Ahti lUO Tneeday, February 14, l f t a t H eld Bible Study H our — th er enemity of the Indians, as they himself in a jam, which it is hard The C hristian W orkers’ bahd held thought th at he was poisoning them for the man in tl^e street to under­ pression. The lessening of the in- is one of the essential requirem ents their hour of music and Bible study and resulted in the W hitm an mas­ stand, and the man in the street is equalities in present price re la tio n s, for full recovery from depression. Local and Personal Sunday afternoon. Next Sunday they s a c r e November 29, 1847, in which interested. will meet at the Christian church for th e doctor, his wife and seven others It is not the statesm en alone In ... ... gide Lights — ■*' drill. were killed. This resulted in the Great Britain who are demanding a Oregon leaders sending a ringing me­ trad e restoration. Everyone is talk­ MASONIC CALENDAR THIS WEEK Sale, H andicraft Shop, February OREGON HISTORY IN THE morial to the national congress, and ing trade and more trade. The news­ 17 and 18. Medford, Oregon. 139-4 MAKING AS SEEN ON when the word reached St. Louis of papers are full of bewailing of trade 63RD ANNIVERSARY the W hitman m assacre, the whole conditions. Business men w rite to Extra Special— country was aroused as never before their favorite papers to give their Officers of Ashland lodge meet Fine residence on paved street, (Continued from Page 1) in the interest of the Oregon coun­ this (Tuesday) evening for practice. centrally located, large lot, fruit, grants from Oregon. In 1850 the try. On August 13, 1848, congress views. Bankers discuss trade condi­ Malta commandery, Wednesday tions woefully. The man who wears shade, flowers, garden, six room land donation law was passed, and passed a m easure making Oregon a the cap of labor wants to know what evening, February 15. Stated con­ house, bath, tc^let, plastered and clave. had the effect of registering 8000 territory. In 1851 Jessie Applegate is being done. well finished, with built in features,. and others .took- up thq.j&ork of set Siskiyou chapter, Thursday even­ .P-®°JPJe 4n >.he„state e f Oregon. There may be pacts and talk of Price for few days, $2700. Terms at Captain N athaniel J. • W yeth, of tling the Umpqua a n d 'R o g u e River pacts, conferences and talk of con­ ing, February 16. Stated convoca­ 5 per cent on p art of this. ' E. E. Boston, came overland about the valleys in southern Oregon, and the ferences, but G reat B ritain’s men in tion and work in Royal Arch. Phipps, exclusive agent. 139-1 year 1828, sending his supplies region was soon overrun with miners the street want a quick trade restor­ Ashland lodge, Friday evening, around by ship, but th e ship was and settlers. Trouble with the In ­ ation, and David Lloyd George February 17. W ork on first degree. Pacific Package Goods, any num lost, and Captain W yeth and 11 men dians soon began and lasted with knows it. ber, 85 cents. H andicraft Shop, Med arrived in Oregon. The captain re­ some interm issions until 1856 when Chimney Sweeping — M edford’s rord> Oregon^ turned east in 1833, leaving some of the Indians were removed to the res­ BUYING POWER OF chimney sweep will be in Ashland ’ ______ his men to look a fte r his Interests ervations and the settlers were at Wednesday ready to do your work. I At AndersOn Creek— FARMER FUNDAMENTAL in .Oregon, and these men were the last secure in th eir homes. CaL phone 260-Y. 139-1* FACTOR IN BUSINESS Clinton H arkins is spending the first to be tillers of th e soil in our A convention for the adoption of week at Anderson creek with Lee state. It was also this captain who a constitution m et in Salem August (Continued from Page 1) Roseburg Visitors— Pierce. first saw the w ealth in salm on fish­ 3, 1857, and on Septem ber 18 a con­ Messrs. A. J. Lilburn, J. ing, but owing to the enorm ous stitution was adopted and on being the prices paid by the farm er for his Brown and C. A. Lockwood, of Rose- ~ .. o . . . , , , , . , . ! On Streets Again— w ealth and power of the Hudson Bay subm itted to the people, was ratified, food, equipm ent and supplies is not burg, were in town today in the in s terests of the m erchants convention ! C‘ Lamkin is able to be out on company, he was unable to compete the state governm ent going into op­ possible, but the change in purchas­ to be held in Roseburg tor th ree “ “ „ 7 ? T a ,te r ba,lD g bcen with them, and was compelled to eration in July, 1858, although Ore­ ing power may be approxim ated from wholesale and retail price indices. days beginning Monday, February confined to his home several days. give up his project as a failure, but gon was not form ally adm itted to The chart shows the relative loss in from it came the first colonization the Union until February 14, 1859. 