e A GÈ tU G i ■■— ■nr■■■>■■■ i.'- n □man vniia nir Ashland News in Paragraphs By Automobile Local and Personal ■■ ■ — ‘ Side Lights------- ■ MASONIC CALENDAR THIS WEEK A Cliff Payne makes supboards. Roller skating tonight. Nat. 142-2 Ashland lodge, Friday evening, Banquet P ostponed— February 17. W ork on first degree. E. V. g a rte r, of the F irst National e ' Bank, received a wire -this morning Buff leghorn eggs. Phone 411-R. from G rants Pass to the effect th at ---------- I the dinner m eeting scheduled to be Our ripe olives are as good as-the held at the Josephlne hotel there tQ. best. Try them a t 18 cents per can., nlght> had ¿een lndefl„pely post- 141-2 poned. The reason for the postpone- W hite House Groceteria. | m ent is not known. ____ Big time for all. Gold Hill, Sat-; urday. 141-3 W hy pay more for Insurance? Ask Yeo first. 134tf R eturned from P ortland— Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Morgan, of M ountain avenue, have returned from Portland and other northern points, where they were called to attend the funeral of Mrs. Morgan’s brother. - To make your Sunday dinner com- plete, we have the fru it— Apricots, peaches and pears, 4 cans 90 cents. At W hite House Groceteria. 141-2 W ord Received from Travelers — Friends have received word from Vaupel family who is touring the Orient with the Nile temple of Shrin- crs. A menu was used to w rite on and ti showed th at in spite of the fac^ th at they were about a day’s trip ou^ ot' ^okahom a, Japan, on an ocean hner, they were enjoying all of the luxuide8 th a t may be had at any Place on the face of the globe. Phonographs repaired— Flxlt Shop. C onfined to H o r n e - Mrs. T. H. Simpson and son Glenn The ladies of the C hristian church are confined to th eir home on North will hold cooked food sale Saturday Main street by illness. Enders Grocery store. 141-2 Down w ith P neum onia— ---------• i A lbert Sheraid, of 1023 East Main Watch for the Yellow Wagons— ¡street, has been down the past week sign of Service and the Square Deal with pneumonia as the result of an Grocery. 142-2 attack of the “ flu.” Mr. Sheraid is . improving nicely, but is still confined Form er Resident Here— • to his bed. J. S. Bailey, who was a form er real estate dealer here, was in our city Thursday. He is now a resident of Macdoel, Calif. Strychnine Causes Death of Children A most complete line of toilet pa­ • per, from 4 cents per roll to 12 cents. I A liberal discount by the dozen ro lls.1 CHEHALIS, W ash., Feb. 17.— W hite House Groceteria. 141-2 Chemical analysis of the package'of Epsom salts from which Mrs. Edward Sixteen inch dry body pine wood, Rhodes of Boistfort, Wash., said she per tier, $3.75. Carson Fov. 1er Lum- took the medicine which killed her 142-4 ^ ve children last week, has shown ber Co. - ' th a t 10 per cent of strychnine was Gold Hill mlxed with the salts, according to Dance! Dance! Dance! 141-3 the reP°rt of County Prosecutor Al- Saturday, February 18. ______ • len. W atch for the Yellow Wagons— Elght or ten other Packages were sign of Service and the Square Deal taken from the Carlson store, where zvn Grocery. 142-2 Mrs. Rhodes bought the salts, and also were tested, but no poison was L eft for Portland__ | found in them. The store had pur- Mrs. Benjamin Hunt, of San Di- chased 12 packages of the medicine, ego, who has been visiting with Some of them had been sold, but friends here for several days, has were obtained by the authorities and left for Portland to visit for some sent to Seattle for analysis, time. * : Mrs. Rhodes told the county at- ______ ! torney th at the package was a new Special sale children’s rompers, j one and th a t she broke the seal on New stamped goods arriving daily. I it when she obtained the medicine We have no old stock. The Needle for the children. Search of the Rhodes premises for Craft. 141-2 a package sim ilar to the one con- Snyder’s Orchestra, Gold Hill, talning the salts proved fruitless 141-3 The authorities were said to have Saturday night. wondered if Mrs. Rhodes m ight not Big time for all. Gold Hill, Sat- have made a m istake in the pack- urday. 141-3 ages and have taken the supposed ----- — - salts from another container holding A rrived Home— , strychnine. It was felt that the Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Swingle and Rhodes family being farm ers, might sou, who have been spending the have procured strychnine to kill w inter in southern California, have squirrels or other rodents. It was returned to Ashland and are glad to understood th a t this theory was dis­ be back. missed when the searchers were sat­ isfied there had been no strychnine W atch for the Yellow Wagons— p a ck a g e in th e cupboard from which sign of Service and the Square Deal j the salts were taken. Grocery. 