yM m A», M « « , Mi îfffl ÁStfLAÑD DÁtLf TÍDÍÑÓI «S0 m MOMI MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL Local By Curie* Sugnrcw tflA L , B U S , HOWS N o u r c o u p ? T S offering from Influenza^»- G. C. Peebler 13 confined to his home on Liberty street, with the influenza. The Old (juy Is Plum ~~ • Waten» Nmnpapa UmoB B or vu f AUÄ H orfUM ggled mot A SG 000 CM 010 5 > . Columbia Hotel Guests__ The following parties are register­ ed a t the Columbia hotel: Ralph S. Cole, postm aster, Ross, Calif.; Zelda L utm an, Veva Lutm an, Hilt, Calif.; Edw in P. Dunn, Eugene, Or.; D. E. Nichols, P ortland; J. L. Blake, Rose­ burg, Or.; Jam es Eaman, Edward L. Schmidt, G rants Pass; Miss Anna Sylvia, G. H. Getchell, H. C. Mican- der, E. S. Bryant, Dunsmuir, Calif.; W. T. Phelan, Medford; L. C. Wil­ lard, San Francisco; and R. R. Sounders, Seattle, Wash. Cable Splicer Here — Mr. I jams, cable splicer for the Pa­ New fire put into Ford generators cific Telephone and Telegraph com­ and high tension magnetos. Satis­ pany, from Eugene, is here for sev­ faction guaranteed. Fixit Shop. 144tf eral days. He will repair the cable at the corner of F irst and East Main Visiting H e r e - streets, which was put out of order Mrs. H. P. Kervin is spending a ] some time ago when w ater got on week in town with her parents, Mr. the inside of the cable and froze. and Mrs. A. Dickey of Mechanic ¡The mishap placed all the telephones street. She will go from here to Sil­ in a certain district out of commis­ ver City, Nevada, where her home is. sion. f e AS I VUfcS- a BEFORE I «n> AS * BAD— ¡A S I AM MOW 1 ¿r Q c ' ■> O' Have Monthly Meeting— The electrical dealers of so u th ern ' Oregon held their monthly meeting Monday evening at the Hotel Med­ ford in Medford, where a sum ptuous dinner was served to fifteen. T hree' Os of the California-Oregon Power com­ pany men were present, and after the dinner was over, took the party to the building of the company, th at has ju st been completed and showed them some of the wonders of electrically equipped buildings. Mes­ Improving— Buff leghorn eggs. Phone 411-R. srs. F. J. Murphy and J. S. Jordan Miss Anna Hargrove, who has were in attendance from Ashland. been ill with the influenza for a few Conference at Medford— days, is reported as improving. A conference of the chief operators Candy! Candy! Candy! W atch of the Pacific Telephone and Tele­ Rose Bros, windows. 131-tf 4. You don’t have to risk a cent to graph company of this district is be- he relieved of catarrh. Get a Hyo- 1 ing held a t Medford all this week. Suffering from Influenza— mei outfit from McNair Bros., the The d istrict takes in all of the state L. J. Orres is confined to his home druggists, and if it does not satisfy, south of Eugene, including K lam ath suffering with an attack of in fluenza. they will refund the purchase price Falls. Cliff Payne makes trap nests. Returned from Northern Oregon— Retuins from ’Frisco__ Edw ard W. Jones has returned Miss Evelyn Dauford arrived home Takes New Position— from the northern part of the s ta te ,'la s t evening from San Francisco and Charles C hristian, who has been w here he has been on business. vicinity where she has been since the in charge of the shoe shining parlor first part of November, being em- on F irst street, for some time, is now Taken to Hospital — _____ ployed there as a designer of dresses' 1 « • „ driving one of the yellow wagons C. A. Cotter, of 167 H arrison and evening wraps. for the Square Deal grocery stre et was taken to the Southern ------ Pacific hospital at San Francisco to­ Have th a t old suit renovated at All subscribers to the Designer day on train 13. He has been ill P aulserud’s. 133tf who have been receiving th eir copies for the past week and it was deemed at Ferguson’s, will be taken care of best to remove him to the hospital Proprietors in Charge— for the March num ber at E. R. Isaac so he could receive the best of treat- Mrs- M inard. who took charge of and Company. Please call as soon ment. the Plaza confectionery Tuesday, as possible. 