20. purchasing power. W ith $7,860,867,- W ent to M edford— of the state. 000, the am ount received for the The M ethodists lay claim to the GREAT BRITAIN V olley B all__ Gepeau, of the lunch stand on 1920 crops, the farm ers could pur­ The business men enjoyed a game f ? 1"8* 8tre®t ’ 5' ent to Medford last first mission in the sta te among th e BENDS ENERGIES chase but 60 per cent of their 1919 early settlers who were financed and of volley ball at .he high school b‘Sb‘ ° ” bU8ibeS8' TO REGAIN TRADE purchases. helped by Dr. McLaughlin. Dr. M ar­ gymnasium Saturday night. „ Price Variation Means Less Buying (Continued from Page 1) _______ Sp 'cial P rogram at H igh School__ cus W hitm an was sent to Oregon in The 1921 crops yielded enough to <3» tr , tir ’ ” , i There will be a special program at 1835 to take charge of th e work and See Here. We are going to have the high school auditorium Friday continued with the work until 1842. tolerate statesm en who exhibit such buy but 52 per cent of the am ount plenty of crabs and other fresh fish afternoon at 1 o’clock This nrn when, owing to the agitation about sympathies. the farm ers could purchase in 1919. F rench N ot Sym pathetic tor F rid a y , Also plenty of good ta t eram has been Purchasing power declined 4 8 per the boundry line between the British The French lost heavily through cent and crop yields fell off 7 per chickens and rabbits. Ashland Fish but wili hfi Iin . 7 P’ Market. Phone 104. 139-tf ertheless. The following lu m b e rs possessions and the United States, he th eir financial support of the czarist cent. started on horseback and made a governm ent; they lost through their One of the most significant results will be presented: 3000 mile ride to W ashington, D. C. support of the anti-Bolshevik, and 111 a t llomfv— of the discrepancies which have de­ 1. Music— H igh School. in the interests of th e settlers of now they are content to let Russia Mrs. Frank Crouch has been ill at 2. Lincoln”1— Pauline Plum m er. veloped in the course of price a d ju st­ Oregon and of laying before congress struggle along by herself. Their an ­ her home, 148 Factory street, for the ment, and how vitally these dlscrep 3. Piano Solo— Laura Prescott. the facts about the great northw est, tipathy tow ard Germany will be oil past three or four days, and it is re­ 4. “W ashington”— Clara Will. ancies affect business, is shown in and it can be said th a t Dr. W h it­ long standing. Lloyd George can ported th a t her baby is now also 5. Music— High School. m an’s ride saved a great share of look for little Frenclj sympathy for these figures. Unequal price varia­ quite sick. tions mean impaired purchasing 6. Address — “Citizenship” — Mrs. the northw est to o ur United States. any clemency for eith er Russia or power, and extrem e im pairm ent of Champie. Dr. W hitm an retu rn ed to Oregon in Germany. Thus, Lloyd George fin d s ! Come to Trinity Guild card party purchasing power means business de- 7. Violin Solo— Leonard P ettit. 1843 a t th e head of about 1000 em i­ Thursday evening, in the Parish 8. Address— Allen Roberts, in tern a­ grants and again took charge of the House. Refreshments. tional secretary Y. M. C. A., of m issionary work, bu t from th a t time New York City. on, his influence over the Indians, H urt A gain — IT STARTS TODAY - The public is cordially invited to which had been so complete before, H arry Silver is quite unfortunate TH E THEATER BEAUTIFUL attend this program . began to wane. Finally measles these days, having only returned to broke out among th e Indians, and it the store a few days ago a fte r hav­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY proved very fatal and gained the fu r­ ing stepped on a nail, and now has WATKINS PRODUCTS— 137— Some one hand tied up from a long cut easential things for this tim e “ I w ith a piece of glass. mTnt C°™P°und m ustard oint- Me“ tho1 cam phor ointm ent, grippe and cold tablets, Anodyne NOTICE J. M. Barrie’s Play cough syrup, Pine T ar cough bal­ The ladies of Trinity Guild will sam A11 a t Jeter>8 stand> *pou^ give a bridge and five hundred party and A streets, or a mail order will Thursday evening, February 16, in bring them to you. C. M. Miles the Parish House, to which the pub salesman, 611 Beach St. 139-1* SMILES and TEARS for TWENTY YEARS lie is cordially invited. Two dollars 'FOR SALE— Household goods at my bowels, take B aalm ann’s Gas Tab­ per table. Refreshm ents and a good home 292 Liberty, Friday from lets, which are prepared especially Over all that time, the best loved romance in tim e for all. k u i e 5 E y “ h. P h ° ” e 1” -J - for stomach gas and all the bad ef­ fects resulting from gas pressure. the world has been “ The Little Minister.” FOcÔmRe<^ K EPÎ ,R1NGbt > That b‘‘ ” empty, ' * • - gnawing Ä * Ä feeling ? a t A novel enshrined in the hearts of millions. ¡ ; mep ahnodn e T 8 Jen “ ” ’ 4’ 5 'S ? ? bertbU8 The greatest stage success Maude Adams ever with heart palpitation will vanish played. FOR SALE— Five stands of bees U and you will again be able to take a Now its love, its charm and its thrilling events mile south of Belleview school- deep breath w ithout discomfort That drowsy, sleepy feeling a fte r house. J. H. Williams. 