ASÜLÂfrD DAiLt M O M Local and Personal B u ff leghorn egga. Big time for all. urday. Saturday, February i s , ìM tì SÖW» M1CK1E, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL By Charlea Sughroe « Woura N« mpm > ct Uam Not a Skin Eruption P hon e 411-R. Gold H ill, Sat- 141-3 W atch for the Yellow Wagons— sign of Service and the Square Deal Grocery. 142-2 I Good Tim e at Card Party—- The Trinity Guild card party] Thursday evening was thoroughly enjoyed by a crowded house. A num ­ ber of vocal solos were rendered and appreciatively received. Delicious refreshm ents were served and every one enjoyed the evening to the full­ est. Sixteen inch dry body pine wood, per tier, $3.75. Carson Fowler Lum- ber Co. Dqnce! Dance! Dance! Saturday, February 18. 142-4 Gold Hill, 141-3 W atch for the Yellow Wagon sign of Service and the Square Deal 142-2 Grocery. Some O w ners of Commercial Cars Fail AGAIN THIS YEAR To Comply With Laws A Great Bargain— A swell five room bungalow, one block from Main street, in the cen- j ter of town, all built in features, i plastered, full basement, large lot. ■ ' Would cost today one third more to build. For a few days at $2250. E. E. Phipps. . 143-1 It has been decided by the Board SLACKER GETS NINE of Regents of the norm al school th at i MONTHS IN JAIL they will conduct a sum m er b ra n c h 1 sum- a„iaUU this i U j 9 sum D uiing the next nine months Chairman W illiams of the public but such exemption must be obtained: of the norm al at » Ashland In terestin g D em onstration— Of the Parisian Perfected Art Em ­ service commission has sent out the through the medium of th e com- m er’ aa lQdicated b>" a te tte r received, Charles Fattig, d raft evader of Jack- broidery needle at the Enders com­ following statem ents relative to de- mission. There is no minimum or by Superintendent Briscoe, a part of son county, will languish in the coun­ ty jail at Portland, according to the pany store, beginning Monday . and truck and maxim,lm limit set as to the num ber which is given herewith linquencies under the Jacksonville Post. A fter having continuing all week. 143-1* of trips a vehicle shall or shall not "D ear Superintendent Briscoe— , passenger for compensation” act: i spent seveial years in the m ountains make over the highway, but each and Following the receipt of the back of Jacksonville, F attig Satur- P u b lished N otice in January P resbyterian Sunday School to every such conveyance operating ov­ C elebrate— The commission has endeavored er the public highways of the state copies of the letters giving e stim a te s; day followed the example of his The Presbyterian Sunday school to give notice to all operators a n d . f ° r the purpose of carrying passen of the cos’s of the branches of the ¡slacker brother, Alfred Fattig, and will have a special program at / e owners of commercial passenger and gers or freighi for compensation, sum m er norm al to be held at Pendle-I ^aVeT ^ i,118elf UP- He was sentenced opening hour of Sunday school to-! regardless of the num ber of trip s 'to n and A s h la n d in t h e v « ,r 1099 ' y Judge Beau in the federal court „ treight autom otive conveyances op-, . . dltu A8Oiana in the year 1922,, . p o rti»nri morrow. The orchestra will . play . . a . . ______ . . . within _____ _____________ ____________ made, ____ comes the restrictions , haovAAM„ , ... , , , la 1 o ru a n d - num ber of southern melodies, and a eratiug over the public highways of of this act Th]g ,ncIudes ___ for ___ h lr e ; executhe committee of the board __ ____ ___ ________ The brothers evaded th e d raft in few short talks on the life of W ash- the state for compensation as to the cars and trucks aa well as stages and ° f regent3 have taken action upon ¡1917 and disappeared into the moun- ington will be given by interested provisions of the new law governing j truck lines. The commission does^h® m atter. At the request of th e i taiu s- A short tim e ago Alfred, Sunday school people, th e d a y to b e , such vehicje8< D uring the first week not> however, regulate m otor vehicles committee. I am enclosing quotg- Weary of his seclusion, gave himself especially a memorial to the “ F ather in January official notice was g iv en , carryiBg frelSht or passengers fo r-tio n s from the m inutes of the meet- up. He received a nine m onths’ sen­ of Our Country. to sajd operators and owners 'h ire exclusively w ithin a city. p n g of the full board last June rela-- tence. Charles stuck it out for a through newspapers of general a n d ! ^ ° ^tearing on R ailroad C om petition tive to the financing and control of trifle longer, but finally decided that N otice— A tten tion, Buckey local circulation throughout the state F u rth er, th e law has. no bearing the branches of the sum m er normal, j a warm jail was not to be despised as The annual m eeting and banquet as to the instructions of the commis- on competition w,ith railroad càr-iT h ls statem ent from the m in u te s' c°m bared " ,tb the cold of the