frrtday, FebrtUhy I f, lMra * THÉ ÂÜHtÀhb ÔÀÜÆ ÎiDlïîGS Candy! Candy! Candy! Rose Bros, windows. W ill M eet S a tu rd a y — oweet pea Seed— The finest we The K ing’s H eralds of have ever had. Holmes Grocery. 97 odist church will meet East Main. 140-w-f afternoon a t 2.30. Returns from Portland— Mrs. G. M. F rost returned fro F > d one day this week. Watch Automobile 131-tf rates. insurance Yeo of Course. at rig h t 134tf I Moves of the Bay— . ' „ C. O. Barney has moved into the G. S. B utler property a t 133 Nutley I street. Nice Dry Wood aiso Blox, land Lum ber Co.. phone 20. B U S IN E S S A N D F - ^ O E E S S IC iN A L McCumber: Where He Stands One cent the wo re. cer- ceived your two letters and the money, VINING Ed Spencep, who suffered a. broi’ten itarn French girl, who, his i I tluink you, darling. Really, I waa i leg some tim e ago an d has been in V. serted yesterday, was Ma very’ 3ad. because I had no letters. I J the Southern Pacific h o sp ital a t S u n ’ 'Caeen of Lemon, France. The hfeoitgiu yuu had forgotten me. I Francisco- since th a t time, will n 3- 'doux »were read, a few of tl in lov’VL y°u are not the same as Here are samples, ed i the .¡j^ers, and I am $ure you wl|l I turn to A shland on trn ln 16 th is e \r - •court. •“Gyette;” French dlmlnuth •ening. , or eom«M/rt«g to» tahe your little girl, wild .Marguerite: loves A9 iDyofi. and I hope you “ I have a very nice whli g, lo v e a & \ ¿ R W . y>P promised to send ----- starring----- Spring 'woolens ajnff styles a re In' which T Hove, because he is jus a ine a ph't?re, (pfin’t forget. My lover, at O rres” Tailor ShoJ). 128tf bab.V. Oh, dove, I would lljte g' tbdnk yon',, and .he su r? I am always »baby who w:ag yours, too. j * ro i ^n/1 forever VOUT: tiZthr gll'U *VhO loves Sent to S a lem — leave one in a year. Donlr .v Ver non Hooper was. sen t to Salem I he romance of modern Youth adventur­ as a delegate to th e sta te conven­ ing. Its hopes, temptations, passions. Its tion of the Chris tian Endeavor whifih convened th e re T hursday and failures, triumphs, loves. will be in session up to and includ­ In hamlet and city, home and pleasure pal­ ing Sunday. He stopped over on the ace, green fields, and underworld dives. wny north to visit w ith his sister at And running through its fascinating scenes Eugene for a day. —a simple, tender story, tugging at the Tamales of quality,, served In the husk, a t Rose Bros. 131tf hearts of all who are or ever have been M 5 Trench Girl’s Lett Richard Barthelmess Ashland Realty Co. Houses to Rent Property for Sale young. ' . Lived in amazing scenes of beauty and thrilling adventure by an en­ ormous supporting east including. Marjorie Daw, John Miltern, Nita Xaldi, Betty Carpenter, Sibyl Car-' men, Jed Prouty, Li Ivan Tashman. Los A ngeles V isitor— Miss M arguerite Townley, of Los Angeles, is spending a few days vis­ iting with Miss Odessa Foltz and other friends in th e ciiiy. From here. Miss Townley will go to P o rtlan d to make an extended v isit with friends before retu rn in g to h e r home. 28 Efrist Main St. Ashla Phone 181 Oregon •WANTED— Will pay highest cash prices for furs— skunk, mink, fisher, coyote, lynx, cat, etc. Ed­ gar Johnson, Farm Bureau, Med­ ford, Ore. Phone 929. 124tf FOR SALE. a»(i Surgeon. Pracfl^e limited to A FEW TONS OF HAY FOR SALE eye, ear, nose and thrdat. Glass«? — -Phone G. F. Billings. »141-2 supplied. Oculist and atirtst fQ-Y. ' 127-lm o FOR prompt and careful service, auto trucks or horse drays, as!) FOR 6ALE—%iere is a splendid op­ Whittle Transfer Co. Phons 117 (Jlflce, S9 Oak street near Hotel portunity: g ro cery store doing nice business, invoice Rbout 23000, . Ashland. 66tf rent -235?. , O. A. Manning, Talent. Oregon. 127tt T. L POWELL—GENERAL TRANS PER — Good team and motör FOR iALK-*-WH4te Minorca hatch­ tracks. Good service at a reaaon ing eggs, n s n rs e tt^ s , large white able price. Phone 83 eggs, 21.00 ,ior 15. 922 Boule­ CAR WASHING vard. Phone 457-R. 124-lm o FOB SALH— Good souihl Newtown FIRST CLASS CAR WASHING and polishing, 28.10. Llthla Garage. and Winestip appAss, n o t calls, 50c Phone 114. llS t f box. Half mile wast cannery. O. A. M anning. Talent. Or. 114tf R J B RENT. LOST LOST— N ear Eighth and E S ts., la­ dy's Elgin w rist watch. (Finder leave a t Tidings office. Rwwtrd. GREAT BARGAIN— I have 84 can­ aries, singers and hens with breeding cages, seed, etc. Will take 2200 cash for the lot; too ill to attend to them. The Chai: Doc- ?