F riday, February i f , figure in the profession he had leaves should be more than an In adorned; but he has left a never-to- splration both to her contem poraries u S ii a n Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except be forgotten m ark on thae history and those older. They should be a of journalism in America. battle cray to the city fathers of ev­ Sunday Perhaps fate would have b e en ' ery munclpality, urging them on to TH E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. more kind had Marse Henry, like the adequate inspection of all places of • • • - - - < — • . OFFICIAL CITY AND COtlNTY other great old w arriors of jo u rn al­ public assembly and to ruthless con­ PA PER there are two mighty important birthdays TELEPHONE 38 ism, died on the field of battle, the dem nation of all structures which A regular feature department edited by crowded into February, and both Washington Subscription P rice D elivered in City: flam ing swofd still in his hand, the cannot be dem onstrated safe beyond a doubt. w orld still ringing with the sound One month .................................. > .65 M rs. Belle D eG ra f and Lincoln were vigorous advocates of thrift. Three hundred persons In the Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 and tingling w ith the th rill of his Six months ........................... . 3.75 w ritten words. Marse ^Henry has Knickerbocker, 97 crushed to death, Domestic Science Director California Prune & Apricot Growers Inc. Could there be a more fitting tribute to the One year .................................... 7.50 passed, but his day passed before 130 badly injured; suppose the Mai] and R ural R outes Knickerbocker had been filled to its One month .................................. $ .65 him. memory of these two great men of America The history of h is brilliant career capacity of nearly 2000? Suppose Three m onths ................................. 1.95 RELISHES plates with doilies. Dessert or rani- Six months . . . • ......................... 3.50 has’ been w ritten. It Is enough to the moving picture house which you than the opening or increasing* of a savings Dinner, luncheon ano supper p ar­ ekin forks should accompany this One year ........................................ 6 .5 t say here th a t he had Intended to be­ attend has a beam th a t is creep'ing, account! come a musician, but drifted into the creeping away from its support? ties are much improved by the little course. ADVERTISING RATES extra touch in the way of acces­ Raw oysters or clams should be business of w riting on account of an j Suppose your child is nightly sit­ D isplay A dvertising Relishes (hors d ’oeqvres) served on the ^hell in a bed of jingle insertion, each in ch ........... 30c accident to one of his hands. The ting beneath a sword of Damocles in^ sories. are attractiv e appetizers and lend an shaved ice, with a garnish of quar­ YEARLY CONTRACTS mark of grace and charm and c u ltu re ' the form of a concrete roof and a D isplay A dvertising artistic touch even to a very plain tered lemon points, or a tiny glass no doubt im planted by his musical steel truss, which may any moment One tim e a w eek.............................. 27 %c meal. These accompaniments need ■ of otmato, horseradish or other su it­ Ashland, Oregon Two times a week..............................25 *c studies, rem ained In his w riting to drop and crush its victims beyond not necessarily be made of evpensive able sauce set in the center of each recognition? Every other d a y ................................ 20 c the end of his life, giving his tre n ­ Small fancy-shaped bread Local R eaders The world has been told how they imported ingredients, as the most plate. chant editorials a peculiarly delight­ Bach line, each tim e .................... 10c ful flavor, not common to tu? other died, these victims of some one’s e r ­ ordinary m aterials at hand, if carp- and b u tter sandwiches may be passed To run every other dby for one ror, but not in w hat shape the fall­ fully combined and seasoned,- will with this course. month, each line, each tim e .. 7c great editors of his time. prive most palatable and savory. Fish cocktails may be served in To run every issue for one month F o r two generations Marse Henry ing masses left them ; nor can It ever Canapes, fish and fru it cocktails, raw wine or cocktail glasses or in green or more, each line, each t m e .. 5c was a voice heard throughout Amer­ be told. It is too horrible to tell. oysters and clams are used to begin i pepper cups. These cocktails should C lassified Colunu. You, Mr. Citizen; you, Mrs. Moth ica— and perhaps the world. He gave One cent the word each one. the meal, while olives, salted nuts, be served very cold and should be er, are directly concerned. I t is To run every issue for i> e month his newspaper an Importance fa r be­ apricot preserves, celery, etc., are eaten with oyster forks. or more, the word eacf. time. yond the im portance of the city In your business. It is your child who passed between the courses. F ru it cocktails may be served in may be the next victim; if not, It is Legal R ate which It was published. Canapes are attractiv e and easy cocktail glasses or long-stemmed F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c your friend, your relative, your hus­ A southern gentlem an of the most Each subsequent time, per 8- to prepare, and the combinations are wine glasses, spoons being provided band or wtfe. W ith the memory of point line .................................... 