>ÁG« fWu ¿¿H L m oA ltt fw o tta 1922 cajoled and whipped into line by the to change laws which are unjust to $2500, his net income would be $500, secretary of the treasury and the their sex. Nothing less than direct • No return of income is required in and well appreciated arguments against dashing in.to clutch at.Amer- great interests of this country which and equal participation in govern- this case. ica’s skirts— there is every reason, i~oc«u aaa Personal are antagonistic to paying out any ment as well as in all the affairs of A lawyer who is m arried and liv- ou the grounds I have tried to indl- money except to the barons of W all life will win women equality.” M J v v , lng with hls wife has gross receipts cate, for restraining our Impateence .. ., ■■■■Side L ig h t s - - 1 Street. Miss M artin declared th a t neither in the form of fees am ounting to $6,- a. little till a more settled and con- “ If It takes as long to pass the women nor labor will stand by can- 000 and his necessary business ex- sidered American policy has dls- MASONIC CALENDAR THIS WEEK Visiting M o th e r - next bonus bill as it did to pass the didates w ho are th eir friends. There penses am ount to $4200, leaving a closed itself.” Miss Alice Reed, of Gerber, Calif., NEW YORK, Feb. 22.— Charlie last one th at carpe from the house, is little hope for success by a third net income of only $1800. A return is here visiting her mother, Mrs. H it will not be passed until about a party if sponsored by labor or worn-¡will be required in this case, as tax- “DOPFR” SAYS H r Reid, at her home, 264 Oak street. W hite of Chicago won the judges’ week before the next presidential en, she declared. payers’ gross income as well as g ro ss! decision over W illie Jackson in th eir Ashland Lodge W ednesday even­ election.” KNOWS MAN WHO “Can Win Nothing” j receipts Is $6000. 15-round bout at Madison Square ing; practice meeting. NOTICE KILLED TAYLOR “Women and labor have not yet I _____________ ____ Garden Monday night. W hite will Siskiyou Chapter, R. A. M., Thurs-, Though the Overland garage in awakened to the fact th at they cani BRITAIN ASSERTS U. S. IS day evening; work in Royal Arch; ' Aahiand hag chaneed hands gevera, meet Benny Leonard, light weight (Continued from Rage 1) win nothing through the old parties, ! DRIFTING TO ‘WILSONISM’ champion, in a bout for the title next supper at 6:30 prompt. times since the first of 1922, Ed no m atter which party or party can-| ____ __ Ashland Lodge No. 23. Friday ev- Gowland, for four yearg machinigt month, as the result of his victory. count at his Los Angeles bank has didate wins. As long as they remain! For the first three rounds Jackson (Continued from Page 1) ening; third degree. for tbe locaJ o veriand company, has disclosed that he withdrew $4000 satisfied with the shell game against fought like a champion. He was in retained his position in the same them — and the political game is a i tem Per of the United States in t h e i undei’ tbe bead of ‘'cash" on one oc- Ladies’ Elk Club— location, with Mr. A. G. Moss who and out, throw ing rights and lefts to ?shell game, as played by the old Presidentia 1 campaign of 1920 would caskm. Willie did most of his Mesdames Hughes and Provost bas the back repair shop in connec- the jaw. party politicians— as long as they al- be the teniPer of the United States, A reP°r t fron» the jew eler testing work inside. He let W hite throw are the hostesses for the Ladies’ Elk tion with the DJx and Son garage low themselves to be bamboozled b y ; f not for our liietim e- at an> ’ rate for i the costly B°*f watch worn by Tay- club which will meet Thursday a f - |gay8 th at A G Mosa ,g now ,n a pQg_ over his deadly left repeatedly, lip service, there is small induce- the next ten y«ara or so. That, I a m !,or wheu he was ala>» was expected LANGLEY FIELD, Va., Feb. 22.— which shook Willie up. ternoon. ition to give all patrons of this gar­ ment for sincere candidates. j sure, J s wrong. America may be to be received at the district attor- An official army explanation blamed In the second, W hite landed a few age prompt and efficient service. the crash of the semi-rigid dirigible “ My experience has been th at moviag at no headlong pace— and nevs office. The Jeweler tested the Yeo sez: Auto liability insurance You can get lathe work, welding, car- tough left hooks, which shook up Roma to the failure of the controls neither women nor organized labor th at is iust as weH— but she is mov- watch to determ ine whe her it was is worth investigating. 