M.K IW(I Ashland ÀM üUJh M iM Every Evening Sunday Except -ÄBöffr THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 Subscription Price Delivered in City: One month .................................. $ .65 Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 Six m onths .................................. 3.75 One year ....................................... 7.50 Monday, February 20. toad «f Tidings E sta b lish e d 1876 -’ubllahed iiD iäöÄ BATHING SUITS THAT GRACE THE SOUTHERN BEACHES Ashland Realty Co. 30 Houses to Rent Property for Sale EZ Truman H. Newberry has been Mai] and Rural Routes seated as United States senator from One month .................................. $ ¿65 Michigan, following proceedings of Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 various kinds lasting since the 1918 -fix months .................................. 3.50 election. The right to the seat was One year ....................................... 6.5? determined by the senate Itself, by a vote of 46 to 41 on a resolution spon­ ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising sored by Republican leaders. All who Single insertion, each in c h ........... 30c voted for him were Republicans, while YEARLY CONTRACTS nine Republicans and thirty-two Demo­ Display Advertising crats voted against him. Three sena One tim e a w eek...................... 2 7 %c tors were paired for and three against Two tim es a week......................25 the resolution, and three senators did Every other d a y .........................20 not vote. The resolution seating Sena­ Local Readers tor Newberry is as follows: Each line, each tim e .................... 10c “Be it resolved, That Truman H. To ru n every other dky for one Newberry is a duly elected senator month, each line, each tim e. . 7c from the state of Michigan, and is To run every issue for one month or more, each line, each t im e .. 5c entitled to hold his seat in the senate Classified Column of the United "States. One cent the word each time. “That, whether the amount that To run every issue for one month was expended in this primary was or more, %c the word each time. $195,000 as was fully reported, or Legal K ite openly acknowledged, or whether there F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c were some few thousand dollars In excess, the amount expended was in either Each subsequent time, per 8- case too large, much larger than ought to have been expended. point line • • ■ • • • . . • • • • • • • • • 5c “The expenditure of such excessive sums in behalf of a candidate, either I Card of t h a n k s ........................... $1.00 O bituaries, the line ...................2%c with or without his knowledge or consent, being contrary to sound public Fraternal Orders and Societies policy, harmful to the honor and dignity of the senate, and dangerous to the Advertising for fratern al orders perpetuity of a free government, is hereby severely condemned and dis­ o r societies charging a regular initi­ approved.” ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious and benevolent orders will "be INCOME TAX FACTS huskies. W eller was a friend of the charged the regular rate for all ad vertising when an admission or other late Admiral R o b ^ t Peary, and the charge is made. Farm ers, rangers, herders, dairy­ dogs are bred from one of the team s men, truck gardeners, vineyard and used by Peary in his famous dash to What Constitutes Advertising orchard owners, and other food pro­ the north pole. In order to allay a m isunderstand­ ing among some as to what consti­ ducers must compute their net and A special cutting room has been tu tes news and what advertising, gross incomes for 1921 and ascertain furnished the companies a t th e we print this very simple rule, which is used by newspapers to differenti­ w hether an income tax return, or a ' Southern Pacific hotel, and the films ate between them : “ ALL future tax, or both are due. All gains, prof­ are cut and assembled here and then events, admission — ' ’ -- where — — an — ----- charge its, and income derived ---- ---- --- from — - — the * “ sent directly to the east. ESIGNERS are not expected to in the cup. Silk stockings and bathing Is made or a collection is taken IS sale or exchange of farm products -----— -----------o - — i Sleighing, tobogganing, skiing and think of bathing suits and dig­ shoes laced like sandals finish off her ADVERTISING. This app applies whe ttjer les to o Wheth e r produced on the farm or snowshoeing are among the w inter nity in the same instant, but if handsome costume in the right way, ocleties of every _ organizations and societies a bathing suit can ever be described but the detuil that is sure to euptivate sports which are proving most popu- kind as well aa to Individuals. purchased and resold, m ust be in- as stately, here is one that is entitled everyone appears in the roses that cluded in gross income. When a lar here, All reports of such activities after to that adjective. It demonstrates adorn the girdle and mantle. they have occurred is news farm er exchanges his products for that the bathing suit de luxe is not a Black satin, as always, finds many All coming social or organization groceries, clothing, or other mer- X ? 2222222 • » » » « • « * • * » * • V . V . V . V . V . W .V f.» daring afTair and that It is as far from devotees among those women who are m eetings of societies where no , . , . , «X • • ... chandise, the fair m arket value of being ordinary as the east is from the not fond of the high colors that are money contribution is solicited, in iti­ ation charged, or collecton taken IS 8UCb goods m ust be included Profit west. This one Is modest and beauti­ t»opular in wool bathing suits. These Uncommon Sense received from the sale of farm land, NEW8. ful and it calls to mind the satin black satin suits are made with bloom­ breeches and picturesque mantles of ers of the same satin or worn over or rent received for the use thereof, Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, romantic times. It has many points wool trunks. In this season’s suits the m ust be included. By JOHN BLAKE Postoffice as Second-class Mail M at­ worth study, especially by the woman bloomers are usually attached to the In determ ining income upon which a ___________________ is ter. who cannot stand the acid test of the skirt, but when woolen trunks are the tax is assessed, the farm er may average bathing suit. worn a short, straight one-piece dress deduct from gross income all neces­ P layground > SLOGAN OF FAILURE Please note that the wearer of this of satin is worn over them. sary expenses Incurred in th e opera­ of A merica masterpiece of its particular kind is tion of his farm during the year 44T F I had gone after fhat contract I clothed from head to foot. “In silk 1921. These include cost of cultiva­ £ would have landed it,” said the attire my lady goes” down to the sea tion, harvesting, and m arketing of manager of a business firm to or the sea sands’ and probably it is his crops, cost of feed and fertilizer one of his subordinates, who had re­ rubberized silk in the suit, certuinly CPFYiiOHT BY V & T U N N ÍY S fÁ fH U NtO ft used, am ount spent in repairs to turned empty-handed from a business ...L 3— JLLA. farm buildings (other than the trip. “Sure you would,” said the subordi­ dwelling) and to fences and ma­ nate, cheerfully, and if I had your chinery. Wages paid to farm hands brains instead of you, I’d be sitting in are deductible, but not wages paid to your chair, and you would be out pull­ a domestic servant, which is a per­ ing boners on the road.” sonal expense. The foregoing is typical of a con­ “INSURANCE AS A PREY FOR As an aid to farm ers, the bureau versation which, in some form or other, SPOILSMEN” of internal revenue has prepared a takes place In every business institu­ “ Insurance is rapidly replacing special form, 1040-F, for recording tion of importance on an average of zf regular feature department edited by the railroads as a legislative toy. sales of live stock, produce, and a twenty times a week. It may be that the bosses are over­ “ Having reduced the tran sp o rta­ sum m ary which m ust be attached to confident In their own ability and over tion systems of the country to Im­ the individual retu rn of income and severe on the men under them. Domejtic Science Director California Prune & Apricot Growers Inc. potence and near bankruptcy, the expenses. But the excuse beginning “if I had sect of charlatanical political spoils­ An unm arried or widowed farm er your brajns,” which bosses and employ­ men which everywhere abounds is or one living ap art from his wife ers hear till they weary of it, Is the RELISHES— Continued seeking some livelier plaything to m ust file an individual retu rn for most inexcusable excuse that there is cups of sugar, one cup of w ater and Cheese Canapes juggle with and finally toss aside, 1921 if his net income fo r 1921 was In existence. one and a half cups of vinegar; ad.l The man who admits that he has not Cut bread in q u arter inch slices, to this whole spices, tied in a cheese when dismembered, into the indus­ $1000 or more, or his gross income trial scrap heap now containing the was $5000 or more. If m arried anil the brains to succeed will, of a certain­ then in triangles; spread lightly with cloth; cloves and cinnamon will be ty, never succeed. French m ustard, sprinkle with g ra t­ sufficient. Cook until sugar is dis­ pitiful wreckages of past govern­ living with his wife on December 31, The man who Is convinced that he mental follies,” says the St. Paul Pio­ 1921, a retu rn m ust be filed if his can never do as well as the boss does ed cheese and finly chopped olives. solved, add apples and cook-1 until neer Press. Tomato Jelly C-anap© transparent, hut not broken. Chill net income was $2000 or more, or if has stopped trying, and when a man The Press shows th at in 1916 there his gross income was $5000 or more. stops trying he begins to slide back Cut rounds of bread with diam e­ thoroughly before serving. These down the hill. were 720 bills relating to insurance te r of one and a half inches. Make will take the place of spiced peaches. Of all the futile unprofitable employ­ stiff tom ato gelatin of not more than introduced in state legislatures. In TRUCKEE MECCA FOR Stuffed Celery’ ments, that of envying another man’s a half inch in thickness. Unmold 1921 there were 1429 such bills • Select the tender pieces of celery FILM COMPANIES brains is the worst. presented, a gain of nearly 100 per from pan in one piece and cut rounds from the heart. Take a cream cheese An employer who hires a man for a cent in five years. This brings the TRUCKEE, Calif., Feb. 20.— ! position of trust and responsibility has with the same cu tter used to cut and mix to a cream with milk or problem of state control of insurance Truckee, with its unusually heavy th® rl is told to do* and to act’ when out of with sweet butter, place round of to -;p rik a. Chop w alnuts and add to the Tt would be as difficult to think attractive to moving picture com-1 °®C®’ as the Brapi° yer would *<*• mato jelly on top and pipe with may- m ixture and fill the stalks of celery. onnaise of commerce w ithout insurance as It T T X ,ri" i “ , d ra ,m atl2e . ^ ’4 Salted Almonds would be to thing of transportation Pat« de Foi© Gras Shell almonds, scald by letting e ar i or h that it is now he at least should not make the excuse w ithout railroads. Spread bread cut into rounds, tri- stand in boiling w ater from three to the Alaska of Moviedora, with five that he has failed because he lacked Insurance is our most universal prom inent film companies on the the energy, the intelligence and the angles, diamonds or strips, with bu t-|G v e m inutes, then let cool in cold institution, reaching In its wide ground and other looking over the ¡ resourcefulness to succeed. ter. mix anchovy paste to taste with water. Slip from skins. H eat a scope all classes of people, all indus­ field for locations. The recent storm The employer who spoke the words pate de foie gras and spread not too q u arter cup of oil, bu tter or sub- tries and all business ventures. which swept the state piled up the we quoted above used to be an em­ :hinly on the bread. This canape stitu te in frying pan and when hot Tt stands as the basis of all credit snow to great depths and in addition ployee himself. He made failures, of may be garnished with trufles cut stir nuts constantly until delicately and one of the safeguards of our to improving conditions as far as course, but he never excused them. in fancy shapes. browned. Remove from pan and When he was “called” for these fail­ banking system. salt. the moving picture companies are ures he resolved not to make them Fresh Fruit Cocktail The origin of insurance was in pri­ concerned, it has insured a most again and sometimes to show the boss Select grapefruit, oranges, banan­ Stuffed Prunes vate enterprise and it has attained successful season for w inter sports. that he had as many brains as the av­ as, pineapple and white grapes, when Soak prunes until they are sofi its present leading position as a On account of the presence of so erage employee. That is how he got in season Use about equal portions enough to remove the stone, without world necessity through the in itia­ many moving picture companies, where he is, which is at the head of of each. Remove all seeds, mem- ; mashing. Fill cavity with one tive, ability and foresight of indi­ many of the local residents as well one of the most Important concerns in brane and skin. Chill thoroughly, freshly salted almond, viduals. (Copyright.) p as visitors coming here to enjoy the America. sweeten if necessary or add m aras­ Artists In Jap Cabinet. The sítate has fulfilled its duty to w inter sports are taking parts as A rrange cocktail in 2000 RUBLES NEEDED Japanese cabinet members are chino syrup. the people In regard to insurance, “ex tras” in the movies. glasses; place a cherry on top of TO BRING ONE LETTER artists and their paintings and writ­ when it sees to it th a t corporations The Lasky company has been busy ings brought good prices at a recent each glass. Serve very cold. engaged in covering risks are sol- constructing “ props,” such as log auction by the Tokyo Fine Arts club. Melon Cocktail (By International News Service) vent and able to meet all present cabins and other stru ctu res__in prep­ The late Premier Hara painted three Have equal quantities of chilled NEWARK, N. J., Feb. 20.