a A flR L A aP DAl L i M iiiA U S PATRONS ASKED TO Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and Personal CO-OPERATE W ITH ( f^ A RURAL MAIL CARRIERS © n © 1 1 n i l Í M onday, February 1$, 19321 of the flock two or three dozen eggs per hen? Try it. • • SOME GOOD GAMES Exam ination of the stands of bees ! should be made from the middle of Standings to D ate p c February to the first of March. Teams Played Won io o o iCho° se a time When the bees are fly‘ Methodists .............. 3 3 : ing well and make sure th a t the hive Presbyterians . . . . 3 2 666 has a good laying queen. The am ount Christians .............. 3 1 333 Baptists .................. 3 0 000 of honey store may be determ ined ______ i at the same time. •Il NIOR Y. M. O. A. LEAGUE BASKETBALL PLAYERS IN CALF HAS NO TAIL; HOPS LIKE A RABBIT By direction of the post office de­ JEFFERSON, Ga„ Feb. 13.— A partm ent, postm asters throughout heifer calf recently born here has the country have recently made an only one eye, no tall, and. although This world’s a pretty good sort of a Have that old suit renovated at The members of the American Le­ inspection of the ru ral routes from she boasts four well-developed feet place. Paulserud’s. 133tf gion and Ladies’ Auxiliary and their Taking It all together; th eir offices. The purpose was that and legs, hops like a rabbit instead In spite of the grief and sorrow w s families will enjoy a valentine party they might ascertain by personal ob­ of walking as heifers are generally meet, Embroidery Club Meets— Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock at servation and make report w hether supposed to walk. Outside of th a t In spite of the gloom y weather. Mrs. M. B. Stew art was the host­ the Moose hall. All come prepared There are friends to love, and hopes the roads were in good condition for her cwner, George Williamson, says to cheer ess Friday afternoon to the Friday to have a good time. 138-3 The fifth and sixth games in the she is a pretty good calf. travel, the routes well arranged, And plenty of compensation Junior Y. M. C. basketball league 19 A ttend A. C. Canning Course A fternoon Em broidery club, twelve ---------- For every ache, of those who make the boxes properly erected, so as to were played Saturday afternoon at Cannerymen to the num ber of 19 The best of the situation. members being present to enjoy the Painted Interior ©• S t o r e - be easily reached by the carriers the high school gymnasium. Both " b° b a ' e con,e from points in Ore- afternoon. Those present were the Max GeBauer, owner of the bui’d- MORE WAYS W IT H D R IED FR U ITS w ithout difficulty and w ithout ob­ Mesdames Poor, Smith, Jacobs, Dy-J ¡ng in which the E R Isaac & Com. structing traffic, the carriers serving were warmly contested. In the first K° n and Wa8hin&ton aB the way rud, Hostler, Emery, Herberg, ouis- pany store is located, has painted the When you have a cupful or less of th eir routes as officially prescribed, the Baptists and Methodists faced Ir° m ,olyiuPla to Medford are en- inger, Nelson, Love and Hale. The interior of the store room and the plump stewed prunes, you have the the schedule observed, and w hether each other. Carson, Ramsey and rolled in the canuer’s short course beginning of a ’ the families served were satisfied Frulan were high point w in n ers,1 n° " ’ being given by the departm ent next meeting will be held Friday af-, shelving, m aking everything look most tasty salad. with the service rendered, or there Ramsey leading with 12 points, all ol !:01ti('ul,ural products at the Ore- ternoon at the home of Mrs. Bert j nfce new. Prune and Pe­ from field goals. Carson, for t h e ! 8° n a Sricullural college. The men T hirty-three years o f learning how T rotter, 167 H arrison street. ______ can Salad.