>Aii« fttU fo u rd a y , Wbraary 10, l p s i Ashland -*®> Tidir^s not in advance. A3 a by-product et £e war, we may be Bure that increased blished 1876 •vledge of the geography of the - .„-,■■•• Every Evenlu —. . . . Wurxd' has made the world smaller Sunday rtfE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. And should make our minds broader, OFMCLAL CITY AND C< UNTY NATIONAL SONG WEEK PAPER By F. A . W A L K E R TO BE OBSERVED -, TELEPHONE 39 FEBRUARY 19 TO 25 Subscription Price Delivered In City: SOME INFLUENCES One month ............................... $ .65 Three m o n th s ........................... 1.95 In connection with thé National Six months ............................... 3.75 Week of Song, February 19 to 25, the N THESE days of doing big things, One year .................................... 7.50 wes.ern secretary for this movement which cannot be done properly Mail and Rural Routes without putting into them the hard­ .'<7 ' One month ............................... $ .65 has issued the following proclama­ est kind of work, accompanied with Three m o n th s ........................... 1.95 tion. A bulletin to the teachers of undevlating concentration of thought, Six months ............................... 3.50 the county has called their atten­ there is a disposition among certain One year ................................. 6.5t tion to this and aside from the daily classes of employees to allow disturb­ sing in the school room a number of ing influences to belittle their effi­ ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising d istric t will have a community sing ciency. 1 Single Insertion, each inch.......... 30c during the week of song. Trifling as these retarding breaks YEARLY CONTRACTS The slogan Is “sing every day may seem to the young man or wom­ Display Advertising an who is Inclined to entertain them. One time a week..................... 27% The purpose of the national week of If not overcome, they soon become Two times a week.....................25 song is to “set all America singing; formidable barriers in blocking the Every other day....................... 20 to cultivate a taste for the songs of way to progress. Local Readers The thoughts of last night’s rollick­ Each line, each tim e...................10c the better sort; to uphold American ing play or gay dances, as they come high ideals by singing songs that up­ Te run every other dhy for one trooping before you in the morning lift; to bring people together in a month, each line, each tim e.. 7c when you take your place at your To run every issue for one month community spirit.” desk, may unfit you for the day’s or more, each line, each tim e .. 5c The Proclamation work. Classified Column “ Because God in the victory for One cent the word each time. Under their influence your mind To run every issue for one month righteousness, and for peace He has wanders, eludes control and places or more, %c the word eaah time. given us, has given us occasion for you at a positive disadvantage with Legal Rate great joy, and because joy is an emo­ the man or woman who is able to think First time, per 8-point line........ 16c tion that can be best expressed in clearly and make every stroke count. Each subsequent time, per 8- Columns of figures refuse to prove point line ................................. 5c song, and because singing is one of themselves; words are misspelled; Card of th a n k s ..........................>1.00 the greatest unifying and nationaliz­ lands tremble and nerves tingle. Iu Obituaries, the l i n e ....................2%c ing influences, and because the week your dismay you wonder what hue Fraternal Orders and Societies of Washington’s birthday has been come over your usual placidity. Advertising for fraternal orders At the next desk is a worker twice or societies charging a regular initi­ designated as the National Week of ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ Song, a week when the whole nation as much In earnest and not one-quar­ ligious and benevolent orders will 'be will unite as a mighty chorus to sing ter so flurried. This timidity of yours charged the regular rate for all ad the songs we love, it is deemed es­ is proof of the presence of disturbing vertlsing when an admission or other which are digging pitfalls pecially appropriate at this time to influences, charge Is made. about your feet and leading you suggest that the week of February blindfolded to the brink. What Constitutes Advertising 19th to 25 th inclusive, be set aside Th® very flexibility and ease with In order to allay a misunderstand­ for the singing of such songs as will which this Is done, fail to arouse your ing among some as to what consti­ c tutes news and what advertising, express our joy, awaken a love for suspicion until in some way or another we print this very simple rule, which God and country, stimulate a true you sense that you are standing on a is used by newspapers to different! spirit of devotion and loyalty, unite precarious base, in imminent danger of toppling over. ate between them: “ALL future events, where an admission charge us in our civic interests and develop y And thousands of others like you, is made or a collection is taken IS that* spirit of brotherhood which through disturbing Influences, are ADVERTISING.'’ This applies to will make us a better people and a standing helpless at the brink, discon­ I H U M A N " F j N G E i a P R I N T • M ö MKEY’A F I N G E R , P I S I X T organizations and societies of every greater nation. certed and miserable. kind as well as to individuals. I — ------------------ - Copyn,hi. by New York Zoologen Sode!* Yesterday yon and they were cer­ Because of the far-reaching influ­ All reports of such activities after tain of the future. ence for good and the great joy to be (By international News Service) of the Identification bureau thought they have occurred is news. Today everything Is In doubt, sim­ All coming social or organization derived from the observance of the NEW \ ORK, Feb. 18.— Back yon­ the prlosners did a little squirming meetings of societies where no National Week of Song, also because ply because of the lack of sufficient der, when a famous scientist dum- money contribution is solicited, inlti great praise, such as can best be glv- will-power to drive frivolous thoughts founded the world with his belief of their own and then explained how from the mind and to step down on disobliging prisoners are caught ofL atlon charged, or collecton taken IS in song, is due Him from whom the solid ground of common sense. that man was descended from the [ their guard. It isn’t necessary to NEWS. blessings flow, this proclamation And these same disturbing influ­ there were those— and ¡ink their fingers. They touch a Entered at the Ashland, Oregon calls on all who believe in America ences have been fooling with mankind monkey, many there are now—who couldn’t sheet of paper unthinkingly, which Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat since the foundation of the world I see it that way. It may be interest­ is then dusted with a uowder that and American Ideals to join earnest­ ter. (Copyright) ing, then, to tell about Gabong’s brings out the lines in complete de­ ly in the observance of this signifi­ --------O-------- fingerpjrints. cant event. That this is done in tail. ¿J unmeb P layground ^ schools and churches, by choral so­ Gabong is an orang-utan, present Mr. Ditmars returned to the zoo of A merica cieties, welfare clubs, woman’s clubs habitat the Zoological Park in the and trier it out on Gabong. The and all kldndred organizations.” Bronx. Now, Gabong hasn’t done orang’s hands are as large as those! “The proof of the pudding is in the eat­ anything criminal, but just the same of a man, and his thumb is similarly i ing.” his fingerprints are on file in Police shaped. When the curator went* ASKS PROTECTION FOR GAME FAMILY DESSERTS Headquarters. Furthermore, those again to headquarters with a print police experts who have been in the of Gabong’s thumb and one of his Hawaiian Fish and Game Association APIOCA 1 b a dessert that may fingerprinting job for years can’t own and asked Sergeant Hammer- OREGON Assarts That Condition on the TONA ? WASHINGTON be used In many combinations tell i t a glance the difference be- sley which of the two was the human W m S H COI t-ÜMBIA?' Islands Are Bad. and is always a wholesome des­ tween the prints of Gabong and his print the expert couldn’t say. The , HIGHT. COOL DAYS sert for children. [A RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. alleged human brethren The latest application received by sergeant referred the two prints to the American Game Protective associa­ Raymond Ditmers, curator of fourteen other experts in the Identi­ Peach Taplooa. tion for club membership comes from Drain a can of peaches from the mammels and reptiles at the zoo, fication Bureau, none of whom WAR AND GEOGRAPHY Hawaii. The Hawaiian Fish and liquor or juice, using a pint of the Game association has been formed by fruit if home canned; sprinkle the was anxious to get a real Imprint of could say “this is Gabong,” or this Though in no sense a compensa­ handful of the sportsmen In the peaches with one-third of a cupfuF one of the orang-utan’s fingers. Af­ is Mr. Ditmars. ” The police experts produced from tion, the war and its results have territory who have realized that un­ of powdered sugar and let stand an ter trying unsuccessfully with vase- less they take drastic steps the game hour; soak one cupful of tapioca one eline and graphite, he called at head­ the files a score of thumbprints with provided a great stimulus to ithe on the Islands will soon be exter­ hour in cold water to cover, add quarters, explainnig the fingerprint­ practically the same arrangement of, study of geography. We had a like minated. enough of the peach syrup to make ing of monkeys wasn’t as easy as whorls and eclipses that Gabong’s Bruce Cartwright, secretary of the three cupfuls, heat to the boiling point; handling pickpockets and such. thumb showed. A magnifying glass experience in our brush with Spain. Wnen Dewey startled us with his ex­ iawalian association, writes that for­ add tapioca drained from the cold Monkeys squirmed too much. was necessary to find the difference merly the Islands were alive with ploit at Manila there was a general game, but due to poor law enforcement water, two-thlrds of a cupful of sugar Sergeant William H. Hammersley, in