»>.H I UH Á fttiLA fti) DALLI 1’lD lA G S ■Mb d News in Paragraphs Side L ights —■■ ----- Real Home Taaining For Girl Scouts Urged By Mrs. Hoover SITUATION TENSE still a mystery. W hether his slayer ex’sting conditions of political and IN IRELAN D; HAIL was a burglar or an angry or jealous economic life today. OF LEAD K EPT UP man or wom an has never been dis- ‘The arm ies of the republic are covered. Both men had grimly attractive faces. Taylor's photographs show penetrating and suspicious glance, tight-set lips, a knit brow. Elwell revealed a less tight expression, more good-humored, Idle contempt. His adm irers declared that look spurred on feminine acquaintances to dispel its impersonal quality. Who killed Taylor-Tanner? Star or servant or jealous rival? i assembling in perhaps the most beau- tiful ancient city in China in order to enforce this lesson of progress on Peking’s vanguard at W u-han before the new year passes into its spring tim e.” BELFAST, Feb. 15.— Th© twenty- sixth death from mob violence in the (International News Service) ¡ents, and more particularly to girls city and suburbs during the last four MASONIC CALENDAR TH IS W EEK ’ V isitin g P aren ts __ WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.— Few living in the small apartm ents of the days occurred this morning. Five Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Litlechild, of Casper, Wyo., is visiting with Dr. girls nowadays receive “much r e a l! highly congested districts of the men were shot to death between mid­ and Mrs. A. E. Littlechild, at their domestic train in g ,” Mrs. H erbert city. night and 11 o’clock. The excite­ M al.a commandery, W ednesday home on union street. Mr. Little- Hoover, ,fwife oi! ih e secretary of “ Among the la tte r group many of ment had died down at noon and evening, February 15. Stated con- child is looking for another location commerce, declares in a statem ent even the essentials of a home are of- the city began to appear normal by clave. and if the proper opportunity pre issued by her as newly elected presi-j ten lacking, and consequently the early afternoon. Siskiyou chapter, Thursday even­ sents itself here, he will make Ash dent of the National Council of Girl girls have little opportunity to know Belfast passed through a wild ing, February 16. Stated convoca­ land his future home. Scout9- j what a real home should be.” night of terro r with sniping and tion and work in Royal Arch. In the domestic field the work of Mrs. Hoover makes appeal for 10,- bombing in many streets. Many citi-j Ashland lodge, Friday evening,1 the Girl Scouts is very im portant,” 000 women who are “capable and in­ zens have barricaded th eir doors and AIM IS 1 0 VNIFY 1 id olize those big blue e je s February 17. W ork on first degree. Home from San Francisco— says Mrs. Hoover. “During the last telligent and willing to fit them are afraid to venture outside. j AND MODERNIZE J. J. Fay, of 399 Mountain avenue, Over the kitchen range. fifty years, as compared to earlier selves to take charge of Girl Scou Í A later report states th a t firing* CHINA, SAYS CHEN is home from San Francisco and his Don’t forget the Railroad Carm en’s . _ .... I w onder why sh e seeins so shy. times, few girls have received much troops.” More than 100,000 girls are broke out in some of the streets n-,1 Armory, A-----™ Saturday even­ health perm uting, he will stay in Annual Ball, real domestic training. To be sure, w aiting to join the Scouts, she says, later in the afternoon. I think it rather strange. Ashland for some time. (Continued from Page 1) ing, February 18. the girl from the country and the but cannot be taken in because of Desparate fighting, in which a spe­ village is usually observant and has! lack of leaders. Good Basketball Game— cial constable was killed, broke out been intelligible and even logical. learned much from her m other, but “ We m ight settle down at Canton l e a v e s for C alifornia— Mrs- Hoover is the m other of two here, following the lull of several The F irst company national guard Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Millner, who team defeated the Medford national generally speaking, they have not sons. She was born in Iowa, but ¡hours, bringing the total fatalities and plan a program of work cover­ • ing the next 50 years, unmoved by reside on the Boulevard near th e (gUard quintet last night at the Ar- been taught in conscientious detail most or her life was spent in Cali- up to 28. the daily descent of China towards She and her famous hus- norm al building, expect to leave io rjm o ry by the score of 25 to 16. The how their homes are, or should beifornia. the pit of ruin which is being dug J S YOUR BUSINESS SLOW ? GET Los Angeles and other southern game was Well played considering the run. They lack knowledge of the me­ band met and fell in love with each SHOOTS W IFE AND chanism — the mechanics of home­ other while both were students in by m andarin mis-government at points tomorrow morning. INTO ONE GOOD FOR $<> Mass> a widely.known organ. m ent and inform ation. A cash “No— considerations of principle killed Mrs. Boden and her mother, accomplished, development of foreign ets to be good going on date of sa le ;. .. x . •business; no charges; no deliv­ trade will go forward a t immense and then fired a shot into ,lis own and expediency alike bid us reject ization expert and form erly active in eries; your profits in tile till every and require continuous passage on } this policy of poltical Fabianism. strides. So long has the country head, dying instantly. night. Good for 365 days a year. both going and returning trips. commercial club circles in this state, Mrs. Boden’s sister, who was in a ¿Exclusive territory. There are “Must Be Model nixed” been torn by the dissensions of revo­ — * has been chosen as the secretary of “ I repeat: China m ust be mod­ £still many good towns in Oregon lution that perm anent trade is prac­ bedroom, leaped from the window Sweet Pea Seed— The finest we tIie newly formed organization and and flew to a neighboring house, ernized if she is to survive as an in­ ppen, but territory is being taken tic a lly nil. rapidly and prompt action is ne­ have ever had. Holmes Grocery, 97 service departm ent of the Oregon dependent state. A despot is not cessary. If you want to get into But steam ship lines already are es­ where she sought refuge. E ast Main. ' By GEORGE VINTON 140-w-f s ta te Cham ber of Commerce!, ac­ good enough for the job. It is the e real paying business tablished from the P o rt of Portland ! WHITE OK W IRE US TODAY work of our people as a whole; and to Mexican ports and we have a very! PORTLAND, Feb. 15.— All Ore- (Of the Vinton Company, Im porters cording to an announcem ent today by Jo r full particulars. Act now for Leaves A fter Visit — I | rich and practically untouched fie ld ! son and W ashington coast points parliam entary government is the on­ and Exporters) Roy T. Bishop, head of the depart­ r ’tclusice :-lits ’i Ashland. Frank B. W alker, who has been ' for export trade. Already the Amer­ are warned by the w eather bureau ly system which has yet been dis­ E L E C 7R IK ‘IA1D SAKE SHOPS ment. A local m arket of immense pro­ visiting relatives here for several St. Paul, Minn. The organization and service de­ portions and unlim ited field for ex­ ican cham ber of commerce in Mexico of the approach of a severe storm on covered enabling a people as a na­ 821 ■’r ilii Ut days, left Tuesday m orning for Red tional aggregate to run a state in the North Pacific coast. | City is offering its services in secur­ Bluff, Calif., where he will make his partm ent was authorized at the last port is open to any company which ing us representation through the The storm is expected to bring future home with hie sister at t h a t ' «»e chamber. will undertake in the right way the p jace ror the purpose of assisting local m anufacture of pottery, dinnerw are, republic and this organization af- rain an(T w arm er w eather for west 1 communities throughout the state in willow baskets and woodenware fords us an excellent and reliable ern Oregon and W ashington and a heavy snow for the eastern part of th eir organization problems. This household specialties in Portland. means of investigation. these states. As an example of what Pacific “ MEDFORD CENTER,” M edford’s service, which Is to be supplied free This opinion is the result of my ob- est factories may do in unus big new departm ent store due to op-¡of cost to the communities which re- servations extending over a period of northw . .. „ _ . A m ual llnes the Rose City Cut Glass EIGHTH ANNUAL en about April 1, has some floor ¡quest it, is considered to be one nf of years and a trip to Europe in 1920, . , ... v r. , company is now competing very suc- BANQUET GIVEN space for lease for a few more de- the most im portant phases of the iu company with Mr. Van R osendael,! „ , ' . , . ,4 . I cessfully with eastern competition in partm ents, including dry goods, state cham ber’s activities, LINCOLN CLUB where we viewed the situation i n ! . , „ „ . . . x , . . Norway, . „ England, , , France, tx the m anufacture of cut glassware house furnishings and some others. Duryea has been closely identified Denmark, vice president, Mrs. Gordon Mac- Here is a real opportunity to get in with the work of the United States Belgium and Germany, with especial Cracken of A shland; second vice on the ground floor with this live Cham ber of Commerce and is a mem- reference to the la tte r country. organization for any one who is cap­ ber of the N ational Association of president, Mrs. Helen Gale of Med­ Thousands of dollars* w orth of able of stocking and m anaging a de­ Commercial Organization secretaries. ford; secretary, Don H erfring of Cen­ woodenware household articles sucji partm ent. Quick action is necessary During the w ar he was In charge of tral Point; treasurer, B. E. H arder as wooden basting spoons, b u tter of Medford. as most of the fifty-odd departm ents community service work in eastern molds, b u tter paddles, chopping The mosi beautiful and artistic are already taken. All inquiries con- cities, and lately has been connected bowls, rolling pins and the like, are fidential. Address Medford Build- with the Elm ira, N. Y., cham ber of shipped 500 miles to H am burg, and decorations ever seen at a Lincoln ing Company, Medford Building, commerce. day banquet were arranged by Mr. then shipped by w ater to Portland. Medford. Oregon. 140-1 j “W ith the appointm ent of an or- Thomas Swem, who, with the aid of F oreign Goods P our In flags, ribbons, stream ers and Ivy, 1 ! san itatio n specialist who will begin had changed the spacious dining Don’t forget the R ailroad Carm en’s I active work after March 1, th e or- They pay the im porters’ duty of 15 room into a picturesque panoram a, Annual Ball, Armory, Saturday even­ ganlzation and service departm ent per cent, the im porter’s profit, the ing, February 18. with the pictures of Lincoln and will begin operations im m ediately.” heavy freight and handling charges WASHINGTON, D. C„ Feb. 15.— H arding occupying prom inent places. said Roy T. Bishop, in m aking the and then sell for the same or a less Concerted regulation of lum ber pro­ Music was .furnished by the Im ­ price than the domestic article. And M akes B usiness T rip— announcement. “ There are many duction for the purpose of m aintain­ perial orchestra, who gave several Edward W. Jones left Tuesday communities in the state which are in addition to this, the American ing prices, was charged against the well selected numbers, and A. An­ m orning for Brownsville, Or., where not now represented by commercial product is poorly finished and does western pine manufacturers* associa­ drew W alker, who delighted his a u ­ he expects to look at some property clubs, and many commercial clubs not begin to compare in quality with tions operating in Idaho, W ashing­ dience with his vocal solos. the imported article. with the intention of an exchange and cham bers of commerce are in ton, Oregon and Montana, in a re­ English teapots, earthenw are and for property th a t he now owns in need of expert help and advice on Idaho. various phases of organization work. pottery are imported from England |'port of tbe federal trade commission, PARALLEL SEEN IN Potteries subm itted this afternoon to congress. SLAYING O F TAYLOR This departm ent will endeavor to be in immense quantities. The report charged th a t the out have been established a t Burbank A N D ELW ELL of every assistance possible in work R eturned from P ortland__ and Santa Clara, Calif., which ex­ put was curtailed in an effort to Robert W arner has returned from of this ch aracter.” pect to compete with the foreign pro­ m aintain the high prices th a t existed (Continued from Page l ) P ortland where he has been on bus­ during the war. ducts. T hat they have succeeded is iness for several days. Morris J. Duryea will be rem em ­ women whom the screen brought be­ o bered quite well here as he was the proof th a t other lines can do so. fore all of us. We know th eir man­ Local firm s have succeeded in pro­ Don’t forget the R ailroad Carm en’s publicity m anager under th e spring nerisms, their charm s and their fea­ OFFER OF 80 CENTS A nnual Ball, Armory, Saturday even­ w ater commission here a num ber of ducing wooden toys th a t compete tures as well as those of our own FOR WOOL REFUSED ing, February 18. years ago, and was a man of prom is­ with the foreign product and car­ relatives. Mabel Normand was his ON KLAMATH CLIP ing ability. He left here to take a loads have been shipped to New York “ pal.” Claire W indsor was a friend. j ----------- position as secretary of the cham ber and for export. DELIGHTFUL PARTY ON Neva Gerber was once engaged to Balloons and other rubber novel-j KLAMATH FALLS, Feb. 15.