Möfi fWd fÉÊ ÀSîîtÂSD DAÎlf fffiflTOfl M i Ashland Tidings E sta b lish e d 187 6 Published Every Evening Except __ Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 . . _. „ ... Subscription Price Delivered in City: a «« One month ............................... $ .65 Three m o n th s ........................... 1.95- Mx months ............................. 3 75 ine year ................. 'la I « ><1 Run; It. M er III Could Only Gel Up That Gas” I KNOW I. WOULD FEEL BETTER M SHOWS ONE’S LOVE CAPACITY "Telegraphone” May Be Used in the Future to Prevent Poeeibility of -Unhappy Marriage. Thursday, February 33, ip ; M M COLORFUL BREAKFAST COATS BLOOM IN TAFFETAS AND SATINS One of the Innumerable uses to which the “telegraphone,” an inven tion announced by the Society of Elec­ trical Development, may be placed is that of preventing unhappy marriages. The Inventor himself, name not dis­ closed, believes that if It can be ad­ justed over the heart of the girl, her doubt-torn swain will be able to tell whi ther she is telling the truth or not. He had not invented a way of making the girl put this lie detector on. The “telegraphone” records the breathing and heart beats. It magni­ fies irregularities caused by emotions and is regarded by criminologists as a sure method of catching lying wit­ nesses. The lover suggestion is put forward by the Inventor merely as an example of what science could do If permitted. “When John grows doubtful of the reality of Joan’s love for him,” he says in his dry, academic way, “he can satisfy himself by having her heart flutters measured.” If the girl puts up a struggle at a suggestion that she wear this har­ ness during an evening of courtship John may be sure that he is going to get several hours of lies. In that case there Is nothing to do but doubt every­ thing she says. Thus will unhappy marriages be prevented. How often have you felt that way? H nttar> have you wished u a , How often for something to give you genuine and lasting relief from gas? Don’t buy any ordinary dyspepsia Or tornno ary results. Go to "> e a”d sk for • ’3 G l.l . >ne year ; t biets ..n hou 'Is * 1 n--a'n three af er ADVERTISING ! r ' ‘•’h Now comes a D isp’av Ail -i ' 1 • ’* e t ' s . no more n e le in se rtio VEARI v • • i\ 1 " io difficult n.s4>k» ». ' '0 tin •. •ne time a week m? her, Ba»lmann’s Gas Tab-| 'w times a week. ~e no only for the relief, but •lv- *y other d a ............. -Do ?o” the preve it'on of gas. Most) Local Re deia 3a.h line, each tim e...................in ’'cople with gas si ffer from nervousl To run every other day for one d; spersia—not co nmon indigestion. month, each line, each time. 7c Baalmann’s Ga.i Tablets’ in the) To run every issue for one month ft mous yellow package, price one or more, each line, each tim e .. 5c dollar, are sold by Elhart’s Drugj Classified Column One cent the word each time. Store and other reliable druggists. To run every issue for one month J. Baalmann Chemist, San Francisco. or more, fac the word each time. Legal Rate CARIOSITY KILLS A COW First time, per 8-point line....... 10c Each subsequent time, per 8-