f V f a —day, f-eferuat? tion of the average man o r woman The act requires th at a retu rn be r'rdm tha hour of rising in the morn- filed by every single person whose , i a 6 a ll the hour of retirin g a t night. net income for 1921 w as $1000 or Sunday TH E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. To vîlû a placo In th e crowded and more, every m arried person whose besieged m ind of the p®d5TU.jn%n is net income was $2000 or more, and OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY not equivalent to holding such ' a by every person— single o r m arried PAPER place. It is more like creating a -—whose gross income was $5000 or TELEPHONE 39 melody which the prospect h ears, en­ more. Subscription P rice D elivered in Q ty : The requirem ent to file a return One« month .................................. $ .65 joys, and inevitably forgets, i t m ust Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 ■ be played and replayed, or other mel­ of gross income of $5000 or more re­ Six months .................................. 3.75 odies will take its place. Not even gardless of net income is a new pro­ Ona y e a r ........................................ 7.60 the greatest corporation or the most vision. Net income is gross income Mail and R urai R outes popular product can hope to. build less certain specified deductions for 'ne month ...................................$ .65 up a reputation which will of its own business expenses, losses, bad debts,, hre<* mnntti« .......................1 95 .0 e endure. The history of adver- etc., which are fully explained on * ed with s riking proofs of he orms. .a .u .n js s , I - .tu ns r.'.us be filed by m arried _ xurther instance is needed vU. les, whose combined net income . .id ,, • - a.ifc in se rtio n , each in c h ............ 4«i i ua pro0ress of the banker’s belief for 1921, including th a t of depend­ VEA R L Y ('O X T RA( TS i advertising, it is to be found in ent minor children, equaled or ex­ Displu Ad crtis ng -~e oie a t volume of advertising ceeded $2000, or if the combined ; lie time a w eek........................27 placed by the bankers purely for the Tross Income equaled or exceeded wo times a week.........................25 c -Jve y o?her d a y ............................20 c purpose of developing good will. $5000. Local Re dera Banks have been among the pioneers The period for filing retu rn s is ia c n line, each tim e .................... 10c in his field. Many large banks hav­ from Jan u ary 1 to March 15, 1922 To 1 in every o th e r dby fo r one ing nothing tangible for sale, find Heavy penalties are provided for fail­ month, each line, each tim e. . 7c it advisable to advertise extensively. ure or “ willful refusal” to file a re­ To run every issue for one month or more, each line, each tim e. . 5c The aim is not to secure direct re- turn on time. C lassified C olum n tu; ns. The object in view is to de­ Form s 1040A for incomes of $5000 One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month velop the highest type of national and less and 1040 for incomes in ex­ good will for an institution doing a cess of $5000 may be obtained from or more, the word each time. Legal R ate countrywide, but a t the same time, the offices of collectors of internal F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c is highly specialized business. To un­ revenue and branch offices. The tax Each subsequent time, per 8- point line .................................... 5c derstand the value of advertising may be paid in full at the tim e of Card of t h a n k s ............................ $1.00 which produces dem onstrable and filing the return, or in four equal in Obituaries, the line ...................... 2^ « early retu rn s in dollars and cents is stallm ents, due on or before March F raternal Orders and S ocieties simple enough. But when bankers 15, Ju n e 15, September 15, and De­ Advertising for fratern al orders are willing to spend substantial sums cember 15. o r societies charging a regular in iti­ HE way of society maids and made of bits of silk and chiffon to ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ year after year for advertising to matrons this season is literully blend with tlie lighter silk gown ligious and benevolent orders will "be build th eir standing, and to keep “a path of roses,” for fashion While the trailing girdle effects lead F E B R U A R Y POULTRY NOTES charged the regular rate for all ad their good name continuously before decrees ;hat evening gowns be garni- in Interest and popularity, other ideas vertising when an admission or other the forgetful public, it indicates a The incubator is not only a neces tured with flowers, matched with dain­ are also noted. For instance, a change­ charge is made. receptive attitu d e a t least tow ard sity but an economy where early ty flower bandeaux for the hair. The able silk gown (rose to gray) has very poetry of dress is expressed in semi-wreaths of hand-made roses fes­ W hat Constitutes Advertising this particular branch of advertising. chicks are wanted. the lovely evening frocks which have In order to allay a m isunderstand­ If the quality of the advertising Do not breed from diseased birds nt their waist trailing clusters of ex­ tooned about tlie skirt, forming an ing among some as to w hat consti­ placed is high in perm anent results, applied trimming to the dress. tu tes news and what advertising, or those which have been diseased. quisite flowers, stems and buds. Fancy headdress is noted at all eve­ we print this very simple rule, which direct and indirect, returned to the A strong chick is the offspring of Not only the party frocks of youth, ning functions. These range from the Is used by newspapers to differenti­ advertiser for each dollar spent, then healthy parents. but tlie stately evening gowns of simplest circlet of flowers to impos­ ate between them : “ALL future the volume will almost take care of matrons as well, are flower bedecked. ing coronet jewel effects. The narrow Brooding and caring for chicks is events, where an admission charge itself.’’ Artificial flower makers are giving Is made or a collection is taken IS far more im portant than hatching. much attention to the designing oL hand idea, often of silver or gold laurel leaves, is a preferred style. Here ADVERTISING.” ThiB applies tn To chili th e chicks is always fatal. flower pieces for dress adornment. JA S P E R ’S QUEST again golden grapes are popular, the organizations and societies of every It often costs som ething to learn Art emulates nature, not only in vines, tendrils and leaves twined kind as well as to individuals. this. flowers but In fruits as well. A pre­ artistically about the coiffure. All reports of such activities after Young Jasper Stout one day set out vailing fashion is that of wearing fes­ One of the best anim al foods, both they have occurred is news. Elaborate flower designs are Inter­ To find a wife to suit him, toons of golden grapes in connection mingled with ostrich lines in bright or All coming social or organization to induce egg production and pro­ with tlie girdle. An effect of great pastel colorings. For tlie dance, lit­ m eetings of societies where no And loudly wailed th at, if he failed, mote growth, is cut fresh bone. money contribution is solicited, initi­ color beauty is attained with gold tle vanity bags are made of silk cov­ He hoped some one would shoot Cold, damp land is no place for grape clusters on quaint gowns of the ation charged, or collecton taken IS him. poultry; th a t which dries soonest af­ new Paisley brocade silks, some of ered entirely with tiny flat flowers. NEWS. For the debutante flower muffs are te r a rain is the best land on which which are interwoven with metal designed. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, He met a maid out on parade threads. to raise fowls. Postoffice as Second-class Mail M at­ And thought her very charm ing, For the fashionable black chiffon Outside of the breeding pens on ter. But she was vain and held disdain velvet evening gown, bright-colored the farm no surplus males should be For anything like farming. flowers are relied upon to give tlie rSuMMEttpLAYGROUh kept. Too many males to bother the necessary “touch of color.” Very ef­ laying hens are a detrim ent; none fective flower trimmings may be hand OF AMERICA! He Journeyed far and saw a sta r COmiGHT n ViiTUN NlW ACU UNI6M. are needed. Whose dwelling place was Screen- Fight lice, teeth and toe-nail, at land. this season. We often think lice kill But when he paused her m anner more chicks than any other thing. caused A wagon load of the fine gravel His feet to be like Greenland. and sharp sand throw n on the ground in the poultry yard makes it He chanced 10 pass another lass’ more sanitary and helps provide grit. Whose cheeks and lips were painty It is a hard thing to do, but- use But shook his head and sadly said, the hatchet freely on ailing fowls. “ I fear she is too dainty.” Be sure th a t the ailm ent is not a 1 CITIZENSHIP AND MARRIAGE fault of the caretaker. Not one of these could shell the peas A neighboring poultry man sowed Congress is to be asked to revise nor peel the supds for dinner, a large patch of ground to oats and the naturalization laws so as to make Nor pound the steak nor bake a cake wheat and left the fowls to dig it out it necessary for a foreign woman to Because it w asn’t in ’er. for themselves a fte r the seeds had go through the same proceedings as maj. oi ai.en 01 .¿in in acquiring ! So Jasper sighed and turned his sprouted. The hens were actively scratching all day long. It was a stride citizenship, even though she be m ar­ good plan, and we recommend it. ried to an American. Under the ex­ Toward a cottage humble Scaly legs is caused by a m inute isting regulations, a woman, on mar-j And, though his hope had slipped its parasite digging away under the rope, rying a foreigner, at once becomes a | scales of the fowl’s legs. Apply car- citizen of the nation to which he: He tried hard not to grumble. bolated vaseline once a week until owes allegiance, though she may cured. never have been in th at country and Jerusha W ade some b u tter made Make the nest boxes of ample size, And cleverly did pat it. may feel no love for it; and if her husband changes his citizenship, hers And Jasper gazed and stood amazed but not too deep. The hens, if large in size, will break the eggs in get­ Is autam atically changed, too. Thus As he espied her a t i t ting into th e nest, if it be too deep. the status of the husband determ ines It will soon be the season for gape th a t of the wife, which is hardly “Oh, come," he cried, “ and be my bride worms, and all yards not sown to consistent with the modern belief th a t woman is the equal of man and And share my home and money! green feed should be spaded or plow­ Mr. R. L. Jeffrey and H.s “ Herne” on a u m m o m u Wheels. should be given an equal voice' in de­ That I have passed you till the last ed up. If the worms are thick, scat­ Mr. It. E. Jeffrey of Piedmont, Cal., arrived recently ni .