moun- of the Ohio association will meet sions, provisions of the law, and the r ’ers and has only to -d o w ith the-j will help you to understand why the. 3 113 February 22, 1922, Wednesday. effective date of same. Copies of use ^be public highways of the board has resitated in taking final ——— Dinner at 12:30 at Legion hall, Med- the law together with ruleg aud reg. ; state by commercial autom otive con- action, knowing that the funds are ’ F R E S I»1A N ford. Ore. All form er residents and ; ulations of the commission were for- W a n c e s, and th e protection of the limited. Since this decision of th e ' W ,N OVER LOCALS their families invited. Come with warded to the county clerks and the pereon a n ïiir o p ë f ty o f lb « public. j board obligates the state to finance W hat is said to have been the w’ell-filled baskets. A good program county courts of the various counties! I the norm al at" Pendleton and Ash fastest game of basketball ever wit- follows dinner. 143-3 of the state. i land entirely, the greater expense the As a consequence coming year has made It Questionable " M“ ‘‘ “ loCal ,-'oor waK PUxert thereof few, if any, of such opera­ "■ .h eir mind» „ io w hether las‘ a . the high school gym- Let Leedom’s iTre Hospital repair tors and owners failed to get this in . . .............. . . “ , nasiurn, and resulted your tires. Less money and m o re ! inform ation even ln th e most iso- , funds w ere'su fticlen t to conduct t h e : '; ; ; ? " '' sum m er branches this year. ; h'Sh school q u in t./ m eeting with miles. G uarantee satisfaction or lated districts of the state. «. t t 1 defeat a t the hands of t h e IT n f o your money back. 143-1 However, by practicing th e stric t------------------------- " 1 G eneral Co-operation est economy in the payment of sal-] TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY The attitu d e of the public officials, Cliff Payne makes supboards. aries.and other expenses, and in lira the public and the operators, gener­ WANTED—?Tu . buy chickens. 105 King the num ber of instructors a s ] . . p i ne street. Why pay more for insurance? Ask ally, we are glad to say, signified 143-4* LINCOLN,. Neb., Feb. 18. W hen^far as consistent wlth first clagg; their close co-operation with th e Yeo first. 13 4 tf commission in the enforcem ent of Lincoln’s ex-service m en’s organiza- : work, the committee has decided to 1 <)ri REN T—Nice large sleeping room, newly furnished and deco­ this new law; but there has develop­ tlons put th eir stam p of approval o n ;brooee^ with plans for the sum m er rated. Phone 340-J 143-9 DR ESS FOR SCHOOL ed recently a noticeable failure on a jobless veteran the man th u s ' branches.” FOR ASHLAND WOMEN The action taken by the board has FOR SALE— 160 acres of cutover the part of some of the owners and Any Ashland woman wishing one operators of commercial cars, under branded is due to run to work— or thrown the burden of m anagem ent shot clay laud. 20 acres cleared lour room house, barn, chicken of the gummed paper dress forms the purview of this act, to comply from it. upon the norm al school, both as to bouse and park, other buildings, which the home dem onstration agent with the law. The Lincoln plan whereby jobs financing and the selection of a staff orchard, berries. Four cows, 14 has been helping the women to get chickens, tools, household goods, Penalty for F ailu re have been found for a sm all a rm y j° f teachers. The following quota- may join a class by phoning Miss etc. Price, $6000; term s; or will The commission has a t all* times, of unemployed V eterans of Foreign Yi°n is taken from the m inutes of trade my equijy of $4500 for com­ Blanche Hicks at the public library since the first announcem ent, been W ars is draw ing inquiriea from * fhe, b° ard ° f regents meeting held fortable furnished home of few before March 1. T 1 last June and is itself explanatory ready and prepared to take care of . acres near Ashland. This place is The women who join the class all applications. While there have A m encan Legion posts, w elfare o r - jln regard to the financlng and C0Q. 26 miles from Tacoma, Wash. Old m ust plan to give their entire day been some delays by reason of inves­ ganizations, civic associations and trol of the sum m er school. “ It was blind. W rite owner, A. J. Beers Spanaway, Wash. from 9 to 4 o’clock to the class, as tigations and other details connected city officials throughout -the United the opinion of the board that, all of 143-2 it will take the co-operation of all with the general program , there is States. I„';w jits sum m er schools should hereafter FOR SALE— New Rainy stove, onl; to . complete ben used one month. 125 Nut . . „ . the num . ber of forms not necessity for fu rth er delay or L C arpenter !be m a,ntained wholly by the state. O riginating with H ley street. 