142-2! ---------- -------------------- ««ci Snyder’s Orchestra, Saturday night. Gold T ) V» /I V i / m i s v L * 4 -V . — « 1 A _ _ __ .1 weeks trip which will take him to Cubs as a shortstop. Elliott showed probably always will be erratic, be- Jones is expected to be the succes- several of the cities of the northern a world of speed in the closing ing the only rem aining veteran. j sor of Big Jim Vaughn as the star i part of the state. games of 1921, and if he can hit in Of the youngsters great things are ; port sider of the staff. big league style he will win a jo b .! Mildred Doran, little daughter of R eturns from C alifornia—*» W. E. Woods, who left here about Barney Friberg, erstw hile outfielder, JEaBSB J. H. Doran, was h it and knocked ' a month ago to look at various lo- who was converted by Otto Knabe atj down by an automobile driven by Ed­ ! calities in southern California with K ansas City into a second baseman, win Dunn yesterday afternoon, while — on her way home from school, F o r-P * 16 ' de# ° t locating there, returned may also land a regular infield job. tunately the child was not seriously yesterday and says th a t southern I now have on the track a car o f 4-foot body red fir which I w ill K illifer to Catch hurt, but her face was badly bruised Oregon clim ate is much better than d eliver direct from car at $ 9 .5 0 per cord or »5.00 for half cord. M anager Bill K illifer and Bob as she fell on her face when machine any of the various points th a t he was O’F arrell will attend to the bulk of at while in California and will con­ Order now and save extra drayage from yard. struck her. the catching. tinue to make Ashland his home. Mr. Dunn picked the child up and Grover Cleveland Alexander, the .•sked Mrs. J. C. Kaegi, in front of c in c A G ^ CVBS T o “ big smoxe" of tue pitching depart­ whose home the accident occurred, HAVE YOUNG TEAM m ent, did not do so well last year to go with him to the office of Dr THE WOOD MAN. Phone 4 0 0 . Will have in a car of 10 inch THIS SEASON and there are suspicions th at Alex F. G. Swedenburg, where the child M anzanita soon. W atch for ad. (Continued from Page 1) has about reached the end of his was examined and after having her bruises treated, she was taken home remain the team ’s shortstop. Hol- rope. If Alex falters the burden will* locher is still a young man and a by Mr. Dunn. . * The children had ju st been dis­ mighty capable player, but his ef- missed ------ from — the ------------------------- H awthorne school, - forts at times last season seemed --------- where the child attends, and, togeth-j ra th e r lackadaisical. If he falls in er with other children, was going j with the new spirit he may hold his along the Boulevard on her way J°b. home. According to parties who saw! In the event that Deal is kept on the accident, the child was pushed third base and Hollocher at short off the sidewalk' by one of the other is likely that Johnny Kelleher will children just after they had passed be the regular second baseman. Kel- a machine th at was parked along *eher is a scrappy “T u rk ,” who the curb, and it seems th at she th e n 1 Played utility roles last season and started to go across the street and won a home with Cub fans. It is stepped out from behind the car a t ; d* ^ cu’t to see how he can be kept, the curb in time to be struck by the ouf of td e regular line-up. moving machine. Mr. Dunn stated The youngster who is likely to th a t another child was on the fu rth er „ 1 1 ■ - side of the street, and. had he tu rn e d : ------ --- L A ,B TO FOR SALE-WOOD A. G. ADAMS S em i A nnual (Motion p a ir F inal Day •S a tu r d a y , F e b r u a r y 18th his car to miss the girl, he would ^OR SALE— A 490 Chevrolet; first have ^un directly over th e o th e r 1 class condition. Phone 149 142-3 child. ¡ FOR □v,, SALE iiru:. Barred Plym outh Rock It is not known what speed the and W hite Leghorn eggs for hatch­ ing 75 cents for 15. Also poultry machine was making at the time, but tonic and washing -ablets, cheap from the appearance of the tracks ® J o c k e y , 177 E. Main. Phone where the machine slid a fte r the 146’ 142-lm o brakes were applied, it was some- a 17 ™ ------- . , -------two oven fire­ what faster than should be driven andy less cooker, almost new. W rite when passing near a school building ™ W’ Wolverton, Lock Box 184, Glen View Drive. 142-6* JVDGE W A R N S COPS TO | AUTO FQR R E N T - BE POLITE TO A l'T M S T S driver to responsible persoM . ’ easoS! By International News Service CHICAGO, Feb. 17.— “Ah, ma- I Buy notions now in quantities for the future, for you will not be given another opportunity like this for many months. Lorraine Lingerie Tape in pink and blue— AA Piece . . . . .................. . U y English Twilled Tape, 10 yd.- roll, each........ Lingerie Trimming in white, 3 yd. pieces... Boston Bias Tape, six yard pieces, assorted colors -| P* Piece ......................... ... 1 « 5 Lingerie Trimming shown Three Oaks Girdeline Belt .in white and colors— ing, boned, in black each piece 3 yards. .. *¿^£4 white, yard .............. able rates. E. N. Norton Motor Co Phone S7- 142-lm o dame. It grieves me so to ask you toI WANTED— Spading and all kinds ef report at headquarters! Bu;t Jthej garden work. J. d . Pefflev, 143 law, it m ust be enforced; and you, _ SLx2 h- 142-?