paos aro Ashland ífífi TidiïlgS ■--I... -.lai, u Every Evening 8unday Tuesday, February sonai Interests and put Ashiafid Here Is city, nestled a t the foot of a beautiful range of m ountains, f TH E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. abounding in n atu ral resources and scenic beauty, boasting a clim ate OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY unsurpassed in the world, a city of PA PER 6000 red-blooded Americans, th a t TELEPHONE 39 has apparently retired from active subscription Price Delivered in City: service and is now settled down in Jne month .................. its old age aw aiting its final reward. Three m o n t h s .............. ••lx months .................. But A sh lan d . Is not destined to Jne year ................ sleep forever, if the faint rumblings Mail and K ura. Routes j we hear in the distance predict truly. ne h i o n l h .............. Tue rest of those who have settled | Three m o n t h s .............. back in their easy chairs is doomed 4ix months .................. • • • • • • • 3.50 Jne year .................... to be broken. Ashland is about to awaken from her lethargy, and, be- ADVERTISING RATES 1 eve me, when she once begins to D isplay A dvertising ¡ngle insertion, each in ch ........... 30c move, we'll all have to jingle to keep YEARLY CONTRACTS up. uüiXoUeu ___ A shland baut mnrös Except NATIONAL CAPITAL AFFAIRS LONDON FOG BACK ON JOB Citizen of Big C ity Secretly Proud of W h at Visitors Universally Denom­ inate a Nuisance. A n cien t Abbey to Be Redressed for Wedding The "London puiticular,’’ the blind­ ing, choking, solid, yellow fog, the Londoner's pride and the visitor's de-» spalr, has come back into Its own. By F. A. WRAY London’s fog Is not the soft, moist, the Archbishop of C anterbury— and I- N. S. Staff Correspondent gray mist that hangs over an American it will be the last official act of this city In wet weather. It may be abso- LONDON, Feb. 21.— When Prin- venerable prelate— assisted tw the lutely dry or as w& as rain itself. It it is a well-behaved navy, too, as may envelop all of London, a blanket X Th'! Cl‘° 'r - " ' “ Ch " as only 6.8 per cent of the total number that recedes unwillingly, step by step, king to be m arried .here X of discharges were dishonorable, and as a pedestrian advances. but 0.08 per cent of the total men in It may envelop one or a dozen sec­ the service during the year deserted. tions, when it may be seen in the dis­ Raised staging in the n«v„ n ' th,ougbout Britain, and the Good conduct medals In the service to­ tance, and is stepped Into as detinitely been h a ,t„y s e i up „rd", to e n X d " m X ?' “ taling over 6,000, some men having as one steps into a doorway. “ ‘e t,adlL,Ons of ^ e Abbey, eight to their credit, also testify to Display A dvertising Whatever the real “London particu­ large the accommodation. E laborate' the character of the enlisted men. >ne time a w e e k . . . . ............... 27 Vic scaffolding is being erected to give ° nly tbe niost P ^ R e g e d specta- lar’s” character, It Is a real fog; and i i ' wo times a week........................ 25 c 1 when It comes trains stop or slow to The distribution of men by state* a view to still more guests. Hun- ‘°.rS WlH be actually 1» the sanctuary, iv e ry other d a y ...........................20 c gives New York the leud in both na­ a nervous crawl and street traffic is all dreds of men have, been at work be kine— who win give bis daugh- Local Re..ders but halted. cleansing thoroughly the old-time ?*« aWay— wiU be ou one 8>de of the ASHINGTON — The United tivity and residence; 13,452 In the for­ 2ach line, each tim e .................... 10c The London fog comes with the edifice and the grime of generations Jrldal coulde, together with the mer and 14,170 In the latter. Pennsyl­ States navy Is 99.7 per cent To run every other dby for one pure American. Secretary vania comes second In each list, with autumn and curly winter, when tires has been removed. Darkened vnr. !queen- 0,1 the other side will month, each line, each tim e. . 