them. pulling down of the atlas to discover and the lack of adequate protective and one-half of a teaspoonful of salt; over hot water until the tapioca where the Philippine Islands were measures the condition Is now serious. cook is clear. Line a pudding dish with located, and our knowledge of world The greater part of the population the quartered peaches, turn in the are Orientals, and to teach them that tapioca and bake slowly in a moderate geography was suddenly enlarged. In the recent greater conflict game must be protected will prove a oven for 85 minutes. Serve hot or cold with cream. scarcely any part of the world es­ laborious task, he says. The Chinese dove, Mongolian pheas­ caped attention in the news. Not and California quail are the most Cracker Custard Pudding. only so many new nations have been ant common upland game birds, although Soak three-fourths of a cupful of erected in Europe and Asia that we formerly peacocks, turkeys and wild cracker crumbs In one quart of cannot be sure of the number, but chickens were plentiful. Golden scalded milk; cool, add one-third of a A regular feature department edited by points of land iu the seas of which plover are very numerous during cupful of sugar, one-fourth of a cup­ Ducks and other shore ful of butter, two eggs slightly beaten, we never heard before have become migration. M r s . B elle D e G r a f birds also visit the islands. of international importance. Who, one-half teaspoonful of vanilla and The game animals in Hawaii con­ the same of lemon, with salt to taste. Domestic Science Director California Prune & Apricot Growers Inc. in looking at a map of the expanse sist of goats, sheep and deer. The of the Pacific would have considered theory has been advanced—and found Bake slowly one hour in a moderate Yap and its value? Not the size of the ear of the lawmakers on the is­ oven, spread with a meringue, return to the oven and brown delicately; island, but its location and the use lands—that deer are detrimental to serve with vanilla sauce. RELISHES— Continued . balls rolled in parsley. to which it can be put determines forests. It is asserted that they de­ Relishes are often served in dishes i Small rounds of toasted bread the worth. If there were not so stroy forests by eating the protective Coffee Jelly With Cream. divided into compartments, like spread with anchovy butter and many islands scattered around the covering from the roots of the trees. Soak two tablespoonfuls of gelatin sweetmeat boxes. These dishes have served while hot. Mix the butter in one-half cupful of cold water one- oceans there would be less causes of war. Because islands constitute so COMMUTER HAS GREAT IDEA half hour, dissolve in one cupful of two or more compartments each one and anchovy paste to a smooth con- »latency; be careful not to use too boiling water, strain and add two cup­ containing a different relish. large a bone of contention in inter­ fuls of clear coffee, one-third of a A few canape combinations are as much paste as it is very salt, national conferences it is evident Warm® Hie Hat Before Putting It On cufpful of sugar and stir until the follows: For very special occasions, cav- When the Morning la of tho that statesmen studied geography sugar Is dissolved. Turn into a ring Bone and mash sardines, seas'on aire spread on toasted rounds of Chilly Order. and ponder thoroughly the story it mould, chill, unmould on a serving with lemon juice and Worcestershire bread upon which two flattened an­ » • • tells. The commuter was shivering. An ley dish, fill the center with sweetened Possibly the experience of Great blast bad chilled him through when he whipped cream, flavored with vanilla. sauce. Cut bread in triangle shapes, chovies are crossed in the center. toast or saute and spread with the Clam and Oyster Cocktail Britain in not properly appreciating got out of bed to close the window sardine mixture. Garnish with hard- Clams and oysters for cocktails the use to which an island could be and, although he was about to seat boiled egg pressed through a sieve or should be small, fresh and very cold put has made the nations wary in himself at the breakfast table, his Copyright, t i l l , Western Newspaper Union. sour pickles cut in fan shapes. i Chop a sweet red pepper very fine. dealing with such matters. Helgo­ teeth chattered at the thought of the -----------o ----------- Lobster and crap minced fine and all to one cup of tomato catsup or cold walk he must take to get the land. a little patch of rodk in the 8:10. mixed with stiff mayonnaise. Toast 1 tomato sauce, season with one tea- North Sea was traded to Germany. Suddenly a brilliant Idea struck him. rounds of bread, spread with a spoonful of onion sauce, a few drops It was a frightfully costly bargain He dashed into the hall,* rescued a soft spoonful of the mixture and garnish' of Worcestershire sauce and a dash for England. From the enacity with hat from the hat rack and, slipping in­ These w er-like rations with sliced stuffed olives. of tobasco sauce, if liked highly sea­ which the victors in the war are to the living room, turned on the elec­ rrfeke m e. flick; Cut smoked salmon in thin rounds soned. hanging on to what they secured in tric lamp and