PÂiiU Itu» ¿»¿lia i tuiÀui ■uiiidiiL Tiaings Saturday, February l i , jp*»a cauldron. Once'-more R started to ing colors, the Phantom Ship, the ß.M U iÖ ilsüeÜ 1 8 7 6 rise like some powerful giant that Wizard Isle. They shall look and Haul Safe Miles to Cemetery. ubiisüeu Every Evening Except seemed to defy the laws of death. turn away with weeping eyes, and Sacramento.—Robbers, who entered ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9 9 9 •? Sunday But in the act of lifting its head, it look again and in the placid water THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. a store here by night, carried a safe -sy - expired. The snows of centuries see my face, and know that God lai to the sidewalk, loaded It ou a truck O F F IC IA L C IT Y A N D C O U N TY filled this Wondrous basin. JOHN HERBERT DORAN good.” and took it to a cemetery two miles PAPER Then Susanne saw the heavens away, where they broke It open. The ? yourself for— _o_. . . _ , Then, as the first faint streaks of SUSANNH TELEPHONE 39 safe contained 820. ? some new and__ ...7 £ .ehd d°B° “ d l th0 morn"18 wcre 8“ dl" 8 »««»- The gospel of smiles is preached said: "Where subscription P rice D elivered in City: 1981, by M cClure N ew sp ap er Syndicate. ce there stood a tain peaks, Susanne awoke refreshed. ? B ea u titu l Wall P ap er -»ne month ............................... $ ,65 on all hands these days. We hear it Kill “ Most Desperate” Bandit. Three m o n th s........................... 1,95 from the pulpit, it is proclaimed mighty giant pouring forth a fiery The lost trail was soon found, and 2 I t -won't b e a b a d blow bride’s gown was of ivory satin deluge, I will make a thing of won­ she finally reached home after rid­ with The chantilly \\ ichlta, Kas. Eddie Adams, re­ ■>lx months ............................... 3.75 lace and pearl trim­ ---- SEE ME TODAY___ One year ................................. 7.50 from the lecture platform, we read drous beauty. And men shall come ing through 'that wonderful forest mings. A shower bouquet of roses and garded by authorities as the south­ west s most desperate gunman and it in the magazines, and see it o n |from all the earth anA worship at, Mai] and R ural R outes reserve with its towering pines and lilies of the valley completed the bridal bandit since Henry Starr, Oklahoma ? Swenson & McRae Co. One month ............................... $ ,65 the screen. But It is more fascinat-) tts 3hrlne. They shall see the blend- hemlocks costume.” V East Main Street Three months ........................... 1.95 Ing and instructive to see its incarna- ”----------- The society reporter tapped out her outlaw, was killed ln Arkansas a year Six months ................................ 3.50 tion in real life. ago, was shot and killed in a pistol story with nimble, eager fingers while fight with three detectives here. One year .................................... 6.5€ she smiled dreamily as she recalled One who can be cheerful when the happy event of which she was ADVERTISING RATES things go wrong, and can greet an writing. D isplay A dvertising dingle insertion, each inch.......... 30c unsympathetic world with a smile, “Miss Frances!” bellowed the sten­ calls forth our hearty admiration, YEARLY CONTRACTS torian voice of the city editor in the and makes us feel that life is not D isplay A dvertising BEAVER HILL COAL $14.75 direction of the young reporter who. One time a week......................27 He half bad, and is surely worth the woman-like, was lost in the reverie of Two times a w e e k ................'25 c living the beautiful gowns of the wedding Every other day............... . . . . 2 0 c party. Such an angelic creature was Sus Local R eaders The charming maid of honor in her Bach line, each tim e...................10c anne. I did not have opportunity money circulating where it will most gown of pink and silver,” typed on To run every other Jay for one to get Intimately acquainted w lthlalre chewing gum manufacturer, effectively help improve the public the facile story-teller of society events. month, each line, each tim e.. 7c her. She was on the mail rou'te for owner of Catalina Island and propri- good. “I say, Miss Frances !’• To run every issue for one month or more, each line, each tim e .. 