THE ASHLAND OAÎLY TIDINGS LOCAL AND PERSONAL ^Automobile Insurance fate*. -Yeo e f course. at Pacific Package Goods, any num­ ber, 85 cents. Handicraft Shop, Med­ ford, Oregon. A t W ork Again— . S. A. Peters Jr, was able to be in his old stall at the Citizens Bank Wednesday after several days spent! at home with the influenza. right On Sick List— 134tf Joseph Rhinehart was unable to attend school today and it is feared Miss Dorthea Jones, of the clerical that he is taking the influenza. force at the McGee store, was com Nice Dry Wood! also BIox. Ash­ pelled to go home this morning after 92tf coming to work at the usual time, as land Lumber Co., phone 20. a^e was unable to continue work dur D angerous W ash Out— fog the day. On Iowa street between Gresham and Sherman streets, it is reported H ere from H ornbrook__ Ned Ellis, of Hornbrook, an em­ that a place has been washed out ploye of the Southern Pacific at some four to six inches wide and that place, was in town today visit­ about two feet deep, in which auto­ ing with his sister*, Mrs. Charles mobiles are liable to run and wreck the car or a't least break a wheel. Rose. Immediate attention by the street See Here! We are going to have commissioner might save the city plenty of crabs and other fresh fish trouble. for Fridays. Also plenty of good fat Sale, Handicraft Shop, February chickens and rabbits. Ashland Fish 17 and 18. Medford, Oregon. 139-4 Market. Phone 104. 139-tf ______ Off from Wor k ■■ R etu rn ed from P o r t l a n d - :.W In Our City— V isitor from M edford— Mrs. Goldie Smith was taken to a Halsey Noel of the Dodge agency local hospital Wednesday morning. at Medford was in Ashland on busi­ ness Wednesday. Candy! Candy! Candy! Rose Bros, windows. Baby Girl— Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hutchinson of 112 Garfield street are the parents of an eleven pound girl, who arrived at their home early Wednesday morning. Mother and baby are do­ ing fine. Watch 131-tf Eugene Visitor— George Smith, of Eugene, was a business visitor in our city Wednes­ day in the interest of the Kelly- Springfield tire company. Orres cleans clothes. z M is s £ Jkercsa. • T -A- Phone 64. After that,” said the man, “It’s not the mule’s fault” Miss Gladyse Inlow, one of the obliging telephone operators, is con­ fined to her home on East Main street by illness. Special sale at Orres’ Tailor Shop. Suits tailored to order with extra pants free. 128-tf There’s safety in Postum, and charm, too. Postum has a full, rich flavor much like that of the better grades of coffee, and it is free from any harmful element whatsoever. is now getting her goods unpacked. She is also improving her place of business by having the windows re- finished and decorated. You can get Postum wherever good food and drink are sold or served, and it only takes a word from you to your grocer or restaurant waiter, to make this move to the safe side, at once. Postum comes in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly tn the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. Postum for Health “There’s a Reason” Made by P ostum Cereal Company, Inc. Battle Creek, Michigan Rub The Chest for Deep.Heavy Colds W h e n a cold gets deep— threatens to become bron­ chitis or pneum onia— rub Vicks w ell in, cover w ith a hot flannel d o th , and fix the bedding loosely about the neck so that the medicated ' vapors will be inhaled all night. You should be better in the morning. VICKS w V R apo ub Cb*r 17 Million J ttn U—4 Yorn*. Error Corrected— It was stated in Wednesday even­ ing’s paper that Edward W. Jones had gone to the northern part of the state with the intention of exchang­ ing property he owned in Idaho, whereas the property is in Jenner, Alberta, Canada. Domino Provost, of the Provost Brothers hardware store, left this morning for San Francisco by ma­ chine for a two weeks trip and will take i nthe auto show in the Bay City while there. R. Scurman also I left this morning for San Francisco by train and will return with Mr. I Provost in the latter car in about i two weeks. , R eturned from B u yin g Trip — Mrs. J. H. Suggs, who left the first of the month to buy her spring stock, returned after a trip to Portland and Seattle, where she was able to get ! the particular line of goods she had expected to have to go east for, and Shopping in Our City— Mr. and Mrs. Logan, of Montague, i Calif., were among the out-of-town .shoppers in our midst Wednesday. FOB SALE— REAL ESTATE. TRADE OR RENT— POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR Small SALE brick OR business building, in for county commissioner — Thos. H. Simpson, of Ashland, au­ thorizes his announcement as a candidate for the nomination for the office of county commissioner of Jackson county, subject to the decision of the republican voters of said county, at the primary elec- tion. May 19th, 1922. good location. A bargain for a short time. Housekeeping rooms above. Yockey & Co., Realtors. 