145-3 was agreeably surprised to have her Sweet cream for sale, 35 cents a Partner, Fred A. Taylor, show up Influenza— pine. Rose Bros. 131tf ready for business this morning Jack Peebler has been confined to She had not expected him before Sat­ his home all of this week with in­ Public Health Meeting— urday or the first of the week. fluenza. The annual m eeting of the Jack- son County Public H ealth associa- Influenza Victim— j clu b Meets— “ " “ . r y ' o ^ o c i ' f n Tbri.d’ n F eb r“ “r ’ Dr- P- H. Jo h n .o n | S confined to Mrs. Fred Wilson was hostess the MMfordTnbHe i : ^ T M e 5 ? * 8 h° me ** ° ' l” ""e"Za' ',<,nd“y eVM'"s ’»■ the C«"” =0 G IR DLES O F M A N Y SO R TS G RO W IN IM PO R T A N C E B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent tfre word eash time. H ELP WANTED ...... M il PHYSICIANS. I LADIES ARE MAKING $1.00 per hour selling our rubberized sani­ OR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prsctic limited to eye, ear, nose an* tary aprons and bloomers. Pacific throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 an* Apron Co., 815 Lombard St., Port- 2 to 5 Swedatihurg Bidg.. Am land, Ore. 144-6* land. Ore. 75.» WAN t CD. OR. J. J. EMMENS— PhysiciaD an WANTED— To buy chickens. 105 Surgeon. Practice limited . . Pine street. eye, ear, nose and throat GL. a - 143-4* supplied. Oculist and auriat t< WANTED— Will pay highest cash S. P R. R. Offices, M and H prices for furs— skunk, mink, Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 56 fisher, coyote, lynx, cat, etc. Ed­ gar Johnson, Farm Bureau, Med- DR. MATTIE B. SHAW^-Special at tention to m others apd children ford. Ore. Phone 929. 124tf Internal secretions and endocrine FOR RENI. glands. Res. and office, 108 Pio neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of AUTO FOR RENT— By hour without fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to • driver to responsible persons, reason­ p. m. able rates. E. N. Norton Motor Co. Phone 57, 142-1 mo DR. SHAW— Eye, ear, nose, throat specialist; glasses fitted. Office FOR SALE. at residence, Pioneer Ave., morn- ing and by appointment. Phone 28. FOR SALE OR T R A D E,-500 pound capacity cream separator, in good CHIROPRACTORS. repair. Mark True. 145-2* DR. MAUD INGERSOLL HAWLEY I FOR SALE— Purebred Barred Rock — Visiting Chiropractic Physician. Neuritis cases a specialty. Phone eggs for hatching. The laying, 367-J. Treatm ent given only in paying strain. 195 Beach St., Ash- your own home. I land, _______ 1409-w-s PLUMBING FOR SALE— One dozen Tancred strain W hite Leghorn hens and one rooster. Essie K. Galbraith, H. R. ADAMS— Plumbing, Contract­ 115 Lincoln St. 144-6 1 ing and day work. 248 Fifth St., phone 166-J. lOOtf FOR SALE— New range s ’ove, only ben used one month. 125 Nut- PHONE your next Job of plumbing to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Buildiug ley Btreet. 143-4* Phone 138. FOR SALE— Barred Plym outh Rock TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. and W hite Leghorn eggs for hatch­ ing, 75 cents for 15. Also poultry! prompt and careful service, tonic and washing tablets, cheap. FOR auto trucks or horse drays, call E Yockey, 177 E. Main. Phone W hittle T ransfer Co. Phone 117. «'««ra . I*#- 142-lm o Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel Ashland. 66t( • FOR SALE— Dandy two oven fire­ less cooker, almost new. W rite ford. AU „ r e n t , are n r« « , to at-! TamaIea of ~ a, , ted • Mrs. G. W. Wolverton, Lock Box T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS PER — Good team and motor­ 184, Glen View Drive. 142-6* tend. T WAS a happy thought when some­ hut many of them end in r dangle trucks. Good service at a reason- husk, a t Rose Bros. 131tf ahle price Phone 83 one decided to use the seasou’s fash­ motif. 