4<»ü i WO Local and Personal òS tiL A ftil DALIA TIDINGS MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL 3 y Charles Sugtvoe UM GRAÆW ù SS MASONIC CALENDAR THIS WEEK Monday, F ebruary 20, livid oAnd it oAin’t D oin' À'YtRFUBLE COUGHS MOU O U G H T * Miss Anna Hargrove was unable to New fire put into Ford generators ’ be at her shop the la tte r part of the and high tension magnetos. Satis­ week, being confined to her home by faction guaranteed. Fixit Shop. 144tf an attack of influenza. sw»««*;’* panied by two of their children Mar-i the profiteer th at is robbing the peo­ garet, age 12, and Thomas, age 10 j ple they will go to any length to years. W allace, who later served in elim inate him. The interests of the the world war, being than in Tabriz farm er and workingmen are com­ attending school. mon and we should work together.” “ The Turks did come into our city William H. Johnston, president of T aking A dvantage o f Our W ater— A fternoon D inner Party— and carry off 200 young girls for the International Association of Ma­ Mrs. Alvina Bullen of the Dew Mr. and Mrs. C. D. McPhail, Of Turkish harem s,” she says. “Those chinists: Portland, are stopping a few days Drop Inn gave an afternoon dinner : girls were of the same age and were “ Farm ers Must Have C ost” party Saturday at 3:30 p. m., as a in town to drink the lithia water. j companions of our own little girl.” “ Farm ers must have cost of pro­ final farewell to her m other, Mrs. _________ Mr. and Mrs. Allen expect to re- duction at least if they are to con­ G. W. Schaffer, who left for Bremer­ j turn to their work abroad, probably tinue to produce. We will be glad to W ill Leave for C a lif o r n ia - LOS ANGELES, Feb. 20.— The j under the Presbyterian board. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Steel, of near Tal­ ton, Wash., on the late afternoon co-operate in getting justice for the train. woman who claims to know of a bit- Allen having been a t one tim e as­ wheat growers, as well as in secur­ ent, expect to leave in a few days ter quarrel between a woman and sociate pastor of F irst Presbyterian ing the largest practical degree of for California, where Mr. Steel ex­ William Taylor a few days before the church of Portland. A nother G randchild— pects to find work. stabilization of staple farm products, movie director was m urdered, was I - _______ -_____________ Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Brower receiv­ for organized labor is entirely sym­ summoned to the district atto rn ey ’s 200 MINERS GO ON ed a telegram a few days ago from BusinesN V isitor from Salem — pathetic with the farm ers in their office this afternoon to tell her story E. E. Lavalleur, of Salem, Or., who th eir son-in-law, W illiam H. Hobbs, efforts to secure the cost of produc­ TRIAL FOR MARCH which is expected *to furnish new is a representative of the F. S. Lang of W ashington, D. C., announcing TO LOGAN COUNTY tion.” clues in the investigation of the mys­ Stove and Range company, was in the birth of W illiam Jr., at noon Feb- Sidney Hillman, president of the terious slaying. our city for a time Saturday after- ru&ry 17. Both m other and baby are Amalgamated Clothing W orkers of The quarrel, according to the wom­ doing nicely. Mrs. Hobbs will be re­ (Continued from Page 1} noon. America : an, who insisted th a t her name be _________ membered here as Miss Nina Brower. * Unless more attention is given to kept secret, occurred in the Taylor ers halted near Madison, Boone coun the farm ing and industrial part of l ’os O ffice H oliday— apartm ents and w orried the director ty, where they were urged to dis- our population we catinot expect any V sh g on’s bir hday, Wednes- torp ed Over— considerably. band by Frank Keeney, president of im p ro v e m e n t in th e d ep ressio n th a t d Feb u y 22, will be observed as Mr- and Mrs- H arry K luntz of Min- Up to a late hour this afternoon district 17, United Mine W orkers of is prevalent throughout the country,. a complete holiday by the Ashland nesota stopped off the train on their Edward F. Sands, missing secretary America. W ith a large proportion of labor out post office. The service will be the W3y to California, to visit Miss Fern 5 0 0 Storm Logan County of Taylor, had failed to respond to of work and a drive going on to re­ same as on Sunday except th a t mail Murphy. A day later a second march was duce wages below the minimum an offer of im m unity from D istrict will be distributed to post office * A ttorney Woolwine. The district a t­ organized, and an army of more than; level necessary for an American H ilt V isitor— lo~k boxes. torney said he had no reason to be­ 500 stormed the Logan borders. Lo­ standard of living and with our The Misses Zelda and Veva Lut- lieve the supposed le tte r of Sands gan residents and “ volunteers” from farm ing population on the verge of Emp y t . u k in Portland coming man, of Hilt, Calif., were week-end was genuine, but declared his offer many other counties of southern, bankruptcy, the country is drifting south at once. 