139-2* are a new delight on the screen. And Betty ---------------------- ----------- 1 J ,nner be replaced by a desire, L ittle Tom Tinker, out In th e Compson—the ideal gypsy Babbie! r OR SALE— Reed baby buggy 1 *or entertainm ent, Bloating will f winter, Phone 336-L or call 178 S k id m o re.|CeM ,se‘ Your 1,mbs> arm s and fingers If you want an hour and a half of perfect en­ Pounding out m ole. _____ 139-3 T y 11 longer feel cold and “ go to H e fell on his foot and started to tertainment, see— sleep,” because B aalm ann’s Gas Tab- root FOR SALE— Horse, 9 years o ld ,fletB Prevent gas ’ frorn" interfering R ight dow n in to th a t hole. weight 1050, or will trad ^ h the circulation. ;rade e for a ,w ith “ THE LITTLE MINISTER ” PflnV1ieTfin°ASt i an 1 £ay difference.! Get the genuine Baalm ann’s Gas Call 1360 Ashland St. 139-3* I Tablets in the yellow package from FOR S A L E -A sm all baslneaq. i J S X i r t “ price® on” i o l l j ? ’’ 'Also Two Reel Comedy go TODAY quire a . 343 E a „ M .m S,. Chem.1“ ’ s ™ F r a n c o . Ashland News in Paragraphs S a tu r d a y ,F e b .18 IS T H E L A S T D AY When the doors are closed on that day it will all be over. Only a very short time left to avail yourself of the many __________________ ____ Closing Out Bargains to be had here now. Next weeR it will be too la t e ._______ __ ______ See what See what will buy here Saturday will buy here Saturday See what See what will buy here Saturday will buy here Saturday LX X ____■ / , No More Gas in Stomach, Bowels Betty Compson "The Little Minister” L a s t c h a n c e to get double your money’s worth, as there may never be another real sale like this_____ We close lorever on Saturday CHEERO Saturday is posi­ tively the last day Guaranteed Flour Ferguson’s “ o At Your Grocers CLOSING OUT SALE February Rug Sale SWENSON & McRAE ° F ° UR ENTIRE LOWER FLOOR, MAKING THE GREATEST 0N^ihino°AHHU 6 S S F E N IN S0UTHERN OREGON. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER Nothing Adds a More Refined Appearance to Your Home than a Few Carefully Selected Rugs A FEW W O R D S ABOUT PRICES S w o r“ p , R^ b e tte , i“ e T . . bee“ high: L 0 0 k o v e r th e s e p n c - W 3 te d b e lo — BEAUTIFY THE HOME Bugs more than most articles in the home add to or detract ’.°™ f cheerful> comfortable and artistic atmosphere. You ind that these Axminister Rugs have been selected with the greatest of care and with the customer’s requirements and comfort in mind. Large variety of sizes. $3o.00 Axininisters, now .................................... OO nr* by y x ä of are r " SEAMLESS TAPESTRY BRUSSELS RUGS These rugs aie suitable for bed room, dining room or living room. These are in all over pattern on worsted face. You will be pleased with these patterns and blending of colors, also with the deep, soft nap and their splendid wearing qualities. $19.00 Greatly reduced to Sanitary—CONGOLEUM AND PABCOLIN RUGS-Durable 1 he pattern of these Rugs is a reproduction of a high grade fabric rug. The rich colors of blue-green and red on tan and ecru ground with broad border makes these rugs suitable for any room. 9 by 12 R u g .............................$13.00 9 by 10-6 R u g .........................$11.50 7-6 by 9 Rug ......................... $ 9.50 — ™ WOOL AND FIBRE RUGS Here you have rugs that will give you satisfaction both as to appearance and durability. The beautiful colors will blend with those of most anv room. /h r » n r * Priced as low as........................................................ $8.25 LINOLEUM RUGS KOLOR FAST FIBRE RUGS All over patterns, unbordered rugs that are easily cleaned, san­ itary and water-proof. Just a damp cloth is all that is needed to bring back the newness of these Linoleum rugs. This is a lair quality and one that should appeal to the econom­ 6 by 6 rug ............................... $ 5.00 6 by 9 rug................................... 7.50 9 by 12 r u g ............................. 15.00 Our new stock of wallpaper has arrived. ical housewife as the price is so reasonable. They come in gieen, brown and blue. Color effects recommended for use on sleeping porches and bedrooms. A n O l- 9 by 12 sizes........................ Paper 10c to $1.50 per double roll. tpl/.ob