5c delightful and charm ing personality. those pitifully brave words In your almost unlim ited. The foundation is for this service. Card of thanks ......... >1.00 Colonel W atterson was a fierce and always bread cut in fancy shapes and Each cocktail glass should be set Obituaries, the l i n e ...................... >% e fiery foe. Presidents and senators ears, of the little heroine who, with used either plain, toasted, sauted in on a small plate. A dolly under legs crushed so badly, th a t she died, Fraternal Orders and S ocieties Advertising for fratern al orders squirmed uneasily when Marse Hen­ smiled in her agony and said, “ I b u tter or-fried in deep fat. each glass improves the appearance o r societies charging a regular initi­ ry scowled. His editorials were n o t' haven’t cried yet,” do you cry, with The prepared paste Is spread on of the table. S tren gth en T h e Nerve» en d In­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ directed at politicians alone— al-j the bread or toast, and a garniqh of vigorate T h e Body -E asy And a loud voice, to those in authority, ligious and benevolent orders will be though the words from his scalding j some kind added to make the dish Econom ical To T ake—Result« ! V isiting R elatives— and see to it that they allow you and charged the regular rate for all ad pen trickled through political life _ WECTt look attractive. Surprisingly Quick. I I b u h t t vertlsing when an admission or other yours to assemble only in safe halls Mr. and Mrs. Charles Logan, of like vitriol. He turned the fire ofj charge Is made. The garnish may be of stuffed . . . . so shall Miss Upshaw and Yreka, Calif., aro visiting with Mr. BUST his batteries, on one never-to-be-for­ olives,, tiny balls of cream cheese 95 others not have been crushed to W tlm cktt Logan's mother, Mrs. H attie Abbott, W hat C onstitutes A dvertising . " a n t 40 pU t 90me firm > gotten occasion, upon the frivolities i death in vain. bits of pimento cut in flower shapes, and his sisters, Mrs. Jerry O’Neal h e a lth y flesh o n y o u r bones, increase In order to allay a m isunderstand­ y o u r n e rv e force an d pow er, clear 'MMSt hard - cooked egg yolks pressed and Mrs. Amos Nninger. ing among some as to w hat consti­ of New York society women, and the y o u r skin a n d c o m p le tio n an d look editorial th a t he w rote will ever re ­ tutes news and what advertising, through a sieve, strips of green pep­ a n d feel 100 p e r c e n t b e tte r, sim ply w e print this very simple rule, which main a classic of well-bred Invective. t r y ta k in g tw o of M a rtin ’s tin y per; in fact alm ost anything your Don’t forget the R ailroad Carm en’s V IT A M O N T a b le ts w ith each m eal is used by newspapers to differenti­ Old “Marse H enry” was as distinct fancy may dictate. a n d w a tc h resu lts. M a s tin ’s V IT A ­ ate between them : . “ ALL future in flavor as a m int juley, as charac­ Annual Ball, Armory, Saturday even­ M O N ¿ a b le ts c o n ta in highly c... - Serve these canapes on small ing, February 18. events, where an admission charge How to Read Your Characteristics c e n tra te d y e a st-v i: m ines as well as is made or a collection is taken IS teristic of the soil of th e south. th e tw o o th e r still m ore im p o rta n t and Tendencies—the Capabilities or chivalrous, ADVERTISING.” This applies to Courageous, brilliant, v ita m in e s ( F a t S oluble A an d W a te r Weaknesses That Make for Success S oluble C ) a n d a rc now being used organizations and societies of every witty, daring and outspoken— his or Failure as Shown in Your Palm. EVERY GOOD HOUSE b y th o u sa n d s. M e s tin ’s V IT A M O N kind as well as to Individuals. was a voice the like of which will not T a b le ts n e v e r cause gas o r u p se t th e KEEPER NEEDS All reports of such activities after be heard again: sto m ac h h u t, o n th e co n tra ry , '-n p ro v e they have occurred is news. the best of kitchen utensils to THE FINGER NAILS digestion. B e su re to rem e m b er th e Colonel W atterson and his kindly j All coming social or organization n am e — M a s tin ’s V I-T A M O N — th e aid and lighten her tasks. Work meetings of societies where no memory now m elt into a past de-; orig in al a n d g enuine y e a st-v ita m in e S A general rule, when the nails in the kitchen is arduous en­ ta b le t. T h e re is n o th in g else like it, money contribution is solicited, in iti­ lightful with visions of soft-voiced, are short, It is a sigh of sharp­ so d o n o t a c c e p t im ita tio n s or sub­ ough a t the best. So only the' ation charged, or collecton taken IS southern belles, with duels, with s titu te s . Y ou ca n get M a s tia ’6 V IT A ­ ness and quickness of Intellect best of pots, kettles, pans, rice NEWS. M O N T a b le ts a t all good d ruggists. grand and stately square dances, and the ability to learn easily. These boilers, ‘toasters, etc., should Entered a t the Ashland, Oregon with ponderous and m ajestic o ra­ indications must be confirmed, of be provided for her. They are Are Positively Guaranteed Postoffice as Second-class Mall Mat­ tory, w ith great statesm en, great; course, by a study of the line of the here in complete assortm ent. ter. head, which must be good; that is, to Put On Firm Flesh, newspaper battles, with th o ro u g h -' clear A visit here will be a lesson in and strong. Clear the Skin and Increase bred horses and slow regal carriages, j If the line of Apollo, which runs what a g o o d housekeeper THE ORIGINAL Energy When Taken With YEAST ¿ ummeb P layground ^ with chivalry