143-4* scheduled for each day. In addition wailure t0 fihj application8. This act and should be Independent of local to this, each woman attending m ust carrieg a penalty for fai,u re tQ Qb. and other officers of Richard H , financial aid and o f local control ” FOR SALE— Thoroughbred German promise to help one other woman af­ serve or comply with the law, and H arris post _No._ 131, V eterans of roller registered canaries. Three te r the school, to have a dress form. the rules, orders and decisions of Foreign W ars, the system has beepj mated, pairs In cages and ten fe­ I approved b y the Lincoln Cham ber of males. Will sell cheap while they These dress forms are made out the commission, which is as follows: ¡Commerce, R otary club, business or- last. Call 451-L. 14 3-? of gummed tape put on to a knit * * * shall be guilty of a mis- ganizations and city fathers, shirt. They have a commercial value dem eanor and punishable by a fin© P lan Is Explained of $10 each. It will cost each wom­ not exceeding $1000 or by Imprison­ A b explained by Captain C arpen­ an having a dress form made about ment In the county jail not exceeding ter, the plain in brief 19: one year, or by both such fine_ and $1.30. .imprisonment.’’ - Each applicant found w orthy and The first nine women enrolling Magnetic field magnets recharged at Fixit Shop. 143-1 freshm an team the score of 31 ney Woolwine. As they drove oft In to 28. their machines they refused to state The game was well played by both where they were going, but adm itted team s and, despite the fact that the! th at they were on fresh clues. " I t U. of O. players were slightly lieav- was understood th a t the possibility ier and averaged just a little taller, of ah arrest hinged on t h e success of the locals game them a game th a t I the investigation by these officers, had to be fought for until the sound 1 ---------- of the final whistle. The locals; LOS ANGELES. Feb. 18.— A “hot scored first but were unable ito hold j tip” th at Edward Sands, th e much- the lead, but a short time. How- sought valet-secretary of William D. ever, they came back strong before ( Taylor, murdered movie director, tbe end °f the first half and again was in Los Angeles, enlivened the took the lead. The score stood 18 m urder mystery investigation "here to 22 at (the end of the first half, ¡today, A seven hour search for thanks to the three marvelous bas- Sands proved futile kets thrown by Heer. New men District A ttorney Woolwine said placed in the university team during th at he doubts the authenticity of a the last half saved the day for them, purported letter from Sands offer- A field goal thrown from ¡the center Ing to solve the mystery If he be of the floor by one of one of the given immunity. freshmen is said to have been the greatest freak shot ever made on the local floor. CHEERO NEW ( LI ES FOUND IN TAYLOR M URDER LOS ANGELES, Feb. 18.— An a r­ rest within the next few hours is one of the possibilities which devel­ oped as the investigation in the T ay­ lor m urder m ystery took on a fresh impetus following the disclosure of new and im portant evidence. Detectives left police headquarters hurriedly on secref missions follow­ ing a conference with District Attor- Guaranteed Flour A wo nan is as young as she looks, 1 n a il that lit college books.- •- A n r.11 cannot be a a good ju d ge of m e — . U nless he som etim e was a cook. At Your Grocers ' T ’. T Com m ission (Charged w ith E n forcing w elt, qualified Is supplied w ith a , How much does it „ „ mean to you to E FINE PARTY keep your wife young? w ith Miss Hicks will have ihelr class Our duty to the public and those blaak form petltIon> which he i Monday, March 13, beginning at 9 who have made application and rles to re9ldentg of a certaln assigned ' o ’clock, at the public library; the filled their obligations prom pts us d!atrlct for signature9 The signa, second nine women on Tuesday, to Insist th a t all persons, corpora- to ries pledge themselves to pay $ 2 ! March 14, beginning at same hour tlons or-associations, subject to the a month each for night patrolling^ at same place, and the third group provisions of this la w ,-file ln this and policing of the dJgtr,ct Jn whlch Responding to the attractions of of nine on Wednesday, March 15. i ° ffiCe a t the earItest possible d ate,¡th ey reside. The man thus obtain- the month of F eb ru ary for entertain- will be announced later where the I th eir applications, as otherw ise it ing sufficient signatures is supplied ing’ ^ ie tedies of the Berean class Who hasn't met old women of 25 m aterials for these forms may be will he npreunarv Mr tn «nil —*'*'■•'-** purchased 143.1 e necesaary for as to cal1 « P o n ^ lth a police badge, arm ed and put o f. the Baptist Sunday school en- 1 the various peace officers through- to work a a night patrolm an In his larged the plan for their regular and young women of 40? It isn’t out th e state to take, action to force prescribed precinct. He is . an auth- monthly party which was given last years alone that age— any physician A fine program was given by the compliance w ith ik e law. ---------- p riz e d mem ber of the city police evening In the parlors of the church will tell you th a t undue expenditure students of the high school .Friday e sincerely hope It will not be force, for whose services th e city by inviting the husbands of the- mem- i of physical aud m ental energy will afternoon in the-auditorium at the necessary to resort to such extreme treasury is not assessed. He reports bers. make the young old at 30. high school and was followed by action, as there sfine ta lk i as i f is generally h.’