5c only a few weeks at atime, during etor of the Chicago Cubs of the Na- The louder tone awoke the young re­ I was asked by an editor a few the summer vacations, but she left tional league, and the Los Angeles Classified Column porter with a Jerk to her surroundings. behind a charm that lingered Angels, of the Pacific Coast league, days ago if I though there was any One cent the word each time. "Yes, sir,” she replied in the quick To run every issue for one month throughout the year, and I was al- was asked two questions by the In­ danger of bolshevism ever spreading response of the newspaper worker. to America. or more, %c the word each time. ways glad when the time came for lernational News Service. These “Call up this Girls’.club and And out Legal Rate “Not in a thousand years,” I re­ Just what kind of social their novelty her return. I often thought of her were First time, per 8-point line........ 10c Each subsequent time, per 8- in connection with another young 1. Are better times in sight for plied. "The American people use party is going to be. Find out just their brains for thinking. Besides what the nature of the correction Is point line ................................. 5c woman on the route whom I never the United States? Card of th a n k s ..........................$1.00 knew to smile but once, and onlvl 9 there are too many of them who that Mrs. Fisk-Butler wants made in ™ Obituaries, the l i n e .................... S ^ e then a faint fHrkor o v. How Can tDe avera&e individual own their own homes, who know the date of the charity hall. O, yes, then a faint flicker, a mere shadow help ln restoring prosperity, here! Run out and cover tills wedding. F raternal Orders and Societies what firesides mean, and who take It’s the most noted one of the season. M , Advertising for fraternal orders of a smile. But when afterward I Wrigley, who pays experts in pride in seeing their kiddies grow up. Here’s the picture of the bride, Con­ or societies charging a regular initi­ learned that this poor girl was suf- ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ fering from an incurable malady, !Tery *** ° f tbe Countr^ to keeP stance Compton. Al Babson, the col­ ligious and benevolent orders will "be which later brought her to a violent Um r® lably informed on the busi- lege athlete, is the groom. Take the charged the regular rate for all ad death, her sad face called forth pity i!*88 8ituation’ sounded an optimis- next train, and have the story for the vertising when an admission or other early edition.” and I realized how hard it is some- t n° U in h‘3 reply’ which fo,lows charge is made. "Al Babson is the groom J” At the times to smile. herewith. "The good old American words tlie whole world seemed to swing What Constitutes Advertising The face is, after all, an index of ' d°llar U coming back>” he says. Here into wild emotion, and then to settle In order to allay a misunderstand­ is his statement: ing among some as to what consti­ the physical life within. But is more. down into a dreary, heavy-solidity that tutes news and what advertising, It is a reflection of the soul. Such terrified her. Al Babson was to he By WILLIAM WRIGLEY, JR. we print this very simple rule, which was the smile of Susanne. One felt married! He who had held her In his Good Percentage of Automobile is used by newspapers to differenti­ arms and pledged remembrance unto Copyright 1922 by the International ate between them: "ALL future instinctively that he was looking at death! Like a flash she saw the sta­ Owners Start Cars With News Service. events, where an admission charge the reflection of a noble spirit. The tion crowded with khaki-clad figures, CHICAGO, Feb. 11.— My large in­ is made or a collection is taken IS lines of her face have been so drawn Brake Not Released. heard low good-bys being whispered by ADVERTISING.” This applies to by nature that the ensemble is most vestments necessar­ those heroes departing for the war, organizations and 'societies of every pleasing, and gives one a feeling of and felt once more the reverent kiss ily compel me to kind as well as to individuals. of her departing lover upon her trem­ All reports of such activities after restfulness. I saw her one day trudg keep close tab on bling lips. they have occurred is news. ing along a dusty road in midsum the country’s econ­ With a despairing sob tlie brown Ail coming social or organization mer, carrying a heavy suit-case. She omic situation, and Pressing Starter When Motor l a bead dropped to the toil-worn hands, meetings of societies where no did not see me as I was partly con­ money contribution is solicited, Initi­ while the tired, lonely heart of the I am glad to Bay I Already Going Is Also Common ation charged, or collecton taken IS cealed by some trees by the road­ girl cried out her broken-hearted am informed busi- Mistake—-Better Plan Is to NEWS. side. Although the day was very disappointment. It was the loud- jess is getting bet­ Touch Accelerator. warm, I could see a pleasant smile on voiced conductor Bawling out the Entered at the Ashland, Oregon. her ter in the East and face. station that aroused her from her grief Poatoffice as Second-class Mail Mat this condition Every motorcar operator has his pet to the world of dully living. She io Large Cans M ilk............ ter. I have often wondered what was ^ P ^ ^ f t e g i s that spreading to the "fool trick,’’ even though he may pride stumbled uncertainly from the train 7 Cans Tomatoes........................................................ * ' the secret of that cheerful, hopeful, Middle West by degrees, himself on his careful driving. For to the station platform, furtively dry­ inspiring face. Is the raanlfesta vestments necessarily compel me to instance, it is safe to say that a good 7 Cans Clams............................... .............................. n0 ing her tear-fllled eyes behind the tion of a well-ordered physical life? From a ll th a t I can learn th e good percentage of automobile owners start grateful concealment of her modish 4 Sacks Yellow or White Corn Meal..................... *j on It must be more. I have known old A m erican d ollar is com ing back their cars with the emergency brake veil. 3 Sacks Pure Kiln Dried Buckwheat ........ «j no many whose physical life seemed Into its ow n. P eop le from on e end not completely released. This is, of A smart-coated chauffeur approached i course, a bad practice, since it cuts perfect, but whose presence was re­ o f th e n ation to th e oth er are g e t­ 13 lbs. Small White Beans..................... ..................... T her with silk hat held deferentially in 13 lbs. Bayo Beans............................... ................... J , ' pulsive. While, on the other hand, I tin g around to th e Idea th a t th e only down the motor's power and causes hand. Without waiting for explana­ tion or introduction he courteously have seen a pale face on a pillow, basis for real prosperity Is an h on ­ excessive wear of the brake llniugs. 13 lbs. Red Mix Beans........................... m directed her to a monogrammed When Engine Is Unheard. the radiation of whose smile filled est day’s w ork for a fair day’s w age. 14 Bars Crystal White Soap..................................... a-, nu Did you ever think you had stalled limousine waiting grandly for an oc­ the room with a divine presence. Is cupant. your motor and press the starter but­ 26 Bars Sw ift’s White Soap........ ..................... 00 it the reflection of her religious na­ The United States, considered as ton when the engine was still going, There was a short, calm ride in a 24 Bars White Wonder Soap........* J ture? This, no doubt, has much to a whole, has been on a "business but its sound was drowned by traffic cushioned haven through quiet streets do with it. Yet some of the most 34 Bars P. and (j. Naptha Soap..................... li drunk” for the last'five years. Prices, noises? Chances are that you have Then the car drew up before a story­ religious people I have ever known up to recently, were out of all sense more than once; yet it is a bad thing book mansion. Eager hands bore 14 Bars Palm Olive S o a p ... ............... qq wore faces long and solemn. I know to do, and doing It too often will in the newcomer Into a white-furnished RUSSIA’S PLIGHT and proportion for the value receiv­ time 14 Bars Cream Oil Soap................ make it necessary to have the chamber which seemed like a sanctu­ a minister of more than usual abil­ ed. Some fellows fell Into a habit starter drive or flywheel gear re­ ary to the wondering reporter. 10 Pkgs. L ux............................................. 4. J 00 ity and of wide reputation, but the Russian and anti-Bolshevist lead muscles of his face are atrophied. of charging three times what a placed. My dear, smiled the happy bride, 11 Pkgs. Arog Corn S tarch............$].00 A better plan before depressing the “how good of you to come to fill In at era are circulating a protest against The skin has the appearance of some thing was worth and when some poor devil paid what they asked, wanted starter button ln such a case Is to such short notice. I’m so sorry that the new European policy toward ancient parchment fashioned inrfp j to kick themselves because they did­ touch the accelerator and listen to Edith sprained her ankle, hut I’m glad Russia as adopted at Cannes. They the form of a human countenance, n’t charge more. see If the engine responds. she sent a substitute—and such a the lines of which could not be al Every one has at some time or oth­ pretty substitute! The bridesmaid’s assert the plan "tends to derade The high valu e o f ou r d ollar has tered without breaking. kept th e foreign trad e o f th e U nited er tried to shift gears without throw­ gowns Is right ln the other room.” Russia to the state of a colony open The pink-clad fairy who nodded to Susanne’s nature is a rare blend­ S tates from expanding. H ow ever, I ing out the clutch, but a few drivers to forcible exploitation,” and declare ing of the true, the beautiful and WE DELIVER WE SELL FOR LESS seem to have a habit of