—Drain were improvements which could be Baptists, was particularly deadly on ^Lie en t^ usiastic over their work, asys R estin g E a sily— H a s taught us how to serve you the fruit and cut suggested in the interest of the p at­ foul shooting, converting all of the i; E. H. Wiegand, who is giving the Automobile insurance at right Mrs. C. W. Nims, who underw ent in pieces lengtli- rons or the departm ent. course. The course includes practi- fouls on the Methodist team in to !vuu‘se' now. 134tf an operation at Medford a few days rates. Yeo of course. w 1 s e and mix It became necessary, in connection points, thereby netting four extra " 01^ *n the weB equipped labora- with one-quarter with the inspections, to request many ago, is reported at time of going to A ttorney Out A gain— of a cupful pecan patrons to take action to the end tallies. B utterfield, for the B ap tists,; tOlies and lectures’ many of which press as resting easily, and although Attorney Nellie Dickey was co n -jvery weak, her condition at this time meats cut Into small pieces. Mix one- th a t th eir boxes m ight conform with also came up from guard aud hooped aie g' veu ’)y men brought to the col- third of a cupful of olive oil with two field goals. The Methodists won lege for thiB 9Peclal occasion fined to her home the last of the is very encouraging. three tablespoonfuls of lemon juice, the regulations as to kind, condition, by a 24 to 16 score. week, but is now able to be out one-half teaspoonful of salt, and a few location, or height, and in having the The line up: again. The American Legion will erect a dashes of paprika and cayenne. Toss name of the owner plainly printed on M ethodists— Heer, forw ard; Ram­ the nuts and prunes Into the dressing them. Also, to bring to the attention club house a t Oregon City. LAST TIME and add one-half teaspoonful of pow­ of road overseers or other respon­ sey, forw ard; Frulan, center; Wol­ H om e from P ortland— TONIGHT— dered sugar. Serve in nests of sible persons th e need for improve­ cott, guard; Chattin, guard. Mrs. Leach, of the Hotel Ashland, ELDERLY LADY DIES lettuce with roast fowl. If a large plat­ m ents in roads or repair or construc­ Baptists— Cotter, forw ard; Gil­ is home again after a few days in EARLY TH IS MORNING ter is used they may be placed around more, forw ard; Carson, center; Os- Portland. tion of culverts or bridges. the fowl for a garnish. One of the Best Actors lin, guard; B utterfield, guard. It is the desire of the departm ent Parisian Sandwich Filling.—Soak one Mrs. M. J. Substitutes— Heer, Tilton, Elmore, on the Screen Candy! Candy! Candy! W atch; "*,D’ “ • *'• Taylor’ of Lincoln cupful of prunes over night, drain, re­ and its purpose, to provide adequate 131-tf street, died this morning at 3 o’clock, Edwards, for the M ethodists; C otter; — in — Rose Bros, windows. move the stones and put through a and convenient service, so far as may from a complication of asthm a and meat chopper with one cupful each of be possible, to all persons residing for the Baptists. ¡influenza, having suffered from the dates and figs. Add enough orange Referrees— M arske and Wood. B. Y. P. V. R ally— in ru ral communities, but this end la tte r for the past ten days. Mrs. The second game of the afternoon Juice to make a paste that will spread can not be attained w ithout the full The Rogue River valley B. Y. P. U. association held a rally at Med­ Taylor was born in A rkansas, March easily. Butter graham or whole wheat co-operation of the patrons in the was between the C hristians and the The Picture That Is Different ford last evening, with an attendance 17, 1855, being 66 years, 10 months bread and spread with the filling. This efforts of postm asters and carriers to Presbyterians. Roy P a rr and Law­ will keep some time in a covered ja r —Will Rogers doubles for of over one hundred. The affair was and 26 days old at the time of her and Is good for cake filling. serve them promptly, regularly and rence W agner were high point men, death. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have re­ the midget, W agner, netting three a grand success from sta rt to finish, satisfactorily. Romeo in the funniest picture Stuffed Prunes. — Wash one-half and all the young people who spoke sided in Ashland for the past two pound of large prunes, cover with cold W hatever facilitates the work of field goals for the Presbys, and P a rr i of his career. STARTS did justice to their subjects and to or three years, having moved here water and simmer for 15 minutes. the carrier is of direct benefit to the four for the Christians. The score TUESDAY- the association. Dr. Young, of the from the eastern part of the state. Drain and steam until tender; remove patrons, for the g reater the ease and was tied a t the end of the first half and the game looked like anybody’s state young people’s work, gave an P ' Dodse & Sons will have charge the pits carefully from the prunes by speed with which a carrier may cover excellent address. About 30 young he funeral, announcem ent of a slit In each, then set aside to chill. his route, the earlier and b etter the most of the time. However, the P res­ Mash one cream cheese with one-half bys headed th eir opponents with an people from Ashland and a like num- " b:cb wili be made later, teaspodnful of salt, one-fourth tea­ service afforded. extra basket and the game ended ber from G rants Pass attended the ~ So, patrons of ru ral delivery can spoonful of paprika and enough may­ -in- meeting. MICKIE SAYS i onnaise to moisten. Fill the cavities greatly help themselves by helping with a score of 14 to 12 in the for­ with the cheese mixture and serve th eir carrier, seeing to it th a t roads m er’s favor. The usual team work with crackers, or arrange In a bed of are kept In good condition and of the Christians was off color during H igh School Rand P rogressing— the en tire contest. lettuce and serve as a salad. The high school band is meeting promptly opened a fte r storm s, by HOVAE. YOVJN PAPER AN' HELP The line-up: Prune Pie.—-Bake a pastry shell, and keeping the approaches to th eir box­ J. M. B arrie’s Great Play twice a week now and is reported as KEEP VT NEAT PROSPEROUS Into it pour one cupful of stewed Christians — R. Parr, forw ard; doing very nicely. es clear, and by prom ptly and will­ L O O W U ', PE R IT REPRESENTS prunes with some of the juice, sprinkle Kanasto, forw ard; Hoxie, center; A. OORTÖVJW TO TU' OUPTEKPE thickly with chopped pecans, add an­ ingly correcting any irregularities af­ P arr, guard; Miles, guard. | Maude Adams’ Greatest Sweet cream for sale, 35 cents a other layer of prunes and more nuts. fecting their boxes when asked to VIORVJO \ AN ' MOU'UL CtlT Presbyterians — Leslie, fo rw ard ; pine. Rose Bros. 131tf Stage Success Cover with a meringue and bake until do so. NER- kAONEN'S W R T U O' W agner, forw ard; Moore, center; brown or cover with stewed and A nother great assistance th a t p at­ GOOO R EA D IN G I Wilcox, guard; Pittenger, guard. flavored whipped cream. R eturned from P ortland— rons can render carriers is by keep­ Referree— Marske. William ^riggs returned from ing themselves supplied with and us­ P ortland Sunday evening, where he ing stam ps instead of placing un­ E V E R Y GOOD HOUSE has been for a few days. stam ped mail, with money for the FARM REM INDERS FROM O. A. C. K EEPER NEEDS IF , purchase of the required postage, in the best of kitchen utensils to Early Spring S eeding; S elected H ens the boxes. This delays the carrier See our spring suits at prices USEFUL BENCH TIRE aid and lighten her tasks. Work Pay; E xam inin g th e B ees and sometimes imposes a great hard-! back to norm al, P aulserud’s, 133tf in the kitchen is arduous en­ ship on him, especially in cold or! Early spring seeding of grain gives DEVICE FOR GARAGE stormy weather. If preferred, stam p­ the best results, but when planted ough at the best. So only the Married in South— best of pots, kettles, pans, rice in rath er cold soils the rate of seed­ ed envelopes, eith er printed or plain, Leland Reeder, son of form er Con­ boilers, toasters, etc., should may be obtained rrom the c a rrie r’ ing should be increased. Spring oats gressman Reeder, of this vicinity, Old Pair of Ice Tongs Can Be be provided for her. They are are of good quality, and cost but lit­ should be planted not less than three hut who has resided in California for here