14 0-6 FOR TRADE OR SALE—House, two lots, with out buildings, garden and berries. Want to trade for Roseburg property. I. V. Redifer, Roseburg, Or. North Side gro- cery. 140-6 interurban autocar co . WE CAN LOCATE you in most any kind of paying business in South­ . Sunday) ern Oregon. FOUR-SITE SALES Ly- MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND AGENCY, Business Brokers, Bea­ 7:00 a. m. 7:00 a. m ver Block, Ashland; Medford 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m Bldg., Medford. 132tf 9:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m 11:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 12:00 noon 12:00 noon W . A. S H E L L 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m 2:00 p. m. 2:00 p. m BA R BER 3:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m 4:00 p. m. 4:00 p. nx. 8:00 p. m. C hildren’s W ork A 5:00 p. m B:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m Specialty 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m 8:30 p. m. Sat. only 8:30 p. m Safety blades resharpened 9:30 p. m. 9:80 p. m like new. Single bit, 39c 10:30 p. m. Sat. only 10:30 p. m doz. Dobule bit, 80c dor Sunday Schedule Leave Medford for Ashland and Ashland for Medford every hour on the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; C. B L A M K I N then 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. Ashland waiting room— East Side Pharmacy. JACKSONVILLE-MEDFORD BARGAINS IN REAL Daily (Except Sunday) • (Effective January l, 1022) New Retail Price Popular Copyright Titles by —B. M. Bower —Zane Grey —Rex Beach —Harold Bell W right —Peter B. Kvne —«Tames Oliver Curwood —Gene Stratton Porter and almost every big book of fiction published within the last few years. -----85c----- M cNair Bros. Tfto Sio.- Don’t forget the Railroad Carmen’s Annual Ball, Armory, Saturday even­ ing, February 18. Left for San F r a n c isc o - T L. I’U«ELL—GENEH t FOR SALE—Single comb White FER — Gooa team and moi., Leghorn eggs, for hatching, trap- trucks. Good service at a reason nested. Also Barred Plymouth able price. Phone 88 ?°®k8’ extra large birds. Phone CAR WASHING 34°-Y;________ 12 7-1 mo FOR SALE—Here is a splendid op­ FIRST CLASS CAR WASHING and polishing, $2.50. Lithia Garage. portunity: Grocery store doing Phone 114,________ 1131 f nice business. Invoice about $3000, rent $30. O. A. Manning, Talent, I FOR RENT. Oregon. 127tf FOR SALE— White Minorca hatch­ GREAT BARGAIN—I have &4 can­ aries, singers and hens with ing eggs, non-setters, large white breeding cages, seed, etc. Will •ggs, $1.00 for 15. 922 Boule- take $200 cash for the lot; too ill vard. Phone 457-R. 12 4-1 mo to a tend to them. The Chair Doc­ tor, 3d and A Sts. 130-lmo* FOR SALE— Good sound Newtown and Winesap apples, not culls, 50c box. Half mile west cannery. O. FOR RENT—Furnished room with heat. 85 Second St. 129tf A. Manning, Talent, Or. 114t£ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES for T elephone E m ploye Sick— blame belong, then, when the final break-down comes ? Whether or not you’ve had your warning from tea or coffee, why not step over on the safe side ? Why not do what so many others have done—try Postum for ten days, learn how delight­ ful and satisfying it is— and learn how much improvement there can be for you ? PHYWCIANB. FOR SALE—Dandy two oven fire­ less cooker, almost new. Write Mrs. G. W. WolvertJpn, 184 B s t-_______________ 136-6* (International News Service) “We have no money for rent, my NEW YORK, Feb. 16.—“I think husband is out of work and sick; 1 my daughter is doing a very serious myself am feeble, and we need food thing, but there is no other alterna­ for the children.” tive.” Theresa refused to talk, though This was the comment of the she occasionally pushed her head mother of 18-year-old Theresa Ka­ into view long enough to listen and tona, who has offered to marry on to confirm the report that she had 111 Again— Program at Junior High— her next birthday, November 28, any Mrs. W. S. Depeau is on the sick The students at the Junior high man, providing he is a Christian and made the offer. list again, after having been able to ! school have prepared a program She is auburn haired, with dark is healthy, who will now contribute hazel eyes, fine