14, iMá ASHLAND UA£bi fWiAtiâ Orres cleans clothes. FAO* ¿fût** Phone 64. 4. Ml-O-Na, that’s the name of the best prescription ever w ritten Columbia Hotel Guests— for indigestion or stomach distress. The following parties are late a r­ G uaranteed by McNair Bros. Spring woolens and styles are in rivals a t the Columbia hotel: G. C. One cent t|>e » * t * rr« s’ .Tailor Shop. 128tf Erkm an, M r and Mrs. V. M. Palm er, Buys C a r - WAN 1 CD. PmMXCIANS. K lam ath Falls; Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bud Storm is the possessor of a Visiting WANTED-—Will pay highest cash j Bloomfield, C. C. Doe, Carl H. Con- Mr. an d fers. -W illiam Holloway Buick six purchased through the lo­ prices for furs—-skunk, m in k ,1 DR. ERNE8T A. WOOD»— Practlc» net, J. R. Nash, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. cal Bulck sales agency. A regular feature department edited by limited to eye, ear, cose and a n d little son, of Medford, were In fisher, coyote, lynx, cat, etc. Ed­ Kersy, Mr. and Mrs. H. German, Mr. gar Johnson, Farm Bureau, Med-' throat. Offjpe hours, 1« to 12 and A shland a few days ago visiting with and Mrs. H. T. Pilzer, J. S. Wertz, ford, Ore. Phone 929. 124tf! 2 to 5. Swedenbmrg Bldg., Ash' Ju st received a large shipm ent of . M r . Evans of the hew Golden Pule land, Ore. ?8-tf H. W. Smith, Mrs. I. Miller and •dried fruits Including cluster raisins, Domestic Science Director California Prune & Apricot Growers Inc. r store. Mr. Holloway is employe! in fo r s a l e . daughter, P ortland; Mr, and Mrs. seeded raisins, seedless raisins, cur­ OR. j . j . EMMEN8— Physician and th e Medford Golden Rule store A. T. Borst and son, Centralia, Wash. rants, white and black figs, Italian Surgeon. Practice limited to FOR SALE— 1920 Chevrolet, nerw eye, ear, nose ana throat Glasse» tires, in excellent condition, will Mrs. G ertrude Craig and daughter, and French prunes and peaches. supplied. Oculist and acrlst fot BE V*ERA GES— Continued be sold at a sacrifice this week. No goods bought a t w ar prices In Hilt, Calif.; Mrs. A. W. Ash, W. T. Milk shake is a light meal In itself, D etrick’s Groceteria. We sell for 8. P. R. R. Offices. M. F. and H See the car at N orton’s garage, our store. O ur stock was all pur- Phelan, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nor- less. which both cools and refreshes the Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 667 130tf Pioneer street. , 138-6 Filtered coffee is preferred by system. It can easily be made at chased since the drop In price. This man, Medford; Mr. and Mrs. F. G. many persons, it requires a special home. If a shaker is not available, j FOR SALE— Baby chicks. Tancred BR. MATTIE B. SHA W— Special a t­ Is one of the reasons why we sell for; Nook, Roland Lainey, Vancouver, B. Manufacturing to Start Again— tention to m others and children strain White Leghorns. For March leas. Det rick’s Groceteria. 130tf C. ; Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bennett, Cin­ Mr. Nagle, of the Carbonic Gas pot and full directions for making use either a fruit ja r with a tight | 8 delivery. Mrs. Headley, 494 Internal secretions and endocrine cinnati, Ohio; George A. Van Bla- company, of Portland, is in town and are furnished with each pot. The cover or a rotary egg-beater. Break glands. Res. and office, 108 Pio­ Holly street. Phone 285-R. 138-2 Able to be Around— neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of. com, Mt. Vernon, Wash., and Mr. and will open the carbonic gas m anufac­ essentials are a heated pot and boil­ an into the shaker or k iar- ! ----------------- —---------------------------- »wn egg t.Hioo________________ J add OREGON NURSERY CO. — Order ing water. flee hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to « We are glad to note th a t Mrs. An- Mrs. L. N. Tame, Marshfield, Or. two tablespoonsful of sugar and one- turing plant at the Pom padour Min­ P» m. now. All kinds of guaranteed j na Grubb, who has been ill at the The bromine is the stim ulating half teaspoonful. of vanilla flavoring. eral springs at once. The plant has nursery stock for spring delivery. ' elem ent In cocoa beans and is much Shake vigorously for two or three home of her daughter, Mrs. H. B. S. S. Davies, a t depot barber shop ! SHAW— Eye, ear, nose, throat been closed down for the past two Are you still paying the other fel­ specialist; glasses fitted. Office C arter, of M ountain avenue, Is able low’s bad accounts, or are you fol­ months, and they now have a num ­ less pronounced in Its effects than, m inutes or beat until very light. agent. 136-6' at residence, Pioneer Ave., morn- to be around again. lowing the crowds to D etrick’s Groce­ ber of orders on hand and shipments the correspondine principle in tea Pour into a tall glass, fill with cold- FOR SALE— Plym outh Rock eggs lng and by appointment. Phone 28. and coffee. The high percentage of milk and sprinkle a little nutmeg for hatching, 75c per 15. Phone teria. 130tf will be made as soon as roads will New stock In today. Stamped CHIROPRACTORS. 