'Will haul load of visitors of Mrs. N. Z. Stew art, on of im m unity stood irrespective of its West Virginia took up arm s in an very rapidly into a state of chaos.” goods up to three tons from any Second street. genuineness. Police investigators effort to halt the march to the upper' point o Ashland or fu rth er s o u th .' and the district attorney have in sist-1 Guyan coal fields. Ashland Realty Co. 144-2 S ligh tly Im proved— ed from the s ta rt th a t they believed The big mine army was held in Conductor C. A. C otter has been th a t Sands could furnish the key to check until the arrival of United confined to his home with a severe H ere V isitin g R elatives— the mystery. States troops, when it was disband­ Miss Nell Pur vie of the govern­ case of influenza attended by ton­ ed. Grand juries in Kanawha, Boone m ent hospital in Oklahoma, arrived silitis, for a week. He is reported and Logan counties brought indict­ Guaranteed Flour here the latter part of the week to as slightly improved. ments against various members of have you m issed th ese many visit with her m other, Mrs. Purvis, the United Mine W orkers organiza­ W liat yenrs? N ational Guard Pay Checks— and her sister, Mrs. W arren W il­ tion and participants in the march. I ’m sorry, I did not know. The pay checks for the National liams, of Iowa street. Charges upon which the miners W hen you find out and turn about Guard members have arrived and Y ou’ll find it w as Clierro. were indicted range from “ pistol will be distributed this evening. On Duty A gain— totin g ” to conspiracy, insurrection, Miss Gladyse Inlow, one of the lo­ m urder and treason. At Your Grocers 1 ï i f t j .S t e p i t Æ .i t / G i ’âziizÂttv a n J í u i » is -o u n o e j t n l s c y I Charlestown lies about ten miles cal telephone operators who was ill Im proving— Mrs. Mary W ilshire, who has been a few days ago, is able to be back at l ■WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 20.— from H arper’s Ferry, where the (By International News Service) can carry him in a small bag, on my The Capper-Volstead co-operative Brown raids were organized. It is a quite ill at her home on G ranite her work. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 20.— Intro- fur, or even in a vanity case, if ne- street for the past two weeks, is m arketing bill, which legalizes co- much-visited sum m er resort, lying on ducing the latest arrival in Los A n -cessary . reported as much improved. D oing N icel y— operative associations of farm ers and the Shenandoah river. The popula-^ geles social circles: The little monkey weighs only 13 producers for m arketing purposes Uon is about 3000 persons. The Mrs. Cleo Mast,, who was operated “ Nikko,” South American vanity ounces, and is of a species abound- on th e latter part of the week, is re­ and exempts them from the anti- northern district federal court is held case edition of the midget monkey ing in the Amazon River country of ported as doing nicely today. tru st law, was signed late Saturday here. tribe. The proud possessor of “Nik­ Brazil. by President H arding. ■ —---------------- ko” is Mrs. Stephen Graham, a wide­ “ Nikko” was captured by Mr. Gra­ Train D erailed— The signing of the Capper-Vol- EYES OF TOILERS ly known Los Angeles resident. ham, a local oil man, while the lat­ stead bill, one of the m easures espec­ Freight train 221 was derailed From next to the sm allest species te r was on a prospecting tour of ON CONFERENCE this morning near G rants Pass, but of monkey in the world, it is said, Brazil. He is fed on all sorts of ially sponsored by the agricultural) OF BLOC LEAD ERS the track was cleared in a short tim e “ Nikko” is a convenient pet for shop­ nuts. According to Mrs. Graham he bloc, was witnessed by several sena­ and the accident did not result in ping tours, daily social gatherings, has his likes and dislikes as strongly tors and representatives, including' tying up any of the trains. Senator McNary of Oregon. The act (Continued from Page 1) WASHINGTON, D. C„ Feb. 20.