7c Will M. Maupin To run every issue for one month Denby Is proud of his navy and said 9,951 and 9,299, respectively. The na­ are lighted in 2,000,000 fireplaces and nish has been cleaned off and hid- thG bride s brothers and o th e r Y ^ a be r or more, each line, each tim e .. 5c that it was the best navy In the world, tive sons’ list gives third place to the smoke Is unable to penetrate the den masses of elaborate and rich relatives- together with and rich !,., . « ^ « .u e r wnn one or two Classified Column hacking his statement by figures re­ Massachusetts, fourth to Illinois and clouds. For several years there had high court officials. not been much fog; lust year there coloring have been revealed. One cent the word each time. GOOD NIGHT—SLEEP TIGHT cently compiled by the bureau of navi­ fifth to Texas. To run every issue for one month Through broad streets gay w ith' Near to the sanctuary will he sta- Out of the total. 119,205 sailors, was almost none. This year it is hack, gation, which show that on July 1 na­ or more, %c the word each time. HE old clock strikes the hour of tive-born sailors represented 91.82 per there are 110,024 white, 5,545 Fili­ knd the Londoner, cursing it when It Gags and banners. Princess M ary!tioned the foreigu royalties, diplo-» Legal R ate eight. cent; naturalized men, 2.99 per centj pinos, 2,858 negroes, 196 Chinese, S8 makes him an hour late for work, se­ drive up to the west door of ”ial8’ tbe cabinet, representatives of F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c And worn with childish play Japanese, 189 Samoans, 249 Cha- cretly hugs It to his breast—he the Abbey, chosen because it makes European monarchs, representatives colonial natives, 4.89 per cent, and the Each subsequent time, per 8- My little ones kneel gently down remainder aliens. The last-named num­ mooros, 296 Hawallans, 197 Porto couldn’t help it if he wunted to—and a longer route and gives a view' to ' of tbe nav>’- army and air forces; the polnt line ..................................... 5c gloats over it as part of his heritage. At mamma’s knee to pray. ber only 852 men. At the end of the Ricans and 86 American Indians, Card of t h a n k s .............................$1.00 ! lord mayors of the principal cities No one knows where it passed its va­ many more thousands of people. fiscal year the navy comprised 119.205 The American navy also Is a young cation. Obituaries, the line ......................2V4c Then off to bed each sleepyhead Along the wide path between tiers ;and rePresentatives of the houses of To dream till morning lig h t; men, of which number 109,457 were na­ navy, 45,565 being under twenty-one; F rate rn a l Orders and Societies of seats, the bridal procession will parliam ent, together with personal But ere the fairies’ wings are spread, tives, 5,829 were born In Guam. Samoa, two-tliirds of them are twenty-four Advertising for fratern al orders They whisper low: “G o o d n ig h t- walk the whole length of the nave. iriends of the bridegroom. o r societies charging a regular initi­ the Philippines or Virgin Islands, and and under, and only 904 are above for­ MANY ADULTS TOY WRECKERS — nave, Sleep tight I” ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ through the choir and into the sanc­ 8,567 were naturalized citizens. ty-five, although 53 are over sixty and Diplomats and members of the ligious and benevolent orders will "be The figures also show It is a hand­ still active. tuary, where the wedding will Father«, Mothers, and Uncles, All Too be 'services will he in full uniform. La- charged the regular rate for all ad All day the house rings with their play, picked navy, for, out of 185,993 ap­ celebrated. Fond of T riflin g W ith the C hil­ Eight per cent of the enlisted men T. idles wiH wear evening dress wltb^. And nought they know of care. vertlslng when an admission or o th e r plicants. only 72,386 were accepted. dren’s Plaything*: are married, a total of 9,836 men. Over charge Is made. the ftrid r ° f V16 SanCtUarv’ where jewels and tiaras; and men not The childish griefs that come their It Is a healthy navy afloat and ball the men have had previous sea way laid with the°U \ n * Stand’ WerP UUif° r,n WH1 W6ar COUrt dreaa’ with ashore, according to the statement of service and 449 of them have served What Constitutes Advertising I atliers and uncles have always Are trifles light as air. h tn a J beautiful mosiac swords and black silk knee breeches the surgeon general. In order to allay a m isunderstand­ A sob. a kiss, and all Is well, over twenty years. made It a practice to play with little y e Abbot Ware. They have now Directions as to dress will be print- ing among some as to w hat consti­ Willie’s mechanical toys at Christmas been beautifully polished And grief has taken flight; m e n 'e d on the invitation cards. T ht lat- tutes news and what advertising, time until they were broken, frequently we print this very simple rule, which The fairies weave their magic spell permitting Willie to look on merely, pecfally sent from South Reusing-, ter will he printed on large whUe And then we hear: “Good-night_ is used by newspapers to differenti­ WO cabinet members may find museum, and the east windows, caZls, with the royal arm s in gold while a group of adults manipulated Sleep tight!” ate between them : “ALL future themselves Jobless before the which were taken down during the at the top. the toys all Christmas day. events, where an admission charge end of the year under the pro­ * * * * * air raids, have been specially re­ But what happened to little Willie “Good night—sleep tight I" God guard is made or a collection is taken IS The service will follow the lines visions of the governmental organiza­ your rest. was as nothing to the wrongs prac­ placed for the wedding. These win­ ADVERTISING.’’ This applies to tion of the administrative branch of OIÄCARO ticed by mothers who have purchased dows are of handsomely stained of the English prayer book, includ­ Then wake to greet the day. organizations and societies of every the government. ing the promise to “obey,” and the kind as well as to individuals. walking dolls for their little girls. “Goodnight—sleep tight!” by angels glass and add greatly to the austere All reports of such activities after blest only alteration will be that the e x -’ A little girl whose family had been beauty of the sanctuary. The committee has already decided they have occurred is news. making entirely unsuccessful efforts As night hours drift away. hortation will be slightly less crude to unite the War and Navy depart­ The wedding register will All coming social or organization When at the close of day they kneel to conceal the ante-Yuletide presence ments, necessitating the discharge of he, than the version ordinarily in use. meetings of societies where no I p . the home of a walking doll came signed on the tomb of almond ¡The entire ceremony will occupy In little robes of white, one surplus cabinet member—either money contribution is solicited, initi­ out with the whole history of the case Crouchback, second son Secretary of War Weeks or Secretary ation charged, or collecton taken IS The sweetest thrills of love I feel ... X ™ °’‘ r one evening. of the Navy Denby. To hear them say: “Good-night— NEWS. will "Are you going to show her the Sleep tight!” an English sovereign to be m a r-, drive hack It also has under consideration the mental agencies as the public health by way of W hitehall— Entered a t the Ashland, Oregon, (Copyright.) merging of the Commerce and Labor service, the children’s bureau, the wom­ walking doll?" she asked wistfully, ried in the Abbey. He m arried Ave- j where the great government offices Postoffice as Second-class Mall M at­ — o- Indicating a dinner guest as the *her” line Lancaster, heiress of William departments, Just as they were some en’s bureau, the bureau of pensions, In ter. question. will he alm ost hidden by bunting__ years ago. Thia consolidation, If car­ the bureau of education, and the In­ de Fortibu3, Earl of Alberrnarle, on Father and mother looked at euch A nri, o io™ and the Mall to Buckingham palace, ried In effect, would leave either Sec­ dian service. ^¿UMMEaPLAYGROUND' other aghast. Theoretically the little where the wedding receptiov will be retary of Commerce Hoover or Secre­ Three or four knotty problems of girl was not supposed to know there 1 lle servlce will be conducted by held. tary of Labor Davis without a Job In reorganization stand in the way of ths of A nerica the cabinet. completion of the committee’s report was a walking doll In the house until Cç/jÇ-NQQ. Santa Claus Introduced them. Tact­ DEMPSEY TO HAVE NO B y W ALTER L ROBINSON Pease. St. Valentine’s day decora­ Ih e creation of one new cabinet and President Harding at an early fully they Ignored the question. SETUPS IN EUROPE tions were used. Miss Pease atten d -- post Is provided for In the reorganiza­ date will be called upon to umpire “Bedtime, dear,” suggested mother tion scheme. The new department will the differences. It has been the under­ sweetly. ed the Oregon Agricultural collegei NO ONE IS PERFECT be known as the department of public standing all along that the President But the little girl had reached the NEW YORK, Feb. 21.— If Jack and is a member of Alpha Gamma welfare and will seek to assemble un­ would make the final decision in any end of her endurance. Desperately she Dempsey goes over to England, the Delta sorority. Mr. Kaegi also a t­ disputed questions creating a deadlock F are so wicked with re- der one head a number of the govern­ ’ ORE turned to the guest; in the committee, which hopes to com­ English fans will be most interested tended O. A. C. and is a Kappi Pg|. llglon, what would they be with­ WASHINGTON fi, mental agencies now attached in il­ "They play with it every night after ^BRITISH COLUMBIAN out It?" Those who are so free logical fashion to departments with plete the work in time to lay It be­ I go to bed,” she walled. to look him over; but if he expects Ten of Miss Pease’s girl friends were fore congress and enact it Into legisla­ 3IGrtT. COOL DAYS with criticism of what religious or­ which they have little concern. to pick up easy money by dropping guests at the luncheon. The wed­ [A RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. tion before the end of the present ganizations are trying to do are In It may be grouped such govern- session. Lloyd George’s Joke* on Himself. ' Beckett’ Cook- Smith, Lloyd and the ding is planned for the spring. seldom found helping whole-heartedly What has saved Lloyd George Is his lest *be heavies of the British In making their work more effective. Beauty has always paid better sense of humor. He knows how to Isles’ be wil1 be disappointed. “ We RESULTS TELL It always is much easier to find fault than any other commodity, and al­ than to offer helpful advice. In re­ laugh at himself. His favorite story— should like very much to see Demp- ways will. Athens of old was a com­ ligious work or anything else of con- now a chestnut—was of the man who sey in action,” w rites a London ex- There < an Be No Doubt About the R esu lts in Ashland dr° wning , Person ,n the Pert, “ but It would be cruelty to ani- mercial city, which, four hundred sequence there are always certain to Precinct Results tell the tale. Name Address years before Christ, controlled the be those who devote most of their All doubt Is removed. HtCh him against any of 1. Ashland Boulevard G. F. and G. H. Billings, Ashland, Or. Jumped In after him -goM ilm bv "the “„ l8 t0 commerce of the world, but the time tlme to criticising. In consequence, The testimony of an Ashland eltl- 2. Ashland East Central neck—turned him over and found he heavyweights ” G. F. and G. H. Billings, Ashland, Or. came when she saw her supremacy by fault' flndlnS. without commendation sen can easily be investigated. 3. Ashland W est Central But the camPai&n for a Dempsey- What better proof can be had’ G. F. and G. H. Billings, Ashland, Or. wasn’t Lloyd George—and then I about to slip away. Pericles, her °,r. polntlng tbe wu>' t0 overcome the 4. Ashland Oak pulled him out.” His next favorite Is Carpentier bout is progressing apace W. Hardy, retired, 586 Eeast Main things to which exceptions are taken, G. F. and G. H. Billings, Ashland, Or. ruler, percieved this and determ ined the natural tendency Is to disrupt, of the old Welsh farmer who walked abroad, despite reports in this coun- street, Ashland, says: “ I have used 5. North Ashland G. F. and G. H. Billings, Ashland, Or. th a t though men might seek wealth weaken and frequently destroy mucli many miles In Crlccieth, where Lloyd tr y to the contrary. “ If,” says one Doan s Kidney Pills and wouldn’t be 6. E ast Ashland G. F. and G. H. Billings, Ashland, Or. George lives. "I’m going to have "a ¡of the leading boxing s h a rp s In E n g -l ^ h° Ut 1 had ;' ttack« kid- in othar lands, they should come to ' of the good that otherwise* would 7. Southeast Ashland look at s David,” said this admirer g i ney complaint and lumbago and t,iif->~ G. F. and G. H. Billings, Ashland, Or. -David Athens to spend it, and he gathered make tlie world better and Its people now i « « . , n , . „ ‘ “ w h v 'r “ man Dorapsey-, ierod with .