— A reg­ a id future obligations, prevents aration for the finishing of a large pictures which bold for $700, and an­ cantaloupe and watermelon. Cut istered letter from Russia, bearing other group of four brought approxi­ w ildcatting and fraud and furnishes production with a Canadian setting, into balls with a small French vege­ enough stam ps to have bought an mately $800. Writings of Prince Saionjl a prompt and speedy remedy at law Penrhyn Stanlaws, th e artist, has table cutter. A rrange In co ck tail! automobile at pre-war exchange, was brought $200. Mr. Noda, minister of or Iniquity for those having griev- been directing the production, and glasses, sprinkle lightly with salt, received at the Newark post office ances and the adjustm ent of claims. W. L. G riffith, production m anager communications, painted a chrysanthe­ mum and an orchid, while Mr. Toko- Serve very cold. today. Aside from such protection for for the company, has secured the as- nami, the home minister wrote a Sauce for Fruit Cocktail There were 500 stam ps attached public In the Interest of the insured, sistance of Colonel Richard Blaydon poem.—Dearborn Independent. O ne-quarter cup tom ato cocktail to the back of the envelope and held the state has no more concern with of the Northwest mounted police; sauce or catsup, one-quarter c u p 1 together in strips by metal fasten- th e insurance business than It has R uth Roland, popular film star, is 8hs Got Them. whfte grape juice, one tablespoon ers. Each stam p was worth four w ith the grocery or dry goods busi being featured In a “ th riller,” and Patience—Wonder If Peggy Is out lemon juice, two tablespoons orange • rubles, making the total value of the ness. Ed Carew is here with a large com- yet? Patrice—Why, yes! Has she been juice, one-eighth teaspoon each of stam ps 2000 rubles. At the normal The American people cannot af- pany and several dog team s m aking salt, paprika, sugar and cloves, one- rate of exchange, a t which each ruble sick? ford to tu rn over the institution of an Alaskan picture. Betty Compson q u arter teaspoon cinnamon. Mix was worth 51V2 cents, the stam ps on Patience—No, but she said she and Tom Moore are two more stars thoroughly and chill. couldn’t go out until she got her new the le tte r were worth over $1000 trigue about. To do so, would be who have been w orking here, sup- shoes. Spiced Apples A registered letter may be sefft to Invite the same disaster which has ported by a cast which includes Fred Patrice—Well, I saw her limp by Peel, core and q u arter four cook- from the United States to Russia for befallen the railroads. Weller, who haa furnished a team-of today. ing apples; prepare a syrup of two 15 cents. 25 E ast Main St. Ashland, Oregon ‘ Phone 181 We can repair your car properly when it needs repairing and we would like to help you keep it that way AUTOMOTIVE SHOP 100 Main St. Phone 44 T H E J O Y O F A BA T H in one of our all-porcelain, wbite-as-snow tubs cannot be measured. Your bathroom will 3» not be completely equipped un­ til it has one of our model tubs, basins and toilets. Come to o u r show room s a n d see w hat D thev are like. SIMPSON’S HARDWARE For Such A Short Month DOMESTIC S C IE N C E there are two mighty important birthdays crowded into February, and both Washington and Lincoln were vigorous advocates of thrift Could there be a more fitting tribute to the memory of these two great men of America than the opening or increasing of a savings account? The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregon Mrs. Belle DeGraf Rare Tire Quality at Remarkable Prices Mason Cord quality is tlie highest that can he built into a tire. We want you to kuow that the price, strange as it may seem, is remark­ ably low. We do not sell Mason Tires on price alone, hut you get this advantage as well as the quality, when you buy them. This means that you get low price per mile and less trouble per trip than you have ever knowu be­ fore. With this goes a guarantee which knows no mileage limit and a stan­ dard of service we’re proud of. MASON CORDS J Leedom’s Tire Hospital VULCANIZING and RETREADING 65 North Main St. Ashland, Ore.