dropped his hat over i t to fit the bread, saute bread rounds Grapefruit Cocktail They’r e e^ o tiM icel. I the division, the blunder will not His better half, who had been re­ in butter, place salmon on top and Cut grapefruit in halves, remove garding hlpa with amazement, but who q vess be repeated knowingly. garnish with white of a hard-boiled each section, saving all the juice; had been married long enough to know Vhvt irakts them th in k In Eastern Europe and Asia geog­ egg cut to stimulate a flower and not to ask questions in the middle of place in cocktail glasses. Sprinkle raphy is in a state of flux. Bound­ th e y k*k.ve v. ri^ht- press the yolk through a sieve and her husband's hrllllant schemes, with powdered sugar and set two aries of nations may be changed In stepped to the door of the living room To $et our world pile in the center. or more Maraschino cherries above a day. Most of them would be If and smiled. in sveh e mess? A Potted or deviled ham spread on the fruit in each glass. Combina* anybody ilared. This situation makes “Come on, dear,** she pleaded; heart or diamond shaped pieces of tions of grapefruit, oranges and ba­ it highly perplexing to keep up with “you’re late now and I’ve got the love­ friend bread. Garnish with strips of nanas in equal parts make an accept­ the times. More than that, the names liest muffins.’* V f i / / - pomento or hard-boiled egg. able fruit cocktail. “Fine,** was the response. “Suppose of places are being altered to add Spread rounds of bread with soft­ Chili Cocktail Sauce you wonder what’s the big idea. Well, to the confusion. Yet, if one would ened cream cheese and set a slice of you know, when a man la cold he puts Mix one-third cup chill, one-half keep abreast of the news, one would fresh tomato over it; put thick may- cup thick mayonnaise, one-half cup needs devote a goodly par* of one’s on his hat. I’ve improved on that. Got my hat on the lamp warming. The onnaise through a pastry bag with, whipped cream. Add one cup diced time to geography and then could leather band inside la always so cold a not be sure that the procession was these mornings.’’ Roller skating tonight. Nat. 142-2 star tube and form a border around ! or shredded crab or lobster. This the tomato. Garnish with tiny cheese , quantity os for four persons. Something to Think About Gabong’s Finger Prints Are Nearly Like Those of Human I DOMESTIC UtuA. THE CHEERFUL CHERUB S C IE N C E Horseshoe From the Prince. Before embarking for India the prince of Wales visited the castle of I n v e s t i g a t e O u r I d e a l Oakham in Rutland, says au English j exchange. And following an old tradition he had to pay the tithe. This tradition, over 800 years old, Is Hot "Water Heating System for one of the most curious. It imposes upon the visitor of note—for whom Small or Large Houses alone the gates are opened—the obli­ Our New Line of Heating Stoves gation to offer a horseshoe. Are Now In The prince of Wales did not Ignore this custom. His horseshoe was Placed above the first that figured in the collection, and which was received from the hands of Queen Elizabeth, i Arcola. Provost Bros. For Such A Short Month there are two mighty important birthdays crowded into February, and both Washington and Lincoln were vigorous advocates of thrift. Could there be a more fitting tribute to the memory of these two great men of America than the opening or increasing of a savings account Î The Citizens Bank A s h la n d , O re g o n DOLLAR DAYS at Detrick’s Groceteria 10 Large Cans M i l k ................................................... mqq 7 Cans T o m ato es..................................... $100 7 Cans C la m s ................'.......................... $1 00 4 Sacks bellow or White Coni Meal ...................... $1.00 3 Sacks Pure Kiln Dried Buckwheat .................... $1.00 13 Lbs. Small White B e a n s ........................... $1 00 .13 Lbs. Bavo B e a n s ....................................... $1 00 13 Lbs. Red Mix B e a n s ........................... $1 00 17 Bars Crystal White Soap ........................... $1 00 26 Bars Sw ift’s White S o a p ................................. $1.00 24 Bars White Wonder S o a p ................................... $1.00 14 Bars P. & G. Naptha S o a p ................................... $1.00 14 Bars Palm Olive S o a p ........................................... $1.00 14 Bars Cream Oil S o a p ..................................... $1.00 10 Packages L u x .................................................... ” $ i’oo 11 Packages Arog Corn S ta r c h ................................$1.00 Defrick's Groceteria WE DELIVER WE SELL FOR LESS THE NAME ALBERS -stan d s for QUALITY See this fact exemplified in the following scratches and mashes made for each progressive stage of noultrv growth. ALBERS CHICK FEE D — Finely cut, wholesome grain ALBERS CHICK MASH— A 17 per cent protein chicks soft” feed for hahv ALBERS GROWING CHICK MASH— Contains 19 per cent protein—for fast develop­ ing pullets and broilers ALBERS SCRATCH FEE D — A choice whole grain mixture for the mature flock ALBERS EGG MAKERr— A laying mash which is always the choice of discriminating poultrymen Sold by Ashland Fruit and Produce Association