a BHLAND climate, without the aid « * of medicine, cures nine cases •u t of ten of asthma. This Is a Proven fa ct A shland D aily T idings (International News Wire Service) VOLUM E 3 jyiALARIA germi WMftSi iervlve three months In the fl$h OSQne at Ashland. The pure domestic wa­ ter helps, (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1922 FARM-LABOR BLOCS TO CONTROL POLITICS Convict Tells of 3 "Love Murders" Thrilling Tales of Life in Hear East FACES PERIOD CLEVELAND, Ohio, Feb. 20.— Three mysterious slayings, in two of which women were the victims, may be solved by the confession th at County Prosecutor Edward C. Stan­ ton announced William Anderson had made to him and Captain of D e-1 By ROBERT STARR THORNBURG tectives George M attowitz from a T 8 0 SAYS GOVERNOR HARDING state penitentiary cell late Saturday ' S' Special Correspondent OF TH E FE D E R A L R ESER V E night. CHARLESTOWN, W. Va., Feb. 20. Anderson confessed to the killing Sixty-three years ago John Brown, BOARD IN H IS ANNUAL R E­ of Miss Gretchen Brandt, Mrs. Elsie • a L°litionist, was hanged to a sour PORT TO CONGRESS TODAY. K reinbring, and Santa Lommachio. a PPle tree in the courthouse yard of In each case the prisoner, who is 45, Charlestown for treason against the E rasin g o f Credit, More Confident said he killed “ for love.” United States government. F e e lin g in Investm ent M arket and Miss Brandt was beaten and stab­ In April, 1922, two hundred men Broader P lan s o f B u siness G ener­ bed in her apartm ent in J a n u a ry ,! charged with treason against the 1921; Miss K reinbring was choked to government of W est Virginia, and a lly Cited a s Favorable F actors. death on a lonely road in September, other offenses, • will be put on trial 1918, while Santa Lommachio met • here as the result of the arm ed WASHINGTON, D. C„ Feb. 20.— his death by being hurled from n march of miners last August, The United States faces a period of bridge in February, 1919. I The trial of John Brown was one prosperity of longer duration than Stanton said the prisoner had told of the ‘ fifteen famous tria ls” fof th e country has ever known in its him th a t he had loved both women I American history. That of the Unit­ history— a period m arked by sane ¡and wanted in tu rn to m arry each ed Mine W orkers’ officials and their business methods— Governor H ard -¡b u t could not divorce his wife. T h e ' followers will probably be one of the ing of the federal reserve board said man slain, he said, had been disposed most rem arkable industrial hearings in his annual report to congress to- of for strolling with another of the | of modern history. day. prisoner’s loves. Comparing the two cases there is a H arding’s diagnosis of the nation’s queer sim ilarity. Brown, a N orther­ business conditions and business ner, with Theodore P ark er and other prospects was linked with a review famous abolitionists, hatched of the finances which show th a t the scheme to establish a free negro col­ country has about reached the end ony in the Virginia m ountains, where of deflation. slave liberating forays could be made E rasing of credit, a more confident J into the surrounding country. feeling In the investm ent m arket and October G, 1859, with 19 comrades broader plans of business generally John Brown captured a United States were cited to congress as favorable arsenal. Two days later he was factors now in evidence. (By International News Service) wounded and taken prisoner by fed­ LONDON, Feb. 20.— Mormonism eral forces commanded by Robert is under fire in London, and weird E. Lee U. 8. CIVIL SERVICE tales of conditons in those sections, Brown was convicted of treason in COMMISSION WANTS of the United States where the Mor- the historic Charlestown court house ASSISTANT SURGEON ¡rnons have settled are edifying the and banged December 2. 1859. His ox * , . English newspaper readers at their body was taken to an old farm house The United States civil se rv ic e :. x a , . . q breakfast tables, near North Elba, Jefferson county, commission announces an acting as- i „ . ,, sistan t surgeon examination to fill P er’odical,y London new spapers, where to this day his grave is m arked vacancies in the position of acting ° P,en ' re ap° " tbe M° rmOn ’« ’^ " - ¡ b y a huge rock. , * * „ .... a lies in England, and for a few Affair Created Sensation assistant surgeon, at $480 a year, ■ . o . for part time, to »2400 and »3000 a demand their expulmon from The affair created a sensation year for fnll time. United Staten pnb- \ C „OU,n try - The com- throughout the north, and while * °" and the sympathy was not with Brown for lic health service, thronghont the service district- re- new3I>a Pers conducting the siege his treason against the government, Eleventh „ ceipt - int of rtf applications onniinoft « to f close i m . '. have made M arch ... frantic demands th at the it gave rise to a famous war son 18 1922 ¡home office deport all Mormons in which goes: . .. . , .. , England, m aking serious charges. “John Brown’s body lies a-moulder- For fu rth er inform ation and ap- O1 _ vi , . * xv “ White Slave Secrets of the Mor- ing in the grave, pl,cation blank apply to the secre- tary. local board of civil service ex- J nvaslon 311,1 other alluring But his soul goes marching on.’ hmnlinnn ♦ n V » Ikzx __ ___ Trial of the union miners was am iners, a t any first or second class j headlines catch the newspaper read­ ers’ attention, but of chief interest transferred from Logan to Jeffer- post office, or to the secretary. Elev­ in London are Ihej soa county on plea the m,nera th>, enth United States civil service dis­ for Americans we,rd s to n e , ot Utah. W rite r, of t h e . , hey could get „ ta |r and , trict, 303 Post Office building, Seat­ most exciting movie scenarios have tta , tria , ln Logan [or , he reaBon, tle. W ash.' been outdone by the w riters on L o n -j,h at moat the ellglble JurorB h a„ iTeht ™ i T ? era; . descrlbe