146tf bon burned out, electric sta rte r and Willie, but the la tte r tore right in “ to function.” support candidates who stand for ing sensibly. A distinguished and stopped b-v Taylor's fall to the floor and repaid him with interest. When generator repair work, axles, bronze authoritative observer of American i a ^ier he was shot or simply “ ran them .” “ The bag caught fire, following the fourth started, W hite rushed af­ Leave for P o r tla n d - bushings, babbitt bearing, special affairs whom I saw about twelve down ” When the watch stopped the the explosion caused by coming in Miss M artin, who is en route for Mrs. Gordon MacCracken and Mrs. nuts on short notice. The big serv­ te r Jackson and tossed his gloves at Europe, announced she had not de- months ago assured me th at there I hands indicated 7:21 o’clock, contact with a 2500 volt tran sit W illie’s head. The Chicago lad was Ernest Hogue will leave this even­ ice car is at your call day or night. cided w hether to make a third race was nothing to hope for from the! Mabel Normand has recovered suf- line,” said the official announcement. desperate. ing for Portland to attend the tenth 146-1* The navy hospital at Portsm outh for United Stales senator from N e-,U nited States, so far as Europe was 1 Ociently from her illness, brought on Both Tear In annual meeting of the D. A. R.,i ______ concerned, for four years at the by Brief over the m urder, to begin was offcially ’ informed th a t 34 of vada. Jackson jumped all over him and which is being held the last three Embroidery' Club to M e e t - ! least. When I met him again at work on her new picture. those on board the airship were days of the week there. They w ill' The Friday Afternoon Em broidery sm othered him with gloves. Then A copy of a cablegram sent to Tay- W ashington, ju st after the confer- killed. Most of these were thought INCOME TAN FACTS be joined in Portland by Mrs. Swi- club will meet this week with Mrs. W hite drove in a few hard lefts. Numerous inquiries have been re- enCe ° Pened‘ he a^now ledged that lor b>’ “ Mabel” from London. June “ Shuffle Along” Boone, squinting to have been killed from the explo­ gart, who is a member of the local Frank Foltz, on B street, sion. ceived regarding the proper interpre- hiS predlct,on waa ba‘ng being completely completely! ! 2G> 1921- haa b<*» found in his ef- from the press stand, started to sing chapter, but is now a resident of J - Eye witnesses said th at the Roma tation of section 223 of the revenue falsified- but added th at neither he fects. It read: poems of joy in his well-known high H arrisburg, Or. Basketball at Talent— “ Dearest Bill: Powder box won­ ---------- The basketball quintet of the local tenor. As this round ended “ Shuffle was flying a t a height of from 600 act of 1921, which provides th a t each n° F any ° ther man co,lld have fore' derful. Sick abed pleurisy nine days. to 1000 feet when she was seen to individual whose gross income for 86en the change th at had come over Yeo Sez: C me B-4 you Insure, high school went to Talent last ev- Along” chortled a song of triumph. Miss you dreadfully. be In trouble. A thin wisp of smoke 1921 was $5000 or over shall file a the 91tuatlon '« ten or eleven months. Feel better. “ Shuffle” comes from Chicago. 146tf ening where they engaged in an hour All love. Mabel.” Back to Essentials.” The fifth round was a hummer. appeared and the craft started down­ retu rn regardless of his or her net — • 1 - of practice with |jhe Talent high ward obliquely. income. Jackson opened W hite’s left eye “ Incidentally the movement, as Held Joint Meeting— school team. It was really sched- FORMER ASII1JIND Before the ship struck the b ar­ in a very prom inent m anner. Then the whole history of the W ashington Gross income means statutory The G. A. R. and W. R. C. held a uled as a game, but was in fact only MAN KILLED BY Joint meeting last Saturday after- good practice for the locals, the final Charlie came back and gashed W il­ racks building, a num ber of men gross income, defined by the revenue conference shows, is back to the es­ IDAHO SNOWSLIDE noon. A fine patriotic program of score being 53 to 19 in favor of Ash- lie’s right optic. A wonderful battle, were seen to leap, some with para­ act to include ‘ gains, profits and in- sentials, if not the incidentals, of songs and addresses was followed by land. The local girls team also won with both gladiators having gory, chutes and some without. Some of come derived from salaries, wages, ! Wilsonism. But the real lesson of (Continued from Page 1) limpid orbs. W hite couldn’t do much those removed from the wreckage or compensation for personal service itbe situation is th a t in our natural a social hour and refreshm ents. The by a good margin. for his glimmer was the worst. W il­ were badly burned, while others es­ * * * of w hatever kind and in anxiety to establish closer ties with deathless loyalty and patriotic spirit - tions. Besides the beautiful floral lie kept pounding away, as if sm ack­ caped virtually w ithout an injury. w hatever form paid, or from profes­ America we m ust consider not the of these splendid survivors of the Will Inspect M eat M arket — . . , offerings on the casket, the church sions, vocations, trades, business, America of 1921, no: merely even platforai wa3 beantifulIy decorated war for union and freedom seems Jam es B arrett, who left a few ing a bespattered squin’er were the commerce or sales or dealings in the America of 1922, but the Araer- ! with house plants. The bearers were only intensified by their fast dwind- days ago for Cottage Grove, is ex- best thing known. Willie kept up his property, w hether real or personal, ica of 1923 and 1924. We would ' ex-service men. ilng ranks. j pecting to look over a large m eat good work in the sixth splashing and growing out of the ownership or use j sacrifice a good deal that we value, - At ;be grave> a jnaIe quar(et gang ---------- m arket there with the intention of slapping away at the slashed win­ dows. of or interest in such property; also in order to get on term s with A m e r-'the <.Tbe Star Spangled/ Banner,” W an’ed 100 custom ers Friday to Purchasing it, if suitable. Jackson went along fine in the from interest, rent, dividends, secur­ ica. But we need not rush, to sat-| and selections of scripture were read r „_ -— s —H alibut, Cod, --------- ities, or the transaction of any busi- isfy the America of 1922, into sacri- by the pastor. Finnan Haddie, S -.elt, Sole, Salmon, nted— A RaUrOad Man with $600 seventh, until W hite threw a few DUBLIN, 'Feb. 22.— A fight o-ver ness carried on for gain or profit or «ces that the America of 1923 would, - The large a tte ndance especially Crabs, Oysters, Shrimps— fat chick- ~ to buy an eight roomed house, in hard rig h t and left hooks. Charlie really annoyed Jackson. The latter the Anglo-Irish treaty, which th re a t­ gains or profits and income derived j never ask of us. ens and rabbits. At 61 North Main tirst class condition. Close in. An ,,f men. was expressive of the high tore right in to the bell. ened to split the Sinn Fein forces, ‘from any source w hatever.” St., Allen block. 146tf excePtional bargain. Balance on j ‘ That applies to modifications of ¡regard for the departed, and sym- has been adjusted. The following small monthly installm ents. The White Hits Cleaner Clyde G. Huntley, collector of in- the structure and covenant of t h e ’pathy for those bereaved.” In G le n d a le- term s of the compromise have been Ashland Realty company has this ternal revenue, explains th at gross League of Nations, and it applies to John E. Coder is well known in In the eighth W hite kept on top of Rev. C. F. Koehler is in Glendale great bargain. A few other good Willie, sending him lefts and rights announced: incotne does not necessarily mean a great many other things as well, Ashland, especially by the younger 1. There will be no election in gross receipts. A m erchant, for in- As regards the league, American set, as he spent ten years in the local this week conducting a special serv- buys listed. Must act quickly. Three to the body in rapid succession. W il­ Ireland before May. sales were made Monday. ice in the church at th a t place. 146-2 lie seemed content to box at long stance, in com puting statutory gross opinion is obviously moving back to-, schools and was always active in 2. The constitution of the Free income, should deduct therefrom the ward it, and no one can say yet school and church affairs. range, but once rushed W hite to the Visiting Friends— State shall be the campaign issue. cost of goods sold. For example, a ■ what the final position will be. The ropes. Jackson made a trag et of 3. The Dail Eireann shall meet m erchant may have gross receipts same thing is true in all kinds of Mrs. Fred Martz, of Sheridan, Or., W hite's bad eye, shooting two lefts regularly. is visiting friends in the city for a to it, opening it again. am ounting to $10,000, but the cost j fields. The pendulum swung violent- few days. 4. No party vote shall be taken re-j of goods sold am ounts to $7000. He ly in one direction in 1920. It is In the ninth they exchanged lefts quiring the resignation of A rth u r, has no other infcome. The statutory swinging back, but it has not yet to the face. Charlie sent left to the Griffith, president of the Dail, nor Suffering from Rheumatism— gross income would be $3000. In ! reached equilibrium . After the con­ jaw, following it with the right. Levi L. Angle was called by death N. Dix, of Dix and Sons, is suffer­ W hite seemed to be doing the clean­ tbe Dail cabinet. cave the other deductions allowed gressional elections of November we Eainonn De Valera, in addressing him for business expenses, taxes, in-¡m ay know a little b etter where we Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock, ing from an attack of rheum atism , er hitting. Jackson .'JterV a fte r after an ilness of eleven weeks, at and is unable to be at his place of W hite, who danced out of harm ’s the Ard Pheis, the national Sinn terest, bad debts, etc., am ount to ' are. Meanwhile— apart from other , —1 . ............... . —, ■■■ , th e age of 90 years, tmo months, business. way, when Jackson let go a wicked Fein convention, at its extraordinary i session yesterday, said it would be and nine days. right. The round closed with W hite b etter for Ireland to have two a r­ Mr. Angle was born in H errick, MEDFORD RED CROSS WILL sending a straig h t' left to the chin. mies, each ready to assist the other Bradford county, Pennsylvania,! GIVE PARTY SATURDAY A furious mixup took place in the if the country was imperiled, rath er where he lived until he came to the ---------- tenth. Willie was V.he first to break than one arm y divided in itself. Pacific coast in the early eighties. The Red Cross is facing a problem ground after this mixup when they “ I would ra th e r see the country He was located a t various points in of relief work which is the gravest indulged in a clinch. Jackson crashed flooded witheBritish troops than give Jackson county for a few years the city of Medford has ever met. two hard rights to the jaw at the them the irrevocable right to be after coming to the coast, but final- Funds are very low, so low that bell. here,” was one of De V alera’s dram ­ ly moved to Ashland about thirty all money relief has been cut off Jackson Goes Down atic assertions. years ago and has been living here ‘ from civilians since January 1, only In the eleventh another mixup J “ Irelan d ,” he declared later, “ Is continually since th at time. He w a s, the ex-service men receiving aid. took place, W hite closing this round entitled to the dignity of a m other a man well versed in tim ber and had The women of the community are with two lefts to Jackson’s paw. country, and I will never consent to followed the business for many years, aroused to action upon realizing the In the tw elfth they clinched often. make her the illegitim ate daughter having been sent here to locate the condition and are rallying to the Jackson received a left and right on of England.” A. C. Hopkins tim ber claim of sev- cause of the Red Cross. the jaw at the bell. eral thousand acres in this co u n ty ! They are helping to establish the W hite set a fast pace in the th ir­ long before a survey of the land was T hrift Shop as a means of future in- teenth, and Jackson was unable ‘to On the Streets Again— Greeley Crosslin, who has been made. come, which will need a small sum get set for an effective blow. Jack- confined to his home for several days Mr. Angle was a man of temper- of money to sta rt the project. But son was floored, but rose and fought suffering with influenza, was on the ate habits and lived a clean and man- an im m ediate need for money to as back courageously. streets yesterday and intended f,to ly life. Up to the time th a t he took sist civilians is pressing. In the fourteenth Jackson fought leave in the evening for Weed, Calif., his bed about eleven weeks ago, he In view of these facts the ladles gamely, but his blows lacked steam. for a fewr days. was hale and hearty and able to get will give a card party at the Nata- In the fifteenth round W hite kept about as well as many men years torium in Medford Saturday, Febru- pummelling Jackson’s body, sending Mr A°noi i (ary 25, a t 2 o clock. Bridge and fiv e , him to the ropes. They exchanged i tO SUrViVe hi™ hundred wil1 be P‘a^ d - Charge of bflows until the final gong, gong. when one son, Orra E. Angle with whom 50 cents will be made. the decision was awarded to White. he has made his home since the Everybody come and have a real death of his wife in 1908. community party. If you don’t play The funeral services will be held cards, bring your needle work. Have G. O. P. SENATORS ASSERT BONUS BILI, WILL PASS Thursday afternon a t two o’clock refreshm ents and help to make it (By International News Service) from the J. P. Dodge and sons under- Possible for the Red Cross to help NEW YORK, Feb. 22.— A ” 50-50’ (Continued from Page 1) taking parlors and the body will b e the needy congress was demanded here today laid to rest by the side of his wife by Miss Anne M artin, of Nevada has fought the m easure from its in­ in Mountain \ iew cemetery. YOUNG PEOPLE’S the first woman in the country to ception, and because a republican SOCIETIES HAVE run for United States senator. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY president ordered the bill back to! BIG SOCIAL FETE committee hearing at the request, if! u ? 611 US6 th ®ir 8®X ,D FOR QUICK SALE— for a f e w ~ ^ _____________ politics, Miss M artin declared. She not the command of his republican at a bargain, eight room house, (Continued from page 1) large lot, choice fruit. W H secretary of the treasury. It will be advocated the organization of wom­ Gowdy. en to elect only women candidates 146-2 , representative of all the young peo- because there are not enough demo­ to office. FOR RENT— Three furnished house- p^e 8 soc*etie3 of the local churches, cratic votes, plus the eight or ten “ Until women get equal partlclpa keeping rooms. Close in. Adults Tbe members are pledged to definite republicans who have been voting tion in ¡government, county, ¡state _ preferred. Phone 353-L. 146-4 service to Christianity. At present, their convictions upon this question and national affairs, women will be WANTED— Lady to do light house- tbey are ho,ding an hour of singing regardless of party action or party work and take care of sick ladv. and Bible drill each Sunday after- whip, to force the m easure through."” compelled to use sex as an indirect influence in lobbying m en’s legisla­ Inquire 450 A St. 146-4* noon to which all young people in­ What Pittman Thinks tures and congress for equal rig h ts” , FOR SALE— Good sound Newtown terested are invited. Senator P ittm an, dem ocrat, of Ne­ said the woman leader. and W inesap apples. Not culls. The entertainm ent was undoubted- vada, has sim ilar convictions. Sex Is Emphasized rannerv * £ ° X; v t n T ” ® ly ° ne ° f the largest and best ever "I have the utm ost respect for ‘‘Even women wrho are strongly oa nnerv. O. A. Manning, Talent. held in A3hland> and every whQ those senators who opposed the sol­ fem inist in th eir views use sex now FO R g u r P k . ------------------- -- attended says th a t for an evening’s diers’ bonus on principle; th at is They use it Z L a ALE— Baby s reed gocart, In entertainm ent it would be hard to their right. But I have a different in political affairs. good condition. Phone 120 14« 9 ___ * « , lo when they lobby congressmen for — —____ » none iz u . lA y 2 beat. From the tim e the first games sentim ent tow ard those senators who legislation affecting their interests. —Sm ith Prem ier No. 10 ' °Pened until the refreshm ents were cringe in their seats every time the “ It would be far more self-respect­ .vpew ritcr nd combination rtand served, thre was never an idle mom- soldier bonus bill is mentioned, be­ ing and direct to organize women to table and cabinet. Verv ^ond rnn . . . . kitnHo? c a b i-int ; en t’ t . and the laughter could be heard cause they have promised the sol­ dition. $30. New r kitchen . elect selected women to congress net cupboard only $7.50. 267 dt tImes for blocks away. More of diers for over three years they were and to state legislatures, with the Eighth St. 146-3* these good times are planned for going to pass a bonus,” said Pittm an objective of half and half represen­ LOST— Boys’ suit f o T 15-year-ofd fU?Ur6‘ &nd the young pe°P le in debate. tation in those bodies. To make bov, between Enders and green-. Ope bat 3tiH a larger crowd than “ They have deceived the soldiers things equal, congress should be com­ house on Oak street or East Main, attended last night, will be present every hour and they know it in their R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wloatoa-SaWm, N. C. posed half of women and half of men, Finder phone 120. Reward. 146-2 at the next gathering hearts. They have been corrallel and 1 and until it is women can do little Ashland News in Paragraphs REAL DUBBING DEATH LISI OF Sinn Fein Forces Settle Troubles Aged Man Called To Great Beyond CHEERO Guaranteed Flour At Your Grocers Keeping faith lerith the SMOKER Wants Women to Vote for Own Sex j Our lifelong knowledge of choice to­ baccos, our years of manufacturing ex­ perience and our up-Jo-date facilities are concentrated on making CAMELS the finest cigarette that can be produced. Into THIS ONE BRAND we put the UTMOST QUALITY. A better ciga­ rette cannot be made—even for a higher price. CAMEL is THE QUALITY CIGA­ RETTE—made for men who think for themselves—for folks who appreciate really fine tobacco. ONE BRAND —ONE Q U A L IT Y - ONE SIZE PACKAGE. That is the way we keep faith with the smoker.