trying to do her from the mirror told her that am se llin g m ore chew in g gum in E u ­ this Impossible “stunt.” Persistence as well as the gush of admiration the Russian people are sure to re­ the good, combined with a sublime rope a s each m onth goes by, and I sent this experiment as a new slav­ faith in the inherent goodness of all b eliev e other A m erican products w ill In doing this chips off the teeth, and from the happy bride. will make replacement of the gears “\V hat a darling you are!” she ery for them.” The authors of the creation, an imagination that thlnk- show a lik e gain ln foreign favor. necessary. smiled. “Indeed, I think the substi­ protest advocate foreign adherence eth no evil, and a love that seeketh tute Is even prettier than Edith would Yes, I believe American prosper­ Throwing Gears Forward. to the American policy as announced not its own. have been! Just wait till Al sees ity will be back before long. No one Another bad habit in this connec­ by Secretary Hughes last March, Some time ago Susanne, accom­ can say just how long. But it is a tion Is to throw the gears into a for­ you!” when he declined to consider resump­ panied by some friends, visited Cra­ was sooner than she expected. As 010023485348535390005323000153235348482348232348485348234848534848485348232300020000 cinch the richest, most progressive ward speed while the car is still mov­ she It descended the broad s ta irs she tion of formal trade relations with ter Lake national park. She rode and most intelligent people on the ing backward or vice versa. This is Russia until "conditions essential to her thoroughbred Morgan saddle face of the earth are not going to equivalent to trying to mesh gears go­ saw 1dm. In the instant he caught sight of her. the maintenance of commerce" has horse, Jerry, a very fine animal of let a temporary slump in business ing In opposite directions. Any one, With one bound he reached her side even not mechanically inclined, can been established, which was tanta­ great intelligence. Crater Lake, in hold them down. We have the men. and clasped her trembling form in foresee what tlie result will be. mount to demanding a stable govern­ the heart of the Cascades, is one of the money and the material. So it Last, but not least, is the careless tender, strong arms, pressing reverent ment based on the will of the peo­ the most sublimely beautiful spots is only a question of getting things lips upon tlie brown head lying so practice of a few motorists in putting helplessly ple. in all the world. Lingering near the humming again. on his shoulder. the car ln the garage for the night “Ellen, Ellen, my little Ellen, where Americans generally support this lake until filled with a sense of its and leaving the Ignition or lighting have you been hiding yourself? Why policy. 1 hey are .loath to recognize divine beauty, Susanne bade her The year 1921 was regarded as a switches on. A visit to the battery in any degree the government of as­ friends good bye and started to re­ pretty bad period for lots of con­ recharging station the next morning have I not seen you before this? I sassination at Moscow. But the in­ turn by another route. Mountains, cerns in the east and middle west. is the worst result, however, that the have looked for you everywhere since I came back from France, hut on this ertia of the Russian people and the wild and precipitous rose on all For me it was the best year in the 31 motorist can experience for his neg­ glorious day I have found you!” Incapacity of the anti-Bolshevist sides, and not being familiar with years I have been established In the lect In this particular. “Today,’’ sighed the girl as she drew CHEAPER THAN MILL RIN- leadership leaves no choice a9 to how the region, she missed the 'trail and chewing gum manufacturing indus­ away from his embrace. “Too late! real help may be extended to the had gone several miles out of her try. One of the biggest factors for Upon your wedding day!” BETTER THAN MILL RUN miserable millions. The condemned way before she discovered her mis­ my excellent showing is advertising. "My wedding day! Jerusalem, Ellen, did you think I was taking the high “foreign exploitation” will profit no­ take. Darkness dropped down sud­ A HOOD MILK PRODUCER I am sp ending $ 1 1 ,0 0 0 a day this dive with that child, Constance? It’s body if it does not make possible a denly as it always does in the moun­ year to push m y chew in g gum . I my young cousin, Al, who’s holding revival of Russian industry. With tains. Susanne knew that she would am a lso sp ending w liat w ou ld have Automobile salesmen in the United the center of the screen today. I’m such a revival the betrayed people have to remain alone with faithful been a fin e ransom for a k in g in the States number approximately 100,(MMX