ras abbiano DÁiÍY Tiònrofl I LOCAL AND PERSONAL Have th a t old suit renovated at! P aulserud’s. 138«! s = Q ! ‘ Gets NOVELTIES IN UNDERMUSLINS INVITE ATTENTION TO COLOR Monthly Meeting Monday— Don’t forçai the Railroad Carman’» The regular monthly m eeting of, Annual Bali*. Armory, Saturday even­ the Southern Oregon electrical men I in g February 18. will be held Monday evening at Med * .* * ford. State Delegate— Mias Mary Spencer has been sent Don’t forget the R ailroad Carm en’s aa a delegate to the C hristian En- Annual Ball, Armory, Saturday even­ Jçjeavor sta te convention a t Salem. ing, February 18. Miss Spencer Is president of the southern Oregon district of the Entertains for Visitor — Christian Endeavor. Mrs. S. M. Rhodes entertained a num ber of ladies yesterday a fte r­ ■MJWWM TP. A utom obile Insurance a t rig h t noon in honor of Mrs. Ida Labish of ....J fates. Yeo of course. 134tf San Francisco, who has been her guest for a few days. Mrs. Labish DOING Well— left on train 53 last evening for her W ord has been received from Mr. home. and Mrs. W. O. Dickerson, who are sojourning in California, to the ef-j Candy! Candy! Candy! W atch feet th a t Mr. D ickerson’s health Is Roae Bros. Windows. 131-tf gradually on the mend. They also sta te th a t they are having delight- Nice Dry Wood! aiso BIox. Ash* ful w eather now after the storm has land Lum ber Co., phone 20. 91« subsided. Hotel Ashland Guests— See Here! We are going to have The following parties are regis­ plenty of crabs and other fresh fish tered at the Hotel Ashland: R. W. fo r Fridays. Also plenty of good fat Weston, Mrs. H. E. Stum er, Mildred chickens and rabbits. Ashland Fish I. Stum er, Union City, W ash.; H. G. Market. Phone 104. 139-tf Bolton, St. Louis, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hogsett, Louis B. Hogsett, R. Former Resident Visits— McNamon, E. B. Porter, Charles E. Mrs. C. A. Barr, of Dunsmuir, but Schmudl, San Francisco; H. S. who form erly lived here, is visiting W hite, Chicago, 111.; V. M. Powley, with her mother, Mrs. F. R. Merrill Seattle; B. P. Bert. W. W. W oodruff, on the Boulevard. F. B. Emmons, J. L. Gray, E. E. Ed­ zi munds, C. G. Bunnell, F ran k C. Van- See our spring suits at prices derhoof, George M. Robinson, Robert back to norm al. Paulserud's. 1 3 3 « McKee, Portland; G. H. Campbell, Eugene, Or.; Mrs. C. A. Pauley, Mr F orm er R esid en t In C o lo r a d o - and Mrs. Roy Crawford, K lam ath B ert Munday, a form er Ashland Falls; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Carson, resident, has been heard from at G rants Pass; T. A. Sullivan, Everett, Flem ing, Colo. He had the m isfor­ W ash.; Mrs. J. M. Dodge, Mrs. G. E. tu n e to have his W illiard battery Schurman, Roseburg, Or.; Mr. and stolen from his car there a short Mrs. K. O. Nilsan, Medford; Gilbert tim e ago. W allen, Salem, Or.; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. B athurst and family, J. G. Vand- OW that the season for spring Don’t forget the Railroad Carmen’s erburg, Los Angeles; Mr. Hull, W il­ sewing is on, when women occu­ Annual Ball, Armory, Saturday even­ liam Heath, Aberdeen, W ash.; Mr. py themselves with replenishing ing, February 18. and Mrs. Ed Hadley, Tillamook, Or., their own and their children’s under- and H. A. H arris, Oakland, Calif. niuslins, we find that many novelty garments invite the attention of the Back at P o s t - Miss Dorthea Jones was able to be Snyder’s Orchestra, Gold Hill, seamstress. The annual “white sales” which supply the material for this sea­ a t work Friday a t the McGee store, Saturday n ig h t.. 141-3 sonal sewing, have blossomed out with a fte r two days of illness. new color, new cloths and new modes Valentine Party— of trimming—when there is trimming. Tamales of quality, served In the The B. Y. P. U. valentine party It remains to be seen whether the in­ husk, at Rose Bros. 131tf held at the church W ednesday even­ troduction of color and ingenious new ing was well attended and every one decorations will last or not, but manu­ Mr. Homes Recovering— enjoyed the games and refreshm ents facturers have faith in it and have made nainsook, batiste and other cot­ F rank Homes, who was operated to the greatest extent. tons in almost as many colors as we on a t a local hospital some time tlnd in silk underwear. ago, has recovered sufficiently to be Big time for all. Gold Hill, Sat­ It is not worth while to put much removed to his home. Mr. Homes’ urday. 141-3 work on the short-lived, soon out­ sister, who is a trained nurse, came grown garments for children. Manu­ h ere from San Francisco and has In Medford— facturers are showing such sensible been in attendance a t his bed side j Louis Dodge was a business visitor during his Illness. She will con-¡in Medford Friday afternoon. .tinue here for a few days visiting. W atch for the Yellow W agons— Sweet cream for sale, 35 cents a sign of Service and the Square Deal 3>lae. Rose Bros. 131« Grocery. 142-2 L II N Rare Tire Quality at Remarkable Prices Mason Cord quality is the highest that can he built into a tire. We want you to know that the price, strange as it may seem, is remark­ ably low. We do not sell Mason Tires on price alone, hut you get this advantage as well as the quality, when you buy them. This means that you get low price per mile and less trouble per trip than you have ever known be­ fore. With this goes a guarantee which knows no mileage limit and a stan­ dard of service we’re proud of. MASON CORDS Leedom’s Tire Hospital VULCANIZING and RETREADING 65 North Main St. Ashland, Ore. X Decorations— Gerald G unter went up Neil creek Friday for green decorations for the Epworth League meeting. Tonight One cent tfre w ord each time. at the Methodist church. The Leag- FOR RENT. ers have been asked to come PHYSICIANS. dressed in hiking costume and majt AUTO FOR RENT— By hour Without visit such places as the Josephine driver to responsible persons, reason­ OR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Praotie« limited to eye, ear, nose and able rales. E. N. Norton Motor Co. caves, etc., during the evening. throat. Office hour^ 10 to 13 and Phone 57, 142-1 mo 3 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ FOR SAI JE. land, Ore. 78-tf Dance! Dance! Dance! Gold Hill Saturday, February 18. 141-3, FOR SALE— A 490 Chevrolet; first OR- J* J. EMMEN8— Physician and class condition. Phone 149 142-3 Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses FOR SALE— Barred Plym outh Rock supplied. Oculist and an urlst for and W hite Leghorn eggs for hatch­ S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. \ and H. ing, 75 cents for 15. Also poultry Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 687 tonic and washing cheap ------ o tablets, vucap. 1 ... ■ - ■ --- - - - L E' J o c k e y , 177 E. Main. Phone OR- MATTIE B. BHAW-r-Speeial a t ? yourself f o r _ 3 ? 14 6. 1 A ft « : te n H a « Ava — -la _ 142-lm tention to m others and children. ------- ■ _____ o i ? some new 9 Internal secretions and endocrine ■FOR SALE— Dandy two oven tire ­ glands. Res. and office, iOS Pio­ ? B eautiful Wall Paper ? less cooker, almost new. W rite avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ ? f t 'zvon't b e a bad blou> ? Mrs. G. W. W olverton, Lock Box i neer fice hours, 11 to 12 &. m.; 2 to I 184, Glen View Drive. 142-6* p. m. ______________ A ------ SEE M E T O D A Y -------- ? B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L ? Swenson & McRae Co. o q East Main Street New Retail Price for Popular Copyright Titles garments us the pajama pictured here. This is made of cotton crepe, cut in one piece, with komono sleeves, and has long pantalettes ending in a flounce at the ankles. The required fullness is gathered in at the front and back and the pantalettes attached to the body across the back by means of but­ tons and buttonholes. Muslins, print­ ed cottons, and sateen are also used for these garments. Jacquard crepe, in white or colored designs, and sateen are used for pa­ jamas in new types, for grown-ups also and they are easier to make than the regulation model. conwoNT n vo th m n ivvak k onion . es for all grades and ages. Bring your Bible. Morning service, 11 a. m.; subject, “ George W ashington, the Ideal A m erican.” Ju n io r Chris­ tian Endeavor, 4 p. m. Christian E n­ deavor, 6:30 p. m. Evening service, Cluircli of the Nazarene 7:30 p. m.; subject, “ C hrist’s Joy.” Corner of F ourth and C streets. This is the people’s church, and the Service for Sunday, F eb ru ary 1 9 ,1 public is cordially invited to all these 1922: Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., services. W. Judson Oldfield, minis- Thornton S. Wiley, superintendent, i te r- Pleaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. j — - ----- Prayer meeting W ednesday at 7:30 ! Trinity Episcopal Church p. m. You are cordially invited to Vicar, the Rev. P. K. Hammond. come and worship with us. J. E. Mc-j Holy communion at 8 a. m. Sunday Shane, pastor. school at 9:45. Morning service and sermon at 11. Every one cor­ M ethodist Episcopal Church dially invited Corner North Main and Laurel i — • a streets. Sunday school at 9:45 a. F irst Church of Christ Scientist m,, Dr. G. W. Gregg, superintendent. \ Pioneer avenue South. Sunday Morning service a t 11; subject, I service at 11 o’clock. Subject of the “W hat God H ath W rought.” Ep- lesson. “ Mind.” Sunday school a t 10 worth League at 6:15 p. m.; subject, o'clock. W ednesday evening meeting “Stew ardship,” Gerald G unter, le a d -;a t 8 o’clock. Reading room open er. Evening service at 7:30; sub- daily from 2 until 5 o’clock n m je tt, “God’s Gift to America in the except Sundays and holidays. Lives of W ashington and Lincoln.” A cordial invitation is extended to th e public. Charles E. Edwards, min- NOTICE TO WOOD CONTRACTORS ial er. Sealed bids will be received by School D istrict No. 5, Jackson coun- Presbyterion Church ty, Oregon, until 3 o’clock p. m., Sermon for the m orning services: March 1, 1922, for 160 cords of good “The Man George W ashington.” Ser- fir wood> cut from green trees. mon for the evening: “ The End of n(?r° ! . arden work. J. D. Peff!ey, 143 FOR SALE— Here is a splendid op­ Sixth. 142-2* portunity: Grocery store doing nice business, invoice about $3000, rent $30. O. A. Manning, Talent, WANTED— Will pay highest cash prices for furs— skunk, mink, Oregon. 127tf fisher, coyote, lynx, cat, etc. Ed­ gar Johnson, Farm Bureau, Med­ FOR SALE— W hite Minorca hatch ford, Ore. Phone 929. 124tf fug eggs, non-setters, large white eggs. $1.00 for 15. 922 Boule­ POH HAJJ»—REAL ESTATE. vard. Phone 457-R. 124-lm o FOR SALE— Good sound Newtown FOR SALE OR TRADE— Oregon farm, Portland lots. Address Box and W lnesap apples, not culls, 50« 496, Ritzville, Wash. 141-5* box. Half mile west cannery. O. A. Manning, Talent, Or. 114« FOR SALE OR TRADE OR RENT— Small brick business building, In BABY CHICKS good location. A bargain for a short time. Housekeeping rooms FOR SALE— The Redwing Hatchery above. Yockey & Co., Realtors. incubates 250,000 eggs every 140-6 three weeks, being the largest and finest equipped electric hatchery TRADE OR SALE— House, two in the Southwest. We are booking FOR lots, with out buildings, garden orders for immediate and future and berries. W ant to trade for delivery of all the popular breeds Roseburg property. I. V. Redifer, of baby chicks, Pekin, Muscovy and Roseburg, Or. North Side gro­ Indian R unner ducklings, in d cery. 140-6 Mammoth Bronze baby turkeys; also our celebrated Btrain of Ore­ BUSINESS OPPORTl'NITIES gon-Corvallis W hite Leghorns. We can supply pullets of all kinds at WE CAN LOCATE you in most any all tim es; also incubators and kind of paying business in South­ brooders. No order too large or ern Oregon. FOUR-SITE SALES too small to receive our careful at­ AGENCY, Business Brokers, Bea­ tention. Send for prices. RED- ver Block, Ashland; Medford ’ WING HATCHERY, 2030 E. Flor- Bldg., Medford.132« ence, Los Angeles,_______ 131-4sat P O U T I CAL ANNOUNCEMENTS —--- FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— Thos. H. Simpson, of Ashland, au­ thorizes his announcem ent as a candidate for the nomination for the office of county commissioner of Jackson county, subject to the decision of the republican voters of said county, a t the prim ary elec­ tion, May 19th, 1922. While in Portland recently I bought BARGAIN COUNTER GOODS such as extra wagon wheels reaches, leadbars, singletrees, plow beams and handles, a t prices prevailing before the war. Come in early while they last. Fencing, harness and imple­ ments at reduced prices. New and second hand tewing machines. W . A. S H E L L BA R BER Children’s Work A Rpeelalty Safety blades reeharpened like. new. Single bit, 36c doz. Dobule bit, 60c dox. C B L A M K I N BARGAINS IN REAL • ESTATE City and Ranch Properties Houses to Rent CITIZEN’S BANK BOLDING Peil’s Corner We invite you to look over our stock of Paints Wall Paper Sanitas and other Decorative Material. We willingly give prices and figure amounts needed. 160 Acres W o o d la n d - P a s t u r e Much of It good soil— not steep — near Ashland. Near paved high­ way. Estim ated 16,000 tiers of hard and soft wood. Price very reasonable. Will take good Ashland prop­ erty for part paym ent; term s on balance. Properly handled, business pays well. the wood Dickerson & Son Billings Agency THE PAINT MAN REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE ^ sta b llsh e d 1883 P hone 41 E. Main Kt.