/ S ? “ ° ralW ° r t0 pol,ce heaite u arters by telephone On arriving each person was pre-? two a snne taiKs as it is generally , e n a b le excuse for non-compliance each hour between 8- p. m. and 6 sented with an elaborate head dress i ' 11 13 9UCh things as wasbinS that " " ""2. ! ” ! ?.<’? ° ” tOi 'rtth lhe law ’ as thls act tb* o'clock in the m ornini ■ developed in the patriotic colors and i 30011631 wear women out— handling hear in the course of one day, “ meJ T n t “ p r°-- Ti>9 >■ dtvMek into patrol thoronghoot the eve„r„g. St. Valeo- of heavy clothes; stooping and lift­ Mrs. Josephine Cham pie had in­ beneridal b ’ m utuall!' lones whlct' Interlap, the patrolm an tine came, in to r his due share ot tended to deliver an address on ing; working in cold water, and then J ;of one zon® encountering his fellow recognition. The various games “ Citizenship,” but changed the sub­ f arges the ° f ficers of two neighboring zones at were fun provoking and unique. For hot; wet feet; tro ttin g in and out ject to “The Relation between Now commiQBin . 1 from a warm, steamy room, to a cold commission with the enforcem ent of regular intervals of half air hour ’ , , instance. It was found that a snow- j outdoors. and Then,” and delivered an address each and every one of its provisions,, \ kj «» F ew er ¡shoe race, also and ice race could be; -- — th a t will be long remembered by all and we have no other alternative . . Lincoln has not recorded a serious held indoors. ! More and more men are coming w’ho heard her. °Th 1 ° Ur °I ?gatioas t0 tbe fire in the residential districts since Red and w hite was the color to appreciate th at if for no other Allen Roberts, international secre­ state. The law is plain and specific the soldier patrol system got under! scheme of the refreshm ents. T h e'reaso n than that of health, it is in- tary of the Y. M. C. A., a New York in th a t any individual, firm o r cor­ way. Burglaries ànd autom obile tab le,.in the form of one large Mal- advisable to perm it this work by man, delivered the other address of poration transporting or thefts ftteo have been reduced to a tese cross, xvas decoarted wRh hearts women. . . . the afternoon. Ther points which property by autom otive conveyances Liquor m anufacture Is and sauev ltewples, gay in elaborate Mr. Roberts expressed with special for compensation over any public minimum. And th ere’s really no need for virtually nil. in fact, th e home sec-; red and. w hite crepe paper dresses, emphasis was in particular to the highway 9hall first procure a license it— we can do the whole washing tion of the city Is said to-be the best spangled with tiny hearts and hold- boys, but may be taken as well by from this commission. policed of any place of tike size in ine, one to another, festoons of tiny! for the family at a cost th a t’s most th e girls, and were for them to be E xem ptions M ust B e P assed by moderate— less, in fact, than It costs the country. j heerts. clean, manly, honest, noble and true Com m ission i to call in a laundress. Meanwhile, there .is little com-; Sickness, together with the unfav-i and to have the tw entieth century The law fu rth er provides th a t cer­ plaint of unemployment among ex- orable w eather, kept quite a num ber- Call us and have us tell a l l about chivalry for all with whom they meet tain ru ral operators or owners not service men who-can show honorable , at home, yet 30 people enjoyed the this more modern washwaj-. and in the final sum m arizing of his on a commercial basis, may, under ; discharge p ap ers.-.L in co ln v eteran ? evening and all voted the committee ta lk asked thenr to be Chrtst+an- boys and girls. — = ASUaodHU undry Co. SEEDS TESTED TESTED PRICED RIGHT You can depend upon seeds you buy from us. They are pure, strong and tru e to name Buy your seeds a t home. « FROM Monarch Seed and Feed Co. 317 E ast Main Me^ibrcT, Or«. "Pîïone 260 “The F arm er's Service Station" V Last Time Today » THE THCATTR IKAUTtruL "EXPERIENCE” • Featuring Richard Barthelmess gopPQTted by the B iggest A ll-Star Cast Eve#-A tw em bled A btory of all y o u ’ve ever known <4* hum an experience. Moving through icenea of vivid beauty and pulsing with adventuie. r= SUNDAY MONDAY Katherine MacDonald The Screen’s Most Fnscinating Actress -in- "The Beautiful Liar f9 A play of the light that lies in a woman’s eye, and lies and lies and lies. SPEC IA L -------- ADDED ATTRAi’TIOX ------ SPECIAL Barney Hagen The Irish Tenor -111- 'Songs We Knowand Love’