only the best man. Girl alive, don’t It contains Oats, Mill Ran. C..... .... al. • ♦ ♦ may assert themselves and have a Jerry as her protector.' She removed good old days to pouplarize Catalina and Molasses. you know there never could he any­ 000101010102005348025300020102 government of their own choosing. the saddle and blanket, and induced Island. More than 2,000 motor vehicles are one else but you!" •ised by the United States Department Without such a revival they will die. the animal to lie down. She placed It was like a dream, a glorious dream Dairy cows like it because it is palatable of Agriculture. come true. A well-trained actress in It is risky to recognize the Soviet, the blanket on the ground close to and satisfies. The judicious use of printers’ ink • • • the beautiful play that she had wit­ which is still committed to world the horse which seemed to take in is the greatest selling force in the revolution. But the Russian anti- the situation with almost human In­ world. If you do business on a There are 1S5 passenger cars, 40 nessed so often with tremulous lips Many ot our customers who have tried a few rucks, and seven — tercycles ln the and wistful eyes from the spectators’ Bolshevists do not propose anything telligence. It was a region known world-wide basis, or even in the lo­ Bahama islands. sacks invariably come hack for more. seats, she heard the low words of the practicable as a substitute. • • • to be infested with wild animals, cality encompassed within a few bride in the most beautiful service in yet Susanne was without fear. blocks, you have got to keep the peo­ The number of American made au- the world, and was carried to heaven You can use • Giving H im the A ir Through the clear and crystal air of ple interested or you won’t sell them 'omobiles in Norway exceeds those of by the heart-stirring music, and tlie Mandy— Rastus. yo’all knows dat the mountains, the stars shone with my other country. press of loving fingers upon hers when ALBERS DAIRY FEED your goods. • • • yo’ reinin' me of deni dere flyin* ma­ a wonderful brilliancy. the young bride whispered a soft, “I She lay I have tried them all and I know do.” chines. in place of mill run and save money and make there huddled close to the side of w h ereof I speak, that th e o n ly e ffe c t­ Bellevue hospital in New York city Iterates seven motor ambulances and After it was all over she looked up money. Ras-us—No. Mandy, how’s dat? Jerry, her soul filled with the beau­ at the face bending over her with soft Mandy— Why, jbekaws youne no ty of the night, until at last she fell ive w ay to appeal to hundreds of ■ne bus for the • Insane. • • shining eyes. m illion s, or ju st a few hundred p eo­ M e have a big stock on hand. good on earth.—Ohio Sun Dial. asleep. Pennsylvania provides for the official It might have been my own wed­ ple, is In ad vertisin g space. That night Susanne had a vision, eteure of any motor vehicle bearing ding,” she sighed happily. ‘‘It was all The International News Service lefaced All At Once She saw a mighty mountain rise or damaged motor numbers. so wonderful!” Sambo— Yo’ jes’ keep on pestlcat- grand, stupendous, awful, two thous­ asks me how I believe the average • • • I’ll say it was,” agreed the deep in’ me an’ yo’ is gwine to be able to and feet or more above the sur­ individual can help in restoring pros­ Small motorcars are used by the well-loved voice. “But when the best perity. settle a mighty big question for de Swiss postal authorities for the trans­ man carries off the society reporter rounding peaks, and from its sum­ Bciumtific folks. To my way of thinking the great­ portation of letters and telegrams. your paper won’t have to send a sub­ mit there poured forth a mighty stitute, because it’s going to be so est cure for hard times is to stop Mose— What question dat? volume of smoke and molten lava. If drivers would only learn It, the quick and sudden that the city editor talking, get a job, or if you are an Sambo— Kin de dead speak? Then suddenly that lofty peak col- won’t have time to sharpen his pencil.” employer, hire more men, be a doer T ’eSt ,Way tO , aI°Id many gear —American Medical Journal lapsed and sank within the seething nnt » ----- --- . . Q0 ’ i changes is to make the necessary ones Just Folks I ? BLO” " Wrigley, Who Built Great Business On Advertising, Sees Way to Prosperity i ia Most economical coal mined, burns with­ out soot, is clean to handle and gives more heat per ton than any coal on the coast. “ FOOL TRICK" OF EVERYOPERATOR Ashland Lumber Co. Phone 20 DOLLAR DAYS TREAT GEARS VERT ROUGHLY at Detrick’s Groceteria Detrick’s Groceteria ALBERS DAIRY FEED AUTOMOBILE GOSSIPS Ashland Fruit and Produce Association not a dreamer, and try to keep your ¡quickly Roller skating tonight. Nat. 136-2 ^ 7