427-Y or call 733 Oak. 136-tf permi the bringing in of the con­ fat, together with other food prin­ over the top. If a plain milk shake ciples, places this beverage in the goods of various kinds. Lunch tainers. is desired pui sugar, flavoring and FOR B A L E -G ood reed baby buggy, DR. MAID INGERSOLL HAWLEY Birthday P a r t y - class with foods. As a rule when cloths, aprons and towels. Latest cold milk in the shaker or ja r and) Apply 84 Alida St. 136-6* — Visiting Chiropractic Physician. Ruth Peebler, little daughter of patterns. The Needle Craft, 13 East The members of the American Le­ m aking cocoa o r chocolate follow shake about four m inutes; a Neuritis cases a tpecialty. Phone C. G. Peebler, gave a birthday party the recipes found on the package. Of ,ce may be added, b a , b e f f e r ^ t Main. 137-3 367-J. Treatm ent given only In gion and Ladies’ Auxiliary and their Saturday afternoon to 12 little girl your own home. However, it will be well to bear in families will enjoy a valentine party i 9 suits are obtained if the milk has friends and shoolmates in honor of Mr«. G, W. W oiveitpn, 184 B (onfined to His Bed— mind th at boiling will greatly im­ PLU M BING 136-6* The little W ednesday evening a t 8 o’clock at prove It. Beating constantly with an been thoroughly chilled first. Choc­ ! 8t. G. W. Benedict, of Mountain ave­ her seventh birthday. the Moose hall. All come prepared olate milk shake is made by adding ' pQR nue, Is still confined to his bed with folks spent the afternoon in games to have a good time. SALE— Single comb White H. R. ADAMS— Plumbing, Contract­ egg-beater while cooking will th o r-jo n e or two tablespoons of chocolate 13 8-3 Leghorn eggs, for hatching, trap- ing and day work. 248 Fifth 8t.. grtppe, though he is somewhat im­ and frolics of various kinds and a f­ oughly mix the ingredients and pre- syrup to the m ixture before shaking 1 nested. phone 166-J. Also Barred Plymouth ter having delicious refreshm ents, all lOOtf p atient to be out again. vent a thin skin rising to the surface. ‘ A cocoa eggnog is particularly re- Reported Improving— Rocks, extra large birds. Phone were taken to their homes with 840-Y. • 127-lmo PHONE your next job of plumbing J k e tea, coffee and chocolate, freshing and nourishing as well, and A. H. Peachey, who has been in- Nioe Dry Wood! auo BIox. Aah- bright and shining faces by Mr. to Jerry O'Neal. Beaver Building disposed for the past few days, 19 there is a principle in m eat which is can be given to both old and young. FOR SALE— Here is a splendid op­ Phone 18S. 92tf Peebler. land Lumber Co., pilone 20. stim ulating. These are soluble in Beat one egg w hite very still, then reported improving. portunity: Grocery store doing TRANSFER AND EXPRBSS. w ater and when extracted make a . add gradually, while constantly nice business, Invoice about $3000, Seriously 111— Alaska Nugget Chocolate Dipped rent $30. O. A. Manning, Talent, Have th a t old suit renovated at overage th a t stim ulates the appet- j beating, two teaspoons of sugar, one Oregon. 127tf FOR prompt ana careful service, Mrs. Wells, who has been conduct­ Ice Cream— the new delicious frozen P aulserud’s. 133tf tite. Being easily digested, beef tea teaspoon of cocoa and a few grains auto trucks or horse drays, «all ing the work a t the county hos­ dainty— 10 cents at Plaza Confec­ W hittle T ransfer Co. Phone l l 4 is good for convalescents and bene­ of salt; take out about one-third of FOR SALE*—W hite Minorca hatch­ pital near Talent for some time, is tionery. • 135-6 C hristian Endeavor Party— Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel ing eggs, non-setters, large white ficial when one is tired. this mixture, and to the rem aining Ashland. 66tf reported quite seriously ill at pres­ •ggs, $1.00 for 15. 922 Boule­ The C hristian Endeavor society of No m atter w hat the w eather con- portion add gradually one cup cold vard. Phone 457-R. 124-lm o ent. A dvertising F ilm — the C hristian church held a party dltlons, Ice cold drinks are always milk, constantly beating. P ut the r L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS A two reel film, entitled “ Ask ’em at the church on last Friday night. acceptable. Some of these cool drinks rem ainder of the m ixture on top and FOR SALE— Good sound Newtown FER — Good team and motor trucks. Good service at a reason Tamales of quality, served in the to buy,” was shown last night at A good sized crowd of the young and W lnesap apples, not culls, 50c are nutritious as well as refreshing, i serve. box. Half mile west cannery. O. i M a nrtre Phone R3 husk, a t R om Bros. 131tf the Legion hall at Medford. This folks was In attendance and spent A. Manning. Talent. Or. 114tf film is shown for the benefit of the the evening in games, which, with PENALTY FOR FAILING CAR WASHING Called to Idaho — automobile and accessory dealers of the refreshm ents, were the feature BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FIRST CLASS CAR WASHING and TO FILE TAX REPORT Miss Mabie Smith, who makes her this section, and is both interesting of the evening’s entertainm ent. polishing, $2.50. Llthla Garage. hom e in this city with Mrs. E. E. and instructive. Mr. Woods, of the Phone 114. llS tf FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— WE CAN LOCATE you In most any kind of paying business In Sou'h- Marcy, received word of the death of Eastern Supply company, attended F ailure to file an individual in­ Thos. H. Simpson, of Ashland, au­ Automobile insurance at right FOR REX’» ern Oregon. FOUR-SITE SALES h e r fath er at Burley, Idaho, and left the show and was accom panied by rates. Yeo of course. thorizes his announcem ent as a 134tf come tax retu rn on or before March AGENCY, Business Brokers, Bea- candidate for the nomination fob Monday evening In company with his employes. ver Block, Ashland; Medford r u ^ l CK Woodland-Pasture SALE! Handicraft Shop Ashland Fruit and Produce Association Bil lings Agency