in complete assortm ent. Put to Good Use. tle more than the value of the bushels per .acre, and spring wheat some time past, was m arried in Los A visit here will be a lesson in and barley at about two bushels per Angeles a few days ago and will stam ps upon them, and are redeem­ what a g o o d housekeeper able at the value of the stam ps if acre for western Oregon conditions. make a honeymoon trip to the Ha­ Points Are Dulled to Prevent Injury should have, for her own and • • waiian Islands. Carroll W agner was damaged, but returned in a practic­ to Casing and Then Pivoted 10 the sake of the whole family. Why not set eggs from a selected present at the wedding. ally whole condition. If necessary to Inches Apart on an Iron Rod place money in a box, it should be flock of the best hens, rath er — Pedal Spreads Open. Able to Be About— put in a coin-holding receptacle or from the whole flock? Wouldn C. J. Shinn is able to be about An old pair of Ice tongs can be be properly wrapped so as to be eas­ pay to raise the average production i *" again after having been confined to used to make a handy bench tire ily picked up by the carrier. his home for the past two weeks. spreader for a garage. The tongs Money for the purchase of money are taken apart, and their points orders should not be left in the boxes dulled, so that no injury will be done but should be handed to the carrier to a casing, after which they are and a receipt obtained. pivoted 10 inches apart, on a ^-inch iron rod, as shown In the drawing. -■■■ ■ - Side Lights C opyright, 1#21, W estern N ew sp ap er Union. CHEER0 Guaranteed Flour At Your Grocers Will Rogers Doubling lor Romeo BETTY C0MPS0N The Little Minister SIMPSON’S ft STRAN DED MEN TO D O M E S T IC S C IE N C E BE H E L P E D HOME W ashington “ A wgular feature department edited by M r s . B elle D e G r a f Domestic Science Director California Prune & Apricot Growers Inc. BEVERAGES— HOT AND COLD are all satisfactory m aterials for a teapot. Except for the sugar and cream Like tea, coffee has no food value th a t may be taken with it, tea pos- except when milk and sugar are used. 868368 no nutritive qualities. It is ¡Tannin is also present in coffee, but somewhat stim ulating and very mild- in less quantity than in tea and is ly exhiliraiiug. The principle and not extracted so readily as from the the essential oil which give the frag- delicate tea leaves. When roasting. rance are the desirable elements. the beans throw off m oisture and de­ Tannin, a bitter, astringent sub­ velop flavor. Coffee also possesses stance, is the undesirable element. a mildly stim ulating effect due to The problem in making tea is to caffeine and the essential oil. To bring out the stim ulating qualities make good coffee requires a pure and fragrant oil and to avoid the brand of coffee and a perfectly clean tannin. coffee pot, free from discolorations. This can only be accomplished by To make coffee in a coffee pot al- pouring freshly boiling w ater over i low one tablespoon of medium- the tea for five minutes. W ater un ground coffee for each cup of boil- der the boiling point will not devel-iing water. Heat the pot, add coffee op the flavor, and if the leaves re- then pour over the boiling water. Set main in the w ater over five m inutes ¡over the fire, bring to the boiling e tannin is apparent. If the leaves point and remove from the fire Let are boiled, tannin will be extracted stand in a warm place five minutes. in quantity. Add one-fourth cup of cold w ater to By freshly boiliug w ater is m eant make the coffee clear. Made by this w ater freshly drawn and boiled at method coffee contains a minimum once. Fusing a tea ball is one of am ount of cafffeine and tannin. th e best methods to make tea. It The old fashioned coffee pot has can be attached to the cover or noz been leplaced by the more modern 2 e of the tea pot by the chain and persolator. For this method of coffee draw n m I w ® *“ inUtes be wi^ - j making the beaus should be ground n. Scald the pot before setting very fine. Allow one tablespoonful aw ay and again before using. The of the finely ground coffee for each proper proportion of tea will vary cupful of w ater used. Set over the w i.h quality and taste. Usually onei fire aud let persolate about five min- teaspoonful will be ample for each ; utes, according to the strength de­ cup of freshly boiled w ater. E arth- sired. Hot or cold w ater may be enw are, china, sliver, or alum inum used. c ., Feb. 13.