teeth and strong, be up and around for several days, ! which will be given Friday after- $1000 to the support of her mother, regular features. I noon, beginning at 1 o’clock. A part See our spring suits at prices of this program will be the presenta­ father and younger brothers and sis­ It was learned that Katona has back to normal. Paulserud’s. 133tf tion of the prize given by the Daugh­ ters. They are poverty stricken in been ill for some time and that the ters of the American Revolution to their home in the rear of No. 195 girl also had been unable to get M oving Today— Green street. Greenpoint, Brooklyn. | work. The couple have been in this the student making the highest grade A. M. Love is moving from B street in history at this school. Miss Flor­ Speaking with the aid of h e r1 country for 19 years. The other to the property on Eighth street ence Wilson won the prize which younger daughter, Anna, aged 15, children in the family are Anna, 15, ■which was recently purchased by Ed consists of two volumes, one being Mrs. Katona, who is Polish and can John, 14, Julia, 12; Michael, 7; The­ speak no English, added: Butler. odore, 5, and Mary, 3. “The Life of Washington',” and the other, "The Life of Lincoln.” The Correction— C hange o f D ate and P lace __ Don’t forget the Railroad Carmen’s presentation will be made by the D. Inadvertently an article in regard A change of schedule received late Annual Ball, Armory, Saturday even­ A. R. regent, Mrs. Gordon MacCrack- to a party at the home of G. B. Icen- last evening makes it necessary that ing, February 18. en, and it would be appreciated If a hower, which was printed several the address which was to have been full attendance of the members of weeks ago slipped into yesterday’s given by Allen E. Roberts, one in­ Papers House — the D. A. R. could be had. paper, and we wish to make this cor­ ternational secretaries of the Y. M. Mrs. J. D. Crocker is having her rection. bouse at 460 B street papered and it C. A the Presbyterian church on Why pay more for insurance? Ask will be occupied in the near future Yeo first. 134tf Don’t forget the Railroad Carmen’s Friday evening of this, week be by parties who have rented it from] Annual Ball, Armory, Saturday even­ changed to Thursday evening. On Albany. . account of another gathering at th e 1 Dew Drop Inn— for lunches. ing, February 18. Presbyterian church this evening, Mr. Roberts will speak at the Meth­ odist church. The hour is 7:30. This address will be of interest to both men and women. Knowing this, they fail to keep out of the way. Where does the WANTED. of** 5. Every sufferer from stomach trouble, gas, belching, sour stomach, M other and D aughter 111— Mrs. Wilber Beeson and daughter nervousneess, dizziness and bilious­ of B street are both unable to be ness, should get a box of Mi-O-Na out at the present time. stomach tablets today and start a ---- «■— ,, treatment. Guaranteed by McNair! Sweet cream for sale, 35 cents a Bros. pine. Rose-Bros. 131tf Blame for injury depends on how much chance the victim had to make himself safe. “The first time a mule kicks me,” said a wise man, “it’s the mule’s fault. If it happens again, it’s my fault.” A good many people are stay­ ing within kicking distance of tea or coffee, who have had a chance to know better. They have learned that tea or coffee at night keeps them awake. They know it whips up the nerves. They know what medical opinion has so often said about the effect of the drug ele­ ment in tea and coffee upon the nervous system—and how indi­ gestion, headaches, high blood pressure and various ills so often follow the use of tea or coffee. One cent tfte word each Mme. To hear from owner of Nels Larsen and daughter Ida, of WANTED— good ranch for sale. State price, OR. ERNEST A. WOOD»—PracUct limited to eye, ear, aose and near Phoenix, were in our city Wed­ full particulars. D. F. Bush, throat. OfQce hours, 10 to 18 and nesday. Minneapolis, Minn. 105-13* 2 to B. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ land, Ore. „ 73-tf WANTED TO BUY—One pair guin­ On F eet A gain— William Sams, who was severely eas. Address 322 Wimer St. 140-2* OR. J. j , EMMENS— Physician ahd Surgeon. Practice limited to burned by the bursting of a hot wa­ WANTED— Will pay highest cash eye, ear, nose anà throat. Glasses ter bottle some two weeks ago, was prices for furs—skunk, mink, I supplied. Oculist and aurlst for fisher, coyote, lynx, cat, etc. Ed­ able to be on the streets again Wed­ S. P. R. R. Offices, M. t . and H gar Johnson, Farm Bureau, Med- j Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phoae 587 nesday, but his burns are still rather ford, Ore. Phone 929.124tf ! painful. DR, M A'iriE B. WHAW—Speziai at­ FOR SALK. tention to mothers and children. Jacksonville Visitor»__ Internal secretions and endocrine glands. Res. and office, Ì08 Pio­ T. H. Simpson was a visitor In FOR SALE—Vetch hay. Hampton Orchard, Voorhies Crossing. Phone neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ Jacksonville today. J. McCoy 468-R-l. 140-6 fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.j 2 to 8 spent some time in Jacksonville Wed­ p. m. nesday. FOR SALE—A small business. In­ quire at 343 East Main St. 139-4* DR. SHAW—Eye, ear, nose, throat specialist; glasses fitted. Office MAN GIVES WIFE at residence, Pioneer Ave., morn­ FOR SALE— Reed baby buggy. GLYCERINE MIXTURE ing and by appointment. Phone 28. Phone 336-L or call 178 Skidmore. 139-3 She had stomach trouble for years. CHIROPRACTORS. After giving her simple buckthorn FOR SALE— Horse, 9 years old, DR. MAUD INGERSOLL HAWLEY a ’ glycerine> , etc., as mixed in weight 1050, or will trade for a ■ Adler-i-ka, her husband says: “My —Visiting Chiropractic Physician. wife feels fine now and has gained ( heavier horse and pay difference. Neuritis cases a specialty. ’ Phone 139-3* weight. It is wonderful stomach ’ Call 1360 Ashland St. 367-J. Treatment given only in your own home. medicine.” Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing FOR SALE— 1920 Chevrolet, new tires, in excellent condition, will PLUMBING foul matter which poisoned stom­ be Rold at a sacrifice this week. ach and which you never thought See the car at Norton’s garage, H. IL ADAMS— Plumbing, Contract­ was in your system. EXCELLENT Pioneer street. 138-6 ing and day work. 248 Fifth St., for gas on the stomach or chronic phone 166-J. lOOtf constipation. Guards against appen­ dicitis. The impurities it brings out OREGON NURSERY CO. — Order now. All kinds of guaranteed PHONE your next job of plumbing will surprise you. T. K. Bolton, nursery s ock for spring delivery. to Jerrv O’Neal, Beaver Building Druggist. 3 S. S. Davies, at depot barber shop, Phone 138. agent. ’ 136-6* r n v - i i i i » vp p - phi ; FOR SALE—-Good reed baby buggy. Apply 84 Alida St. 136-K* FOB ir, «i, • i Have that old suit renovated at Spring woolens and styles are in 133tf at Orrea* Tailor Shop. 128tf Paulserud’s. Tamales of quality, served In the husk, at R om Bros. 131tf B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L | V isitors from Phoenix **- Amos Ninlnger, who has been J. W. FRzgerald of the Southern spending several days in Portland on Pacific officials was in town for a business, returned on train 53 Wed­ short time Tuesday In his private nesday afternoon. car number 109. A t L ocal H ospital— f am m u s LV. J’S’NV’LB 7:20 a. m. 8:16 a. m. 9:20a.m . 10:45 a. m. 1-2:00 noon 1:20 p. m. 2:46 p. m. 3:45 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 9:50 p.m. We invite you to look over our stock of Paints Wall Paper Sanitas and other Decorative Material. We willingly give prices and figure amounts needed. Dickerson & Son THE PAINT MAN Sat. only Sat. only Sunday Only 8 >4)0 a. m. 9:20 a ra. 10:45 a. m. 18:15 p. m. 1:20 p. m. 2:50 p. m. 8:46 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 7 i00 p. m. 8:45 a. 9:50 a. 11:15 a. 11:15 a. 12:30 p. 1:50 p. 3:20 p. 4:30 p. 5:30 p. 5 :55>p 9:30 p. 7:20 p. 10:30 p. MEDFORD 8:80 a. m. 9:50 11:15 12:45 1:80 3:20 4:30 5:30 9:30 a. ra. a. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. m p. m p. m MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE D aily (E xcept Sunday) LV. MEDFORD ESTATE LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG 11:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. Travel by stage; shortest route by 20 miles; one of Oregon’s most scenic trips; we save you time and money. Fare— Medford-Roseburg, $1.00; Grants-Paas-Roseburg, $3.00. City and Ranch Properties H ouses to Rent CITIZEN’S TANK BUILDING 160 Acres Woodland-Pasture Much of it good soil—not steep —near Ashland. Near paved high­ way. Estimated 16,000 tiers of hard and soft wood. Price very reasonable. Will take good Ashland prop­ erty for part payment; terms on balance. Properly handled, business pays well. the wood MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS Daily and Sunday LV. MEDFORD LV. G’T’S PASS 11:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 4:45 p. m. Grants Pass waiting room—The Bonbon niere, phone 160. Office and waiting room—No. 5 8. Front St., Nash Hotel building. Billings Agency R EAL ESTATB A INSURANCE [ASUI ■Makllslnd 1883 41 f e Mal» Su Phone E i l