— man, but they decided in a perfectly of commerce a t Monmouth, 111. ST. VALENTINE’S DAY ties can be made here a t a profit. ' K lam ath county wool growers are friendly m anner not to m arry. He observing with growing optimism the adm ired pretty Mary Miles M inter,! . , ACTRESS WRITES PARENTS Export Chances H ere Big A valentine party was given Tues­ Export opportunities are excep­ return to normalcy of wool prices famous long ago as “The IJttle st day afternoon by Miss Viola Wood NEW YORK, Feb. 15.__Mabel tional here. We have the raw m a -land are slow to accept the. offerings Rebel.” at her home on Gresham street to a ! Normand, screen actress mentioned terial, cheap power and excellent' bemg made here of 30 centp on C0Q- Lived L ike E lw ell num ber of her little schoolmates. in the Taylor m urder case, has noti­ tracts with $1 a head cash in ad- Taylor lived as Elwell did, alone, The tim e was spent with various fied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claud shipping facilities. These items are and his servants went away at n ig h t.1 only a few of the real opportunities \ ance for the season’8 cr°P- At this games and refreshm ents were served D. Normand, th a t she has been com­ but they concern our line and I re- •tIme last year no offers were beinS While this mode of life encourages in the form of little hearts. pletely exonerated by the police. cognize them more readily. I m ade’ and the top prlce for tbe sea* intrigue not possible in a more open The entire house was beautifully A telegram received yesterday at existence, it makes the occupant of Willow basket m anufacturing o f- j8° a WHS 16 cents. decorated in red paper hearts, as was their home in St. George declares fers another excellent opportunity! Because of th * Present low price a lonely house liable to attack. th e table, which had, in addition, a th at the district attorney and police which requires only the planting of ° f ? a/ / Which wa8 sold down to ’ 3 Blackmailer or m urderer could easily num ber of kewpies. All the children have absolved her of all responsibll proper willow stock and the t r a i n - T ‘d H a to n ’ and in some instances’ gain access to his intended victim. were dressed to represent St. Valen- By in connection with the crime, and And, like the slain whist expert, J. M. Barrie’s Play ing of laborers. In this we m ust com­ $2, 30 cents is considered b etter *'ne‘ th a t all her letters have been re- j than the 50 cents paid during the Taylor received young women callers pete with the Japanese, bu t the Bel­ Miss Mabie Roach had charge of turned to her. war. . freely a t his home. He had received gians are already doing that. Jap an ­ the children and the hostess was a s - 1 i Between 400,000 and 500,000 a visit from one of them on the very ese goods are light and unsatisfac­ sisted in the serving by Mrs. Mary; pounds is sold through K lam ath night of his death. Women’s g ar­ tory. Starring Johnson. The following werte Die J , Falls. m ents were found in his home, as in In the pottery line, only Japanese OVER THE guests: Ione Hazen, Edith Moore, i Elw ell’s. TOP firm makes goods which will sell In Helen Leazer, Laura Thompson, VALENTINE PARTY W’AS The killing of Joseph Elwell is I hoar you competition with the American ware. Alice Rennrd, Georgia Coad, Opal ONE GREATLY ENJOYED took a This firm makes a w hite ware th a t d l* TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Rickman. Virginia English, Elaine aotrous plunge is clear. But the Chinese do not j Flackus, Dorothy Guislnger, Marion I WANTED TO BUY— One pair guin- •n W all street7 make this ware and they do not like J Mr. and .Mrs. Bert H. Smith de * eas. Address 322 W imer St. 140-2* Hitchcock, Lucile R eader and E aster Yea; I waa Gypsy love nnd village scandal! to buy from Japan. N either do the lightfully entertained a num ber of FOR SALE— Vetch hay. Hampton Barns. sort of standing Charging police and riotous crowds! Orchard, Voorhies Crossing. Phone on the edge, residents of A ustralia, New Zealand fiiends at a valentine party, Tues- G littering wealth, thrilling conflict, 4 6 8 - R - l . _______ 140-6 snd someone and Hawaii. We are doing a large day evening at th eir home on Oak wily intrigue! gave me a tipi export business with New Zealand ¡«street. The rooms were delightfully One of the most alluring Htories FOR SALE— Purebred Barred Rock While in Portland recently of modern times, filmed In ncenes of eggs for hatching. The laying, shipping American ware from Ohio decorated with red hearts and cupids I bought indescribable beauty. paying strain. 195 Beach St., Ash­ BARGAIN COUNTER GOODS factories through the port of New and the evening was enjoyably spent The play that made Maude Adams land. 1409-w-s 3uch as extra wagon wheels York, at prices 25 per cent below with cards and music an