* madame, have released too m u ch t FOR SALE— Cheap, Himalaya and fuel with th at expisite foot of yours, > Mammoth blackberry vines your m otor is traveling a t a speed fine heifer calf and Buff Leg leghorn eggs for setting. 153 G ranite St. g reater than th a t perm itted by the Phone 411-R. 142-1 laws of our fair city.” This may be the way Chicago F0J* SALE— Reed baby buggy Phone 336-L or call 178 Skid- traffic policemen will address viola more. 142-3 tors of city traffic regulations here­ after. An order has been issued from the court wherein speeders and other violators of traffic laws are rep ri­ manded and fined, instructing the policemen to “ lay off the rough stu ff” and tre a t violators “ recently.” “ Cursing by officers is a common W ANTED— A real honest cook, com plaint,” declared Joudge John R. to tell us is tliere a n y th in g Newcomer, who released Sylvester Brennan Who resisted a rrest because XVIong w ith Cherro? the police used profane language. “ A rrests should- he made decently and those arrested brought into the court in a gentlem anly m anner.” CHEER0 Guaranteed Flour At Your Grocers THE BEST BRAIDS Cotton Middy Braid, very f ine quality in several • *| xx «colors, per piece........ » x V Fain Linen Tape, in white only, four yard pieces *| Two pieces f o r .......... PLU M M ER ’ S 153EAST MAIN ST. QUALITY PHONE 59 GROCERY,/. CENERAL DELIVERY SYSTEM SERVICE Emerys, keep needles and pins free from rust— / ) 9 Each ......................... Stocking Haulers, made of wood shaped In fit the ! hand, each ............... z ) 9 ('lun> Snap Fasteners Two cards f o r .......... N ew Wash Goods for Spring 1922 SILK TISSUE GINGHAMS DRESS PERCALES 32 inches wide in several , 36 in. wide, 40 new pieces in light and dark pat- good patterns, checks terns, all new. vd....... » > < / and plaids, yard . . . . FR IT T S IN (¿LASS COLORED ORGANDIES DRESS GINGHAMS certainly look tem pting, and so will your layer cake made from our preserved fruits, jam s or jellies. Your cake m aking will surely be a success when made from our fresh and high grade food-stuffs. Thimbles, nickel plated, size 6 io 10— x )4 Special ..................... Snap Fastenin’ Pape, set two Puritan Rick Rack Braid— “ Cornet” Stay Binding- inches apart— acknowledged popular trim ­ No. 4, two rolls................. 06 Yard ..................... ming for house dress- -| /» No. 8, two rolls................. 07 es, 4 yard pieces, ea. , 1 V Starweave Skirl Belling, in Fresh Water Pearl Button8, 3 cards for Silk Soutache Braid, shown black and white, 2 1-2 i Q Washington Pins, 400 pins in several colors, five < 1922, I figured the am ount of W ashington’s and Lincoln’s birth-j gasoline consumed from the tim e I days. The program began at 1 ' bought the car and I averaged bet- o’clock, school having been dism issed1 ter than 19 miles on a gallon. Dur- early. Several of the parents w e re ! inS th at time 1 have driven 9343 present. The program was as fol- m ^ es- The treads on all of my tires lows; America, by the pupils. Piano have barely started to w ear and I duet, Mrs. VanFossen and Mrs. H en -,w ^^ get a t least 15,000 miles on this ry. Solo, Mrs. O. W. Reid. Address. 8 e t There has been a lot of bad Rev. C. A. Edwards. and m ountain roads on my trips, to ---------- say nothing of the sand in the desert. Special sale at O rres’ Tailor Shop.; I also drove up last week from Suits tailored to order with extra I California, having no trouble to get pan is free 128-tf through. The only repairs on the car has LONDON, Feb. 16.— “The W ash­ been grinding of valves at 4500 ington conference removed the dan­ miles. gers of war In the Pacific,” Lloyd Yours very truly, George declared in a speech a t a H. W. Kidder, representing the luncheon given by the cabinet In B latchford’s Calf Meal Company of honor of A. J. Balfour. W ankegan, W ash.— Adv. viuw u a »eierau uui oi hu liiiieiu juu be all on the youngsters, ’’Speed” ! expected of Virgil Cheeves. right* T. J. Coffman has left on a three is C arter Elliott, who came to the Martin, who always has been and hander, and Percy Jones, left-hander.* NEW COLONIAL DRAP­ ERIES 50 pieces, all new patterns. 36 in. wide in light ami dark colorings, .2 9 - 8 9 per y a rd .. - HAMASAKA SUITING 45 in. imported colored or­ 27 inches wide, all the new ' gandies in several hew 36 in. wide in new colors, patterns in checks a n d ; spring shades, see them .Sat­ take the place of linen, suit- plaids. Saturday— urday. £ ? A ’ able for dresses, skirls and Yard ........ : juniper dresses. y a r d ................................. .Oif See our n ew line of Wash D resses and Aprons Royal -Worces ter and B o n Ton corsets for spring now on display. E. R. I S A A C & Co. Successors to C. H- Vaupel. THE QUALITY STORE The l l e l t o r n o w ert closed with eaeli But- terick pattern saves you from 50c to $7.00. The Store W here Your Patronage Is Apprécia le