1 FOR SALE— Broody hens, hatching Fard Dates in bulk, Detrick sells Dew Drop Inn— for lanche«. ionably simple dresses as a back­ eggs, O. A. C. Barred Rocks, Buff, Has Wonderful Trijb— Just now, roses made of the same ma­ them. CAR WASHING 145-1 ground for interesting girdles. Quite terial as the dress or of ribbon are se, Brown and W hite Leghorns. All ' I Mrs. Myrtle C. Boslough writes high egg producing strains. Prices FIRST CLASS CAR WASHING and likely this idea first saw the light of on girdles also made of the same ma­ Recovering from Influenza— th at she is now in Dwight, No. Dak., Recovering from Pneum onia— reasonable. Phone 408-R day in that thrifty Paris—which is al­ polishing, $2.50. Lithia Garage. terial, and are in great favor. But gir­ Mrs. Robert Middleton, who has visiting her sister and expects to be 141-lm o i Phone 114. Mrs. Will Moore, wife of the oblig­ ways ou the alert to take advantage dles that will serve for more than one 113tf been ailing with influenza for ten there for several months. She also ing mail carrier, is recovering from of opportunities and always enthusias­ frock arc made of velvet or other rib­ GREAT BARGAIN— I have 84 can­ APPLES days, is im proving and is able to re- states th at in her trip last summer, an attack of pneumonia with which tic over the appearance of any new bons. One of these is shown above In aries, singers and hens with ceive friends a t her home. she visited nine different countries she has been suffering for several dress accessory. breeding cages, seed, etc. Will FOR SALE— Newtowns, Lawvers, which the girdle supports three loops and had a w onderful trip from start days. take $200 cash for the lot; too ill Russets, Spitz, Delicious and Ar­ and ends at the side fastened, appar­ Many of the new girdles are made Moves to Boulevard — to attend to them. The Chair Doc­ kansas Black from 50 cents to to finish. ently. with small steel buckles and of metals and set with mock jewels, Lee McMichael has moved from tor, 3d and A Sts. 130-lmo* $1.50 per box. Phone 408-J or having the ends finished with tassels Have you tried our new Cream hut compositions imlAtiug Ivory and call at 527 Terrace St. 145-3* 549 East Main street *to the Cole Nice Dry Wood! aiso Blox. Ash­ Bread? D etrick’s G roceteria— always other semi-precious materials, together Black velvet ribbon and rose petals of FOR SALE— Single comb White property, 737 Boulevard. ribbon, fulling in cascades FOB ~ F— REAL ESTATE. land Lum ber Co., phone 20. 92tf first. Leghorn eggs, for hatching, trap- ' 145-1 with heads, plaques aud cabochons of metullic jet, steel, glass, mother-of-pearl or i>or- make the other girdle. nested. Also Barred Plymouth p r OR TRADE— Oregon See our .bring s o lu u prices ,,, Rocks, extra large birds. Phone celain are ulso used. Silk cord, it Moved to North Main— >nd lots. Address Box 340-Y. 127-lmo back to norm al. P aulserud’s. 133tf utmost goes without saying, is found Mrs. G. M. Frost Is among the suf­ !e, Wash. 141-5* A. Street, who is employed by D. In the corupauy of all these other FOR SALE— W hite Minorca hatch ferers who have influenza at the H. Jackson on his ranch north of the things, at least as often as chains. Semi Play Roseburg Friday— ing eggs, non-setters, large white (present time. city, has moved to 722 North Main of the girdles merely encircle the waist eggs, $1.00 for 15. 922 Boule­ The Ashland high school basket-. COTYUOKT Vr VSTtlN NIVS/ a ZU UNION, street. vard. Phone 457-R. 124-lm oi ball q uintet will again match their Catch Rig Steelhead__ BA R BER skill w ith the Roseburg high school Robert Middleton and Mr. Costel- Reported Doimr F i n e - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES hostess to a group of teachers. Pa- [ placed on the county fair grounds for team , but on an entirely different lo made a trip to Rogue river Sun-j Reports from the bedside of Mrs tio n s and friends have also been in rheir use next fall. There seems Children’s Work A WE CAN LOCATE you in most any fo o r . riday evening is the time, day and brought back an eight a u d |Cleo Mast is to the effect th at she is attendance, and a t Ruch and Trail considerable s tir in th eir minds as kind of paying business in S outh-1 Specialty and the local high school gymnasium a half pound steelhead which m ea-' doing fine ern Oregon. FOUR-SITE SALES j they were accompanied by such has- to what they and their school shall th e place of the coming contest. AGENCY, Business Brokers, Bea-j ■sured 32 inches in length. Mr. Mid-| _______ kets of good things to eat th a t the exhibit there. Safety blades resharpened ver Block, Ashland; Medford • • a dleton reports th at there is a big W hipping Cream, 20 cents per half memory makes the mouth water. At- A T .’V' like new. Single bit, 30c Bldg., Medford. 