„HI backache? , id p.l“ s - 8. Northwest Ashland G. F. and G. H. Billings, Ashland, Or. up all the funds of the colonies, and more happy. Let those who are so My kidneys 9. West Ashland G. F. and G. H. Billings, Ashland, Or. yes, he gets £5,000 a year!” answered i CarP6“ t er batt ®’ “ the second fight through my kidneys. with them suberbly adorned his city free with their criticism of religious his friend. The farmer looked Wl11 take place ln a larger ring th a n ! enA acting right when I began 0. Antioch Mrs. W.B. Mynatt, C entral Point, Or. thoughtfully and replied—"It’s not the th at in Jersey City- and the French ' ■ " g ^ Oa" S Kldne>' Pi,,a- They soon He determ ined th a t the city should activities keep the lesson of the prov­ 1. Applegate erb that they’ll get more Joy every John Pernoll, Applegate, Or. relieved these ailm ents and eased the prosper in the fu tu re even more 2. Barron £5,000 a year that matters. Our D a -'cham Pion were to refrain from mix- aches and pains. L heartily endorse day, because they’ll see some good G. F. and G. H. Billings, Ashland, Or. than it had in the past, and by m ak­ even among the bad conditions they vid lives near the pile.”—P. W. Wilson it ht close quarters with his heav- Doan’s for they are a remedy of 3. Belleview G. F. and G. H. Billings, Ashland, Or In W orlds Work. ing Athens fair to gaze upon and d e­ claim to deplore. H e r a n d s stronger ir n n o w n nn n n ari f the fig h t. ,neI it.' jie r and opponent, 4. B utte Falls N. B. Stoddard, Butte Falls, Or. lightful to live In, he accomplished m ight last long enough for Demnsev' « \ iCe f ents at all dealers. Don’t Those who become disheartened in 5. N orth Central Point „v_______ _____ 5 . by u blowing e ,n Psey ! : simply ask for a ^l^Tl'ls— kidney th remedy— get L. H atfield, Central Point, Or. the purpose he had in view. In doing good, because of the constant “W hile You W ait.” to show some weakness— Doan’s Kidney e ^ " ^ 15 g<4 6. South Central Point same th at Kopftirs you w a it” mnv ho a ° n i y i u u c ) i u i h — tne sanie Tiiat ‘Repairs while L. H atfield, Central Point, Or. short, a commercial city is the one fault-finding, need a new estimate of 7. Climax explained In more ways than one ac “ P ° r r °U nd t O l e V e ' m '/ k t Foster-Mnbu™ Co., Roy Ashpole, Eagle Point, Or. of all others th a t should be in ter­ the importance of the work In which 26 cording to a Jeffersonville business “ P niatters' W henever Dempsey’s Mfrs > Buffalo. N. Y. 8. Derby F ran k R. Neil, Eagle Point, Or. ested in putting on a becoming dress they are engaged. Instead of being 9. Eagle Point man, who had discovered a meaning contests have lasted beyond the fifth Roy Ashpole, Eagle Point, Or. and assum ing a charm ing appear­ sensitive of criticism, It would be 0. Flounce Rock much more to their credit If they ac­ he had not thought of at first. He round t^ e other man has been able Jam es Grieve, Prospect, Or. ance. Pericles was a political gen­ cepted fault-finding as something to took a pair o f shoes to a shop that t0 m ake a good showinf. and in some 1. Foots Creek G rant Matthews, Gold Hill, Or. ius who knew how to perpetuate the be expected; then their efforts would advertised “something different in re eases stay the distance.” 2. Gold Hill A. J. T. Smith, Gold Hill, Or. prosperity of a city likely be more effective in accomplish­ pairing,’’ and promised the Job "while 3. Griffin Creek L. B. Cameron, Medford, Or. No large city was made beautiful ing the amount of good they set out you wait.” The business man said he 4. N orth Jacksonville ASHIk ’ :