PIGtì fWü Tifie Ásiíusm D ia t fim o s Wednesday, February «8, Published ____ Every Evening E vening Sunday Except Excem i TH E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Superwoman Admits Marriage l l f 'i f n w ith Boy Spouse Is Failure OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PA PER AGE AND THE MODERN YOUTH Attitude of the Youngsters Is by No Means Necessarily a Mark of Disrespect. TELEPHONE 39 LACKS GLITTER Consistency is a Jewel. That's all right, b u t y o u can’t worx it off on the girl Instead of a diamond ring. When we find the children slipping away, excluding us from their pleas- Subscription P rice D elivered in City: tue b ir d quarrel io hear her song better than m ine; I ures’ ,ts t,lne t0 let them understand Jne m onth ...................................... $ .65 I do.” ¡th at we’re far from being ready for Three m o n t h s ..............................1.95. Jennie was the surprised one th is ! the PPrap he®P- -»ix months .................................. 3.75 ITTLE Jennie Wren was not Ina year .................................... 7.50 fact t,iai children don’t run to afraid to speak her mind to any­ time, and she nearly lost her balance Mail and R ural R outes one who happened to get in her us she angrily hopped about and bring father's slippers as they used to, One m onth ...................................... $ .65 way, and It happened one day thut bobbed her tail, for she had expected does» t mean any lack of consideration Three m onths ............................. 1.95 ^°r t,ie parent who has worked hard handsome Mr. Cardinal bird did this Mr. Cardinal to quarrel with her. Six m onths .................................. 3.5 0 “Huh!” replied Jennie, “your poor aI1 da-v t0 suPP°ri his family, I prefer very thing. Ona year .................................... 6.5« He flew over from the top of a tall little w ife; I should think you would to th,nk the Passing of this custom In- ADVERTISING RATES pine tree to the very tree near the say something in praise of her. The Oleates a hope in the young mind that Display Advertising stone wall by the road where Jennie way you treat her is disgraceful. I father hasn’t yet »ached the slippered •ingle insertion, each in ch ........... 30c lived, and began to sing while Mr. know, and everybody must think so, age’ but 81,11 has a stomach not wholly YEARLY CONTRACTS Wren was singing on a low limb of too, that you are ashamed of her be- satisfied with warmed-over cabbage, D isplay A dvertising cause she wears that brownish-gray Slippers are the symbol, the outward the tree. Jne tune a w eek........................27 dress all the time, while you go Hying an<1 v| 8,b,e s'^n approaching senil- “Such Impertinence,” sputtered Jen­ about all dressed up in fine clothes Two tim es a week........................ 25 c Ity. Father would be a lot better off nie Wren, flying out of her home In Every other d a y ...........................20 c “For my part I admire her clothes if he forsook the old armchair and took the tree hole. He thinks Just because Local R eaders the family to a vaudeville show or a he Is so handsome he .can do anything much more than yours. She shows movie. When my fifteen-year-old son Each line, each tim e .................... 10c better taste dressing In such modest To run every other dby for one he likes. I will soon tell him, though. colors and, besides, if she did wear looks in on me when I’m shaving and month, each line, each tim e. . 7c red, I guess the Cardinal family would asks, cheerfully, “How's the liero feel­ To run every issue for one month soon come to an end, for she could he ing this morning?" I am flattered. He or more, each line, each tim e. . 5c C.UO&E ß E MOE. H U UuVbAND. seen plainly enough by those who wish doesn’t mean to be impudent; lie is C lassified Column merely greeting me as though I were to harm birds aud get their eggs.” One cent the word each time. a comrade of his own age. To run every issue for one month While Jennie Wren was scolding and o r more, %c the word each time. I should certainly forfeit his confi­ hopping about, a trim little bird flew Leg;il R ate to a twig near Mr. Cardinal, and when dence In my sense of humor if I put F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c Jennie again stopped for breatii Mrs. down the razor to tell him that In my A very lucky striks Each subsequent time, per 8- Cardinal—for it was she—said In a youth children siiowed their parents for William Tel), Jr. point l i n e ......... .......................... 5c very sweet voice: “You are wrong, more respect. I tried that for a year Card of t h a n k s ............................ $1.00 Mrs. W ren; my husband is not or two and it didn’t work. My past One of the luckiest in O bituaries, the line ......................2*Ac Is nothing to him ; he finds the world ashamed of me. lie loves me very F raternal Orders and Societies history, when you con­ dearly and there Is no bird that has as It is sufficient for all purposes, and Advertising for fratern al orders sider the consequences a husband more devoted In his atten­ if he can have the car tills afternoon o r societies charging a regular initi­ he’ll be very much obliged ¡’’—Mere­ tions than my handsome husband.” ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious and benevolent orders will "be Again Jennie Wren was surprised, dith Nicholson in Harper’s Magazine. charged the regular rate for all ad but she called back as she flew down vertising when an admission or other to her home: “You poor thing; I sup­ what I think of him,” and up she flew pose you do not dare say your soul is OLD CITY ON TEMPLE SITE charge is made. near to where Mr. Cardinal was sitting your own before your handsome hus­ American Archeologists' Have Con­ W hat Constitutes Advertising When we discovered the singing merrily. band ; for my part I’d rather have one In order to allay a m isunderstand vinced Themselves of Facts Con­ toasting process six years “You get right away from this tree tliat is on an equal with me in appear­ lng among some as to what consti­ cerning Ancient Sardis. ago, it was a Lucky Strike or stop singing this minute,” scolded ance.” (By International News Service) tu tes news and what advertising, for us. Mrs. Cardinal flew beside her hus w e print this very simple rule, which little Jennie. “This tree is where we BOSTON, Feb. Doctor Hogarth, keeper of the Asli- W hy? B ecause now is usee» bv newspapers to . _ differenti- ! is baud and snuggled close. “Come back inolean museum in Oxford, recently live and my husband Is singing; you _ . x . a superwoman, Mrs. Eugenie ate beb een them: millions of smokers prefer on the pine tree and I will sing to needn t think, just because you wear D icker,„a„, 47, says her shattered gave a series of lectures on the exca­ events, where an admission charge the special flavor of the handsome feathers, you are the only you,” she said, “though I know well vations conducted by American arche­ is made or a collection is taken TS romance with her 27-year-old hus- singer in the woods, and my husband enough your own song is sweeter thau ologists at Sardis. About fifty Latin Lucky Strike Cigarette —■ ADVERTISING.” This applies to band, Robert Elliott Dickerman, was because and I do not care for your song at a ll; mine.” inscriptions were discovered in the organizations ar.d societies of every ' bound to fail, Not to my ears, my dear,” answered temple ruins by the Americans. Most we like our own much better.” kind as well as to individuals “I am a superw om an' And th a t All reports of such activities after Mr. Cardinal was so surprised that Mr. Cardinal. “I think you have the of the inscriptions were found, how­ they have occurred is news. is not my fortune, btu my m isfor­ he stopped singing and listened, and sweetest voice In the world, but if you ever, on tlie lower slopes of tlie moun­ w h ich sea l» in the All coming social or organization tu n e,” she lamented today. “A su­ when Jennie Wren stopped to breathe could not sing a note I should be tain at the rear of the temple. d a lic io u a B u r le y fla v o r thankful that you do not scold like meetings of societies where no perwoman cannot hope to hold the he said, calmly: “Have you heard my Mrs. The object of the undertaking was never mated with supermen. I crawl Wren.” And also because it’s money contribution is solicited, in iti­ sweet-voiced wife sing? You may like to settle the question as to whether (Copyright.) ation charged, or collecton taken IS man she loves if he is her m ental on my hands and knees to you both. the temple columns stood on tlie site inferior.” NEW S. Robert says I am too old, th a t you She' (Sd o f the ancient Sardis or whether it The “ boy husband,” as Dickerman cannot accept me. However, the cat! Entered at the Ashland, Oregon had disappeared with tlie collapse of Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mai is known here, and his middle-aged is out of the bag now, and I have no the acropolis. Tlie archeologists sat­ “W hat’s in a Name?” bride separated shortly after th eir regrets. ter. isfied themselves that the ancient By MILDRED MARSHALL m arriage July 4, 1919. Mrs. Dick­ town did stand on the temple site. “Tell him I love him and want erm an is now suing her mother-in- him. And I cry out: ‘My God, my The theory is that the temple was ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 Pact» about your name; lta history; mean­ c¿unri£D P layground - built originally In the Fourth century ; ! 9 ing; whence it M i derived; significance! law for $100,000 damages for al­ God, why hast thou deserted m e?’ ” your lucky day and lucky JawcL Indeed, one of the inscriptions discov- £ leged alienation of the “ boy hus­ Robert Dickerman ana his wife’s ered dates back to the time of Au- ■ ? band’s affections. son were “ buddies” overseas. The tigonous, or about 300 B. C. Traces i ? yO U rSC lf fo r. The history of her wrecked ro­ two young men, it is said, were In­ ANGELICA have also been found of au earlier 7 some new and,________ mance is being bared by letters read separable until Robert met his sandstone temple under the other in open court. NGELICA, a name of much more fragments. Originally the temple had ? Beautiful Wall Paper ? buddy’s middle-aged m other in Paris L etters Rare R om ance substance than the pallid Angelea, eight columns In each aif the two • It "ivont be a bad, blouj ? where she was a Red Cross worker. In one letter w ritten to her m oth­ The son is reported to have obpected is still one of the “angelic names” facades; not many architects today er-in-law after young Dickerman had to the m arriage, and . he hand his which feminine fancy delights to be- would design u building to support -p ----SEE ME TODAY----- ? such great weight on such supports. deserted th eir love nest, the “ super- young stepfather have not spoken stow on Its giri children. It means, 7 Swenson & McRae Co. 9 of course, "angelic” and seems difficult The work of excavation was great­ 7 woman” w rites: East Main Street o to each other since, according to to reconcile with the behavior of some ly facilitated of a q ».■«■.eu by tlie m e importation im portation or * “We superwomen apparently are gossip. whole railroad from the United States, of the small daughters whom one C IT Y C O U N C IL HO LDS finds bearing the name. Angelos was a Greek word meaning R E G U L A R M E E T IN G “heavenly messenger,” hence “angel.” It first became a name in tlie Byzan­ The city council held th eir regular tium empire when It was bestowed meeting last evening, with Mayor as an epithet upon persons of sur­ Raymond Poincare, former presi­ Lamkin presiding, and Councilmen passing beauty. It was applied most dent of France (portrait herewith), Shinn, H am er and Pierce present. often as a masculine name and there has become premier and foreign min­ R egular routine business was tra n s­ ister of France, succeeding Briand, re­ was a Carmelite saint called Angelo, H o u s e s to R e n t acted. who established it as a baptismal signed. He has formed a new cabinet uamee In his honor, the feminine also Among other things brought up to succeed the resigned Briaud minis­ P r o p e r ty fo r S a le became popular and Italian history was a communication from Mr. try. records many Instances of its use. Moore in regard to putting in a sam­ M. Poincare has been one of the Angelica sprang to fame since it ple filtering plant. Instructions were most consistent leaders of the French 25 E a st M ain St. A sh lan d , Oregon named the faithless lady of romance given the w ater superintendent to political faction demanding: for whose sake Orlando lost his hfeart Strict execution of every clause of get prices on large w ater mains that P h o n e 18X and his senses. Though she was die the Versailles treaty and subsidiary m ust be replaced In Railroad addi­ Invention of Boiardo and Ariosto, the documents by Germany. tion in the near future. The city a t­ romantic flavor which the story gave Further military occupation of her name brought Angelica to instant torney was directed to draw up an Germany If the Berlin governihent de­ favor. England liked the name and ordinance to prevent planting of faults in its Indemnity obligations. adopted It. In France it became trees having long roots th a t in ter­ A receivership for Germany witli Angelique, and Italy produced the fere with and grow into the sewers, an allied control commission In Berlii other forms of Angloletta and Anzil- causing leaks. An ordinance was if Germany fails to make the lndem leta, though Angelica continued the nlty payments due this month am’ introduced, drwn up by the railroad in one of our all-porcelain reigning favorite. next people to renew the franchise to take Angelica’s tallsmanlc gem is the close alliance between France whlte-as-snow tubs cannot be w ater through and under the streets and A pearl. It guards the purity and sweet­ Poland. ness of her, brings her friends, and of the city to the depot, and granting Refusal by France to recognize measured. Your bathroom will much charm. Sunday is her lucky day the privilege to the city by the rail­ the Moscow soviet government unless it pi onuses to pay all R ussia’s foreign and 2 her lucky number. The wild road of crossing its tracks w^th wa­ debts and makes other concessions not he completely equipped un­ rose is her flower. te r and light mains. An ordinance bv v p ‘ ‘T ' " ' “ ''" '» 1 " « '■ « « o n . the best pointer „ the st„ tcm. n( was also read th at would .affect all V er^iu X ¿ e 7 „ i l i t “ " t T *'"'’ : engngeraents taken at til it has one of our model tubs, taxi drivers if put on the statute er.ailles be fulfilled—noihtng more. My task accomplished, I shall retire.” REMINDER OF MIDDLE AGES book. The latter two measures were basins and toilets. Come to English Clergyman Likely W ill Have deferred for fu rth er discussion at a to Stand Trial on the Charge our showrooms and see what la te r meeting. of Heresy. INGSTON, ILL.—The KIshwaukee they are like. river gave up the lifeless body of Charges of heresy—with the possi­ Roger Brown, six, who, with his HAMBONE’S MEDITATIONS bility that England will have an ec­ playmate, Isabel Kiefer, eight, disap clesiastical trial such as it has not peared the day before. The finding < I TAIN’ NO S E N S E £ R D E < > known since the Middle ages—have of a mitten frozen in the ice revealed been filed against Abe Rev. H. D. A. S T o ’-K E E P U H C H E A T IN ’ that Isabel, too, perished in the icy Major, principal of lllpon hall, a theo­ waters. Banks—Bilson ME O U T E N MAH MONEY. logical institute in Oxford, by the Rev. rience. The recovery of the body of the C. E. Douglas. Further action rests C A SE HE K NO W G O O D little boy shattered hope to which rela­ Hanks—What was It? with the bishop of Oxford, with whom tives had tenaciously clung that the EN W E L L H E G W I N E Banks—He stepped on a banana the charges have been placed. two children had been kidnaped for peel, fell, and was arrested for giving The action grew out of au article ransom, and that they still lived. Tills a street performance without a li­ the workers had combed the river in by the Rev. Mr. Major, In which he faith had been bolstered up by a clair­ cense. one spot the dragging apparatus said that the resurrection of Christ voyant, In whose powers relatives be­ On Thrift would be moved down stream and the was a spiritual but not a physical lieved. hunt for the bodies resumed. An experiment to show the fecundity happening. The Rev. Mr. Douglas An all-night vigil on both sides of At 2:20 in the afternoon the drag­ charges him with “publishing doctrine of a grain of wheat has Just been con­ W ashington called th r ift “th e foundation o f lutppy hom es the river bank had proven futile. ging was a quarter of a mile south contrary to the teachings of creeds cluded at the official school of agricul­ While police of Kingston and neigh­ and sound nation s.” L incoln considered it ‘one o f tlie boring cities were bending every ef­ of the Chicago & Northwestern rail­ and of holy scripture,” and also “of ture, Vallodolld, Spain, witli the result way bridge, near which the children that one grain produced In a year 322,- importing into the Christian religion fort to which they believed might lead first, and h igh est virtu es.” to the recovery of the children from were seen playing before their disap­ the teachings of the eastern mystic, 000 grains. pearance. At the end of July 100 grains were Buddha.” kidnapers, a frantic search was being A mass of barbed wire fence was sown separately. At the end of Sep­ Thrift Js best exem plified in savin gs account». Tld» in. The Rev. Mr. Major holds no ben­ prosecuted along the river. lifted from the bed of the river. The efice, so the case can not, be tried tember the grains had developed an From Kingston, Genoa and the little boy was partly revealed. Albert »Litu( ion w ill w elcom e yours. average of 12 shoots each. These were whole countryside came men and May, stepfather of the missing boy, through the bishops* court. The pro­ cut and transplanted aud by the end women in automobiles to offer their was not more than 100 feet away. As cedure which must be followed is the of October each cutting furnished an > services. In a tent on the river bunk the little form was lifted upon the old “procedure by inquisition." Under average of eight shoot», which pro­ women made coffee and sandwiches. bank and a blanket placed over It he this the bishop having received the duced 65 ears each, and each ear gave Information appoints "an - Inquisition Dynamite was used in blasting the saw his last hope vanish. an average of 50 grains. A simple of priests” to hear testimony. Ice from the river. Headlights of a “My boy I My boy!” he cried. He The Rev. Mr. Major, since the filing multiplication sum show» that each of ihen rivera?o°ildblth 8 Wer* uUrned Up° n stag^ered to a tree, buried his face In Ashland, Oregon of the charges, has announced he will the original grains planted reproduced Copyright, 1931 by McClur» Nawspapw Syndicat* tne river to aid the searchers. > After bis arjns and wept. Itself 12x8x65x50, making a total of defend his position. 822,000 grain». z LUCKY STRIKE.1 It’s Toasted* 3 !O W " A Poincare Succeeds Briand Ashland Realty Co. T H E J O Y O F A BA T H ▼ J ° Z"± Icy River, Not Kidnaper, Gets Children K SIMPSON’S HARDWARE Washington and Lincoln The Citizens Bank