— and the home circle, according to m arked as do hum ans, but most of , lim its the profits of co-operative as- L i - ¿à Mrs. Graham. i . _ i congress and who are also re g a rd e d 1 the time is very affectionate. Seven theaters. Including the New ¡sociations to 8 per cent, and stock-! ,.frtoo , . . ,, regaraea See T his Bargain— i as foes of labor. “ Nikko” is three years old, but I. Na ional and Poll’s, two of the prin-1 ‘‘He’s so small and never in the ¡holders to one vote, no m atter how: vp,,., . . . . Five room bungalow, plastered, way, so he is never likely to cause his voice is said to have never im­ ¡much stock they may hold in any ™ " J .01 ^ * * 1 cipal play houses in the national j bath, pantry, built in features, three objections in visits, as m ight be the proved since early life, resembling I capital, were ordered closed tonight organization. Its adm inistra- narticinatin & °* eXecUtiVes lots, good garden, fruit of all kinds, . .. ’ . . , . . ® case with the more ordinary domes- somewhat the accents of a squeaky such .. . , .. participating in the conference were koo ,. garage. about ,00 tee, o. IL ? . ' l l « » P e t.,” Mr». Graham . u V “ tion is under the secretary of agri » e pum phandle m anipulated rapidly. culture intended to express the desire of or- governing body in th e D istrict of I paved street in Railroad addition. ganizd labor to co-operate with the Columbia. Will rent steadily for $20 a month farm er in “ bettering living condi- have th eir families and homes here THRII,LING TALES OF The order was issued a fte r an in­ Price $2000. Terms can be arranged i tions” : and are asking no bonus, but only L IFE IN NEAR EAST on about $700 of this. EXCLUSIVE spection of the playhouses in the dis­ “ W hich Is O utrageous” the co-operation, patronage and good trict had been completed by a board by E. E. Phipps. Real E state Broker. “ If a fourteen ounce loaf of bread will of the people of Ashland in their of five engineers. The inspection (Continued from Page 1) 144-1 can be sold for five cents, with vv 1 new undertaking and should have was the result of the collapse of the were the center of a long, wearisome wheat at two dollars and fifty cents bake-day to be all the encouragem ent possible for Knickerbocker theater, which caused V isits Medford— . .T urkish siege. Ju st prior to the be- a bushel, then somebody is robbing success —if you want the success of th eir venture. Mrs. Alice Jillson, county presi­ the death of 98 persons. ¡ginning of their confinement within ¡the pukl’c. W heat has been selling A good order is already on their O ther th eaters closed were the ’ positive results at an dent of the W. C. T. U., made a trip books and work will be pushed to their own walls, 15,000 Armenans. , and is riling now for less than one to Medford the latter part of last Metropolitan* Columbia, M aryland: Axel Hall and Olaf Lindstrom economical cost­ -use refugees fleeing from the Turks, en- dollar a bushel, and still we are pay- week to visit the Medford Union and Foraker, motion picture houses, have secured a tract of land lying comPlete the factory as soon as pos- tered fche city begging protection ! iag twU CtiUL8( tifteen centa and twen_ and depend on 11 ts believed thqL they will and plan for the county in stitu te to and the Cosmos, vaudeville and m o -‘between Oberlin street and the r a il- ;sible from the American Stars and Stripes ¡y cents for bread in Chicago, which road and coming to a point at Laurel ready to sta rt business In about be held in Ashland Tuesday, Febru­ tlon pictures. The K urds and Turks called the is outrageous. The working man is S A I U I V I E T The M etropolitan and the Colum­ street, and being some five rods wide three weeks, ary 28. old tattered flag th a t flew above our pretty well convinced th at it is not bia are two of the largest down­ a t the alley and are erecting a build­ a AH IN G POWDER personal house ‘a bit of rag ,’ ” says the farm er but the middleman, the town theaters. The form er is owned ing, on the ground to be used as a BIRTHDAY PA RTY AT Q uite 111— Mrs. Alien, “but it saved thousands profiteering wholesaler and the re­ Mrs. Jam es Lowe is quite ill at her by th e Crandall company, which also brass, bronze and alum inuh foundry. PO W ELL HOME IS of lives, because even the most fear­ tailer who are to blame. N? Bakings are always owned the K nickerbocker. home on Second street. Both of these men have resided in GREATLY ENJOYED less and blood-thirsty race has re- i “ The workingmen are not going to uniform in the millions Ashland for several years and are apect (or the country (or which It j complain about the price o( (arm of homes where it is R em o v ed to G ran ts P a s s — well known to the public who have GREEKS AND TURKS products It convinced th a t It Is not used. Every thing served A very delightful evening was en- stand». Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Nesler have had any business with the Ashland However though the (lag made ,he of the ,armer, CLASH IN SAMSUN is just right — te n d e r, moved to G rants Pass, where they Iron W orks, as they were employed joyed a t the home of Mr- and Mrs- them sate from the sword, it had no o t proflleerl raiddlema„ and light, perfectly raised an