> . Indeed, is very funny!” te r lime about the yard before plow­ ciding how she is to be governed with one of the most complete homes on wheels eve seen In th ing. A few drops of carbolic acid'in The body Is built of liber board, and the house cental,,, everv t , , w , a, 1 It may be a bit awkward to have the drinking w ater of the chicks will cohveuleuee. with the exception of a „alh. Mr the husband and wife citizens of dif­ His love was met, and you can bet X S ’ help to dislodge the worms from XT L f f S Z he 18 ferent countries, but it can be no He. claimed this buxom beauty of more awkward than the situations Who filled the place with queenly th eir throats. — Farm Life. grace which arose during the war in cases GETS BILL FOR 13-MONTH YEAR And knew each household duty. where American men and women H arry J. W illiams In Farm Life were m arried to Germans. Undoubt­ edly an undeserved hardship was im­ M easure in C ongress Seeks to l e g a l ­ posed on some of the American wives INCOME TAX FACTS ize New Liberty Calendar of alien enemies by the law which WASHINGTON, D. C„ Feb. 14.— A made it necessary to regard them as In m aking out his income tax re­ movement directed a t “our an tiq u at­ alien enemies also and seize their turn for 1921, the average taxpayer ed tim e calendar” is getting under property. Now th a t woman have the will find a considerable saving in ballot and are citizens in their own comparison with the am ount of tax way. The “Liberty C alendar Asso­ ciation of Am erica” is behind it. right, the system should be changed. paid on the same income for 1920. It is proposed th a t there be th ir­ The exemptions provided by the teen months, 52 weeks, and 364 days A RANKER ON ADVERTISING revenue act of 1921 are $1000 for with the odd day called "New year’s single persons (th e term including Guy Emrson, vice president of the widows, widowers, divorcees and per­ day,” to come between the last day in National Bank of Commerce of New sons separated from husband and of December and Jan u ary 1. eap year the odd day would be call­ "York, in the Commerce Weekly, wife by m utual agreem ent), $2500 .says: ed “Leap Year day” and would come for m arried persons whose net in ­ It is becoming more and more come was $5000 or less, and $2000 between June 28 and July 1. The extra m onth is to be called common for bankers to regard a rad ­ for m arried persons whose net in­ ical cutting down of an advertising come was $5000 or more. Under the V era,” because it takes in “vernal expenditure with close attention. revenue act of 1918 the personal ex­ equinox,” and would begin spring. The sharp reductions in the adver­ emption allowed a m arried person Each month would consist of 28 tising of nationally distributed a r­ was $2000, regardless of th e am ount days. By the arrangem ent outlined in a ticles, the reputations of which were of net income. The personal exemp­ apparently so firmly established tion allowed a m arried person applies Jill introduced in the house by Rep­ th a t nothing could affect them ad­ also to the head of the family, man resentative Schall of Minnesota, each versely, has been followed so regu­ or woman, who supports in one day of the month would always some larly by a heavy falling off in sales, household one or more relatives by on a certain day. E aster would fal! on'* March 14s corresponding with th at the need for caution in such blood, m arriage or adoption. the present April 9, and wonld al­ cases is widely recognized. The bank­ The exemptions for dependents__ ways be the ninety-ninth dav of the e r is coming to realize th a t public a person who receives his chief sup­ J far. interest Is not necessarily a perm a­ port from the taxpayer and who is The proponents ceclare th a t “ this nent possession. It can be won only under 18 years of age or incapable by skillful competition in a world of self-support because m entally or mplification will cf spense with neeo w here every device is mobilized to physically defective— is increased 1’or printed calen d ;rs, saving about $¿5,000,000 a year from this alone.” FLOWER GARNITURES AND FANCY HEAD DRESS FOR EVENING WEAR T 14, iòaH MiCKIE SAYS CARLOAD SHIPMENT OF OOK1Y LET AH OOt-OP-TOVJH SUCKER. WAVE NOUR ORDERS FOR UOB VJORK»VJE SAM DO NOUR \WORK A S WELL AS AkiY FRlHYER'. SPEMO NOUR W0WE4 VJWERE NA MAKE IT! DOWT 8 E A gwinakaaum 5 from E astern m ills ju st iij. siderable drop A prices on GOOD CEDAR POSTS New prices on implements and re­ pairs.. New a id used sewing machines for sale or to r e n t . . . . . Peil’s Corner to Homo Town, Con­ 85c New Retail Price for Popular Copyright Titles l>y In v e s tig a te O u r Id e a l A rc o la H ot W ater H eating System for Sm all or Large H ouses Our New Lino of H eating Stoves A re N ow In Provost Bros. •—B. M. Bower •—Zane Grey —Rex Beach —Harold Bell Wright —Peter B. Kyne -—.fames Oliver Cnrwood Gene Stratton Porter and almost every big book of fiction published within the last few vears. ----- 85c------ M cNair Bros. -X&xaic S 6 u i CALIFORNIAN CONSTRUCTS MOST COMPLETE HOME ON CAR WHEELS This new sugar-coated g u m d e lig h ts ^ y o u n g a n d o ld ? It “ m elts in you r m o u th ” and the gum in the center remains to aid digestion, brighten teeth and soothe mouth and throat. There are the other W R I G L E Y friends to choose from, too: SCH O O L D AYS For Such A Short Month IXe helled raL there are two mighty important birthdays crowded into February, and both Washington and Lincoln were vigorous advocates of thrift. Could there be a more fitting tribute to the memory of these two great men of America than the opening or increasing of a savings account? The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregon