X rio « two Friday, February id, lfitèà Cornish Express Scheduled for 226 Miles in 257 Minutes With­ out a Stop. Local and Personal —— Side L igh ts-- Detrick’s Groceteria for less. Siekiyon Chapter No. 21 R. Ä. M. .Uusouic Lull, Ashland. sells butter lSOtf A rrives from W ashington— Notice of Meeting. Special convocation this (Friday) evening, February 10, for work in the M. E. M. degree. All companions cordially invited. V. V. MILLS, H. P. W. H. DAY, Secretary. Arm ory D ance Saturday night. R. A. Rock, of Cougar, Wash., ar rived here on train 13 Thursday morning to visit with his nephew, E. R. Harris, of Morton street, and his neice, Mrs. Earl Horn .of Iowa street. Spring woolens and styles are in at Orres' Tailor Shop. 128tf Over 20,000,000 pounds of wool have been shipped from Portland to S. A. Peters Jr., of the Citizens the Atlantic seaboard by water. National bank, is confined to his home with an attack of influenza. Is Indisposed— Health Bread. Pore Malted Milk s e tf Whipping cream that WILL whip. T win e— 10 cents Enders Confectionery. GERMAN HUPPING REVIVES ENGLISH TRAIN CUTS RECORD Ashland News in Paragraphs 131-4 Purchases R esid en ce— FATHER MIS­ PLACED ADAGE. iS u s ix ? /o The modern snow tractor la Father — I able to do the work of twenty- Three thousand automobiles are reg­ amassed by in­ five men. London.—What is said to be the istered In Cairo, Egypt. Hamburg.—Germany’s freight-carry­ dustry the for­ Harvard created an automo­ ing trade is making steady progress longest no-stop railroad run in the tune which you bile club twenty years ago. Chicago led all other cities last year toward regaining its prewar volume. world, of the Cornish Riveria express squandered in More than half of all the with 5,527 automobiles stolen. idleness. Harbor statistics indicate that the ag­ from Paddington Station, London, to • • • automobiles in Canada are found Gilded Youth gregate tonnage of vessels using this Plymouth—a distance of 226% miles in rural district». port have reached 80 per cent of the New York state has an automobile —Well, that’s —has been accelerated by a quarter of the rule. Busi­ peace traffic. Fifty per cent of the vehicles an hour, thus reverting to the prewar to every 14 of its residents and a li­ ness b e f o r e In the United States postal ser­ Announcements of steamers bought time of four hours and seven minutes. censed chauffeur to every three cars. pleasure. • • • vice are automobiles. back from former enemy powers fol­ This time Is sometimes beaten hy the Seventy per cent of the pas­ low each other in rapid succession, A patent has been granted for an ocean mail special trains from Ply­ senger traffic in California is and harbor facilities are already prov­ mouth to Paddington, which have automobile trailer shaped like a boat transported by motor buses. ing insufficient to accommodate the made the journey in four hours. The It can be used to navigate waters. • * * In the city of Stockholm, growing traffic, now that big plants, express passes through 68 stations. AN OBSTACLE. Sweden, there are 2,135 auto­ such as Krupps and Erhardts, which Between 45 and 00 per cent of all mobiles and 1,015 motorcycles. automobiles sold in this country are Did he swear a formerly manufactured war material, Busy With the Flivver. Every automobile in Purls are turning out peace goods in great marketed on some deferred payment blue streak? o) What has become of the old-fash system. I really can't quantities for overseas consumption. must be equipped with an anti- toned family that used to reach th. • • e tell, on account splash or mudcatchlng device. Shipping authorites are urging the conclusion that It would have to ecou of being color revival of ambitious prewar plans for During the calendar year 1920, The largest price decline of 1920, as otnize?—TWrolt News blind. harbor extensions. approximately 1,740,000 pas­ estimated by the New York Federal senger automobiles were pro­ Reserve bank, was in rubber, which TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Linn county game licenses amount­ duced in this country. fell 53.5 per cent. ed to $7366 In 1921. FOR SALE— Premium Barred Rock, also White Leghorn roosters, Cali­ fornia stock. 655 Beach Street. ^ 480223235301005300020053904848000202000001010411010200000101010101015353482348235323484802020102020 136-2* 53534853532323485348232353534848232353534848485348534848235348535348005348484853235300022348235348534848535323535348482323534848535300534831535353235348535348232348482301022323020 Dance Saturday night, Moose hall. Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. Oslin have FOR RENT—Furnished house with player piano. 171 Granite. 136-3* Leedom’s Orchestra. 135-3 purchased the residence of T. F. Car- mony at 773 B street. Mr. Carmony FOR SALE— Plymouth Rock eggs On Way to Ashland— will continue to reside there. Mr. Os­ for hatching, 75c per 15. Phone Albert Barney, of Elm Creek, Kan­ lin having made the purchase as an 427-Y or call 733 Oak. 136-tf sas, is on his way here to visit his investment. The deal was consumat- WE WANT a real live, red-blooded Bon, Oscar Barney. ed through E. E. Phipps, real estate boy about 12 years old to make broker. lots of money and earn prizes by Automobile Insurance at right distributing our paper. Big op­ rates. Yeo of course. 134tf portunity, write today. The Port­ Roller skating tonight. Nat. 136-2 land News, Fifth and Main Sts., Portland Ore. 136-1 You don’t have to buy 81.00 worth We still hold the honors for hav­ of soap to get a bargain; 5 bars as­ SALE— 10 young Barred Rock sorted hand soaps, 25c. Laundry ing the price on best brands of cof­ FOR hens, select stock, $1.50 each. 196 soaps are all bargains at White fee, such as Golden West, M. J. B. Nutley, phone 294-R. 136-2 House Groceteria. 136-1 Dependable and Preferred Stock cof­ fee, the W. H. G. 136-1 LOST— Black and white Fox terrier. Finder retrun to 137 Seventh St. Drives from Portland-— 136-2* V isits A shland— George R. Murch, of the Portland Alonzo Morrison, of Portland, FOR SALE—Good reed baby buggy. Motor Car company, arrived here Apply 84 Alida St. 136-6* salesman for the United States Steel Thursday with two new Stutz car9 for the Class A garage, which were corporation, has been in town for the FOR SALE—Dandy two oven fire­ less cooker, almost new. Write driven through from Portland in past few days on business for his Mrs. Gt W. Woivejftm, 184 B ten and a half hours. The roads are company. Mr. Morrison has been St. 136-6* with the company for a number of reported as good, but slippery. years and has made calls in Ashland FOUND— Pair nose glasses with light shell ijims. Phone 431-J. Sweet cream for sale, 35 cents a until he is well known among the 136-3 business people of our city. pine. Rose Bros. 131tf FOR SALE—Fresh rich milk, 15 cents per two quarts, or 25 cents A trial can of our ripe olives will Candy! Candy! Candy! Watch per gallon. Come and get It. Buff convince you that the White House Rose Bros, windows. 131-tf Leghorn eggs for hatching, 75 Groceteria has the goods and price, cents for 15 eggs. 153 Granite one pint can 18c, 2 for 35c. 136-1 St. Phone 411-R. 136-1 Have that old suit renovated at Paulserud’a. 138tf Sem i-A nnual potion p a ir Sale Begins Saturday in wW h “ r 1 ® ,® T person Wl11 thorouehly enW - » to a sale featuring our Notion Department, m which great varieties and splendid assortments of dependable lines can be bought-at less than regular prices The main object of this important sale is to better acquaint you with our notion section. It is here that you can supply all your needs—in dress accessories—in lingerie accessories—in sewing materials—in toilet articles— and in hundreds of other items of daily use. Come to the store and get thoroughly acquainted with our Notion Department. To make yonr visit doublv interesting, all notion lines will be offered to you this week at prices that will mean substantial savings to you One item will be offered each day of this week at an extremely low price. The prices below speak for themselves. Take advantage of them. In effect this week only. , W eek Day Specials SATURDAY’S SPECIAL “ Dandy” Bias Lawn Tape— TUESDAY’S SPECIAL Puritan Rick Rack Braid— A quality offering in 3-8, 1-2 and 5-8 widths. Put up in six-yard pieces. E xtra special......... per piece Here is the ideal trimming for house dresses and aprons, and next Tuesday is the ideal time to buy a in supply............... 3 yard pieces . 1 0 Here is a dress necessity that will meet with your entire satisfaction. It is a quality product, and will he of­ fered during Notion Fair np Week fo r....................... 2 for . £ < ) MONDAY’S SPECIAL Popular Pins— WEDNESDAY’S SPECIAL El Captain Hair Nets— Stock up on pins. Buy many pack­ ages. We offer for Monday’s special these quality pins. They have sharp, even points. ■ r* E xtra special. 3 packages for . 1 £ Make a special effort to come to the store Wednesday in order to get your share of this special offering in hair nets. Come early is our ear- C A nest advice..................... 6 for . ö l / FRIDAY’S SPECIAL Tickle Powder Puffs— M isinform ed—- The Tidings was misinformed in regard to Mrs. J. H. Thatcher being 111 with asthma, she having suffered from a slight attack of indigestion Instead, And is again able to be about. D rives to H o r n b r o o k - Cheero Flour Ed High, of the Class A gara'ge, drove to Hornbrook this morning in the new Stutz car which arrived from Portland yesterday. He Intends showing the car to a prospective purchaser. Hard W heat G uaranteed 2 2 .3 0 at your Grocers Special sale at Orres’ Tailor Shop. Suits tailored to order with extra We do not claim to sell for less pants free. 128-tf on every thing because we sell qual-! ity goods at the right price 136-1 Get fish moss at ELHART’S. 136-2 Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64. Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk Twins- 10 cents 80tf Enjoying Fair Health— S. P. Stoner, who was formerly resident of Ashland, is now residing < at Upland, Calif., where he is enjoy­ ing very good health. C. Wesley Stafford, psychologist, who has been lecturing at the New Thought Temple during the past week, will continue his lectures. His subject for Saturday evening is “Life” and Sunday evening is “Tap­ ping the reservoir of supply.” Mr. Stafford has been pleasing a good- sized audience composed of practic­ ally the same people each evening 136-2 H ea rts, C upids L a ce V a le n tin e s N o v e lty V a le n tin e s H ead B a n d s Nut-Cups, N a p k in s F avors, Caps EVERYTHING FOR THE PARTY OR DINNER Just received a large shipment of dried fruits including cluster raisins, seeded raisins, seedless raisins, cur­ rants, white and black figs, Italian Changes R e s i d e n c e - Carl Smith, who has been residing and French prunes and peaches. in the W. A. Shell house on Granite Detrick’s Groceteria. We sell for less. 130tf street, has moved to the L. F. Fergu­ son property on First street. OQ^ Willis Faust, of Anaheim, Calif.. Why pay more for insurance? Ask is here visiting his cousin, Mrs. E. H. Yeo first. 134tf Bush, for a few days. Fresh fish moss. ELHART’S. 136-2 L in coln ’s Birthday Com m em oration Lincoln’s birthday will be com­ memorated at both the morning and evening service at the Congre­ gational church Sunday. An nvita- tlon has been extended to the mem­ bers of the Illinois society, the G. A. R. and the American Legion, to at­ tend these services. Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk Twin» 10 cents M tf Big merchandise shoot at Lamport place one mile north of Phoenix Sun­ day, February 12. 136-2* Social M eeting— There will be a social gathering at the Congregational church tonight, beginning with a supper at 6:30 and followed by a program. A general social evening will be spent. Every­ body invited. Knives, scissors ground. Fixlt Shop. Roller skating tonight. Nat. 136-2 For milady’s vanity ease a powder puff is an absolute essential, (let sev­ eral of them while you can buy them at the following very special AA P r ic e ............................. Each . V j j O PTIO N S Snap Fasteners ....................Card 4V2C Hooks and Eyes ..................Card 4 ^ 0 H arper’s Steel Needles pkg. of 25 10c Thimbles ............................. Each 4c Pocket Combs .................... Each 17c Brushes ............................... Each 49c Elastic Web ....................... Yard 7c Elastic Cord ..................................................... Yard 17c Hose Supporters ............................................... P air 15c Tape M ea su res................................................. 2 for 15c Vassar Snaps Fasteners ..................... 3 cards for 25c Setrite Neck B a n d s ........................................... Each 5 Crown Wire H air P i n s ...................................2 rolls 5c Lorraine Lingerie Tape ................................. Piece 9c “ Comet” Stay B in d in g ................................. o rolls 6c Art Silk Middy Laces ..................................... Each 5c Gladiator Mending T is s u e ....................... Envelope 6c Freshwater Pearl Buttons ..................... 3 cards for 10c Snap Fasteners Tape ..........................................y ard 27c Caledonia Hook and Eye Tape ..................... Yard 21c Automatic Pants Buttons ................................. Box 10c Gloria Crochet Hooks ..................................... Each 9c Lady Louise Dress L in in g s .................................Each 49c Kid Curlers—Bundle ....................................... Each 11c Popular Wire Hair P i n s ................................. Cabinet 5c || H ■ B g Sj IH ffi (g And Dozens of Other Items too Numerous to Mention H See the New Dress Goods, Silks and Wash Goods V isitin g R elatives— Tamales of quality, served in the husk, at Rose Bros. lS ltf THURSDAY’S SPECIAL Modiste Dress Shields- B ig A ssortm ents of Dependable M erchandise a t L ess th a n R egular Prices Changing to Warmer C lim a te - Frank B. Walker, who has been residing in Pocatello, Idaho, for about seven years, has decided that it is too cold there for him and is here now visiting with his sister, Mrs. Ada Jones, his nephew, Edward Jones, and his neice, Mrs. George J. Kinz, for a few weeks, after which he will go to Red Bluff, Calif., and make his future home there with his sister, D r.Carrie L. Norvall, who is a chiropractor at that place. Motor Odds and Ends. Tonnafle of Vessels at Hamburfl 80 Per Cent of Peace Record, Har­ bor Statistics Show. FRIDAY—SATURDAY Harry Carey New Wool Dress Goods New Wash Goods 27 inch all wool striped French Flannel Skirting o n a q white ground, .. yard J J, 0 32 inch Silk Striped Tissue Ging­ ham. Several different patterns to select from— m Now .................... yard • • 0 40 inch new Checks in Wool Goods, black and white, brown and white, blue and white— 4* a 4Q Now .................... yard *0 SEE a great big splendid east in Silks the greatest heart - punch western ever on the screen. SEE the reckless, death-defying ride of H arry Carey’s fam­ ous Flying Squadron. SEE the famous 11th U. S. Cav­ alry ride like breakneck dare devils into one of the maddest, fastest dramatic situation ever conceived. SEE the greatest western actor of them all—HARRY CAR­ EY, in his greatest picture —the dream of a life time come true. Fox 33 inch Colored Pongee Silk in new shades. Also white. Heavy weight. yard Salmone 32 inch School Day Cloth in new checks and small plaids. Also in Valmore Dress Ginghams. Forty pieces to plain colors for children’s select from— « clothes ..................... vard .................................................. y a rd GET YOUR FULL SHARE OF THESE OFFERINGS E. R. ISA A C & CO. T H E Q U A L IT Y S T O R E “ The Notion Center for Miles Around’’ Unparalled Also Popular Toonerville Comedy 32 inch Kyrtle Cloth. This new material comes in plain colors on­ ly. See them— ......................... yard 36 inch Hamasaka Suiting.. Takes 1 36 inch New Check Silks, all new • the place of linen. Beautiful new i patterns in a good color 4»-| a q colors— asso rtm en t..........vard