— H undreds of destitute form er service men, who were stranded in Europe after the arm istice was signed, are to be brought home by the govern­ ment, under the provisions of the relief m easure ju st passed by the senate. Wives and children of the stran d ­ ed men will also be brought to the United States by the government. The bill authorizes the secretary A Tire Spreader, Made From a Pair of w ar to furnish necessary trans- of Old Ice Tongs, Is a Very Useful Device When Installed on a Garage portation. Bench. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Lengths of pipe on the rod hold the parts In position. Another rod Is used to Join the parts. The first rod Is fastened to two uprights under the bench, and the second Is connected with a pedal, made of strap iron. The tongs pass through two slots in the top of the bench. Small pieces of strap Iron, bent into hooks, are fastened to the edge of the bench as indicated. A notched piece of strap iron, bolted to the floor, bolds the pedal In different positions. One edge of a casing Is gripped by the strap iron hooks, and the other by the ends of the tongs. When the pedal to pushed down, the tire is spread open, so that It can be repaired. —Dale R. Van Hom, Lincoln, Neb.. In Popular Mechanics Magazine. FOR SALE— Small heater and pipe; Apex vacuum cleaner and attach­ ments. Dew Drop Inn, _______ 138-1 FOUND— Small white poodle dog. Phone 8-F-3. 138-3* 1* OR SALE— Baby chicks. Tancred strain W hite Leghorns. For March 8 delivery. Mrs. Headley. 494 Holly street. Phone 285-R. 138-2 DR. MAUD INGERSOLL HAW LEY — Visiting Chiropractic Physician Neuritis cases a Bpecialty. Phone 367-J. Treatm ent given only in your own home. FOR SALE— 1920 Chevrolet, new tires, in excellent condition, will be sold at a sacrifice this week. See the car at N orton’s garage, Pioneer street. 138-6 KLAMATH IND IANS LOST— Weed chain In front Enders TO GET $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 Dept. Store. Finder retu rn to Tid­ ings office. 138-2* KLAMATH FALLS, Feb. 13.— WANTED— Man with car to sell the K lam ath Indians are being paid the best Ford oil gage made. $100 allotm ent joi $80 each recently al­ per week and extra commissions. Benton H arbor Accessories Co., lowed by the governm ent to every Benton H arbor, Mich. 138-1* man, woman and child on the reser­ vation. Approximately $100,000 will WANTED— Man or woman to take over the W atkins line in city of be distributed. A shland; also place for sale. In­ quire of C. M. Miles, 611 Beach R adiators repaired. Flxit Shop. St. 138-1* HARDWARE First » Looker Perhaps yon remember when the children used to say “ first looker, second looker,” when the funny paper arrived, or when something else new came to the home which all were anxious to see. Well, who wants to be the “ first looker” at the new Spring Garments? There’s some of the youth still left in most of us, and there is some advantage to be gained by be­ ing “ first looker” when it comes to pretty new clothes, because there is usually only one of a kind, and the one you might choose may not be here to he seen tomorrow. The first arrivals in new Spring Suits, Coats and Dress­ es are now being shown. “ First Looker!” KID GLOVES CREPE DE CHINE TAILORED WAISTS —Strap wrist gloves in white, black and heaver —promise to he a very shades ................ $4.50 popular a r t i c l e in —Two clasp kid gloves I Spring Stvles ..............$2.25 to $2.95 —We are showing them at prices $3.4 to $8.50 SILK HOSE The best values in years now being shown. —Full fashioned silk hose . . . . $1.50 to $3.75 —Ladies Knit Union Suits, summer weight— ................55c to $1.75