132tf Taking Treatments— j run of steelheads at present. pint, 35 cents per pint. Sweet milk tendance at Trail developed much One hundred per cent attendance doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. A Mrs. Cara Shribler is suffering » ---------- 10 cents per quart. Home churned heroism, for snow two feet deep at , for January is reported from the Per- from rheum atism and is here from Try our home made doughnuts, butterm ilk, 5 cents quart. D etrick’s ?rospect varied to mud one feet deep 8ist, Conley and Long Mountain C. B. L A M K I N T alent taking treatm ents from a lo­ graham bread, pies, cakes, salads. Groceteria, 145-1 at Trail. But indeed teachers were schools; 98 per cent or above Is the cal physician. Mrs. Shribler is the cold meats. Home Bakery and Res­ there, and in such group gatherings record from Butte Falls, Highland, FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— : grandm other of Mrs. John Mayfield. taurant, 69 North Main St. Thos. H. Simpson, of Ashland, au­ 145-1 it is easier to speak out from the Little Applegate, L aurelhurst, Pilot BARGAINS IN REAL Numerical. thorizes his announcem ent as a ESTATE X abundance of the heart. At each of. Rock, Brownsboro and Lake Creek We used to ask, “How many chil­ candidate for the nomination for dren have they?” Now, to he correct, the sessions held the council was schools. Seventeen-schools (Includ- the office of county commissioner bAÖT ILflSJS one says, “They haven’t any children, duly organized and a chairm an se-iing Medford) report 95 per cent or of Jackson county, subject to the 1 City and Ranch Properties have they?” although “There Is one lected, so making it a teachers’ b o d y ' above, and the 22 others report, at decision of the republican vo’ers T O N IG H T Houses to Rent child, T believe.” Is permissible.— through which all may speak and the lowest, 92 per cent, which is the of said county, at the prim ary elec­ From Life. tion, May 19th, 1922.___________ work requirem ent for a standard school. CITIZEN’S BANK BUILDING The officers elected follow: • • • South council— Mrs. Bessie Mur­ The very attractive Arbor day COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES <$> phy, chairm an. We Buy and Sell books for April 14, are now in the Applegate council Mrs. Edna B. hands of the teachers. This book! — w ith — Allen, chairm an. contains illustrated lessons on Ore- A L L ST A R C A ST Miss Cowgill,, assistant state club North council— Mrs. Inez W illits, gon shrubs by Prof. Sweetzer of the' leader from Corvallis, spent two FIRE INSURANCE chairm an; Mrs. W inifred S te w a rt,• University of Oregon; also music days last week among the boys’ and INVESTMENTS and words of “ Beautiful Oregon girls’ clubs of Jackson county. Clubs secretary-treasurer. A lso T oon erville C om edy W est council— Miss Almeda Ful- Rose.” The latter is sung at each are getting o rg an ized ' rapidly this ler, chairm an; Principal W. R. Put-,council session, so the teachers may month, leaders are being searched — TH URSDA Y Skipper Strikes It Rich i easily take it to their schools. Much of it good soil— not steep Hotel Ashland Building for, and all things point to a busy nam, secretary-treasurer. Next Saturday, February 25, th e ' * • • — near Ashland. Near paved high­ AHhland, Oregon O N LY six months in club projects. Sew­ Eagle Point session is to be held. A uniform county drill Is being way. Estim ated 16,000 tiers of Phone 20 ing poultry and camp cookery are This includes teachers from Butte* introduced under physical training hard aud soft wood. Price very among the popular courses this year. Falls to Agate and Lost creek. work, with plans for its use en masse ♦ • • reasonable. February 15 Llovd A Moss en- > C° Unty ° ffiC® iS emPhasizinS , on Jackson County School day. . a standardization v a u u a i u i z t t i i u i i o of i SCUOO1S, ork _______________ — _______ red o n w o r k in t h » i schools, , C1UD club m W work Will take good Ashland prop­ tered on work in the countv a ,V. A. S H E L L POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS "THE SONG OF LIFE” R eal E s t a t e 160 Acres Woodland-Pasture STAPLES REALTY AGENCY Anita Stewart "Invisible Fear CHARLES RAY Billings Agency Peil's Corner J