and leisurely etiquette, j up into the finger of Apollo, the third ANO VITAMINE should have, for her own and GENUINE Every Meal or Money Lack TABLET of / merica with honors th a t were elaborately finger, Is also good, the short nails the sake of the whole family. spread, and nsults th a t were avenged mean wit, and In some cases irony. “Short-nailed subjects make the In blood. They were sweet— and they have best Journalists, by reason of their love of criticism and their readiness gone. to engage In any dispute or conten­ tion,” says Heron-Allen, a well known writer on palmistry. He holds also WASHINGTON ft W ASHINGTON COMMENT that in a good-natured and happy »BRITISH r hand, or in a lazy hand, short nails NGHT. COOL DATS < denote a spirit of mockery and of [A RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT, good-humored sarcasm, frivolity, “I haven’t cried y e t!” criticism and contradiction. Brave words from 16-year-old Car­ THE PASSING OF ‘MARSE’ HENRY olyn Upshaw, high school girl vie-1 Of course, it must be understood that by “short nails” are meant those tim of the K nickerbocker th eater dis­ that are short from base to tip, not The world will seem a little lonely aster. Miss Upshaw made a plucky those that ace shortened by the ner­ w ithout “ OP Marse” Henry Watter- fight for her life, bu t her Injuries vous habit of bttlng them. The latter ■on. His death means more than were stronger than her body, and Is an indication of nervousness melancholy, and worry, especially 11 the passing of a well-loved man. It she has passed on. The heritage of tru e courage she the finger tips are spatulated. signifies the close of an era. W ith 'Copyright.) his last sigh the curtain descends up­ on a phase of American history th at will never come again. He was the last of the race of great editors. The present day of jornalism is of no less importaflce or power or influ­ ence for good and evil th at “ Marse H enry’s” day; but it Is dlfterent. This is an era of great newspaper publishers— great journalistic direc­ tors— executives Into whoso hands are placed great, complicated, dif­ have advanced, but we are selling what we have on hand ficult organizations, who~e power at the old prices over the affairs of human life and Flour from ..........$1.50 to $2.25 happiness is terrific. This is the day of great journalistic stage direc­ We now have a line of tors. Colonel W atterson’s day was Ohick Feed, Scratch and Shell the day of the editor who was him ­ self the chief w riter of his journal— See ua for quality and prices on Groceries and Meats th e day of the old plumed knights of You will save money journalism . In the heydey or Marse Henryta To enable those who build any kind of structure—home, harn, garage, chicken career, when Horace Greeley edited house—to enjoy the benefits of the latest and best National building ideas in de the New York Tribune; Dana, the sign and plan, without extra cost, Sun; Henry J. Raymund, the New H . A . S T E A R N S 61 N O R T H M A IN S T R E E T York Times; Jam es Gordon Bennett, the Herald, and Mr. W atterson him ­ self, the Louisville C ourier-Journal, the newspaper was, in a sense, the has secured the exclusive use, in this territory, of the services of the blackboard upon which the editor w rite himself large and in bold let­ ters. Newspapers then were redol­ ent of the personalities of their edi­ an organization of national architects of experience and skill. You cannot expect to get th e , tors. The tang of these great ol(l By calling at this office you can see complete plans, designs, specifications, etc., mileage th at is built into your w ar chiefs of the scissors and the paste pot, lay upon th eir published and get a wealth of ideas about modern building. You may select the design you tire if you neglect tread cuts pages as strongly and distinctly as prefer whether for a large structure or small, inexpensive or costly—and have de­ or stone bruises. the perfum e upon a rose. sired changes made, all before you turn a shovelful of dirt or drive a nail and all His paper was to the old-time ed­ Let us tell you if your tires without extra cost, ito r his consecrated sword of com­ need repairing. We will be glad b a t and chivalry. In those days an BUILD WITH SATISFACTION to look them over. Now is the editor who did not write was a rifle time. Do not put it off until Through the National Builders Bureau service, we offer our patrons an oppor­ w ithout trigger. It was unthinkable next week. and Impossible. tunity to build economically, beautifully and correctly, regardless of the kind size or Although his field was not as large expesiveness of the structure. We are llwuys at your service. or his influence as far-reaching by Come in and let us explain what the National service can do for you. reason of his more llmtied orbit, Col­ onel W atterspn ranked with the best of these old-time ediotorial giants, of whom General Otis was one of the last. GUARANTEED VUECANIZ I Mr. W at‘erson’s power and posi­ 7r.R,^r ACCESSO RIES tion in journalism did not last to the < < In the Heart of Town” IEL.I25 ASHLANP.ORECON 9 | OAK ST. quid of his life. He dropped out of th e race some tim e ago as an active DOMESTIC s c ie n c e Such A Short Month The Citizens Bank How Yeast Vitamon Tablets Put On Firm Flesh YOUR HAND A I SIM PSO N ’S For HARDW ARE i^îMASTIIlSiiÜtVITAMÔ Better Homes AND OTHER BUILDINGS All Flour and Cereals PLAZA MARKET The Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. NATIONAL BUILDERS BUREAU kruggel brothers NC Carson=Fowler Lbr. Co. X I