 8:00 a. m. reaches, leadbars, slngle.rees, 1:60 9 :2 0 a m . plow beams and handles, a t meals a day, bread and soup. And ij 9:50 10:45 a. m. prices prevailing before the war. 11:15 felt then as if I were robbing t h e ; 12:15 p. m. Come in early while they last. 12:45 people. The isolation was trying, Fencing, harness and imple­ 1:20 p. m. 1:50 for aside from my in terp reter there 2:50 p. m. ments at reduced prices. 3:20 Much of it good soil— not steep New and second hand sewing was no other white man in the vil­ 3:45 p. m. 4:30 — near Ashland. Near paved high­ Mew Way toTrcat Catarrh 5:00 p. m. machines. 5:30 lage. The camels were my only way. Estim ated 16,000 tiers of 7:00 p. m. 9:30 ¡comfort. I always though camels H ead colds are checked or hard and soft wood. Price very MEDFORD-ROSIEBURG STAGE needed a warm climate, but th e re ' w arded off if treated prompt­ D aily (E xcept Sunday) reasonable. were hundreds of them, and all were ly w ith V icks V apoR ub. LV. .MEDF'ORD - LV. ROSEBURG fat. How they kept fat I don’t know 11:00 a. m. 1 :00 p. m. N asal catarrh often becom es Will take good Ashland prop­ By MARY ROBERTS RINEHART and AVERY tiOPWOOD Travel by stage; shortest route by although they would eat anything, | le ss distressing. M elt Vicks erty for part paym ent; term s on 20 miles; one of Oregon’s most W c B u y a n d S e ll and inhale th e vapors. T hen even nails. When I got unusually balance. trips; we save you time and apply in nostrils. Repeat use scenic dow nhearted, one of these lu d icro u s; money. a t b e d t im e . A n t i s e p t i c ' camels would bray and cheer me up. i Pror®rly handled, the wood Fare— Medford-Roseburg, 8 LOO; vapors, inhaled all n ig h t Grants-Pass-Roseburg, $3.00. The people don’t kill th e n because u r’ne nny< well. F IR E INSURANCE make sleep easier. MEDFORD-GRANT® PASS they are too valuable; tb^y are the D aily and Sunday INVESTMENTS only means of transnort left. LY. MEDFORD LV. G T'S PASS “There is absolutely no seed left! 10:06 a. m 11:00 a. m. in the district, and w hat th e people 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:45 p. m. F lo o r <2.50 - S2.00 - $1.00 4:30 p. m. will do for crons nex‘ year ¡3 m ore' H otel A shland B uilding G rants Pass waiting room— The * 1 m